A Love Like No Other.

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A Love Like No Other.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

(Previously in this story:-)

Lordblackhawk (Lbh) was sitting in the tavern, trying to get drunk.
He had just had his engagement broken with his fiancee a few days before and was disturbed by dream.
He felt a breeze from the door as someone entered. Not bothering to turn round to see who it was he continued to drink his ale.

As the person walked by he glanced up, looked back at his tankard, stopped and look more carefully at the woman.

In his dream, he `felt` rather than `saw` a woman. She was surrounded by a 'Green' aura. His family mentor did say that was the woman he was destined to wed.

And here! In this very tavern was such a woman!

Leaning over to one of his fellow drinkers he whispered, "Do you happen to know the name of that lady who just came in?"
"Aye! was the reply, "Why do ye want to know? Fancy your chances do ye?"

"Tell me!" Lbh growls, "Tell me her name."

"Okay, okay. No need to take offense. Sure I was only jesting."
"I think , only think mind you. It is Emerald something-or-other."

'Emerald'! That was the color he had seen in his dream.

Looking down at himself he sees that he is in no fit state to approach her. He requests a towel from the barmaid.
Going outside to the water barrel he breaks the ice on it, strips to the waist and cleans himself all over.
Shivering in the cold air he quickly rubs himself dry with the towel.
Retrieving fresh clothes from his pack, he dresses.
Running his fingers through his hair he looks at his reflection in a window.

'Not the best but I hope it is good enough.' he thinks.

Returning to the tavern he looks around.
No sight of the lady!
Frantically his head turns from side to side as he peers into the dark corners of the tavern.
Looking to his right, just behind him he sees a `green` glow.
Screwing up his eyes he peers into the corner. It is her!
Relief floods him.
Plucking up his courage he approaches her.
Bowing he speaks, "My Lady, this may seem like a curious question but tell me. What is your color?"

The lady looks at quizzically.
"An odd question indeed Sir." she stammers. "However, since you asked it, I will answer."
"Like my name, which was bestowed on me by an old lady, my color is green."
"Now, be so good to tell me, why you would asked such a question."

Lbh asks permission to sit, upon it being granted, sits and tells her about his dream.

{OOC - permission has been given by the player of 'Emerald/Ladyblackhawk' to Godmode her for this part.}
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Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Ladyblackhawk »

Ladyblackhawk (emerald) enters the tavern, walks over to her usual seat and suddenly feels a shiver run down her spine as she passes a table.
She sits down and looks around.
Then a stranger walks over and asks if he can sit with her.
"Yes of course you can" she replies.

Ladyblackhawk looks at him and wonders why she feels so content and relaxed in his company.
Could this be the man she first noticed on arriving at the tavern.
The one who dashed outside to wash and changed.

Ladyblackhawk listened to his story, taking great interest in everything he spoke about.

Could he be the one?.
She had always know that someday she would meet someone.
This man made her aware of feelings she had never know before there was something about him that she couldn`t explain.

She sits listening to him and wonders why she has never felt like this before. How could a stranger make her feel this way.
Her heart is beating so fast and inside she feels so happy.
It seems like he has always been in her life.

"Are you sure it`s only a dream Sir?"

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

"Are you sure it`s only a dream Sir?"
Lbh stops and thinks about the question.
`Is it only a dream?`
Then he remembers his Guardian's words.

Turning to the lady.
"It may have been in a dream that I saw you but..." he pauses. "here, you and I are."
"Do you believe in fate? In destiny?"
"I now do, for what other reason could we have met."
"Forgive me my forwardness but, do you not also `feel` that there may be more to this that just two strangers talking?"

"I asked you your color, did I not?"
"You never quired why such an odd question. It was, as if you knew what I meant. That alone shows that there is more to you than you show."

Lbh and the lady talked for hours and, as they did, they grew closer together.

Lbh 'knew' that this lady was his future wife.
Now all he had to do was ask her.......
Easier said than done.
Last edited by Lordblackhawk on Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 582
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:34 pm

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Ladyblackhawk »

She cannot remember when she had enjoyed someones company so much.

She felt that they had always been very good friends and more.
Answering his question about her favourite colour she said,
"Green, hence my name (Emerald) given to me by a old family friend."

