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[ORP] Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:27 pm
by Callie
Callie was beside herself. Well, not actually beside herself, there was only one of her, but she was super excited. She was going to see her Grammie for Christmas, which meant she would be with family, not just Alice. Not that Callie didn't like Alice, she loved her steward. She just wasn't always sure Alice liked her, plus family is always better, at least in the precocious toddler's mind. Callie packed her favorite purple and red striped feeted jammies, her bestest and brightest fuchsia stocking cap with the rainbow ball on top and on each of the tie strings, her fanciest twirly red Christmas dress, and a few other odds and ends to take with her. She then looked around her house, and in a very un-Callie like way, sighed. Christmas was such a wonderful holiday and this would be the first one she had to spend without her mommy and daddy. She missed them something fierce, not that she allowed herself to think about that very much. You see, Callie didn't like to be sad or depressed or even just generally down, and thinking about how much she missed her parents made her all of those things and more. In fact, no one else liked to see Callie upset either, especially if it involved tears, which Callie tended to shed when she was hurt or scared or upset or sad. Anyhow, Callie sighed, looked around again, then headed out the door. First stop, to see her Auntie Alexandria so they could travel together to see Grammie Willow.

Callie skipped and twirled and hopped and bounced her way to Bravia, Nodwin walking beside her part of the time, and flying part of the time. The entire time, she was singing, some songs that others had heard of, other songs that she made up when she forgot the words. The loudest and most frequent song sung was what she was still singing as she made it to her auntie's doorstep. Hi Ho Hi Hoooo, off to gwammies we goooo. Nodwin and Callie gooo see gwammie, Hi Ho Hiii Hoooooo. Ohhhh Aundie Axix? Yew hewe? Callie ish hewe now. Time to goooo to gwammmiieesssss nowwwww.

Re: Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:15 pm
by Alexandria
Alex did a lot of g growing this year. No silly not in height or size or age… well maybe age since she was a year older. But that wasn't what Alex was talking about. It seemed like everything changed when her older brother and his wife died leaving Callie's care to Alex, William and their Grams (Willow). Callie did not want to leave her home and no one had the heart to make her. So Alice, Callie's nanny… Alex frowned at the thought of someone other than them watching Callie. Alice said she would watch her but only until one of them decide to move there and care for Callie. Alex didn't think Alice like kids... no not kids just Callie. Callie could be a handful but she was Callie and that made her loveable. Maybe she was imagining things.

Alex sighed, the more it got to Christmas the more she thought about Callie, William and Grams. The truth was she did that to keep her mind from getting angry at Grayson for leaving… never again. Alex did understand… really she did. He needed to leave... he need to find himself and where he was from everyone does but she didn't think it would be this painful to let someone you love go. But he just vanished… no word nothing and a year had passed, she had to let go. Growing up really sucks, she mutters looking around the small cottage she got after Grayson vanished.

Time to go Sybil! She shouted as she grabs her bag then exited the bedroom. Callie will be here soon, when she heard… Hi Ho Hi Hoooo, off to gwammies we goooo. Nodwin and Callie gooo see gwammie, Hi Ho Hiii Hoooooo. Ohhhh Aundie Axix? Yew hewe? Callie ish hewe now. Time to goooo to gwammmiieesssss nowwwww. Scratch that she’s here, Alex said as Sybil came into view moving slowly. Alex giggled at her friend… Come on you can’t be that tired, you slept most of the day. Sybil yawned and stretched then strolled towards the door. Cats… no big lazy cats Alex said as she patted her on the head before opening the door. CALLIE! Alex yelled as she pulled her cute little niece into a warm hug. Ready!

Re: Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:40 am
by Callie
Callie giggled and bounced, up and down, up and down, up and down. Over and over again, even when pulled into a super fantastical huggle by her auntie. Callie huggled her tight while bouncing and giggling, her voice almost coming off in an almost sing-song tone (almost because she wasn't actually singing you know). Hewwo Aundie. Callie ish hewe and ready now too. Callie and Aundie Axix and Sybiw and Nodwin go to gwammies house now. YAYYY, off we go. Hi ho, hi ho, lets go, go, goooo. And off the oddball group went...a hippogriff that shouldn't be a baby any longer but still looked like one, a bouncing singing twirling toddler, a cat that was more than it seemed, and a young girl who should never have had to be put in charge of the precocious child. It wasn't a quiet or quick trip, after all toddlers have to rest and explore and sleep and eat and drive everyone else in sight a little crazy on the way, but they did end up getting to their destination...eventually. And when they did, I am quite sure everyone in town knew it (you know why, even if you're scratching your head trying to remember...Callie is not quiet, so everyone around would know when she got to town...can't believe I had to remind you...).

