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Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:56 pm
by Tolin
Revolt in Bravia

It was the middle of the night when the mob of angry peasants attacked the city. The angry peasants broke throughthe towns defenses. Some riots started out within the city itself, burning houses along the way toward the castle. It was utter chaos. The peasants were steadily making their way to the castle.

In the mean time Tolin was up late fixing up barrels in his mill when he recieved messages from Lordblackhawk notifying him of the revolt and his correspondants with others. He had just finished sending off a message back to him when he heard shouts and angry voices outside drawing near. Tolin hoped it wasnt apart of the revolt but couldn't think what that would be about since he wasnt aware of any holidays that the humans celebrated so he stepped outside and was met with the scene of a full blown angry mob of peasants.


Tolin's scales were displaying eraticly a sign of his confusion. He said uncertainly "What can I o for you? Do you need wine or food for a ....very late night picknick?"

In response the mob of peasants shouted incoherantly at him demanding this and that but Tolin didn't understand a word of it as they all shouted at once, and never got another word out as they rushed at him and began clubing him with whatever they had in their hands; everything from the burning tortches to the stabing of pitchforks. Mostly they had no effect on him due to his outer tough scaley outer hide but some did get through to sereously injure him. Tolin of course didnt just stand their and take it he did fought back grabing peasants within arms reach and practicly threw them over the crowds heads or lashed out with his claws using his natural weapons including spitting acidic poison at their faces. But even one lizardman couldnt stand up to a entire mob of peasants so he was beat down eventually, picked up and thrown into his own mill's cellar. Some of the peasants tore down the neatly stacked barrels effectively burying him in barrels. Tolin blocked out at this point and wasnt aware of the peasants lighting one of the fans of his mill effectivly setting his entire mill ablaze. The fire was enormous and could be seen from the castle and the town of bravia. Since his mill needed space around it so the wind could power it, it was a ways away from the town.


Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:57 pm
by Rieron
Rieron sat behind his desk in his royal tent comfortable as he went over documents of Tsera Fuerte. Coming across the newspaper, he read the headlines and just shook his head, "Unbelievable..." tosses the newspaper into the fireplace and goes back to his parchments, "Amateurs.."

Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:07 pm
by Nikola
Nikki had come to Bravia in response to Mayor Assim’s request for someone to provide Audit points. Upon her arrival she reported to the Town Hall only to find it empty and a notice tacked hastily to the door that an election would take place in five days.

The city seemed oddly quiet around the Town Hall, but as she gazed around looking for someone…anyone…to question as to what might have happened, she spied the glow of a large bonfire in the distance. Perhaps the town was having some sort of celebration?

Nikki headed toward the bonfire, curiosity giving way to concern as she grew closer. Concern grew into panic as she realized that the “bonfire” was coming from the direction of Tolin’s mill. Something was not right about that, and she picked up her pace. As she neared the edge of town she finally got a clear view of the fire and realized in horror that Tolin’s mill was ablaze.

She broke into a dead run and covered the distance from town to the mill far more quickly than she would have expected to be able to, stopping short of the fire to catch her breath. The heat from the blaze was overwhelming and all she could hope was that no one had been in the mill when it was set ablaze.

“Tolin!” she called out, her arms up in front of her face to shield her eyes from the worst of the heat. “Tolin, are you here?”

Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:22 pm
by Calysta
Meanwhile over in Kiene....

Calysta arrives at her office to hear the Internal Affairs Minister shouting that during the night the walls of Kiene's castle had been destroyed. Seeing that the Viceroy was already working hard to help the IAM out, Calysta sets about investigating the matter. Walls don't destroy themselves. Walking the streets of Widu, she hears the peasants shouting. They are protesting corruption in Bravia. Calysta realizes these peasants are also standing on rubble that was once part of the Castle. Calysta runs back to the Castle and alerts everyone that the peasants in Kiene have torn down the wall in protest of Bravia. Quickly the Kiene Guardsmen arrest the peasants and collect the pieces of wall. Bridget and Waerth have already repaired the wall, so Calysta orders the pieces of wall that have returned to be broken into smaller pieces to be used as stone later. The peasants are given a fine to make amends for the damage they've caused. Calysta is relieved to see that order is restored and that the fines and returned wall make up for any inventory lost.

