[OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

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[OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by BellaVampyre »

Dark, blood red eyes, open as the crew of the ship rustles about, preparing the ship to dock in the small town of Cork, Bravia. A pale ivory skinned woman sits up in the four post bed and pulls the sheer black curtain to the side. She sets her feet down on the cool wooden floor. It feels almost damp from the sea salt water. She shivers and pulls her maroon house coat over her body, attempting to get some warmth from it. She walks over to the vanity and begins to brush her midnight black butt length straight hair, leaving it to cascade down her back. Her eyes as red as blood, and she knew she needed to feed once more before going top side.

The lady stands and walks, nearly floating, towards the table where the silver flask sat with a bottle of wine and a glass. She pours a small amount of the flask into the glass and follows it with the wine. She stirs it with a finger, before taking a long drink. The warmth of the blood tasting sweet and innocent as it slides down her throat. Her eyes change to a lighter color, making them not look so intimidating. The crew would be happy to see that she was not as blood thirsty as she was halfway through the long trip. The lady smiles and walks over to the wardrobe and pulls out a simple dress.
She smiles as she looks at herself in the dress. She feels better and happier. Especially since she would be on land soon. The lady looks up as one of the crew members come to her door.

"Mi'lady, we have docked and ye are free to go on land." The young man said. The lady smiled at him and picked up her flask, putting it away.

"That is good. You will take my bags and things to my new house. If anyone is to bother you just tell them that you are working for Miss. Vampyre and they should leave you be." The young man nodded and bowed out. Bella grabbed one of her bags that held her parchment and flask and walked up to the dock. She was glad to see that everyone was busy about getting everything unloaded. Most of the things were her's and would be going to the small house her caretaker had found for her.
It did not take Bella long before she found her new home. She was happy with what her caretaker had picked, but it was a little small for everything she needed to be done. However there was a great piece of land that came with the house and in time her custom manor would be built on the property. This house would go to the servants that cared for it, which would give them great initiative to keep it in excellent condition.

Bella walked up onto the porch and through the front door. The house would be perfect for now. It had a basement for all the wine that would be imported and an attic for all the cases of blood she would be receiving from the blood bank once she got established here and all the vampires come to her for their hunting needs. She would have everything. Even the other creatures could come to her for anything they needed. She hoped to open a Potions shop. She could open it in the parlor or the sun room. Bella would be happy for now.

The servants were about preparing the house, getting things in place the way they knew Bella liked her homes. She stopped one of them as they went rushing by.

"Slow down, we are not in a hurry. However I have a shipment of blood coming in and I need that attic prepared before tonight. Please attend to it now. Get the men to get the building done." The woman nodded and rushed off to gather a few men to get started on the attic. Bella walked out to the back yard and sighed in content. This was going to be the perfect place for a Vampyre.
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Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by Victorious »

Victorious had met another vampire in the tavern last night and the feelings she got from her was uncomfortable to say the least. She didn't make herself known that she was a vampire at first but Vic sensed something about her that was familiar to her and realized she was a vampire also. Once she knew what she was Victorious had a rush of emotions run through her. She became paranoid, protective and very tense.

Victorious was known as a predator now that she was a vampire but in her heart she struggled with that fact. It was something she was coming to terms with but she had a long way to go and she couldn't let this vampire know her weakness and she prayed Usha didn't surface while she was around this one. She had to practice control and make sure she kept Usha deep within her. She was not sure about this vampire and she had to keep her guard up.

In the tavern she spoke to her about getting human blood. Human blood was the most nourishing but one she tried everything she had within her to stay away from and because of this it caused her great pain. The headaches she gets from denying her true self were so painful but she couldn't succumb to her dark side. She loved people, being turned didn't stop that. It actually made it more intense. It actually made her more protective of her friends. Maybe that was what she was feeling when she entered the tavern with the vampire. Scarlet meant the world to her and her protective instinct kicked in big time. Of course she knew Scarlet could take care of herself and Rieron would of course do anything in his power to protect his wife but that didn't stop the feelings that welled up in her.

