Zachre Language

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Disambiguation: The page for the creator and admin Zachrin is located on another page.

Disambiguation: The Priest Path Books and the study of the book of Zachre is located on another page.

The common tongue is commonly spoken in the Viceroyalties, but the ancient language of Zachre still persists, especially in the Way of Zachrin, old texts, and sentient creatures that sometimes appear during events.


There are 2 main types of verbs: (ai) and (eí). How do you tell the difference between them? Just look at the ending in their infinitive case. Otherwise, contextual clues will let you know.

AI Verbs

AI Verbs
Infinitive amai To Love
Present amai love
Present Conditional amá may love
Past use amai used to love
Past Conditional usé amai may have used to love
Future va amai will love
Future Conditional vá amai may love in the future
Noun aman Love
Adjective/Adverb amam Lovely
"Action" Noun amal Lover

EI Verbs

EI Verbs
Infinitive correi To mail
Present corre mail
Present Conditional corré may mail
Past use correi used to mail
Past Conditional usé correi may have used to mail
Future va correi going to mail
Future Conditional vá correi might mail in the future
Noun corren Mail
Adjective/Adverb correm Relating to Mail
"Action" Noun correl Mailman

English to Zachre

English to Zachre
(put) ashore semabai
(to bring) salvation salavei
(to go) abroad aborai
(to make) abstract achrai
(to rise) above sopasai
abandon abanadai
abdicate abdicai
abound abondai
abuse abusei
accelerate acélerai
accept acétai
account for acoai
accuse acusei
accustomed to acustomei
achieve lograi
acquire acurai
act acai
add anadai
adhere caherei
administrative adménestrai
advise advisei
advocate avocai
affirm irumai
agree acei
aid ayai
alternate averei
anililate anénei
animate anitai
annex anécai
announcee hablai
annul anáei
appeal tepai
appear zocei
apply aplai
appreciate gátisai
approach acarai
approve raporai
argue copanai
arouse fométai
arrange arangai
arrive aribai
aspire asapérai
assassinate vevibei
assault asalai
assimulate simulai
associate comécai
assume iscamei
attach córai
attack átacai
attempt iténei
attend untei
attest calificai
attract atráei
attribute butai
auction átúmai
augment amentai
avoid evitai
aware lizai
balance balai
bank finanai
bark barcei
battle batalai
beat latai
beg begai
begin emémai
believe crédei
belong belonei
benefit benei
betray betrai
bind bondai
bite bitei
bless blésai
block blócai
blow belai
board bóai
boil hévei
bomb bómai
bond bonai
border bodei
born nacai
bother molesei
boycott bocatai
brave bravai
break partai
breathe bretei
bring together réúnei
broadcast brodcai
brought up criai
bud budai
budget bugei
build dezclai
burn razei
bury zeyai
button butónai
call lamai
collapse falei
cannonize ézachrai
care carei
caress acaricei
carry cárai
carve énochrai
catch cogei
cause casai
celebrate celebrai
center cenatei
challenge hulénai
change berei
charge corbrai
chase cuhai
check off tachrai
chill frai
choose ezegei
chop picai
cite citei
civilize civalai
claim clamai
classify clasei
clean lipai
climb exalai
close colosai
cloth panai
coexist ytai
coincide cinidei
collect pulacai
comb comai
come cómei
comemorate comumorai
command áblai
commit comitai
compare pacarei
compel copai
compile écalei
complain qjai
complicate dificulai
compose musacei
condemn vezachrei
