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Sleigh Race!

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:19 am
by Calysta
Seven riders had answered the call for the First Annual Sleigh Race. If it went well, Calysta hoped it would become tradition.

Finally the big day arrived. A munchkin dressed in a green elf suit stood at the starting line with a bow and arrow. "When I shoot this arrow, the race will begin!" He shouted. As the riders got set, he readied his bow. Aiming away from any people, he quickly released. "And they're off!" He shouted as the riders zoomed away, some quicker than others.
Round 1:
  • Bridget: 1 movement
  • Balerion: 6 movements
  • Calysta: 6 movements
  • Grazilda: 2 movements
  • Serene: 2 movements
  • Orion: 5 movements
  • Johnstone: 5 movements

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:40 am
by Bridget
Bridget had intended to acquire the fastest, biggest horse she could find to pull her sleigh, but due to all the last minute hustling and bustling of the season, she'd had to settle for a mule. He was pretty cute, but she was quite certain he wasn't going to prove to be the quickest mount in this race. As the munchkin fired his arrow to signal the start of the race, Bridget watched as the others zoomed off ahead of her. Her mule was enjoying a large clump of grass... Bridget frowned and clucked a few times and then lightly shook the reins, but he didn't budge. "Come on now, little guy. We've got to get moving. I promise I'll give you a nice handful of oats and clover and whatever else your heart desires when we're through!" The mule looked back at her and began trudging along slowly, already far behind her other competitors.

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:29 pm
by balerion
Balerion beams as he scoops up a fresh snowball. It may be a little larger than what the other competitors could make but that was part of the fun. With a flippant toss he throws it straight at Grazilda.

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:10 pm
by Orion
The night before the big race Orion has spent in his masonry for making a stone sleigh he could use to participate. He made it sooner then expected and could get even a few hours of sleep, however he was so excited that could not close his eyes, not even talking about sleeping.

Orion did not knew how good the the stone sleigh pulled by his phoenix would do, but it certainly was worth a try. As the time for participants to move to start and get in their sleigh came closer, Orion was there and ready. Others looked far more experienced and had far more knowledge about this world, but he certainly will try his best.

As the race started, Orion gave a sign to his phoenix. He flew so fast forward and pulled the sleigh with him that they were out of the Widu workshops in a very short time. I don't need any gingerbread men - the risk picking up naughty one is far to great.

Then Orion turned his sight forward as he had to look on the road ahead not to crash in some tree or run off the road.

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:34 pm
by Earc
Earc was happy that Johnstone had let him pick a mount for his sleigh . He knew Johnstone wanted to travel fast so Earc got, Warzenschwein, his youngest wart hog for the job. Earc was confident in the young hog's ability, he was just unsure how well Warzen would work for his master Johnstone.


Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:51 pm
by Serene
Serene took her time hooking up Luna and Joy. They had never pulled a sleigh before and were not exactly sure they wanted to be hooked up to this contraption. They were not sure they trusted that this child had their best interest at heart. After a while they realized Oreo and Grazilda were doing the same thing so they followed closely with Grazilda and her sleigh. Serene had a wonderful time. She loved her sleigh ride. Serene spies a cute gingerbread cookie and picks it up.

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:00 pm
by Johnstone
Running late to the race, John had let Earc get things ready for the race. When he arrived, John he ran straight to the sleigh where Earc was standing and jumped in just as a munchkin dressed in a green elf suit shot an arrow to start the race...Earc handed a note to John and slapped the rear of Warzenschwein, who took off with such speed that John flipped from the front seat to the back seat. John climbed back over into the front seat taking control of the sleigh. He shook his head and mumbled.....only Earc would give me wart hog....Only Earc. John looked around and they seemed to be keeping up with three others....

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:37 am
by Grazilda
"Oh, come on, Oreo! Stop scratching your feet. It's time to move on! If you won't stop, I'm going to---!" And Grazilda was not able to finish her sentence when she saw a snowball from balerion flying towards her. She was wide-eyed and shouted "Run, Oreo! One big snowball coming from the dragon!!!" Oreo started to pull the sleigh guided by the scent of a gingerbreadman that he picked up.

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:44 pm
by Calysta
((Sorry folks.. I'll try to move along faster from here on out. A lot unexpected happened irl))

Calysta took off in her sleigh led by a reindeer. Spying a gingerbread man making his way out of Wyllow's bakery, she offered him a lift in exchange for him throwing snowballs on her behalf. She instructed him to throw at whoever might be in the lead. Following her instructions, the gingerbread man threw a ball at Balerion. "Mwahahaha!" he said in a very high pitched voice. "No one escapes the aim of Trixie the Gingerbread Lady!"

Calysta just about choked... It was a girl?

Re: Sleigh Race!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:49 pm
by Calysta
Round 2:
  • Bridget: 6 movements
  • Balerion: 6 movements - Snowball thrown to Grazilda is a miss
  • Calysta: 2 movements - Snowball thrown to Balerion is a hit - Gingerbread man is nice
  • Grazilda: 6 movements - Gingerbreadman is nice
  • Serene: 2 movements - Gingerbreadman is naughty
  • Orion: 2 movements
  • Johnstone: 2 movements