VR Level Assistance Program

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VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Zuan »

Levelling Grants

All Fenians who require a levelling Grant may ask for one and will be awarded one if the Monarch agrees to it. You will be required to have completed the following requirements :

Level 2 Requirements
- 25 Social Points
- 25 Worker Points
- 1000 Freznics 550 Freznics Needed (The VR Will grant you a maximum of 450)
- 100 in Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, and Dexterity
- Clothing: Torso and Legs covered
- Basics of Level 2 Tutorial
Monarch's Requirement: Must have been a Fenian citizen for 7 days - Must remain a Fenian citizen for 90 days after application

Level 3 Requirements
- 100 Social Points
- 100 Worker Points
- 3000 Freznics 1750 Freznics Needed (The VR Will grant you a Maximum of 1250)
- At least 250 in Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, and Dexterity
- 500 in Strength (Army Way), 500 in Charisma (State Way), or 500 in Intelligence (Priest/Sorcerer Way)
- Clothing: Torso, Legs, Head, Feet. and Belt covered
- Basics of Level 3 Tutorial
Monarch's Requirement: Must have been a Fenian citizen for 30 days - Must remain a Fenian citizen for 150 days after application

Level 4 Requirements
- 250 Social Points
- 250 Worker Points
- 5000 Freznics 3750 Freznics Needed (The VR Will grant you a Maximum of 1250)
- 500 Intelligence, Charisma, Strength, and Dexterity
- Mastered Level 3 Way
- Clothing on Head, Torso, Belt, Legs, Feet and Weapon
- Basics of Level 4 Tutorial Completed
Monarch's Requirement: Must have been a Fenian citizen for 60 days - Must remain a Fenian citizen for 200 days after application

Application Form
Name :
Town (Imperius/Fenia City) :
Level up grant required (2/3/4) :
Current Freznics (0-5000) :
Current Social Points (0-250) :
Current Worker Points (0-250) :
Required Stats Achieved (Yes/No) :
Required Tutorials and Way Mastery* Completed (Yes/No) :
Required Clothing on (Yes/No) :
Monarch's Requirement Fulfiled (Yes/No) :
Any other comments:

*Level 4 Only
Last edited by Zuan on Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:53 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Aingeal »

Aingeal fills out an application, hoping to get some assistance with filing her new paper work. She fills out the paper and leaves it for the King.
Name : Aingeal
Town (Imperius/Fenia City) : Imperius
Level up grant required (2/3) : 4
Current Freznics (0-3000) : 2500
Current Social Points (0-100) : 257
Current Worker Points (0-100) : 400
Required Stats Achieved (Yes/No) : Yes
Required Tutorials Completed (Yes/No) : Yes
Required Clothing on (Yes/No) : Yes
Monarch's Requirement Fulfiled (Yes/No) :Yes
Any other comments: I hope to apply for the grant so that I may level. I have half the money but not all. Any and all assistance would be appreicated.

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Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Ambrosia »

Name : Ambra
Town (Imperius/Fenia City) : Imperius
Level up grant required (2/3/4) :2
Current Freznics (0-5000) :576.21
Current Social Points (0-250) :65
Current Worker Points (0-250) :44
Required Stats Achieved (Yes/No) :Yes
Required Tutorials and Way Mastery* Completed (Yes/No) :Yes
Required Clothing on (Yes/No) :Yes
Monarch's Requirement Fulfiled (Yes/No) : Yes
Any other comments:

Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Ciphas »

Name : Ciphas
Town (Imperius/Fenia City) : Fenia
Level up grant required (2/3/4) :3
Current Freznics (0-5000) :5000f
Current Social Points (0-250) :270
Current Worker Points (0-250) :153
Required Stats Achieved (Yes/No) :Yes
Required Tutorials and Way Master* Completed (Yes/No) :Yes
Required Clothing on (Yes/No) :Yes
Monarch's Requirement Fulfiled (Yes/No) : Yes
Any other comments:

I have the money i just what to know if i get some money returned from the tax that will be payed .

Also i am curios if this money will go to the Town Hall - i ask this because in that case i would like to go and level in my home town ( fenia ).

Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Mazork »

A part of it does go to the TH.
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Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by balerion »

Fairly certain it makes it to your TH no matter where you level.
Shaker of Castles
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Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Nocturne »

Nocturne went digging through the old paperwork while he was on the road. There had been tel of a VR leveling assistance program, and he figured it would behoove him to have it prepared for when he returned to Fenia, and send a shadow pigeon to carry it to Morghain so that she could be prepared for his return. Pulling out the form, he copied it and inscribed the missing information with a shadowy ink.
Name : Nocturne
Town (Imperius/Fenia City) : Fenia City
Level up grant required (2/3/4) : 2
Current Freznics (0-5000) : 827F
Current Social Points (0-250) : 76
Current Worker Points (0-250) : 29
Required Stats Achieved (Yes/No) : Yes
Required Tutorials and Way Mastery* Completed (Yes/No) : Yes
Required Clothing on (Yes/No) : No (Order placed with anne for pickup upon return to Fenia in two days)
Monarch's Requirement Fulfiled (Yes/No) : Yes
Any other comments: If all 30 of my plucked chickens are sold before I end up making it to the wonderful home city of Fenia, I think I may end up not needing the grant. However, this is more so to help people be aware that this program does exist and is encouraged. Also, in the events the chickens haven't moved, then, well, obviously I'll have the paperwork on file.
Seeing things complete to his satisfaction, he rolls the parchment, sealing with shadows, and sends it off to Morghain. "Fly well, friend."

Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Morghain »

She looks up as a small bird lands on the window sill beside her. She can see the small messenger tube attached to its leg so curious, gets up to get it. The bird shuffles nervously, perhaps sensing what she is. It does not fly away though as she reaches out to take the message. She reads it and nods, she would hold off acting on the request for now. She pauses a moment then takes a small piece of parchment and quickly pens a return reply, presuming the bird would be able to find its way back to the person that sent it.

"I received your missive. I will hold off acting on it until you confirm your need."~Morghain

Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Camelia »

With respect, I wish to request a grant to permit me to further advance my skills in the service of the King.
Name : Camelia Grimstad
Town (Imperius/Fenia City) : Fenia City
Level up grant required (2/3/4) : 2
Current Freznics (0-5000) : Currently 574.61, 606 at least anticipated by the time my stats are complete on Saturday
Current Social Points (0-250) : 36
Current Worker Points (0-250) : 24, with 25 as of tomorrow
Required Stats Achieved (Yes/No) : No, stats are currently 96C, 94S, 95I, 111D, with all goods necessary already possessed to complete stats on Saturday.
Required Tutorials and Way Mastery* Completed (Yes/No) : Yes
Required Clothing on (Yes/No) : Yes
Monarch's Requirement Fulfiled (Yes/No) : Yes
Any other comments:

Re: VR Level Assistance Program

Post by Camelia »

Camelia penned a quick addendum to her application and added the note to the original paperwork.
According to the Viceregal Scribe, I have met all the requirements for level two save one: I lack 369.56 Freznics. I continue to work toward saving this sum while I await a response on my application for leveling assistance.

Camelia Grimstad