Lucky for everyone around, Callie and her entourage (isn't that a lovely word?) did not stop until they got to Willow's house (maybe not so lucky for Willow, but then again, Willow knew Callie and loved her despite the fact that she was noisy...or maybe because she was...who knows?) And when they arrived at Willow's house, Callie of course was her usual exuberant self, and called out; Hewwwwooooo Gwammmiieeeeee, yew homeeee? Callie ish hewwweeee wifff aundie. Suppwisseeeeee!!!

Re: [ORP] Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:11 pm
by Alexandria
If you knew Callie which most did...then you knew there was no way you couldn't help but smile or maybe even laugh some at her antics. Alex did both. Alex knew the trip would be long… boy was she wrong. Anyone traveling with a child should know it’s not easy being green… no wait that isn't right. It’s not easy being older. You lose some of that joy that makes things look exciting. Callie was all over the place and loud, boy was she loud. There was no way you or anyone could lose her. She had many question and wanted to touch and eat everything. Don’t get me wrong Alex wouldn't trade this for the world. Sybil on the other hand was just as mischievous as Callie and with Nodwin in toe Alex was all over the place. By the time they reached Grams house, Alex's hair was wild and it looked as if she had been placed in a wind tunnel. Alex flopped down close to the door and watched as Callie called for Grams. Alex giggled some more… I hope your Grams has some energy potions! We’re going to need them, she said laughing.

Re: [ORP] Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:29 pm
by Willow
Willow was expecting a quiet time, so she cleaned her house, finish her paperwork and then decided to make some cookies.

Heading to the kitchen, she took out her bowls, measuring cups and spoons and all the ingredients. And of course the recipe that she wanted to try. Following the recipe, she added this and added that and when it was ready, she rolled out the dough ready for her cutter. Looking around the kitchen for her cutter, she couldn't find it and searched in her cupboards and drawers. She finally spotted the cutter (hiding under a tea-towel) and used it to make the cookies.

When they were done, she placed the cookies on a baking tray and placed them in the oven to bake. She made some more, to place in the oven once the first batch was cooked. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she found she had flour all over herself and the kitchen. She giggled thinking it would be funny if she had visitors now. The cookies smelt yummy and she pulled the first batch out and checked they were cooked and then put in the second batch. She just turned to look at her cookies again, when she heard a voice:
Hewwwwooooo Gwammmiieeeeee, yew homeeee? Callie ish hewwweeee wifff aundie. Suppwisseeeeee!!!
Willow looked towards her door, she thought to herself, that sounds like Callie but it can't be her? Heading to her front door (forgetting about all the flour). She opened the door to find a group waiting at her door, including little Callie and Alexandria.

"Callie .... Alex .... its lovely to see you both (giving them a floury hug). Giggling, she said sorry about all the flour, I'm baking cookies - please come in. Are you on one of your travels?"

Re: [ORP] Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:53 pm
by Callie
Callie looked up at her auntie with an endearing look of confusion on her extremely expressive face. Poshions for wat aundie Axix? Callie habing wots and wots and wots of energy. Dat good wite? Yew no habing any? Yew need nappy aundie Axix? Yew want Callie tucky yew into beddy bye now? Callie can do dat iffy yew wan Callie to. Callie ran over and gave her auntie a big hug, nuzzling her tiny face into Alexandria's body. Yew fink Nodwin and Sybwl needing nappy too? Noooo...Nodwin no needy nappy yet, dat for later. Nodwin wan see Gwammie firsteded. Yew wan see Gwammie too wite? Ohhh...Callie hearing Gwammie boice now.