confess confesai
confide confidei
connect cónecei
conquer zumai
conserve ysivurai
consummate sinei
contribute tribunai
control caqai
cope cópei
copy cipei
correct coregei
corrupt dezculai
create créai
cry crimai
cut cutei
dance balarai
decrease vemasai
demilitarize vesivai
deserve desrai
destroy clai
die mortei
direct dirigei
disconnect venónecei
discuss decusai
do hacei
doubt dudai
dream sonai
dress vestei
drive gucai
eat atei
eat breakfast alcanzai
eat dinner cenai
educate educai
elect elecai
end parai
enjoy gozai
enter etei
err erei
escape éscapei
examine emamei
exist habei
expect esperai
explain esplicai
explode tupodei
fall caei
feed comidai
feel sentei
find encontrai
finish finei
fit cabei
flood diluvei
flunk supendei
follow segai
forget olvidai
free ferei
get tai
give dai
give away (in marriage) adyei
go vai
govern govei
greet halei
have tenei
hear oyai
hide hidei
hurry hurai
hurt herei
increase masai
invent ivetai
jump camacei
keep gadai
kill matai
kiss bunai
know sabei
leave salai
lend prestai
lie mentei
lie down limai
light luzai
listen eschahai
live vemortei
lock locai
look mirai
lose pedei
love tamai
love unconditionally amai
mail correi
make macei
marry cuasai
measure medei
militarize shivai
mix mexclai
need nesitai
obtain obtenei
offer oferei
open nupai
operate ópratei
order ordei
organize ydai
own onei
pass pasei
pay pai
permit perei
pierce dagai
pity lastimai
plan zuci
please favorei
pose ponsei
prefer prefei
prepare preparai
program pascai
prohibit prohai
promise promasei
protect robertei
put punei
rain luvei
read lei
realize realizai
refuse negai
regress regressai
remember acordai
rent retalei
resurrect vibei
return retuvei
revolutionize juntai
ride tomerai
run rinei
save natonai
say dijai
scream cremai
search bascai
see seai
sell vinai
serve sérvai
shop comprei
show demonstrai
sing cantai
sit sitei
sleep dormei
smile sonlei
spend gastai
steal saltei
suffer sufrei
support aporai
suppose séponei
surpass sopasai
surprise sórprei
survey suvei
swim nadai
take advantage of adbatai
take charge aremetei
teach ensenai
thank agradei
think pensai
threaten tretei
to "nickel and dime" denarai
to aim potai
to aniliate anénei
to be eztai
to be against vei
to be average avejai
to be bitter marai
to be brief brevei
to be bright (as in light) britai
to be clear clarai
to be clever dascai
to be concerned precerai
to be different martei
to be difficult dificai
to be emotional emotai
to be fast rapidai
to be firm rumai
to be first primei
to be falat lanai
to be friendly anai
to be glad glai
to be god ajalai
to be in chaos yéhai
to be nothing zerai
to be pretty bonitai
to be quiet ytalei
to be rash jóei
to be rude ridei
to be sick ilei
to be sloq verapidai
to be sorry sientai
to be strifeful furai
to be stupid daftei
to be up high altai
to beautify belezai
to bceom a father tatai
to become a man tolefai
to become a mother matrai
to become a woman mulacai
to bring salvation salavei
to draw attention huyai
to gain independence indei
to go on strike stricai
to happen ocurei
to make a alibi alibai
to make a citizen zitazei
to make a new day diai
to pay attention pahuyai
to put into effect zei
to store up sorei
to strike (out) daboai
translate tralatei
transpose traposei
travel viajai
trust tresei
try tratai
turn tuvei
untie unitei
use usei
vaporize vapai
vocalize vocai
wait for éparei
wear lerei
win ganai
wish deseai
work tabayai
write escritei

