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[ORP] Lavender Falls Manor

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:32 am
by SaelaV90
Sae padded through the snow, her black fur covered with some snow here and there. Her green eyes peering around in the snowy environment. She grins wolfishly as she hears the waterfall that runs through her newly built manor, Lavender Falls Manor. Her manor was located in the woods between Imperius and Fenia, the perfect location for her. As she approached Lavender Falls Manor she shifted to human. Her hair was black as the night, her eyes as green as emeralds and her skin was pale not quite as white as snow but close. Snow fluttered down around her, snowflakes land in her hair making it look like the night sky.

She opens the door to her new manor, the smell of lavender fills the air. Before the snow had fallen she had collected all the lavender she could from around the waterfall and placed it in the entrance of the manor. She loved the smell of it mixed with the sound of the waterfall that flowed right next to the manor and even through it. She had designed the manor herself and thought the waterfall flowing through the manor would make the best bath house in the summer months. As she passed through the entrance she found herself in the sitting room where she was welcomed by a blazing fire in the fireplace. She moved on to the kitchen which had a fire pit for cooking in the center of the room. From the kitchen there was stairs that lead to the cellar, she inspects the kitchen for a moment then turns and heads toward the bedrooms on the other side of the manor from the kitchen. Each room was perfect, pristine and magical. Each guest room would take on the decor of whoever was staying in the room so they would feel right at home. She didn't expect she'd have many guests but one can never be too prepared.

After leaving the corridor of guest rooms she headed to the master bedroom up the stairs, as she entered the room the fire place came to life magically spelled to come to life when she entered the room. She smiled as she looked around the room, it was simply perfect. It looked like a mixture of a wolf den and a regular bedroom. There was a tree that the manor had been built around in the corner of the room, it filled the room with the smell of the forest. She stood in the room for a short while and then left the room, the fire went dead as suddenly as it had sparked to life.

Going back down the stairs she looks at the double doors in the back of the sitting room and heads toward them. After she opens the double doors she is greeted by a set of magnificent staircases. She descends the stairs, as she does the chandelier candles come to life filling the ball room with light. She was never one for dancing but she was a Lady now and would be expected to entertain so a ballroom was a necessary evil. Despite thinking the room excessive she smiles as the room is spectacular. Smiling to herself she leaves the room and heads back to her room for the night.

Re: [ORP] Lavender Falls Manor

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:12 am
by Aida
Aida huffed as she pulled a sack up the hill towards a brand new, fashionably built manor. It was a beautiful place, surrounded by forest in a way that made her feel quite at home. She scouted for the entrance, briefly, before picking up her sack again and walking up to the door. The smells of freshly cut wood and newness mixed with the smell of the forest was quite wonderful and she breathed deep as she wondered how to plan a ball properly. It was technically a first, although she was positive that her choice of decoration would provide a wonderful, party atmosphere.

She knocked, briefly and called out. Without waiting very long for an answer, she pushed the double doors open and stepped into the hallway. Candles lit automatically, flickering and lighting everything with a warm glow. A delighted look flickered across her face as she wondered how much magic had been infused within the walls.

"Hello?" She called out as she put down the sack and pulled out her choice of party decor. Inside were several mounted animal heads, and a hundred tiny carved bone decorations. And, of course, for a bit of colour, some bright pink and purple swathes of fine silk. She nodded with satisfaction as she laid them out onto the foor. "I brought decorations!!"

Re: [ORP] Lavender Falls Manor

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:24 pm
by SaelaV90
Sae was in the kitchen making breakfast when the front door opened, which reminded her that she needed to install the protection spells around the manor. She heard the voice of Aida calling out that she had brought decorations. 'Oh's time to get things ready for my first ball' she thought to herself. She called out to Aida "I'm in the kitchen!" The kitchen smelled of bacon, eggs and steak.

Re: [ORP] Lavender Falls Manor

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:43 pm
by Aida
Aida sniffed the air as a waft of cooking smells floated through suddenly. She felt her mouth water slightly and smiled, hearing Lady Saela's voice. Placing her decorations on the ground and pulling some stuck brambles out of her dress she followed the smell of breakfast into the room.

"Lady Saela!" She grinned and gave a curtsey, "Congratulations on your new manor. It really is beautiful, how did you come across this place?" She pulled up a chair to a table and watched her cooking, stretching contentedly as she did so. These were the kind of peaceful mornings she enjoyed most, although she knew by the end of the day things would probably be rather busier.