Bella had sensed her struggle when the smell of blood was affecting Vic. She had walked over to her in the tavern and just her presence made Victorious stiffen but she tried her best to not make it known. Luckily for some reason Bella just wanted to offer her flask to help with the blood frenzy she was feeling. Victorious thanked her but then Bella showed her true self which Vic was not surprised of. Vic was used to people being unpleasant around her and Bella's reaction was no different when she handed her the flask back. She then told her that she could get her a supply of human blood. As Victorious used her senses to see if Bella had an ulterior motive but so far she didn't sense one but Vic would be prepared when she went to her home.

She decided she would not take her carriage. Being a Princess, she always had people around her for protection but tonight she would go by herself and use her vampire abilities. She would travel back to Cork, a place she always would call home. No matter how many times she tried to run from her home, it always called her back. So she waited until the children and her wife were sound asleep and she snuck out of the Manor quietly as to not awake them but made sure Lily knew to keep watch over her family while she was out for the night. She was wearing her nightly attire, black leather pants with a blank top and a black leather jacket. She had both her daggers strapped to her belt. Her long brown hair was pinned back so that it didn't get in the way of her traveling in the night.

It was a nice evening. The moon was bright and lit up the night sky. She raced from tree to tree smiling as the breeze brushed against her cheeks. She was afraid of the night but she slowly was getting acclimated to it. A friend gave her a new perspective and she was coming to terms with it. She couldn't be afraid of her darker self anymore otherwise it would slowly take hold of her and she wouldn't be able to get herself back. This was the reason she couldn't kill a human for the sake of her hunger because she knew deep inside she would let Usha take control and Victorious would never be the same again for Usha was a complete opposite of Victorious. She didn't care for human life and she would do whatever she wanted to for the taste of human blood and if that meant killing her food she wouldn't hesitate no matter how much they begged. This is the reason she tried so hard everyday to control Usha. Keeping her at bay was hard work but it was well worth it than the alternative.

She looked at the paper that Bella gave her to make sure she had the right house and then back at the house's mailbox. It was definitely the right house and fitting of a vampire. She looked around for any life in the area but it was very late and was sure many were in there homes asleep. She jumped down hard on the ground from the high tree. She held on to the hilt of her dagger ready to protect herself if needed. Victorious had become very paranoid lately but didn't know the cause of this new feeling.

She walked across the street in front of the house and then slowly walked up the steps.
Last edited by Victorious on Fri May 03, 2013 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by BellaVampyre »

Bella had been preparing her house and getting the attic ready for the order she would be receiving that evening. Another vampire would be showing up in just a few hours to pick up a case to last her a month, but of course Bella would have more if the poor half-ling needed more. She had met the girl in the tavern the other night and knew the pain she was going through. Every vampire had pain if they refused to feed, and Bella being who she is, could not allow another vampire to suffer the way she was.

Bella looked up at the time and knew that the girl would be arriving any moment now. She waved her hand to one of the night servants, signalling him to go get a case of blood for the girl. She had another servant set out a dark bottle and pour the contents of the bottle into two wine glasses. Bella would not allow the girl to leave her house hungry.

Bella had the feeling that this girl was cautious of her, and well she should be. Even though Bella had plans for her home, and wanted to do business with the locals, she was not the nicest of people. She had a high standard for herself, and expected a lot from people.

It was not long before Bella sensed the half-ling near her home, and before the girl could even make it up the steps, Bella was standing at the door with it open.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Bella said as the girl made it to the porch. "Victorious right? Come on in and let us drink while Atavio gets the case for you."

Bella stepped back into her home, and showed Victorious to the living room where the wine glasses awaited them.

"Oh. And you may put that dagger away. Even though I am a cold-hearted bitch I am not here to hurt anyone. Especially a vampire." Bella motioned for Vic to sit across from her in the chair, and she picked up a glass, taking a sip. "Tell me what you know of our kind."
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Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by Victorious »

As Victorious looked up to reach the vampire's door, she jumped back a few startled to see she had been waiting for her. She thought to herself, "Her senses are very keen." She was a ball of nerves but she forced a smile to form on her lips.

As she followed the vampire, her eyes were focused in all areas of her home. She was intrigued of the old building and its aura was creepy. The hairs felt like they were standing up on her skin. She thought
, "This is a different kind of vampire." She still felt uneasy but she didn't want her to know it.

