[ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She hadnt thought that she would cause alarm. She smiled up at him. My darling I am just fine. We, are just fine. She raised her wet hand and held it out to him as he sank near her. Take my hand... She guided his hand into the water at her side. Another kick. Do you feel that? she said, then looked up into his eyes. There was nothing that could remove her smile. Somehow feeling movement made the pregnancy feel real.

She felt another kick then, but not as strong, followed by one more. She laughed with delight. She rubbed her belly and smiled. Isn't it the most magical thing? She was looking at her abdomen in awe. That two could come together and create such a miracle. She looked up and a well of emotion was upon her face. Thank you. She said simply. Her heart had always wanted a family - their- family. She looked at him. She truly was the luckiest woman alive. She smiled again. She was so smitten with him, it was almost embarrassing. The fact that they had begun a journey together and that they were now finally here, to this moment, felt incredible.

Help me up? she asked then. As the water had begun to cool. She wished to get dressed and put things together for their supper later.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was relieved to find that Wyl and the baby were both fine. He let Wyl guide his hand to her belly and was caught off guard when the little one gave a good kick. Tuv laughed and smiled. He couldn't love Wyllow any more than he did right now. It was all becoming real to him. He knelt there for a bit taking it all in, kind of in a dream. He was brought back to the present when Wyl asked him to help her out of the tub. Gladly my love. He then helped her out of the tub and handed her a towel. Once she had dried off and wrapped the towel about her, he came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her so they were on her belly, and just stood there looking into the mirror. Tuv gently kissed her neck as he said "I am truly a lucky and blessed man. You have given me more than I could ever hope for. Tuv then ruffled Wyl's hair and made his way to the spare room, as he called out come and check things out when you are ready my love.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

An unsettled feeling came over her. It was an early morning, much earlier than she was used to getting up these days. But she dressed and collected a few things as quietly as possible. The moon shown brightly through the window and graced her beautiful husbands face with a gentle touch. She smiled, knowingly. He would be upset at her when he woke, but it couldnt be helped.

Out in the kitchen she filled her pack with essentials and food. She really didnt know how long she was going to be gone, but something told her this was important. She scribbled a note:
My beloved,

Please do not be angry. I am called away in something I must do. I will be headed towards Navy Island and that general area. I shall return as soon as possible. Do not worry. I will be fine.

All my love,
Standing back, she looked at the note. She wanted to say much more, but there was not space. She rubbed her belly without a thought at a generally firm kick. The babes would be here soon. She smiled knowingly. She wasnt afraid. She knew they would come early. She had dreamed about it many times and saw exactly where she needed to be.. she saw who she needed to be with and what would take place.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv had been out in the fields early in the morning with Jack checking on the progress of things and taking the horses for a good bit of exercise. He was still slightly on edge about the Red Claws but nothing had been manifested or seen of them in days. He knew Wyl was concerned about all of this as well, though she attempted to hide it from him.
About mid morning he returned home and found it empty. Tuv thought nothing of it at first as he fixed himself some tea. He figured Wyl had gone into town to check on things at the bakery. It was when he sat down that he noticed the letter from Wyl. He read it slowly taking it all in. He knew she had to work this out herself, and it was one thing they both admired about the other. The simple fact that they allowed the other the space and freedom to go off in pursuit of what they had to do. Tuv knew in his heart that she would return to him in due time. He also knew that Wyl was afraid that their child may have the traits of her heritage and that it might cause some issues with those not in the know.
Tuv finished his tea, placed the letter in his desk, and headed into town. He wanted to visit the Temple, say some prayers and light a candle for his wife and their unborn child. He knew that if anything was needed Wyl knew that the temple messaging system could reach him in no time. When he was done at the Temple, Tuv checked on things at the Town Hall before heading to the Prancing Pony to pull a shift behind the bar and keep his mind from wandering down a dark trail that would only lead to a long and restless evening.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

The little wagon bumped along the road as Bravia came into view. She was tired and worn out from the travel. It had taken a little longer than planned, but the morning sun was rising in the sky as they turned towards home. Just barely had it begun to light the sky. Luana did her best to navigate the better spots of the road where travel had been rough along the way, and she was thankful for that.

Just up there, Wyllow nodded. She turned to check on the babes. It had been a while since their last feeding and they would soon stir. Her heart warmed to look at their faces. They were snuggled tightly together in a bundle. Cozy and warm. As the wagon halted, Luana came and helped her down. As her feet touched the ground she felt a relief come over her. She was glad to be home. Luana, for her age, climbed into the bed of the wagon and handed down the large bundle. The babes, on cue, began to fuss lightly. She wondered at their timing. At last, they were home.

