A new adventure..

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A new adventure..

Post by Wyllow »

Life had taken a turn for the better for once in her life.. actually, that wasn't a fair statement. It had been going very well for a good long while now. She beamed as they entered the town of Paz. She had never been here before, but she was eager to see Gawain again. She glanced at Tuvoria, her hand in his and smiled.

It was a well needed adventure they had begun, yet it was something that she had wished for, for such a long time. Her heart warmed when she thought of him. But there were other reasons why this trip had its perfect timing. She had grown restless lately. Even Tuv didn't know the worries that plagued her mind at times, and in a way she didn't feel guilty about that. She believed she understood how he felt about politicking, and she was close to feeling the same way.

Recently it had weighed more heavily on her.. however, she wouldn't let it invade their adventure. This adventure. Nothing would take away the happiness she felt being able to just think of them, rather than outside interferences. This was the time for them and she was determined to make the very best of it.

Their trip had gone smoothly. They had taken their time.. she even got in a hunt one night.. and it had turned out quite profitable. So much so, that she planned on checking out a new weapon of choice. A bow. She was quite excited about it. She had heard about them and even glanced a few here and there, but.. never had she held one of her own. She also knew that it would take her a while to be able to train on it.

Weapons and such were not anything that she really talked with Tuvoria about.. and she nearly wondered why. Weapons weren't really her first choice when it came to hunting, there was a darker kind of hunt that she usually participated, but hunt for game could be interesting, she decided, while thinking on it. Squeezing his hand she glanced at him once more. She wondered if he even had even a small clue as to the kinds of strange thoughts she occasionally had.. and if he knew, would he think differently of her? Immediately she dismissed the last. He loved her. She knew that, through and through.

And that was enough. She couldn't have found someone more special to have fallen in love with. Nothing could ever take that from her.

'Well, we made it!' She grinned as they entered the town. There was a scent in the air that was different, and she lifted her face to the sky to take in the scent. The sea... How far away, it was hard to tell.
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria smiled as they approached Paz. It would be good to see his cousin Gawain again, but more so for the reasons that they were here. He had wanted to come here anyway, but coming here with Wyllow was beyond his wildest dreams. The Mages had brought him to Widu and in doing so he had found Wyllow and for once in his life he was fully at peace with himself, nature, and life in general. He still found it hard to believe that a woman like Wyllow could make him feel this alive. Putting her hand into his he looked up with pride when Wyllow spoke. Giving her a gentle kiss he replied.

"Indeed Wyllow my love we have made it. I could not have asked for a more beautiful and loving person to share my life with. How about we see if we can find the Cathedral to see if Gawain is there. If he isn't maybe someone could give us directions to his place. Or my love, would you like to find a place to get cleaned up and to grab a bite to eat first?"

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Wyllow »

She smiled at the tenderness he showed. 'Yes.. I think a bite to eat and a place to freshen up a bit might be best first. Though I can not wait to explore this town.' She said as they walked on. It was obvious that Paz was a much bigger and busier place than their hometown.

People went along doing their business as the reached the heart of the town. Her eyes widened at the market as they passed it. Lately, she had become fascinated by markets. It was as if they had a life of their own. And to think so long ago she would have avoided places like that as if it held certain death for her. They passed many shops and buildings, most likely businesses of some sort before an Inn presented its self.

'What about this place?' She wasn't sure where they would stay during their time in Paz.. She wasn't even sure if Gawain had known they were here. She gave a grin at how spontaneous the trip had been. At any rate it looked like a place to get something warm into their stomachs.
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

Looking up at the place that Wyllow indicated, Tuvoria thought that indeed it would be a fine place to get something to eat and the grime and dust of the road off thier bodies.

"I think this place will do my love. Let's go in and get a room. I will let you get cleaned up first and while you are doing that I will see if I can find some sort of page that can take a message to the Cathedral to let Gawain know we are here."

Entering into the establishment, Tuvoria quickly arranges for a room and to have two tubs of bath water drawn for them. He then gathers their belongings and escorts Wyllow up the stairs to the room they have acquired. When they get to the room, Tuvoria sets their belongings down outside and picks up Wyllow in his arms.

