[ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

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Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Genova »

Genova overhead Nonofo and balerion talking about something. "Have you found any clue?" She asked and looked down at the direction of what balerion seemed to be looking at. "You found one!" she exclaimed happily.

Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Nonofo »

With a curious little smile, Nonofo placed her fairly tiny foot next to the print. She looked at how hers measured up to it and tilted her head, hoping it would narrow down whether the footprint more likely belonged to a man, woman, or child. "What do you two think?" She asked her companions as she pointed to where her toes were in relation to the tip of the shoe print. "If we assume that the size of my foot is typical of a human woman, we could determine whether it was a man, woman, or child who left this. Of course, I realize that does not truly account for larger or smaller species than a human, but....but maybe the width of the print?"

Nonofo shifted slightly to very delicately put her foot inside the shoe print. Perhaps this way they would be able to determine whether the foot was wide or narrow, long or short, or even come up with another characteristic to notice. She felt almost as though she were tracking a wild animal for the hunt and she felt a calmness within her. It was natural to her. But, at the same time, it was exhilarating to her to solve such a mystery.
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Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Dwayberry »

Dwayberry had almost forgotten she had planned to help Genova find her secret admirer. She jumped of the cart that had provided her a lift to Widu and ran to Genova's house.
When she arrived, the first thing she noticed was Genova, Balerion and Nonofo bent over what must be something terribly interesting. Perhaps they found the secret admirer already, and Genova - or, who knows, Locien? - had knocked him out with her frying pan? She quickly joined the small group and pushed them aside, gently of course, to be able to see.
A look of disappointment crossed her face when she saw the shoe print.

"Oh... it's only a shoe print.", she said. "Curious though, just one shoe print. What happened to the rest? Should there not be some sort of trail?" She scratched her head, narrowed her eyes and thought.
"One would assume that shoe print belongs to a creature wearing shoes. However, as it is just one random shoe print, perhaps it was places there on purpose? Maybe the true secret admirer is trying to blame someone else? Or perhaps it was a weaver, carrying a newly made pair of shoes, and dropping one?"
"It's alright, you wouldn't be the same if you were nice."

Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Genova »

Genova nodded and absorbed everything that they said. "Interesting inferences that you've all given. I wonder if we know who my secret admirer is." She scratched her head. She thought for a moment and wondered if it might even be possible that it was Locien. But she knew that her husband would have added a cookie or some bread together with the rose as her husband knew how much she loved food.

Not far from their house, something was on the ground:


Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Genova »

Is Genova's admirer:

a. a dragon-like creature
b. an orc-like creature
c. a human-like creature
d. a fish-like creature

Post here your answer (in an RP form) in order to be qualified to move on to the next round.

Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Nonofo »

Dwayberry's mind worked in ways that Nonofo had not yet considered. She listened with her full attention and nodded occasionally, as Dwayberry brought up a new point. She attempted to interject a couple of times, but the woman spoke so quickly and seemed to be so excited, that Nonofo simply let her continue as she would. After she was finished, Genova acknowledged their deductions.

"Forgive me for disagreeing with you, Lady Dwayberry, but I still believe this soul is human-like in nature. It seems more logical to me that he or she stepped in softer ground with one foot--as if, perhaps, Lady Genova had recently watered the ground here--than to believe her secret admirer came bearing shoes but did not leave any behind. I believe you could very well be correct, but my experience tells me that, quite often, the most obvious answer is the right one, even when it might be harder to believe."

As she realized she was beginning to speak too much, Nonofo smiled and shrugged. She had been wrong many times before, but had always followed her instincts and had never been disappointed in whatever lay in her path through life.
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Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by balerion »

I agree with Nonofo in that I also still believe that the secret admirer never intended to leave any evidence behind so there is no reason for a clue to be misleading.

Balerion walked around the house more when suddenly he stopped. Aha! I found another clue! Examining it Balerion finds crumbs from what had been some sort of bread, pastry, or cookie. It was hard to tell as the rest of it had already been eaten. This only goes more to confirm what I have thought this entire time. The admirer must be a human of some sort. Who else would have left crumbs like that? If it were a dragon any crumbs, were there any at all, would have been blackened. Orcs rarely like to eat food other than meat so that possibility is out. And any fishy thing would have horrible difficulty in baking. It must be a human.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Genova »

The correct answer is:

c. a human-like creature

Nonofo and balerion moves on to the next round!
Mud smudges were found on the rocks near Genova's house. No one claimed to have seen anyone but the smudges looked fresh. Was the secret admirer a visitor of the town or a resident of the town?---No one knows.

Is Genova's secret admirer:

a. from Widu; or
b. a visitor of Widu?

Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Nonofo »

"If there is a shoe print as a clue, then perhaps there are more clues!" Nonofo was excited to continue this new version of a hunt. She began studying the ground. Her eyes were normally very sharp, though probably not as sharp as a dragon's, and she was certain she would see something. Not far from the print, she saw a trail of crumbs and tilted her head. She wasn't sure if that was left over from some animal or if it was a clue, but she decided to keep it in mind.

Continuing on, she saw rocks which were marked with mud. Looking back at the shoe print and then to the rocks again, she nodded. "It seems they came over here to wipe their dirty feet. I think."

This was not making much sense to her at the moment and she paused as she considered what it could all mean.

Re: [ORP] Genova's Secret Admirer ---A Mystery Game

Post by Genova »

Since only Nonofo was left in the game, then Nonofo is declared as the winner!

Nonofo will receive 100f + 10 pcs of steak/20 cps of fried chicken legs.

Please get hold of Genova in order to claim your prize.

Congratulations, Nonofo! :)
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