It hadn't been anticipated that the trip would take them through the night. But it was best that they took their time. She wondered how travel for them would be in the future. She loved travel. She would just learn how to adjust. So many things would be different, but families before them had learned how to adjust, and thus, she knew they would also.

It was early yet in the day. She looked towards the door and made her way towards it.....
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was up early this morning as he was getting ready to head out early to check the fields before heading into town to visit his shop and then stop by the Town Hall to take care of city buisiness. He was relaxing have some eggs, toast, and coffee when he noticed Rex perk up his ears and head towards the front door. Rex paused at the door then started wiggling with joy. Tuv got up to see what was happening and glanced out the window. He had to do a double take as he thought he saw Luna pulling a wagon with Wyl sitting in the seat. Tuv opened up the door and Rex bolted out the door. Tuv let him go and followed. It was then that he noticed indeed it was Wyl, returning from what she had to do. Tuv's heart swelled up as he realized how much he had missed his wife. Before he knew it he was running down the lane to greet his wife. When Wyl pulled the wagon to a halt, he helped her down and held her close to him. Welcome home my love. I pray that you were able to take care of what you needed to do. I've missed you my love and the feel of our child kicking me as we lay together. Go inside and put your feet up love. There is still tea in the kettle. I'll take care of Luna for you. Tuv then grabbed the reigns and began to lead Luna back to the stables. His plans for the day, now somewhat forgotten. He knew he needed to head into town, but he felt that could wait as his love had returned and he wished to be with her.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Having left his lord Tuv at the workshop, Jack headed home to gather things for their trip, and as instructed left the following note from his lord on the table:

Wyl my love,

Rumors of our old foe have reached my ears. It seems Marcus and the Red Claws are working south again. There are also reports that a ship, possibly associated with them, named the Black Moon, is raiding the waters north of North Staunchville. Jack and myself are headed towards Cork and possibly Widu, under the guise of a trade mission, to scout things out and see if any of this is true. I shall return within a fortnight. Be at peace my love and take special care of what the Mages have given to us. Yes i know, the Ancient, Luana found me camped on the Cork Road and told me of things and also told me that I must face an ancient enemy. I shall return to you soon. Destiny is all.


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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »


Life had played out strangely and in the last while, they had become estranged with the constant coming and goings. It was strange how the pair were pulled in separate directions for a time. To Wyllow, they felt like ships in the night, passing each other unbeknownst to them. And a little bit of lonesomeness crept into her heart. There were letter exchanges, but that was slow going and often late. She missed her husband, but she knew that there was business at hand that needed dealing with, not just for herself, but for her husband as well.

She looked down at the bundles of Joy that were her babes. It suddenly dawned on her that it was time to have their naming ceremony. It was the first thing she wanted when finally both her husband and her, were finally in the same room longer than 5 minutes. She chuckled to herself at the thought and warmed a little. It was hard being away from him as much as she had. The boys were growing, and it was time that they finally let the world around them be for a moment. She had known that it would be difficult having a child, let alone two babes. But she couldn't help the smile on her face. She hummed softly as the infants coo'd.

A recent letter in her hand she made preparations.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv had rushed to the front door as he and Jack saw the smoke rising from the chimney. As he opened the door he saw Wyl's form with her back to him. He quickly ran to her and wrapped his arms around her saying, it has been too long my love.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She smiled feeling his heartbeat at her back. Turning in his arms she smiled up at him and hugged him, not wanting to let go. He felt warm and safe. She closed her eyes for a moment, then finally spoke. Im so glad you are here. She reveled in his arms for a few moments more then stepped back.

My darling, it is time we gave these babes names. She turned back to the two little boys and began to finish attending to them. Never in her life had she felt like she did now. As if her life was no longer her own. She smiled and caressed a cheek. Aren't they so beautiful? She said not turning to look at Tuvoria. Her smile wide. She still couldnt believe that they had created such miracles.

Settling with the babes in the sitting area, she got comfortable as she lay one on her lap and the other she held to her shoulder. She could take in her husband this way.

How about we have a small luncheon her.. and I can send out an invitation to the family to stop by to see the babes? Doesnt have to be anything too elaborate. And we can share at that time what they shall be named. Im happy with something simple here. Unless you have something else in mind? Do we need someone official? Her brows went up in a look of question. She had no idea how things like this worked.
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