They seemed to talk non-stop late into the night, she didn`t want it to ever end.
She felt that there was more to this friendship and well hoped that there would be.

Taking her reluctent leave she prepared for her trek back to Paz with his promise to go to her there.

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Days had passed.
Lbh and Emerald (whose name the lady's was) had met and talked for long hours.
She had to return to her home city of Paz and Lbh has said he will follow in a few days.

Arriving in Paz he seeks her out and they agree to a tavern.

(The story now continues from the present....)

Escorting Emerald to the tavern, Lbh ensures that she is seated comfortably before ordering their drinks.

Their drinks arrive and he takes a long swallow from his.

Taking her hand in his he looks at her.
"Emerald, we have spoken long. Now, I feel, is the right time to speak of my wishes."

He drops to one knee.
Produces a ring and holds it out to her.


"This ring is unique. It is a rare black diamond and protects the wearer from evil."
"But, only a 'True Love' may wear it safely."

Pausing, he then says,

"Emerald, wilt Thou Marry me and become my Wife?"
"However, you must be made aware of one thing."
"If you accept, you become part of the family. Part of the Blackhawk family."
"Which doth mean, from that moment onwards you will be known as
'Ladyblackhawk.', do you accept?
Last edited by Lordblackhawk on Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 582
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:34 pm

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Ladyblackhawk »

Emerald looks into his eyes.

"My Lord LBH nothing would please me more than to accept your proposal of marriage"

She accepts his ring, wraps her arms around him and gently kisses him.

Now she can look forward to her new life with the man that will always love her.

Emerald also accepts his name and is now Ladyblackhawk.

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

At her reply Lbh feels a wave of relief and happiness wash over him.
He slides the ring onto her finger.

"Wearing this ring, no magical harm can befall Thee." he says. "My 'Ladyblackhawk.'"

Calling for a round of drinks to celebrate he raises his tankard to his betrothed.

"My Dearest Love, to this do I pledge before all here."
"I cannot promise Gold nor wealth. I cannot promise health nor well-being. Neither can I promise a great house or servants."
"All that I CAN promise you......is my Love. 'Tis yours forever."
Last edited by Lordblackhawk on Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 582
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:34 pm

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Ladyblackhawk »

Ladyblackhawk admires the beautiful ring on her finger and cannot believe this is really hers.

Looking into Lordblackhawks eyes she takes his hands in hers and replys,

"My love I would never expect a mansion, anywhere we live will make me happy. All I ask is that you will always love me and never betray with anyone else, because that would break my heart."

She holds his face in her hands and whipers,

"I LOVE YOU." then kisses him gently.

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Hearing his True Loves words Lbh replies.

"My Dearest. My Word is my Honor. My Honor is my Word."
" Neither, I can or would break. My Destiny lies with you and no other."
" I am yours. Body, soul, spirit, heart and, my love also. These, are all yours and no-one else's."
" There is no-one who can possibly take them from me for I give them all to you freely and of my own will."
" They are mine, and mine alone to give."
"I choose to give them to you only and to no-one else."
"Without you, I am nothing."
"With you, I am complete."

He grasps her hands.

"This ring I gave to you, is much more than a token of my love."
"It is a symbol of our eternal `bonding` together."
"Yes, even after Death itself lays claim to us, we will be together."

"Do you understand that?"
"We, you and I, are the 'Champions Eternal' until this world is completed."

Lbh hears a flurry of wings outside.
The `Hooded Man` walks in.


Leaning towards Lbh he whispers to him.

"Your lady has no knowledge of what you have just said. Leave it until later."
"I shall explain all to her then."

Hearing those words Lbh looks at his lady, says,

"My Dearest, this is my family guardian. He has much to tell you but later."
Posts: 582
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:34 pm

Re: A Love Like No Other.

Post by Ladyblackhawk »

Hearing the strange noise she looks and sees a strange hooded man standing there .
She wonders what is meant by his words.

Lbh says, "My Dearest, this is my family guardian. He has much to tell you but later.

All Ladyblackhawk can do now is wait.
She hopes that this doesn`t mean anything bad can happen and spoil their love.
For her life would mean nothing without LBH, the man she really loves.
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