"This could very well be our bridal sweet Wyllow my love. Therefore let me carry you across."

Tuvoria then carries Wyllow into the room and gently lays her down on the bed before retrieving their belongings and bringing them back into the room. Kissing Wyllow gently he smiles as he says:

" I will run down stairs and see about getting word to Gawain so you can get cleaned up in modesty. Then I will get cleaned up. Do you want to eat in the main room down stairs or should I see about having something sent up my love? I want to protect your virtues until we are officially married, so I leave it up to you, unless you have other plans."

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Wyllow »

She smiled and nodded enthusiastically as he stated plans, then moved with him to enter the establishment. It was the first time she had really observed him taking charge and she rather liked the way he was so doting. It wasn't uncharacteristic of him. For as long as she had known him now.. he had always been thoughtful towards her. Kind and .. just all around loving. There lives were meant to intertwine on so very many levels. And it was with caring eyes that she watched him.

She had always thought him handsome.. beautiful even. But he moved with such grace that was only him being himself. She smiled to herself and they soon moved towards their room. It was easy to see she was deeply in love with the man at her side.

At their room, when he halted, she looked at him quizzically, wondering what he was doing, but it was then explained. She let out a laugh that resembled a schoolgirls giggle when he lifted her into his arms. Easily she held to his shoulders, still admiring him. His handling of her was gentle and confident. Reluctantly she released her hold on him as she settled at the edge of the bed. It was then that she blushed and tried to make herself look busy looking at her clothing she wore. The dirt of the road had collected, that was true enough.

When he came back in, she looked up at him, her eyes and smile only for him and his kiss was as if it was their first. She blushed for a second time. Ever the gentleman. 'Thank you, my love.' Her thanks was for so many things. Things that didn't need stating. She got to her feet then. 'I think a meal down stairs would be lovely.' She clasped her hands together in excitement as a thought came to her. 'I.. I wonder.. ' She then shook her head as it was working at lightening speed.. things of all kinds of thoughts going through it. She laughed then, and placed a palm upon his chest. 'Yes.. yes, I best make myself presentable.' Leaning forwards and she kissed his cheek. 'I will see you in about twenty minutes.'

She moved from him then.. to look in her pack, because if she hadn't she wouldn't be certain that she could if she stayed close to him much longer. They were here to be wed.. well, ..to be baptized, then wed. They had become friends, then fallen in love with each other by means that were unexplainable.. other than there had been some invisible plan neither one of them had counted upon. She knew that it was right to keep propriety, though at times she wished she could toss it out the nearest window when it came to him.. But if there was one thing in her life she could say was her own, it would be this. Of everything else, she had no control over. Her love was hers to hold dear.
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Gawain »


In the town's graveyard, Gawain approached the grave of his wife, Katarina. He bent and laid some fresh flowers upon it and stood there, his head bowed in quiet reflection and memory for a long time before he turned to leave the graveyard.

After leaving the graveyard, he headed towards the Cathedral where he served as its deacon, entered it and took a seat and silently began his daily reflections. He had received a letter from his cousin Tuvoria about a week ago, to say that he and Wyllow were on their way to visit him so he said a silent prayer to the Mages, asking them to keep Tuv and Wyl safe on their travels (as he doesn't know that they have arrived yet).
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Willow »

Willow left her house, calling out hello to Treant the Tree; as she and Max_dog headed out the garden towards the Cathedral. As she walked, she smiled and waved to her friends. Arriving, she glanced up at the Cathedral, checking to see if there was any repairs needed (like broken windows etc). Opening the door to the Cathedral, Max rushed in before her and found Gawain praying. He sat waiting for him to finish. Willow smiled at the two of them and then sat and bowed her head in prayer herself.
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria smiled as he thought about how his life was progressing and as he admired the woman who was to become his wife. Passions stirred in him but he did his best to keep them under control. Shaking his head, he walked over to Wyllow and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Enjoy your bath my love. I'm going to head down to the main room and see if I can employ someone to deliver a message to Gawain and see if I can get some info on some places here in Paz that we might want to check out as we stroll about and explore this town. I'll be back up in a bit. "

Tuvoria then headed towards the door before pausing just long enough to say over his shoulder"Try to save me some hot water dear."

