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(ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:14 pm
by Loki
A cold wind blew through the trees as Loki urged his horse along the path that he'd been following for several days. He wasn't sure exactly where he was headed, but he knew that he'd have to find shelter before the weather took a turn for the worse. He pulled his cloak tighter around him and held onto the reins as he looked at his surroundings. It had been nearly six months since he discovered that he was a Druid Prince and since that day he'd been trying to find the answers to the questions that had been treading around in his mind. Loki couldn't help but wonder why his birth parents had chosen to send him away as a baby. Had they been in danger and sent him away to protect him? He knew that the only way he'd ever get the answers he sought was if he found his parents. He could remember clearly the day his adoptive parents told him the truth about who he was.

Loki was in the process of feeding the sheep when he heard the gravel crunch behind him. He turned around and saw his father walking towards him with a somber expression on his face. "What's wrong father?? Has something happened??" Loki questioned as he sat the feed bucket on the ground and dusted his hands off.

"Loki there's something that I have to tell you...Take a walk with me" Tristan stated and Loki looked at his father with a confused expression on his face. It wasn't like his father to pull him from chores early.

"What do you have to tell me Loki questioned as they began walking towards the huge pond that resided towards the back part of their property. Tristan looked over at his son and sighed knowing that what he had to tell him wasn't going to be easy.

"Loki now that you are 19 it's time you knew the truth about who you really are" Tristan replied and Loki crossed his arms as they continued to walk towards the pond.

"I don't understand" Loki said and Tristan ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to find the right words to say to explain the truth to his son.

"Loki this is really hard for me to say so please just listen...A few months after your mother and I got married the King and Queen of the Druids came to us with a little baby...They told us that we were to take care of the baby until his 19th birthday and then they left...That baby was you Loki" Tristan responded and Loki stopped in his tracks as he tried to process the words that had just come out of his fathers mouth.

Loki was jolted from his thoughts when a huge gush of wind swept over him. He looked around for some shelter and suddenly spotted a cave a few feet from him. He nudged his horse towards the cave and rode inside to escape the storm. Loki climbed off his horse and walked back out into the storm to gather some firewood. Once he had collected enough wood to last him the night he re-entered the cave and quickly prepared a fire. He then unpacked his bedroll and spread it out beside the fire before pulling the sack of provisions from his saddle bag. His adoptive mother had packed for him before he'd left home and he was longing to dig into it. Loki pulled out some bread and a chunk of cheese as he settled down onto his bedroll. He ate his dinner silently and pulled a knee to his chest as he stared at the fire. After he finished eating he curled up beneath his fur blanket and laid down knowing that he'd need all the sleep he could get before resuming his journey the next morning. Loki held the blanket around him and stared at the fire until he fell asleep.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:57 am
by Missy
Missy was traveling through the woods...well honestly she was hunting for the caravan. It was tough hunting though. Most animals had taken shelter, and in all honesty she should have too. She was in her wolf form as it was easier to hunt that way, or so she thought. Her white pelt blended perfectly and all that could be noticed of her were her eyes. They were blue and beautiful. As she is traveling through the woods she came upon a cave. She tilted her head slightly and slowly approached it. The nearer Missy got the more she noticed that there was a light coming from within.

Perhaps there is a person there? But what kind of person would decide to live in a cave in the middle of the woods? Missy inched closer, her fur standing up. She was unsure she should even be doing this, but her curiosity was getting the better of her.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:20 pm
by Loki
It was nearing midnight when Loki suddenly woke up from a dead sleep. He couldn't pinpoint what had woken him up, but he knew he wanted to find out. He slowly rose to his feet and made his way towards the mouth of the gave. Loki looked out into the darkness and suddenly saw a pair of glowing eyes. His eyes flashed a golden color and a ball of light appeared in his hand. He held it up and his eyes widened when he saw a solid white wolf standing a few feet from him. Loki knelt down and held his empty hand out towards the wolf. "Hey there what are you doing here" he questioned as he moved a little closer to the wolf.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:58 am
by Missy
Missy watched for movement, but something caught her off guard. She turned to see what it was, but it was already gone. When she turned back towards the cave a man was standing there. She lowered herself to watch the man, and hoped he had not seen her. Unfortunately he had, and soon a light appeared in his hand. She made to run but it was too late. She watched as he moved closer, and she let out a warning growl though it was unnecessary. She felt no danger coming from him, but sometimes her senses were off. Missy said nothing as she watched the man closely, her teeth bared and her head lowered with her ears back. She was unsure of this man. He could do anything since he wielded magik.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:18 pm
by Loki
Loki extinguished the ball of light in his hand and moved a bit more closer to the wolf. "You don't have to be afraid I won't hurt you" he stated as he knelt down on his knees even though the ground was covered in snow. He knew he'd have to change his clothes by the time he got back into the gave but at this point he didn't care. He didn't want the wolf to end up having to stay out in the cold and if he could get it to enter the cave where it was warm that's what he was going to do.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:00 am
by Missy
Missy watched as thean extinguished the ball of light. She took a step back and watched him as he knelt down. What was he going to do? After a few minutes Missy relaxed herself. She slowly stretched her head to sniff him. Perhaps he wasn't going to hurt her but that all could change.

