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[RP] Practical Magic

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:16 pm
by Trinity
As cold as it was outside it didn't penetrate her white rabbit fur-lined cloak, nor the thoughts that wandered along with her. Lately she had been studying hard in order to master her weaving skills, she learned that having some type of trade would help leave a cushy life for her family and it's lineage. Even so, the feeling of being overwhelmed by something much larger than she dwelled deep within, and she needed to reach it before it overwhelmed her.

The Castle grew smaller and smaller behind her as the snow began getting deeper and deeper. Fir trees with their branches dipping low with the weight of the snow looked beautiful, if not magical, Cara thought with a wry smile. She enjoyed being outside the confines of the families' home, not that she didn't enjoy the company of her siblings, as she loved them dearly but more so to get away from the pampering and eyes of the staff. A trail emerged as the ground began to rise higher and the snow not as deep, a trail that looked as though it was used often enough and one that Cara enjoyed traipsing upon. Not far ahead an old oak tree had fallen across the path, it's girth coming to just her waist and without thought and the grace of a cat she found herself atop with a leg hanging over each side. Taking the moment to enjoy, as she so often did with even the mundane, Cara looked between the trees to see the place she had traveled to get to.

A little cottage stood quaintly amidst winter's dying foliage and trees so tall they looked as if they touched the sky. It made the cottage look even smaller than it actually was. She was unsure as to when it was actually built or who's it had been, but she had claimed it as hers alone the last few years since she came upon it being back home. The pull from within was too much and Cara bounced happily to the ground to reach the cottage.

Inside she took off her cloak and hung it gently over an ornate chair at a table in the main room, as unused as it had been the place was still clean and smelled of lilac, herbs and lemon oil. A little thrill went through her as she grabbed an old tome she'd brought from the castle and sat down with it at the opposite end of the long table. Inside it's old pages were spells, many of which she didn't understand the language for, and others she had been practicing on her own for some time from those with the most common ingredients she could find. With a giddy laugh and a flick of her wrist, a fire lit the wood in the hearth and instantly the temperature in the room became comfortable. Here she didn't have to sit straight, and could lounge with her feet up on another chair.

One spell in particular, well it consisted of many spells, but it showed the use of paper magic. This was something new to her and nothing she had ever heard of anyone using, at least not in the realms she lived in. Depictions of fire, wind, earth and water surrounded the incantations and it seemed so simple. There were runes scrawled out for each, her brows furrowed or quirked here and there as she continued to read. A paragraph of which someone had deciphered read that it took great energy, great magic from the wielder and a warning along with annotations written hurriedly next to some of the pictures, "Hmm...," her mouth pursed into a fine line as she moved, marking the page with a slight fold at the corner and finding paper and ink to write with.

Placing the sheet of paper over one of the pictures marked as wind, Cara took time to carefully trace it before holding it loosely in her hand. Reading from the text she began a chant...nothing happened, although she felt something deep within her stir. Her heart thudded in her chest as she once again began chanting, this time closing her eyes and letting the 'feel' of it flow through her to the page. Unbeknownst to her the picture on the paper began to glow as she felt the cool sensation of air around her hair and face. She continued, until the contents inside the cottage began to swirl around the room and she opened her twinkling green eyes with a laugh.