Of course, when Callie heard her grandmother's voice, it was because Willow had opened the door and come out to speak to them. It wasn't like the tiny toddler had heard her in her imagination, nor heard her in the house. And the floury hug was perfect for the child, as she loved hugs of any kind, whether floury or not. Hugs were hugs, tail hugs, flour hugs, nuzzle hugs, normal hugs...they all equaled huggles that made Callie happy, no matter which way she looked at them. Not that she looked at hugs any differently than she looked at anything else...from a child's standpoint, which meant not from very high. Callie hugged Willow back tightly, giggling as the flour got into her nose and made it tickle like an almost sneeze would. She started to tell her grammie how much she loved and missed her, but then WIllow said the magic word that made any child anywhere stop and forget anything else they might be thinking. Coookkkiiiiieeessss?? Gwammie habing CoOOOOOOOKKKIIIEEEEeeessss???? Callie wubbbbbbb cookiesssss. Can Callie habing cookies gwammie? Callie and Nodwin and Sybwl and Aundie Axix wanning cookie iffy dat be obiekaybie. And remembering her manners towards the end, she even added a pweeeeeeessseeeee as she looked up at her grannie, batting her eyelashes in what she hoped was a cookie winning way.

Re: [ORP] Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:22 pm
by Alexandria
Alex tried to talk but as usual Callie had started and couldn't be stopped. Alex giggled, how she missed Callie and her ability to make her smile. Alex sat there smiling when their Grams answered the door covered in flour.

Smiling Alex gave their Grams the biggest hug... not like Callie who could hug forever and make you smile hugs but Alex hugs. Thanks for the flour Grams.. Alex winked at her then laughed. Alex opened her mouth to say something when Callie answered for her... Yes yes, what she said Alex pointed to Callie. CoOOOOKKKIE... pweeeessee... Alex giggled trying to sound like Callie as she batted her eyelashes.

Re: [ORP] Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:28 pm
by Willow
Coookkkiiiiieeessss?? Gwammie habing CoOOOOOOOKKKIIIEEEEeeessss???? Callie wubbbbbbb cookiesssss. Can Callie habing cookies gwammie? Callie and Nodwin and Sybwl and Aundie Axix wanning cookie iffy dat be obiekaybie. And remembering her manners towards the end, she even added a pweeeeeeessseeeee as she looked up at her grannie, batting her eyelashes in what she hoped was a cookie winning way.
Smiling :D , Willow said "of course you can have some cookies". Willow tries to brush flour off her grandkids.

Willow leads the way for the gang to follow her into the kitchen. "Excuse the mess - I'm not a tidy baker". It was a mess, there was bowls, mixing spoons, trays, flour and other baking stuff lying around.

The table was clearer, the tree shaped cookies were cooling on trays (waiting for decorations). "Would you like to help me decorate some trees?" In containers, Willow had made up some coloured icings made of different things she had found in her vegetable and flower gardens and in the forests. Sitting on one dish, sat some tree shaped cookies which were already coloured. Willow hands the plate around - for anyone that wanted some cookies. "Please help yourself" :D

Suddenly remembering the oven, she rushes over and pulls out the next batch of cookies and leaves to cool by the window. Then nibbles on a cookie herself. "How are you? Its lovely to see you all!"

Re: [ORP] Hi Ho Hi Ho to Grammie's House We Go

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:42 pm
by Callie
As you all know by now, Callie is only four years old. So when her auntie decided to mimic her, Callie missed the subtleties of that entirely. She looked at her auntie and giggled, nodding her head in agreement because she just thought her auntie really wanted cookies as much as she did and was asking in a funny voice. Aundie want cookies too gwammy. Callie nodded again at Alex, then looked at Willow. Pweese and fank yew gwammy. And clapped and spun in a circle when Willow said of course. (Hey now, she had to spin, she was super duper excited and you know Callie shows enthusiasm easily. Spinning is just one of her ways of showing that).

Callie giggled more when Willow tried to brush flour off of her. Callie no care iffy Callie gotted wite on Callie dwess. Dat obiekaybie gwammy. Callie followed her grandmother into the house, skipping and smiling from ear to ear. When Willow mentioned the mess, Callie looked around with curiosity. Dat no messy gwammy. Dere ish no muddy stuffs or nofing wikey dat. Yew cook wikey Callie cook. Dat means wots and wots and wots of fings needing washing. Dat ish fun to do iffy yew use wots and wots of bubbwes.

Once her eyes alighted on the cookies, she completely forgot reassuring her grandmother about the room, she could only concentrate on sweets. Her mouth was stuffed with at least two cookies before anyone in the room could blink again. With her mouth full, Callie mumbled;How many can Callie hab? Little sprays of cookie were flying from her lips when she answered her grandmother's question. Callie ish gweat now dat Callie ish hewe. Callie wubs yew gwammy yew know.