Level VI

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You are no longer legendary, you are legend. Full stop. Currently, this is the highest level that there is, a culmination of years of progress.

Requirements for Level VI

  • 10,000.00 Freznics
  • 500 Worker Points
  • 500 Social Points
  • 1000 points in all Stats
  • Wear 9 items
  • Complete 50 quests
  • Own a level 3 workshop
  • Have a house
  • Completed RBI (Revolts, Besieging, and Independence) Basics
  • Complete Basics of Level 6

Additions to Reaching Level VI

  • Unlocks a second legendary path


Reaching Level 6, you will reach Mythical status. This will allow special skills that are only available to Level 5 and above. This means the selection of a secondary path is important, as it allows for a second legendary path, but not any additional paths.

There are 5 different Legend paths you can pick. Training for each of these paths must be done in the Legend Hall in the Town Menu. You can learn more about each specific knowledge by going to Support > Legendary Knowledge

Knowledge Grouping

There are 4 knowledges that can be gained based upon the type of Mythical that you decide to become. You can view the specifics by going to Support > Legendary Knowledge. However, each type of Legend tends to rotate around a specialty. Remember, that the Legend knowledge you learned in Level 5 can not be restudied.

This is good to keep in mind when deciding which you would like to be.

To Improve your Legendary Knowledge when you are level 5 and above, you will need to go to Town > Training Ground > Legends Hall. Once there, you will need to select Knowledges. From there, you will see the 4 different knowledges you can learn as the specific legend you select. It takes a daily action to discover part of the knowledge. Depending on your luck, you might discover it quickly, but the general idea is that it will take about as long as a university subject to fully discover.

Finishing Thoughts

Reaching Level 6 is mythical status. One of the most important things you can do for your character is help define them in the role-playing world. If you haven't already, this is a great opportunity for you. If you have already, perhaps it is time to reach out to new people to help mix up the world you live in. Level 6 was introduced in Version 3.0.0.

You will gain 20 Level 5 Tokens when you level. These tokens may be used towards your stats, towards weapon proficiencies under 75%, for classes in the University that you have started (but not finished), or for study of legendary knowledge. To use them, go to Viceroyalty > Level Tokens.

All in all, there are many different types of opportunities in the World of Secfenia. If you ever have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to mention them in the Suggestion Box located in the forums.

See Also