The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Zhaneth »

Zhaneth gave the pair a stonily expressionless gaze, one that Nikola likely recognized well from the manner in which he would measure her performance as his student. "Viscount," he said with a nod, giving no apparent notice to the creature's weaponry or defensive posture. "Nikola," he said with another nod to the woman. "Vaelen bids you come. We are here to guide you." Zhaneth's gaze returned to creature to whom Nikola had chosen to bind herself, stony still, but softening slightly as he looked on Nikola once again. "The journey will not be so easy as last time, but my Lord has made safe the way. He cannot meet you in the borderlands without sacrificing the safety of your passage."

The warriors silently drew back to form a corridor for Nikola to enter among them, as expressionless as their captain.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

Nikola felt her heart skip a beat at the summons from her grand sire. She should have expected this, but he had given no indication that her presence would be requested when last she had communed with him. She mentally touched the bond she shared with Vaelen. Reassurance. She sucked in a deep breath and then nodded. "I will come. Give me a moment to farewell my beloved," she said and then turned to TK without waiting for a response from Zhaneth.

She recognized the struggle in his eyes and quickly thrust a hand into a hidden pocket in her skirt, withdrawing a small packet that she pressed into his hand.
"I am safe, beloved, and will return as soon as I can. Please," she said, placing a calming hand on his cheek, "be at peace. I will be fine and they have not attacked, so that is a good sign." She searched his eyes and then stretched up to press her lips to his. "I love you, TK. I promise, I will come back to you."

She poured as much love as she could into the kiss and her touch before taking a step back, committing everything about him and this moment to memory before turning and nodding again to Zhaneth. "I am ready," she said and followed him into the corridor formed by his warriors. She took nothing with her as she knew she would have no need of anything. Perhaps leaving everything behind would give TK some comfort during her absence. She really hoped she would be back soon, but she was now on Vaelen's time.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

As she was led away several thoughts went through the lycan's mind. The first was wondering if she was gone forever. If they were leading her away from him forever he would kill them all, or die trying. Another was wondering if she was leaving on her own never to return. If that were the case, and it was her choice, then he would have to live with that rejection. Another was following them and seeing where this other place was located. Yes, there were many other thoughts that went through his mind, but in the end, it was sanity and reason that prevailed.

TK could find no words to say as his love walked away with her kin. He Stood there till they were out of sight and out of this realm. Then his anger surfaced and he felt something in his hand. He looked and saw the packet Nikola had put there, like she knew he was going to need it. His last memory was putting it in his mouth and chewing before he passed out.

He couldn't remember how long he'd slept. He didn't dream, time itself seemed to stand still for who knew how long. When he finally awakened he was in his chambers at Wyvernston with Betsy and Ethan talking softly in the hallway outside his door. He thought he heard another voice, but he knew it couldn't be because she was gone. The voice was insistent on doing something, but he could not tell what it was from his groggy state and foggy minded haze. Slowly, he stood and walked to the window. The spring air had turned hot like summer. The green had somewhat faded to something more of a yellowish green. He smelled the fresh air and suddenly realized he was hungry. A hunger that would only be satisfied by meat. He walked to the door of his room and opened it.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

Zhaneth and his band of warriors took her through the ways between realms to where Vaelen was enjoying one of the natural gardens outside his home. Zhaneth inclined his head to his king and Vaelen greeted him as a brother, thanking him for bringing his granddaughter safely to him. After a few exchanged words, Zhaneth and his warriors withdrew, leaving Nikola alone with her grand sire. There was no need for guards in this place as it was deep within Vaelen’s territory. Nikola felt certain that even so, Zhaneth would have someone near to heed the call should Vaelen require their services.

“Hello, Grandfather,” she greeted the elven lord. King, if she understood correctly. It mattered little to her for although his blood ran in her veins, she was also human and as a human, she would never inherit his rule. King or not, he was her family and as far as she knew, he was the last known living member of her family on her mother’s side, aside from little Eva. She knew nothing about her father’s side, so essentially, Vaelen was her only living relative. She admired the garden and said as much. “This is a beautiful place. So peaceful,” she commented as she waited for him to speak.

He seemed to be examining her, looking inside her somehow, which made her a little uncomfortable, yet she felt nothing amiss through the bond they shared. At last, he smiled and greeted her.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Vaelen »

“Hello, Nikola Ballintyne. It is good to see you face to face. Come. Sit. Let us talk freely together, shall we?”

