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Phoenix Quest

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:28 am
by Tarance
(Please feel free to push this RP along. Let's have fun with our new event!)

Tarance had picked a number of roses. He always stuck the stinky things at market. He didn't need them making his musty attic smell... well... pretty. His nose wrinkled at the very thought. On his wanderings he found some beans, and crates were being left all over the woods when he'd been chopping in Cork. He was saving the crates for now, they were useful for storing his treasures. The beans though, he buried those in the backyard, and hoped to find more. He wanted a giant beanstalk to climb and these beans looked like the right type.

His fields were giving him lots of goodies, sweet corn and broccoli stems. He munched on some and sold the rest. When he heard about the beans coming from klah fields, he changed one of his fields, making his chances of finding magick beans that much better. Aya, his grumpy old steward, seemed happier now that she had a piggy to occupy her days, besides which, she gave him the pork bellies to play with later, so he was storing those with a pile of salt in one of his crates. The mix would produce bacon soon enough.

Plenty of goodies to play with, and Tarance was a happy camper indeed, so he sang a little song to his riding pigeon, Feliu.

♪Hush, llittle Feliu, Don't sayin words.
Tarance mebbe buys ye some smelly turds.♪

♪If'n them turdies not stink enoughs,
Tarance gonner findss yer some piller fluffs.♪

He continued like this, promising all sorts of strange items for his pigeon.

Re: Phoenix Quest

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:59 pm
by Tarance
Tarance grumbled to himself. He wasn't having any luck finding the paints he needed for the Phoenix event. He'd managed to change his fields to get the beans and the chaff to turn in, but could't find the paints. He supposed that someone had gotten wind that he would likely paint funny faces on the lions that graced the front of the officious official buildings and were purposely hiding the paints on him.

Since he couldn't find the paints, he satisfied his need by mixing a glop of sticky mud and painted the faces using that instead. Once he was finished, he still had a bit of leftovers, so he flapped his way to the parapets of the castle and flung the mud down onto the heads of passing peasants, cackling when some of them started getting globs right on the nose due to their looking upwards with curiosity.

When he ran out of mud, Tarance ran off to the mine to swipe some salt from the miners. He really wanted a 3B sandwich for lunch (bacon, bacon, & bacon, of course), but he needed to make the bacon first and he was building a stock for when he finally could open his shop. He sat himself over the mouth of the mine and attacked anyone passing with a salt on their person.

Tarance a-salt-in peepleses wit tasty tasty salts. But meebe can gets some paints too? He sniggered and chatted to himself over who might be carrying what he needed to pass the time.