Missy relaxed a little but kept her guard up. She still kept silent.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:13 am
by Loki
Loki smiled and watched as the wolf backed away from him "It's alright...Come on in out of the cold and get warm...This weather is no place for a wolf or any animal" he stated hoping that the wolf would realize that he meant no harm and only wanted to help. After a few moments of kneeling on the ground he began shivering. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he rose to his feet."Well if you decide to come in I'll be by the fire" he said and he walked back into the cave to get out of the cold. He stood by the fire and held his hands out trying to get warm. With each minute that passed he felt the chill from the cold air leaving his body. Loki stifled a yawn and sat down on his bedroll. He pulled his knees to his chest and struggled to keep his eyes open as drowsiness began to overtake him. He laid down and pulled his fur cover up over him as he drifted off to sleep once more.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:57 am
by Missy
Missy waited for the longest time as the cold was not bothering her. After a good fifteen minutes she slowly crept into the cave. The wind had picked up, and the snow seemed to nearly be a blizzard. There was no way she was going to make it back to the caravan before freezing to death. Missy sighed with relief as the man was asleep. She stood near the fire and shook the melted snow off her pelt. After a few minutes she walked to the man and started to sniff him. He looked precious sleeping there soundly. Missy sat on her hind legs and watched as the man slept.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:30 am
by Andromeda
There was a small tingling in her blood, the feeling only someone with magic could give her. The magic that flowed throughout her veins was reaching, trying to grasp at whoever was causing the sensation. Her small, slender frame darted in and out of the trees before she even gave her body the command to track down the scent of magic. For some strange reason she felt compelled to know who it was, curious as to who lay there awaiting her in complete cluelessness. As she drifted further and further into the woods the feeling seemed to grow stronger, grasping at her like small tendrils of smoke. For a moment she seemed to forget it all, her quest, what she was doing and most of all herself. All that seemed to matter was finding that person, the one whose blood basically sung to her. She hadn’t felt something like this throughout her life as a druid, not even when she met her first love. Finally her feet stopped the tingling coming to a cease as her senses sharpened to their normal state once more. What Andromeda found herself standing at the edge of was a cave. She mentally readied herself, scouting around the edges of the cage before she slowly stepped in towards the dim light of a fire.

There lying by the small fire was a young man with a white wolf lying near him. She knew as soon as she lay her eyes upon him that he was the one who had summoned her hear though he knew not of it. A small smile slowly crept across her face as the pieces clicked inside her mind. The young man was a druid too, one of her people. It was in that moment she made a split second decision. Her people had had enough problems over the years so why not give at least one person something to enjoy? She was going to make him and the wolf something to eat.

She wandered outside, scrounging the surrounding area for the items she needed. Gathering some wood in her arms as she placed the food in her cloak; using it like a bag as she carried the large amount of supplies back up towards the cave. She placed the supplies on the ground before she began the task of feeding the fire till it was at the right height. With a grin she began to make the duo their breakfast. After all there was nothing like waking up to a nice hot meal.

Re: (ORP) The Druid Prince

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:41 am
by Loki
The morning sun shone on Loki's face as the remnants of sleep began to evade him. He slowly regained consciousness and noticed that there was something different about the cave. The smell of food wafted over him and it made him wonder who could have cooked it. His eyes fluttered open and he looked over to find a dark haired woman sitting by the fire cooking breakfast. A wave of confusion swept over him as he silently watched her from his spot on his bedroll. A strange feeling came over him and it was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It was like he could feel the magic running through the woman's veins and it made him wonder if she was a druid like himself. Loki slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes as he tried to get more awake. He looked over by the fire and saw that the white wolf had finally decided to come sit by the fire. He looked back over to the woman and ran his fingers through his hair. Loki could tell that she was focused on cooking the food so he didn't want to speak and risk scaring her away. As he sat and watched her he couldn't help but think of the woman that had raised him from the time he was born. A smile graced his lips and he pulled a knee to his chest as he stared into the fire.