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Curious duels (CRP)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:07 am
by Nocturne
The shadows swirled around Nocturne's mortal form as he prepared for their first combat, the mental one that the vampiress had so wanted to challenge. He smiled, "Such a tender disposition you've had tonight, my dear Morgie. If I didn't know better, you would've seemed more like a sheep than the vicious tigress I know you to be. Especially when you even accepted such things by your own words." A smile came to his face as he sat down incorporeal, and waited for her to join him in the shadowy dark sands.

His crimson eyes took in the night sky, where so many over the millenia sought signs of things that would happen, and plotted things that they felt the heavens intended, as if by realizing such things that they would be somehow favored by the will of the cosmos. Noct smiled slightly at the memories as he awaited the initiation of the festivities before the battle. For though he held no doubt in his mind of Morghain's proficiencies in battle, it was far more interesting to find what he could learn from her. Such were the purposes of duels, after all. To gain skill, and learn. For one with a humble heart, it was naught but a matter of time and dedication.

He watched for her to take her position across from him, the lights dimming around the sands, "For this, there is only darkness, for there is nothing here that is needed."

Re: Curious duels (CRP)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:22 am
by Morghain
Meeting with the Nether beast had been interesting in itself, largely because he was so different to the things that she had previously interacted with and she as yet, could not quite decide if it was food or not. It did not really look like food. Nor did it smell like food. As yet she had placed him in the "Not food" category. Still, its nature intrigued her. Her curiosity was further piqued when over the course of a conversation about favorite foods, it had offered to share with her the memory of the taste of a soul.

She had stared at it for a time, trying to work out how she would take the memory of such a feeding when the creature did not have blood flowing through its body. What was she meant to feed on? Sensing her confusion, it had offered to share it directly with her mind. This offer had elicited from her a frown. Magics of the mind were not an area she was strong in and she was loath to allow an unknown creature access to hers. She had seen what havoc could be wrecked in a person when someone could take control of their mind. It seemed to her that what it offered was quite different to what happened when she brought pleasure or pain to her prey during feedings.

No, she would not allow the creature to share a memory with her. It seemed to intimate to her and she had no intention of putting herself into such a position with anyone other than her mate. All the while she is considering the matter, the nether beast had kept talking, seeming to be trying to tempt her to agreeing, knowing that she disliked the idea of turning down a challenge because she understood herself to be inexperienced in the area. Soon enough, a word pops up that she can not turn down. The challenge to a duel.

More conversation had ensued, by then of which, she had agreed to both a mental and a physical duel. The physical to challenge the nether beast, the mental to challenge her and her abilities. Thus, here she stood, drawn into some kind of mental landscape. As she looked around the scene, you could see her slight tension in the stillness by which she held herself. Her gaze is steady as she takes in the world around her, her stance loose and prepared to move at the slightest provocation. Not knowing if this landscape was in her mind or the creatures or perhaps a mixture of both, she is careful to keep a tight rein on her thoughts, not wanting any unruly thoughts loose in this place least they cause unintended chaos.

Seeing before her the familiar sands of a dueling circle, she steps towards her, noting that the only weapons that she had brought with her to this place were her claws and her fangs. Nor did she wear her full compliment of armor. It seemed today she came as a hunter, not a warrior, unconsciously falling back onto her most comfortable state. Her steps on the sands are obviously careful and light, obviously unsure of what trickery could be beneath the innocent seeming sand. Walking towards the waiting beast, she takes her position in the center of the circle nodding in acknowledgement to him before the lights suddenly dim. She raises a brow questioningly at him before shrugging as he replies.

"For this, there is only darkness, for there is nothing here that is needed."
As the creatures words fade into the shadows, she lifts her lips in a half smile "I suppose we are both creatures most comfortable in the quiet of the darkness."

Re: Curious duels (CRP)

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:10 pm
by Nocturne
((Between computer crashes, holidays, and general hecticness, I finally posted. Deepest apologies for the delay! ;_; ))

Sitting there, the presence approached, and spoke in the familiar voice that he'd come to know during his time in the realm. But the quiet of the darkness wasn't at all something that he was familiar with. His darkness was the screams of lost souls, whispers of the shadows, and loud vocalizations of those spirits that sought aid. The constant noises that drove so many nether spirits to madness, such that only those who endured the worst could expect anything remotely close to the best.

“Welcome, my dear sheepie,” he said casually to the woman he knew had been an inspiration to many in the realm, and served as councilor and queen of the land he had chosen to call home. “Your physical prowess was all that I expected and more. Yet here,” he motioned to the dark lands around, seemingly bereft of light, “those injuries heal nearly as fast as they are inflicted. Here is where illusion meets reality, where the mind captures the will, and creates its own vision of truth.”

It seemed the form of darkness before her would ripple, with cosmic balances in the realm of the mind allowing the Nether Beast to unfurl a true form from that which most knew him as. The form that gave many mortals nightmares due to the tales of youth. Grandmothers used to whisper to children to keep them being good, to not stay out late, or the shadows would hunt you down. But the delusion that it was safe in your house if a nether being hunted you made it all the more amusing to recount the stories.

A keen eyesight such as he suspected the vampiress had attained would render the edges of the beast visible even in darkness. A form that, if standing, would reach nearly ten feet tall, and thick bands of cosmic and astral energies that would appear as muscle might to a humanoid form. Yet he remained seated, looking very much like a hound of hell, yet missing the flames and hollow darkness of spirit. There was no malevolence in the spirit of the Nether Beast, for he neither took joy in the hunt and kill like so many vampires, nor did he relish power over other like humans. His desires were knowledge, wisdom, and understanding things. Being able to answer anything in a time of need were the desires held closest to the Keeper, and as a shadow priest, those same desires were close to Nocturne's heart as well.

"Now, my dear sheepie. Do you know where we are now? What trials might lie beyond the curtains of night that eyes do not normally see?" A soft vibrance could be felt through the air, the very energies differing from that which was their usual meeting place. It was quite clear that despite elements of each, this was neither tavern nor arena. It was something altogether new, and mysterious.