As she remembered her name, she smiled slightly
. "Yes Victorious is my name but I don't know yours." She took a seat across from her and studied her. She could feel she was different and it wasn't her attitude. It was a strong sense she was getting only time would tell if she would figure it out.

She couldn't help but smile when she told her to relax with her dagger so she let go of it and let it rest in its sheath. As she relaxed a bit in the chair, she brought the glass up to her nose and took a whiff. Satisfied that it was safe to drink, she took a sip and set the glass down on the table
. "Well a lot of the vampires I know are turned but you are different. There is something about you that I haven't figured out yet."
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Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by BellaVampyre »

Bella watches Victorious as she takes a seat across from her, and sniffs the blood. It would make her relax a little more and feel much better about things. Bella was not here to cause harm to anyone, unless they gave her probable cause to do so. She listened as Victorious told her that she knew lots of vampire, but they were turned. She shook her head as that was not what she had asked for.

"Not what I asked you, but I will oblige you and give you a little information about me." She stated as she sat her glass down and sat up a little more. "My name is Bella of the Vampyre family. I am a purebred, meaning a I am a little bit harder to kill. There are certain things I have to drink or eat in order to keep up my strength. Which is why I run the business that I do. Now please tell me what you know of our kind, and I will fill in the blank spots." She said as she picked her glass back up and took a sip.
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Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by Victorious »

Taking a sip from the glass, she smiled at Bella. "I see you like to get right to it. Now you want to know about our kind in these lands." She relaxes in her seat drinking more of the liquid from her glass. "I'm really not sure what you want to know Bella. I know some creatures are more nourishing than others and some are out right poisonous to our very survival. Maybe you can be more specific."
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by BellaVampyre »

Bella laughed softly. How much plainer could she make it. "Some cannot survive on human blood. They must drink other creatures and hunt. Some cannot go out during the day. Some cannot be out at night. Some the moon makes them powerful. Some the sun strengthens them." She stated as she took another sip from her glass. "What type are you?"
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Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by Victorious »

BellaVampyre wrote:Bella laughed softly. How much plainer could she make it. "Some cannot survive on human blood. They must drink other creatures and hunt. Some cannot go out during the day. Some cannot be out at night. Some the moon makes them powerful. Some the sun strengthens them." She stated as she took another sip from her glass. "What type are you?"
Victorious tilted her head feeling embarrassed she didn't understand what Bella was looking for. A spark finally went off in her head when she understood what Bella was asking. "Please forgive me my brain wasn't working all to well." She took another sip from the glass enjoying the blood wine. It was quite good and she could get used to this. "Well because of my mage blood I am able to be in the sun. Human blood is most nourishing but because I don't like to hurt anyone I hunt and live off of animal blood but it is not very filling which is why I'm very thin. I only started hunting animals recently. I was denying my natural instinct of hunting my prey in which caused me great pain. It's a little better now that the spilling of blood doesn't happen as often in the tavern as it used to.

So...would you be willing to tell me what a purebreed means exactly does it mean you were born a vampire
? She took another sip examining her more closely.
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Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by BellaVampyre »

Bella listened as she told her what type she was. She was satisfied with the answer she was given. Bella sat back in her chair, drinking her blood wine and looked out the window where the moon was shinning bright through. She smiled warmly and nodded to Victorious. "Yes. I was born this way. My father and mother were both vampires, purebreds as well. Though there are very few around anymore." She said sadly. "Which means, for me, that I will not be able to keep the purebred line, nor will my children. They will end up having human, or whatever creature's blood in them." She said as she poured them more wine. "It is sad, as I was raised as a purebred, and was taught to hate the lessers. Halflings, as we call your type. The type that must be bitten to be turned."

Bella looked down, nursing her glass. "I mean nothing by it. I am different from other purebreds in a way. Purebreds would have never offered blood to you. They would show no mercy. No compassion."
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Re: [OPEN] A Home Fit For A Vampire

Post by Victorious »

Victorious looked at her as she listened to her, "Well yes I have never met a pure breed before so unfortunately you probably are correct about be the last of your kind but you never know what the future will hold." She drank more of the blood wine and then raised her eyebrow, "If this is true then why did you show compassion, Bella? Either way I would have gotten by like I always do. From what I know of you already, compassion is not something that seems the norm for you."
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|
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