Tuvoria then headed down stairs to the main room and shortly saw a young man who appeared to be wearing a set of livery that was of the church. Tuvoria approached him and found that he did work for the church. Handing him a few Frencia's, Tuvoria asked him to deliver a message to Gawain and the Priestess Willow letting them know that Wyllow and himself had arrived in town and would like to get things started. The young man thanked Tuvoria and said he would deliver the message as he had heard Gawain's cousin was coming to town. Bowing in slight respect the young man headed out the main door to deliver the message.

Looking around the room, Tuvoria was impressed with things. Not wanting to mess things up until with the road dust on him, Tuvoria took a seat at the bar and ordered a goblet of Iskir Wine as he waited for Wyllow to finish her bath. As he drank his wine, Tuvoria began to inquire about as to what things in town one should not miss.

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Lily »

After the Queen received a message from her friend, Willow, she realized her Viceroy, Wyllow, was getting married. It saddened her that she could not witness this beautiful union so she sent her trusted steward, Lily, to send Wyllow a beautiful card wishing her much happiness. Plus the Queen felt Lily could use a break from watching the children so she sent her to Paz in one of the royal carriages along with some guards to protect her along the way.

Once Lily arrived in Paz, a smile formed on her face at the beautiful town. She asked the driver to take her to the town's Inn so she could get a room before she delivered her message to the Queen's friend.

A man dressed nicely opened the door for her and she walked up to the Inn keeper's desk
, "Hello Sir I come from Kiene and was hoping you still had a room?" The Inn Keeper smiled at Lily, "Why of course milady." Lily handed the man payment for the room and signed her name in the book, "Lily, Queen of Kiene's trusted steward".

He gave her a key and she went up to the room to relax before she headed over to the Cathedral.
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Wyllow »

She chuckled at his comment as he made his way out of the room.

As soon as the door closed, she readied herself.. and oh what a bath it turned out to be. It is amazing how something so simple can be so luxurious. She wanted to stay and soak up all the warmth, but she knew that it would be best to set to scrubbing her skin clean. Before long, her skin took on a pink hint from not only the hot water, but the scrubbing alone. She washed her hair and felt an instant relief as she rinsed away the road. It was a small price to pay for the beginning of a new adventure. She smiled as she thought of Tuvoria just then and replayed events over in her mind that had brought them to this moment.

And she smiled. She felt so very happy to know him, let alone to be the one that had committed herself to become his wife. And in that very moment she suddenly felt giddy, as if she had been waiting for this all her life. No, not this, but him. Only him. She felt herself blush as she thought of him. His eyes, his hair and everything that made him what he was. His past, his present.. and soon their future. Her mind also drifted to other things that she had no clue about, but was so very curious about. She wanted to give him the life he deserved. To be the best for him that she could be, as that was what she viewed what love was all about. To be together in a way that complimented each other.. but to also give without expecting anything in return. Above all, she wanted to bring him happiness, love and joy.

Deciding she was as clean as she could ever be, she got herself up and out of the tub. Drying herself off quickly, she dressed herself in a light linen gown. It was cream in colour and hugged her where it needed, yet the long length flowed just right when she walked. Her feet bare, she began to brush the tangles out of her mane. Something that had always been a bother at times. Today, she swept it back from her face and up. Wild soft tendrils framed her face. Nothing could make her frown.

A few more things attend to and she was fully dressed and ready to make her way down the stairs.

Pulling the door closed behind her, she crossed the landing and descended the staircase. With her last step on the stair, she glanced around the main room and spied Tuv seated at the bar. Making her way toward him, she was able to observe him. He had such an ease about him, while she felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach. My, how I have fallen so utterly completely... she thought to herself as she neared him.
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