Vaelen reached out as if to usher her to a grassy space beneath a towering elm. He was gratified to see her smile and nod as she made her way to where he indicated and lowered herself to the grass, shifting until she was comfortable. He joined her once she was settled, his movements graceful and fluid. She seemed comfortable in his presence, more so than the last time she had come to this place, and he wondered if that had something to do with the bond that they shared. The creation of the bond had been a spontaneous and wholly unexpected event that had surprised even Vaelen. It bound them such that he was aware of any intense change in her mood, as she was aware of his. She had told him once that she could sometimes even sense where in her world he was whenever he chanced to enter the realm where she lived. He always knew where she was, and did not need for Zhaneth to tell him anymore. They were also able to reach out to each other through the bond, and that had become easier over time. He looked into her eyes, sapphire like his own, confident that she likely had knew why he had called for her.

“I think you have probably already guessed why I asked for you to come,” he began. “I saw much of the creature you told me about. Enough to know that you worried about my reaction. You probably already know that I would have researched him to learn more about the creature who seems to have won your heart.”
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

She nodded, a bit apprehensive as TK had made her aware of the long and bloody history between her people and his kind. She would choose him whether Vaelen approved or not, but it would mean the world to her to have his approval. He was the closest thing to a father she had, after all.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Vaelen »

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I understand, better than most here, how the heart can be drawn to a creature not of your own kind,” he said. “Of course, the difference between elves and humans is less than that between humans, elves and lycan. He is, at his core, a lycan. But he wears the form of an orc and, more recently, a human. I find that interesting.”
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

Nikola nodded, smiling warmly as her thoughts turned to TK. “The changes in form are apparently quite painful in the beginning but do get easier and less uncomfortable as he adapts to the new form,” she interjected and then looked into Vaelen’s eyes. “He chose to take on the human form in hopes that my family…this family might find him more acceptable. He has chosen me as I have chosen him. He knows how important my family is to me, and since you are all the family I have left, he understands how important it is to me for him to be accepted and even approved as my mate. He did explain to me the history between our peoples, so I understand that your people may never accept him. It would mean everything to me for you to accept him for who he is, regardless of what he is, but I will choose him no matter your decision. I do not see him as lycan, or orc or even human. I see him for who he is inside. He is a kind and noble creature, fiercely protective of his home and those he loves, funny and interesting and full of courage and valor. His love runs deep, and I am privileged to have been chosen to hold his heart for it is a good heart, one I do not feel worthy of, but he has given it freely. And I have given him mine.”

She watched for his reaction, but his face showed no hint of what he might be thinking and there was nothing she could sense through the bond except curiosity. He sat silently for a time; his eyes distant as if seeing a memory. When at last he turned his gaze back to her, he reached out to place his hand atop hers.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Vaelen »

He felt the need to touch her, skin to skin, to convey the truth and depth of his words and so he reached out a little awkwardly and covered her hand with his. “I understand, and can sense the truth in your words, as well the depth of the love you have for him. If the love he has for you is as yours is for him, then I dare not disallow this union.” He paused, calling to mind a face he had not seen in several human generations. “I never expected to love anyone, let alone a human girl, as deeply as I loved Niamh. Although her family tried to keep us apart, they could not sever the bond we shared. I would have taken her from them and brought her to this realm to live together in peace, but she could not bear to leave her human family. I loved her enough to honor that, although it pained me deeply. I watched over her, and those few occasions where she could slip away to be together were some of the most treasured of my life.”

His eyes took on a distant expression again before he closed them as if to shut out the memory. “I always knew I would outlive her, but I was not prepared for how my heart would break when she breathed her last. Human lives are so short. I have never loved another as I loved her, and so have never taken another mate. I consoled myself by keeping watch over her offspring. Our offspring. That has been as frustrating for me as it has been rewarding.” He gave her a thoughtful look before continuing. “You remind me of Niamh. You even share some of her features, and your spirit is strong and free, so much like hers. Yet I can see my blood in you, too. Not just in the power that has developed in you. I sense that you understand the world around you not just as a human perceives it, but as the elves do, too.” He sighed. “I know that Niamh would have loved you, even had she not known that you were her direct descendent.”
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

Nikola remained quiet, sensing that he was perhaps still talking himself through the decision, but she held on to his statement that he could not disallow the union. What that meant exactly, though, she was uncertain.
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