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The Republic is a form of Viceroyalty government.


The Republic is governed by the Viceregal Council and led by the Viceroy. The Viceregal Council typically contains 10 members that are selected by the number of votes that the list they were on received once every 60 days.

At 30 days until next council election, a person may start a list by selecting the Register for Council. It will require 200 freznics up front. An additional 800 freznics must be raised prior to anyone being able to vote for said list. In addition, the list must have the remaining 9 slots filled and confirmed prior to anyone being able to vote for said list.

The voting begins on day 7 and lasts for about a week. Patrons will have their vote counted twice. At the end of the election, each list will win the number of seats associated with the percentage won. The easy way to determine it is take the percentage and move the decimal point to the left.

In the event that someone resigns, the next person from the list that they were on will be on council. In the event that there are no more people left on the list, the spot will be left vacant.

An election is considered stalled if there is not a single list fully confirmed and paid for by what would be the 7th day. The election clock is returned to 8. For each day the election is stalled, the corruption will increase. There is also the possibility for each day that the peasants will sabotage the mines or even steal money from the coffers. It's best to avoid stalling an election.

Viceroy Selection

The Viceroy is determined by the Council within the next two days by a vote. During this time, the government will be in a transitional state with the old councilors in the government offices until the selection is complete.

There can be no ties in this selection. The tie-breaking procedure is as follows:

  1. Most Number of Votes
  2. Highest Charisma
  3. Highest Social Points
  4. Highest Intelligence
  5. Highest Dexterity
  6. Highest Strength
  7. Oldest Player

Authority of Council/Viceroy

The Council is the legislative body of the Republic. They may select how laws are passed, what procedures may exist or what powers are granted to the Viceroy.

The Viceroy typically is the moderator of the Council chambers and have certain functions in the IG Interface. However, the council may select procedures or laws regarding how the Viceroy uses them. Some of these functions include:

  • the members of who is in the council chambers in the forums
  • the selection/removal of the Rector
  • the selection/removal of Council Positions (General, People's Representative, Public Prosecutor, Judge, Finance Minister, Internal Affairs Minister, and Mine Minister)
  • moving of the capital

Starting with r19, any councilor of the Republic could issue a Vote of Confidence after Day 50 and prior to the list election process. All councilors will be notified who requested the Vote of Confidence and will have slightly over 2 days to put in who they wish as Viceroy. The old Viceroy will stay in power under a new one is selected.

Also added in r19 is the ability for the Viceroy to call for a new election. This allows them to skip the rest of the term and start the list election process. This could be used for councilor inactivity.


Council members should check into the forums and their offices (if they have any) every day. The council's operating functions are split between the various positions. Failure to check in and maintain them may result in various punishments including the reduction of clerical happiness.

Here are some of the responsibilities breakdown:

  • Viceroy: Can View Entire VR Log, Assign People to Positions
  • General: Can View Nodes Status
  • People's Representative: Communication via Polls and Broadcasts
  • Public Prosecutor: Files Cases in the Court
  • Judge: Gives Verdict on Cases
  • Finance Minister: Handle day to day Finances and has access to Fair
  • Mine Minister: Handle day to day Mine Status
  • Internal Affairs Minister: Breeds and Feeds Animals; Also deals with Castle Upgrades

The Council may also add additional responsibilities as they see fit.


The nobility is a social class distinguished by hereditary or honorary rank that possesses privileges and certain rights not granted to members of other classes in a society. Traditional membership in nobility is highly regulated by a Monarchy.

In the tradition of the Republic, Nobility is not available. However, a Republic may grant a title of honor to a member of their society as a master of their profession or way. The method in which the honor would be bestowed is up to the specific Republic.

With this said, there are some titles that are often given as a matter of respect to Republic. They are as follows: Master Artisan, Master Baker, Master Blacksmith, Master Butcher, Master Carpenter, Master Defender, Master Diplomat, Master Essencer, Master Heartlander, Master Miller, Master Priest, Master Rogue, Master Scholar, Master Sergeant, Master Sorcerer, Master Stonemason, Master Weaponmaster, Master Weaver, Senator, Warden

See Also