Finally she has time to relax. Calysta reads the newspaper about the Bravian revolt which had evidently stirred up the peasants in Kiene as well. She shakes her head that somehow Bravia's problems had become Kiene's own. She hoped Bravia could get their peasants under control before this madness spread even further.

((OOC: In response to a bug that caused Kiene's walls to become damaged as a result of the peasant uprising in Bravia.))

Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:14 pm
by YenLan
Lan leans against the edge of the window of the second floor, watching one angry mob after another scurry past the streets below. Shouting, screaming, angry roars - the sounds of mad men he was all too familiar with.

How pitiful.

These men had no ideals, they merely needed an excuse to let out the beasts inside them. He watched as a group broke into the opposite tavern and lumbered out carrying kegs of fine brew. The owner begged them to stop on his knees, desperately trying to talk sense into the madmen. The madmen battered him with their sticks, hammers and pitchforks, laughing. A beast sliced the owner's neck open with a sickle, blood splurged onto their twisted faces. The man's eyes opened wide, desperately clutching the open gash on his neck. Despair seeped into his being as he realized his imminent death, tears streamed down his face. His pregnant wife rushed out of the barricaded room screaming in mixture of anger and sorrow, his daughter stood paralyzed with fear. Defenceless, the two women were dragged off by the beasts to become their playthings. Their screams brought themselves only further despair. Ha.Ha.Ha. The beasts laughed.

The madmen roamed in the streets, preying, destroying, eating. The beasts fed on the lives of innocents. In the distance, a windmill had been set on fire. The roaring flames only elongated their hungry shadows.

Lan turned his head and shut the blinds on the window. It would do well for him to see less of these scenes.

Sen was silently curled up in a corner, trembling. The angry peasants raiding through the town reminded her of a similar scene, one where she had been broken to the point almost beyond salvation. Her body shrunk tighter each time the women screamed.

"Don't listen. Close off your senses." He knelt down beside her, raising her buried face with cupped hands. He looked into her eyes. "You're safe here, don't worry." It was fortunate that his presence kept her in control. Had he left for Widu to complete a deal with an acquaintance, Sen would have lost herself again. Her conscience had already been shattered, events like these serve only to perpetuate her confusion.

thump, thump, thump

The door to their home rattled. Sen trembled further.

Lan picked up his swords, fastening all four to his belt. He turned and descended one flight of stairs, turning again and reaching the bottom just as the mob broke through. Sen screamed.

3 Steps in front of me, 4 steps behind. The space in the middle is one katana length or one and a half wakizashi, then 7 steps on the second flight. There are 11 steps in total that I can retreat to, each step creates half a wakizashi distance. I have four tanto and twelve kunai that they can't see. The railing will ensure that I will only be within range of two attackers at the same time, three if they position themselves strategically. A pitchfork has superior length but can only be used in a thrust. Sickles can only be swung in an arc. Swords will not be able to parry their clubs, I'll have to dodge their swings. The distance created between each attack will...

After quickly planning out his options, Lan drew his katana. In one swift motion he descended three steps, slashed an arc on the wood in front of the stairs and sheathed it back into its scabbard while retreating 3 steps back.

"Leave and you will live. Cross this mark and I will kill you."

The mob of beasts at the door seemed unphased. "We've heard that you got a little pretty up thar eh? The boys ain't ever tasted foreign women before." "How about you share her with us huh? Maybe we'll let you live then"

How pitiful.

The mob charged the stairs. Lan's free hand drew a wakizashi. The fire of the burning windmill reflected onto the blades as they danced through the beasts and the madmen. Blood splattered over the walls.

It's going to be a long night.

Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:32 am
by Tolin
Tolin began to regain consciousness as the smell of smoke tickled his senses. Disoriented he opened his eyes only to find the view of barrel squishing his face. He tried to move finding that he was buried in them. Grumbling he pushed, wiggled and waded through the barrels toward the direction of the exit. He got to his feet feeling as if he just been through a meat grinder. Bit of scales were missing in some places, burns and stab wounds from pitchforks and even a butchering knife was still wedged in the back of his shoulder although he didn't feel it nor notice it due to his thick scaly hide. He was a complete mess covered in his purple blood not to mention red blood from some of the peasants he had fought. He limped up the stairs of the cellar and pushed. It gave away, however his sigh of relief was cut short as a beam that had fallen over the door prevented it from opening wider. Smoke filtered through the door causing him to cough but he could see through the opening of the door that the entire building all around was on fire licking up the walls and eating away the roof, causing it to cave in in some areas. He thought he briefly heard a voice call out his name amidst the roaring sound of crackling flames and falling pieces of timber.

He answered in the hopes someone would hear, hoping it wasn't anyone from the mob. "Over here in the cellar! I'm trapped!"

He began ramming his body into the door causing the door and the heavy beam laying on it to bounce up and down in the center of the flames in the hopes of getting someone's attention.

Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:00 pm
by Silence
Back in Kiene:

((Well I can't let you guys have all the fun, especially when there was a sort of revolt in Kiene as well))

"Hell, murder, fallen mages, Zachrin, diseased potatoes" were just a few of the less nasty words that Alder used as once again he found himself caught in the middle of the next madman's scheme to turn everything upside down. When they would learn that the damn things looked the same on its head as on its feet, other than it was more off balance, Alder had no idea, but for now, he just wanted to try to calm everything down as best he could.

So naturally, he joined those attacking the walls. A mob was not made up of many people's opinions, but by the opinions of a few very vocal individuals... and by first shifting forms so nobody would use his reputation as an excuse to ignore him, Alder quickly had the crowd directed towards some of the more sturdy structures around the town. Rather that attacking taverns, harming people and otherwise being animals, Alder was able to direct the peasants (partially because he knew most of them quite well) towards the walls. Yes, they could still be damaged, but the few chips that the mob could make in the walls were nothing compared to the damage they could cause to other things like homes.

He was fairly sure that the mob had started as a revolt against some minor thing like a tavern brawl, but had rapidly spiralled out of control. That had been when he had stepped in, and in a moment of inspiration that had been somewhere between genius and insanity, he started blaming the corruption in Bravia for everything and had insisted that the peasants weakened the walls in order to let the Bravians into the city.

It had all been a bunch of nonsense, in fact, thinking about what he had said later, Alder would hardly believe that he had actually tried to convince people of a whole load of things that wouldn't have made sense and half of which contradicted each other... yet it had worked. Well, that explained how a lot of the problems this land was facing had come about... Alder didn't even know what he was saying by the time the guard showed up... something about the mages having cursed Bravia with a famine which would therefore mean that people in Kiene would be forced into poverty because of those walls. When the guard showed up, Alder dissappeared into the crowd, took his usual form in a dark alleyway while nobody watched him, then collapsed to the floor. A guard had come and asked him if he was involved, but the question had been half hearted... since when did Alder get involved with anything like this?

((I think that about explains the inconsistency))

Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:06 pm
by Krail
Having been in bravia to pick up the items for the fourt phase of the phoniex event he saw first hand the peasant revolt, he saw them going down to town hall pitch forks in hand screaming about corruption. He tilted his head a bit and grinned, he picked up a pitch fork and joined the army of peasants. "DOWN WITH illegal corn ! DOWN WITH CORRUPT FARMERS!" he looked at another peasant and grinned "Am I doing it right ?"

Re: Bravia Revolt ORP

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:47 pm
by Lordblackhawk
Lordblackhawk stands with his troops on the steps of Bravia Townhall.

"Follow me." he commands.

Using all their stealth skills they arrive at the Mayor Chambers without mishap.

Instructing the troops to remain on guard, Lbh enters.

Pausing, he looks around before calling up his powers..."By the Powers invested in me, I declare this town under my Command until the Viceroy relieves me of such orders."

He slams his armoured fist on the floor and feels the Power of `FAWE` surge out.

Standing up he sighs.

"Now for the mundane things." he says, "Like, getting the town back to the Viceroyalty."

Shaking his head as he dislikes getting involved in mundane things he starts to sort out what is needed to be done.