Towne Festival

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Towne Festival

Post by balerion »

Well the votes are in and the Polar Bear Plunge won! Of course the idea of a dance came in close second so we may as well have both. After brave souls of Bravia dive into the icy lake they can warm themselves in a great pavilion by dancing to their hearts content. Plenty of hot food and drinks will be provided.



Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Towne Festival

Post by Othniel »

Hearing of the celebration, Othniel made his way to the pavilion by the lake. Few people had yet arrived, and he only knew Balerion anyway, nodding a greeting to the dragon. "Well, I guess I'll go first then!" A loud whoop, and a shout of "CANNONBALL!" later, Othniel ran off the end of the dock and plunged into the lake.


The cold was shocking, nearly causing him to gasp before he broke the surface. His breath fogged the air as he came ashore, water streaming down his body before he shook himself dry. "Well, that was refreshing."
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Re: Towne Festival

Post by balerion »

Balerion thought this was the silliest idea ever but he closed his eyes and walked onto the ice. Crack! It fractured and then broke beneath his weight. Down into the icy waters he went. Quickly he resurfaced utterly freezing. He flapped his wings before the water could freeze on them and started a huge fire to dry himself out. Why this was popular was somewhat beyond him. But he could hardly encourage anyone else to jump if he didn't himself.

Good Pillow that was cold Othniel! Whose idea was this???
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Towne Festival

Post by Sokanon »

Akos would go and chicken out wouldn't she. Sokanon shook her head ruefully as she looked out over the icy shores and at the shivering forms of the men who had taken the plunge before her. What an absurd ritual to have to take part in. Serendipity should have offered, given she was immortal, just about any other one of her immediate family could have volunteered, but no, here she stood, the only mortal one of the lot of them ready to plunge into the icy depth.

Of course, potential death had never deterred her from feats of utter stupidity before and despite her disappointment at her twin sister not being at her side, a wry grin spread across her face as she stripped herself bare. Not waiting longer than she absolutely had to, Soka took a deep steadying breath and ran at full speed to the lake's edge, a warrior's cry erupting from her body as she hurled herself into the water.

Cold!! Her mind screamed at her even as she felt her extremities start to numb. Soka made hastily made her way to shore, and wrapped herself with the warm fur cloak she had remembered at the last moment to bring with her. Teeth chattering she left her clothes where they lay and made her way towards the fire the dragon had started for warmth.

Re: Towne Festival

Post by Othniel »

He chuckled at Balerion, about to reply that the dragon had presented the idea when suddenly...Well, what have we here? wondered the now-dry Othniel as he wrapped a kilt around his waist. The woman caught his eye almost immediately as she approached the shore, and he couldn't help but grin as he took in her form. A brave lass, and a looker to boot. Wait, wasn't that his cousin's wife? Yet Aishe wasn't here. He shrugged and grabbed a few barbequed ribs and putting them on a plate. Gnawing on one, he made his way over to the fire and casually offered the plate. "Care for a rib, Akos? The spice in the sauce should warm you up quickly."
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Re: Towne Festival

Post by Texas_Knight »

TK was new in town and smelled food.. He wondered where it was coming from and found his way to the ocean. The smell of the food was lingering in the air, but everything looked deserted. He shrugged and started back to town, disappointed that he would have to hunt to find his meat tonight.
Viscount of Northwood and Royal Guard
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