Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by Calysta »

((sure we can do it. I will start later today if that's ok with you? [I don't have time to RP at this exact moment.] ))
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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by Texas_Knight »


There are several reasons I did not get back to you the very same day. But for you to go off like and whine about it, have a temper tantrum, and throw a fit is no way to handle yourself. I have been rather busy setting up trades to get wood and other items here in Widu. And I have gotten to your mail as soon as I could give you an intelligent, informed answer. Patience is key as things do not always work on your time schedule. I have answered you letter, and you have replied with a curt comment. After only waiting one day for my answer you get your toenails in the quik and decide to have a fit.

As far as working with a select group, that is hogwash! I have contacted every mayor in every town. And that includes the land of Fenia! I will work with any creature in any land as long as it benefits this Town Hall. Those who respond to me I have worked with. Those who have not are either not interested, or have nothing to offer that we need.

Next time, when things don't work on your schedule, be patient, send another letter, or just wait and know that I will respond to all the letters I get each day. Even though it may not be the same day.

Thank you and have a nice day.
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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by waerth »

It seems people have elected him again. And fresh on his high of victory I have received a message threathening me to do what he wants or he will call on people to boycot my items.

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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by Texas_Knight »

Since I know that not every creature reads all the news. I'm re-stating what I have stated in other places here:
Texas_Knight wrote:I did not threaten him... but you be the judge and see

I would like to ask you nicely to bring the prices of your event items down to a reasonable level. In particular when you pay no more than 2f per butter and want to charge way too much for this:

1 Buttered popcorn 60.00Freznics waerth Buy Buy for Town Hall
16 Buttered popcorn 60.00Freznics waerth
(Via Steward)

Among your event items is way too much. If you do not bring them down voluntarily, I will put out a mail telling citizens to not buy any of your items, event related or not.

The choice is yours.

That is neither a threat, nor anything close to blackmail. That is simply asking him to lower his prices on event items. I did receive a very short and curt reply from him..

Re: Prices of items Sat Oct 18, 1654
12:26 am
From: waerth (In Character) Message Status: Read
I do not like being threathened.


The items required to make Buttered Popcorn are:
Blacksmiths make Buttered Popcorn from Popcorn and Butter
Blacksmiths make Popcorn from Corn
Butter found during milking of Cow

He is a blacksmith. He did not raise animals. He has completed the Second Phase of the event. He was overcharging everyone on the event items and I called him out on it. He acted like a youngling and decided to take his toys and go elsewhere rather than lower the prices and not fleece everyone needing the items for the event.

IF anyone is happy with his overpricing of items, then get him to make them for you at his prices. But before you do, get a reliable source and find out what those items are going for in OTHER towns.

And yet he calls me the evil mayor. *shrugs* Whatever.
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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by waerth »

I do not overcharge people. I base pricing on what I have paid for the articles that I have made. Which is much higher then the 2f butter I bought lately. At one point my buttered popcorn was 40 frezs when the prices were lower. I still have 20 popcorn that I bought for 10f in the beginning of the event. Butter was 20 in the beginning of the event yet I sold buttered popcorn for 70f a huge loss. My cost then was 110f in produce and 10f in labour for a total of 120f yet I sold for much lower.

So far I have made a loss on Phoenix items. I have spend many more Freznics then I made. I had 5000 freznics before Phoenix. Now I have 300 freznics. I had a huge stock of items that I bought that will be totally worthless after Phoenix ends.

End yes you blackmailed me. The message clearly states if you do not do what I do I will hurt you.

Also it is not up to you to decide what people should charge for things they do.

Plus it is very funny that it seems Phoenix items that a blacksmith makes appear on the market after I left! Which means that you have prepared for me to leave and have deliberately chased me away knowing that now I cannot sell my items anymore. And you are making a handsome profit yourself now.

You are a swindling Orc. Using blackmail and threats to get your way done. As long as you are mayor of Widu, I will NOT return.

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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by Texas_Knight »

waerth wrote:I do not overcharge people. I base pricing on what I have paid for the articles that I have made. Which is much higher then the 2f butter I bought lately. At one point my buttered popcorn was 40 frezs when the prices were lower. I still have 20 popcorn that I bought for 10f in the beginning of the event. Butter was 20 in the beginning of the event yet I sold buttered popcorn for 70f a huge loss. My cost then was 110f in produce and 10f in labour for a total of 120f yet I sold for much lower.

So far I have made a loss on Phoenix items. I have spend many more Freznics then I made. I had 5000 freznics before Phoenix. Now I have 300 freznics. I had a huge stock of items that I bought that will be totally worthless after Phoenix ends.

End yes you blackmailed me. The message clearly states if you do not do what I do I will hurt you.

Also it is not up to you to decide what people should charge for things they do.

Plus it is very funny that it seems Phoenix items that a blacksmith makes appear on the market after I left! Which means that you have prepared for me to leave and have deliberately chased me away knowing that now I cannot sell my items anymore. And you are making a handsome profit yourself now.

You are a swindling Orc. Using blackmail and threats to get your way done. As long as you are mayor of Widu, I will NOT return.

the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding money from a person in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information about that person.
I did not blackmail you. I did not threaten you either. I told you what I would do. That was a fact, and a promise. You are right, it is not up to me to decide what people should charge, but it is up the the citizens as to what they will pay for ANY item. As far as the event items that have appeared on the market AFTER you left, I have had traders scouring the lands looking for cheaper items, and they just arrived in town with the events. And they are being sold, not by the Town Hall, but by the creatures that brought them to the town.

Get your definitions straight. Get your facts straight. And get your prices straight.

You call me a swindler? And yet I am trying to help the citizens complete what you have already done without being overcharged. Let me help you with that definition as well. By overcharging for your goods, YOU are the swindler.

swin·dle (swndl)
v. swin·dled, swin·dling, swin·dles
1. To cheat or defraud of money or property.
2. To obtain by fraudulent means.
You are a liar. Here's the definition for you since you seem to be uninformed of the two things you have accused me of being.
1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
v. lied, ly·ing (lng), lies
1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving.
2. To convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie.
To cause to be in a specific condition or affect in a specific way by telling falsehoods: You have lied yourself into trouble.
lie through one's teeth
To lie outrageously or brazenly.
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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by waerth »

The FACT that you have asked other creatures to provide the products we produce ourselves means you preplanned to chase me away.

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Re: Texas Knight is a failure as a mayor. I am leaving Kiene

Post by Texas_Knight »

You happy now?
Viscount of Northwood and Royal Guard
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