Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Willow »

Arriving at the wedding location, temple groundskeeper Edward sets up the chairs for the ceremony; while Willow and Gawain discusses the ceremony. Then Willow helps by decorating the area with the pretty orange blossoms and white ribbons. She thinks to herself, that they are pretty and wonders about getting a orange tree for her garden. While she waits for the bridal party to arrive, she decorates and checks that everything is ready to the ceremony.
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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Wyllow »

She waited until the house seemed empty before she emerged. As she stepped out, the display before her made a lump form in her throat. Her beloved stood there waiting to help her into the cart. Everything was more perfect than she could have ever imagined with the cart decorated the way it was.

Already tears threatened to fall and they hadn't even arrived yet. She let a small bubble of nervous laughter escape her lips as she moved forwards towards the cart. The bouquet simply blind-sided her. She hadn't even thought about something like that, and it was then that she realized just how thankful she was for the people that surrounded them. Without them, none of this could have been possible or more special. Taking Tuvs hand, she settled into the cart and they set off. She was glad for Grizilda there in the front with her as she could feel herself shaking slightly, though she credited the motion of the cart being the reason. Whatever she had to do to steady herself in her thoughts.

As they arrived at the lake, she took in the breathtaking scene before them all, and she was mesmerized. There would be no way she could ever thank Willow and Gawain for this day. Not in a million years. She stood in awe for a moment while everyone unloaded then turned to her beloved and smiled at him. Taking his arm her expression said that she was ready for the path that lay before them, no matter how rough or smooth the travels.

EDIT: Because apparently I was tired and couldn't spell? lol
Last edited by Wyllow on Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Grazilda »

I smiled like a fool at Tuv's request. "It will be an honor!" I said and settled in the cart with everyone.

As the cart whisked its way to the lake, I gently smiled at Wyllow and said, "Don't worry, things will be perfect. All you have to do is to take deep breaths to make sure that you don't faint from nervousness." I could feel Wyllow's anxiety.

When we reached the lake, I was speechless. I was never a fan of the color orange yet this wedding changed my views about it. I was in trace due to the beauty of the surroundings when I remember what Tuv told me. I snapped out of my short reverie and nudged Wyllow. "Give me a few minutes to fix your dress," and quickly arranged the edge of Wyllow's dress so that it was perfect. "Now you're ready! Remember to smile!" I said.

However, I knew that there was no need to remind the beautiful bride to smile as she was definitely in cloud nine at the moment.

"This is going to be exciting," I silently whispered.
Last edited by Grazilda on Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Teresa »

Elder Teresa (dressed in her new robes) arriving late as usual.

She quickly found a seat to watch the ceremony, she was a little puffed from her sprint across the grounds before the bridal party arrived.

Using her special Elder Powers - light music played in the background (P.S. your choice) while they waited for the bride to walk up the aisle.
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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Gawain »


As they had now arrived at the chosen spot by the lake. Gawain had jumped down from his cart and straightened his robes, and then gone to discuss things with Willow again.

Some time later, the sun was now beginning to set so smiling at hearing the light music of choice playing, he looked towards his cousin Tuvoria and beckoned to him to join him at the altar. They then would wait for Wyllow to make her way down the aisle towards the altar.
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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Tuvoria »

Steadying his nerves as the time was approaching, Tuvoria looked out at the lake enjoying the calm. When Gawain called to him and beckoned him, Tuvoria smiled, made sure his clothes where straightened, and went to join his cousin at the alter area as he awaited the formal entrance of Wyllow. Taking a deep breath, Tuvoria whispered to his cousin.

"This day is long in the making Gawain. Thank you for the honor of conducting this ceremony. It means a lot. Now if I can just keep calm until its over."

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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Wyllow »

Glancing to Grizilda she said what could be a quiet prayer for her being there for her. She graciously fixed the dress and gave her advice, which she really did need right now. As it was strange how something that should come easily and naturally, something like breathing, could feel as if you had to remember to do it.

When it came to a smile, the one upon her face couldn't be removed. By now they were ready for her and a quick glance at Grizilda, she took a deep cleansing breath and blew it out slowly. 'Wish me luck!' She chuckled, feeling as if she had to say something or burst!

Starting down the isle, she wanted to take in all the little details that went into the preparations of the wedding, but she could do that after. Right now her full attention was on the man that stood waiting for her. It seemed like a life time ago that they had met. A chance in meeting when most wouldn't even have given a look a second chance or thought. But he captivated her, even now.. and moreso. They had learned much about each other and the discoveries wouldn't end there. She felt an overwhelming want to give this man everything he deserved at a wife could offer. Happiness and as much love as she could muster. He was handsome, inside and out, no matter how he denied it.

Coming close, she shifted her boquet into her left hand and slid her right hand into his own hand to stand next to him. She glanced at him and gave him a smile that was only for him. It was filled with the feelings she felt in her heart. It touched her eyes and there was no mistaken that they lay upon the man of her dreams. She felt her pulse surge and her face warm. She let her lip form the words I love you, without any voice behind them. Her gaze reluctantly left her groom to face Gawain.
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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Gawain »

Gawain smiled at his cousin Tuvoria as he whispers in return.

"Don't worry cousin, it's not a long ceremony, I'm sure you will be fine. I am honoured you asked me to do this for you. It means a lot to me for two reasons - that you asked me and also that this - my first wedding ceremony is for family. I will treasure this moment always."

He sees Wyllow start to make her way down the aisle and waits until she has reached them.

Smiling at both Wyllow and Tuvoria, he looks around and see that Teresa and Grazilda have taken their seat. He so he looks again at the couple and begins.

"We are gathered together here on this beautiful day to celebrate the love, devotion, and commitment which these two have for each other, to give recognition to their decision to commit their lives and accept each other completely, to always have their partner's back throughout the days and nights of one's life, and to always be vigilant to each other's needs."

Looking at his cousin first, he smiled.

"Do you Tuvoria take your bride, Wyllow, to be your wife and share your love and commitment till the end of time?"

(edited for typos only)
Last edited by Gawain on Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria watched in awe has Wyllow made her way up the aisle to stand next to him before Gawain. Everything he wanted and desired in life, he could see in her eyes. As they turned to face Gawain, he began to know true peace and happiness in his life. He listed with every core of his fiber to the fullness of nature as Gawain spoke and then responded:

"It is indeed my wish, my desire, and my will to take Wyllow to be my wife and to be fully committed to her until the end of all time."

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Re: Natures Magic - The Wedding of Tuvoria and Wyllow

Post by Gawain »

Smiling as he nodded in acknowledging his cousin's reply, Gawain then smiled as he looked at Wyllow.

"Do you Wyllow, take your groom Tuvoria to be your husband and share your love and commitment till the end of time?"
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