Zachre to English

English to Zachre
abanadai abandon
abdicai abdicate
áblai command
abondai abound
aborai (to go) abroad
abusei abuse
acai act
acarai approach
acaricei caress
acei agree
acélerai accelerate
acétai accept
achrai (to make) abstract
acoai account for
acordai remember
acurai acquire
acusei accuse
acustomei accustomed to
adbatai take advantage of
adménestrai administrative
advisei advise
adyei give away (in marriage)
agradei thank
ajalai to be god
alcanzai eat breakfast
alibai to make a alibi
altai to be up high
amai love unconditionally
amentai augment
anadai add
anáei annul
anai to be friendly
anécai annex
anénei anililate
anénei to aniliate
anitai animate
aplai apply
aporai support
arangai arrange
aremetei take charge
aribai arrive
asalai assault
asapérai aspire
átacai attack
atei eat
atráei attract
átúmai auction
avejai to be average
averei alternate
avocai advocate
ayai aid
balai balance
balarai dance
barcei bark
bascai search
batalai battle
begai beg
belai blow
belezai to beautify
belonei belong
benei benefit
berei change
betrai betray
bitei bite
blésai bless
blócai block
bóai board
bocatai boycott
bodei border
bómai bomb
bonai bond
bondai bind
bonitai to be pretty
bravai brave
bretei breathe
brevei to be brief
britai to be bright (as in light)
brodcai broadcast
budai bud
bugei budget
bunai kiss
butai attribute
butónai button
cabei fit
caei fall
caherei adhere
calificai attest
camacei jump
cantai sing
caqai control
cárai carry
carei care
casai cause
celebrai celebrate
cenai eat dinner
cenatei center
cinidei coincide
cipei copy
citei cite
civalai civilize
clai destroy
clamai claim
clarai to be clear
clasei classify
cogei catch
colosai close
comai comb
comécai associate
cómei come
comidai feed
comitai commit
comprei shop
comumorai comemorate
cónecei connect
confesai confess
confidei confide
copai compel
copanai argue
cópei cope
córai attach
corbrai charge
coregei correct
correi mail
créai create
crédei believe
cremai scream
criai brought up
crimai cry
cuasai marry
cuhai chase
cutei cut
daboai to strike (out)
daftei to be stupid
dagai pierce
dai give
dascai to be clever
decusai discuss
demonstrai show
denarai to "nickel and dime"
deseai wish
desrai deserve
dezclai build
dezculai corrupt
diai to make a new day
dificai to be difficult
dificulai complicate
dijai say
diluvei flood
dirigei direct
dormei sleep
dudai doubt
écalei compile
educai educate
elecai elect
emamei examine
emémai begin
emotai to be emotional
encontrai find
énochrai carve
ensenai teach
éparei wait for
erei err
éscapei escape
eschahai listen
escritei write
esperai expect
esplicai explain
etei enter
evitai avoid
exalai climb
ézachrai cannonize
ezegei choose
eztai to be
falei callapse
favorei please
ferei free
finanai bank
finei finish
fométai arouse
frai chill
furai to be strifeful
gadai keep
ganai win
gastai spend
gátisai appreciate
glai to be glad
govei govern
gozai enjoy
gucai drive
habei exist
hablai announcee
hacei do
halei greet
herei hurt
hévei boil
hidei hide
hulénai challenge
hurai hurry
huyai to draw attention
ilei to be sick
indei to gain independence
irumai affirm
iscamei assume
iténei attempt
ivetai invent
jóei to be rash
juntai revolutionize
lamai call
lanai to be falat
lastimai pity
latai beat
lei read
lerei wear
limai lie down
lipai clean
lizai aware
locai lock
lograi achieve
luvei rain
luzai light
macei make
marai to be bitter
martei to be different
masai increase
matai kill
matrai to become a mother
medei measure
mentei lie
mexclai mix
mirai look
molesei bother
mortei die
mulacai to become a woman
musacei compose
nacai born
nadai swim
natonai save
negai refuse
nesitai need
nupai open
obtenei obtain
ocurei to happen
oferei offer
olvidai forget
onei own
ópratei operate
ordei order
oyai hear
pacarei compare
pahuyai to pay attention
pai pay
panai cloth
parai end
partai break
pascai program
pasei pass
pedei lose
pensai think
perei permit
picai chop
ponsei pose
potai to aim
precerai to be concerned
prefei prefer
preparai prepare
prestai lend
primei to be first
prohai prohibit
promasei promise
pulacai collect
punei put
qjai complain
rapidai to be fast
raporai approve
razei burn
realizai realize
regressai regress
retalei rent
retuvei return
réúnei bring together
ridei to be rude
rinei run
robertei protect
rumai to be firm
sabei know
salai leave
salavei (to bring) salvation
salavei to bring salvation
saltei steal
seai see
segai follow
semabai (put) ashore
sentei feel
séponei suppose
sérvai serve
shivai militarize
sientai to be sorry
simulai assimulate
sinei consummate
sitei sit
sonai dream
sonlei smile
sopasai (to rise) above
sopasai surpass
sorei to store up
sórprei surprise
stricai to go on strike
sufrei suffer
supendei flunk
suvei survey
tabayai work
tachrai check off
tai get
tamai love
tatai to bceom a father
tenei have
tepai appeal
tolefai to become a man
tomerai ride
tralatei translate
traposei transpose
tratai try
tresei trust
tretei threaten
tribunai contribute
tupodei explode
tuvei turn
unitei untie
untei attend
usei use
vai go
vapai vaporize
vei to be against
vemasai decrease
vemortei live
venónecei disconnect
verapidai to be sloq
vesivai demilitarize
vestei dress
vevibei assassinate
vezachrei condemn
viajai travel
vibei resurrect
vinai sell
vocai vocalize
ydai organize
yéhai to be in chaos
ysivurai conserve
ytai coexist
ytalei to be quiet
zei to put into effect
zerai to be nothing
zeyai bury
zitazei to make a citizen
zocei appear
zuci plan
zumai conquer

See Also