[ORP]A Dawning Awakening

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[ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Jesamine »

The sun's warmth seems to seep into the soil, giving comfort and hope to the creatures that have lay dormant within it while the snow has covered the land like a soft white blanket. Creatures that have been asleep begin to stir, stretching out their limbs and basking in the loamy warmth. Earthworms move closer to the surface, eating their way to the top and leaving tiny tunnels behind them, aerating the soil and allowing the warmth to penetrate deeper. The roots of the trees begin to feel this warmth and they too stretch out, seeking water and nutrients in the fresh awakening soil. This life flows up through the roots and into the sturdy trunks, travelling right to the very tips of the branches where tiny buds are just appearing, still protected by a dull brown sheath but with a hint of pale green beginning to show through. Birds flutter in the branches of the trees, chirruping a tentative song. This is not the full-throated birdsong that will soon fill the woods with the announcement of Spring and new life, but it carries with it the hope of such. On the forest floor, flowers poke their delicate heads through the fertile soil, looking too fragile to survive should a late frost come, but they are stronger than they look. All around crocuses, daffodils and snowdrops move upwards to catch the early rays of the sun and they fill the forest floor with splashes of colour. Small rustling sounds betray the presence of a rabbit or two as the move discretely through forest, their big ears twitching to and fro as they listen out for any signs of predators. Above them, circling high in the sky is a hawk, ever on the look out for a tasty morsel or two. Two pigeons sit plumply on a branch, cooing their love for each other while below them a single deer stands on legs that seem far to thin to support such a beautiful creature. Spring is coming to the forest and everything is filled with the hope of renewed life and joy.

Through this forest walks a young girl, looking to be no more than fifteen or sixteen winters old. Her eyes are grey, like a dull winter sky, but have flecks of pale green running through them. Her hair is pure white like snow streaked through with a hint of gold. She is slender and her skin has the pasty look of one who has not seen the sun for a long time. She is wearing a white tunic that falls to her knees and hangs loosely about her frame. It has no shape to it and serves only cover the girl, not to flatter her figure. Her footfalls are light on the forest floor and she leaves no footprints behind her. The most remarkable thing about her is the smile that transforms her face from plain to almost pretty. As she moves through the forest, she reaches out to touch each new wonder she sees, a flower here, a new bud there, she even allows a small sparrow to settle on her shoulder and peck idly at her hair, stealing a strand of it to be woven into the structure of a new nest. A squirrel spirals down a nearby tree, spots her, pauses and then chatters to her in squirrel speak. She nods as if understanding before moving on and finding the tiny brook that is babbling its way through the centre of the forest. She laughs and claps her hands together in delight as a iridescent fish leaps out of the water and the sun on its scales make it look like a gleaming jewel. She steps into the brook, one foot followed by the other and icy water flows over the tops of her feet. The sun has not yet been able to warm the brook, but the cold doesn't seem to bother her as she quietly crosses over the water to the other side of the forest. A short walk away from the stream and she finds a young tree, still young enough to be called a sapling, but each year it is growing taller and stronger. It has survived the Winter very well, its young trunk is straight and sturdy while its roots run deeply into the soil. It looks a little forlorn right now with its branches bereft of leaves, but the bud stalks all look robust and ready to greet the Spring. Jesamine is happy with this tree and she sits down on the ground next to it, her back pressing against the youthful bark that has not yet started to grow rough or gnarly. She reaches up her arms into the branches and wiggles her toes down into the roots. Soon she can feel what the tree can feel, the warmth and the life of the soil, the coolness of the sap that is its lifeblood, the freshness of the breeze. She can feel herself growing, her senses expanding so that she can hear the song of the forest. Soon there is only a tree, standing with its brethren in the forest and the girl is gone, but also not gone.

She is the tree.

Jesamine is a dryad, a tree spirit and this is her home.
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Ambrosia »

The day started out just like any other. Ambra instantly annoyed with the entrance of her bubbly maid. Her head shook as her hand visor hid her disapproving glare. No small talk even attempted, only the occasional question as the maid inspected the wound on her back. The maid knit her brows in wonder, "Lady Ambra..your..er,..the..your back."The disfigured tissue instead of a shape, just held one single gap in her back. No flesh near it, and the only thing certain was the raw tissue that seemed to be missing."Does it hurt? Should I try to sew it shut?" Unable to hide her discomfort of the situation, she turned her face towards the maid. "Get out. Now." The tone that was used was the equivalent had she carried the maid out of sight herself. She pulled her cloak closer to her being and moved near the only window in her quarters. Past the workers below, she could see...a piece of her spirit locked for eternity. Light blinded most of Fenia, due to the sun that collided with the frost. This day wouldn't be like any other, she would have to search for the piece that now was absent to her.No guardian, no protection, and only the bickers of her mind. Once she stepped into the outer land of the property, the forest ahead was just the utopia she sought.

A blank canvas is how clear she had to keep her mind. She allowed the scenery around her only to linger for a few minutes,before she shut the mental pictures on the inside. Her steps carefully glided across some discarded twigs, and the soft soil collapsed under her shoes. A loud obnoxious snort parted her lips as she stared at the trees, but only to let a memory briefly flicker through her mind. At one time, her father had told her a story of the trees and their creation. He told her once upon a time, the trees themselves were once human children. The children of mages or masters of the elements, and the children misbehaved. Their punishment for their misbehavior and chaotic ambitions were to remain frozen in time. To watch in horror as their lives were stripped from them, and their parents were buried underneath them. No one heard their cries, unless the wind chose to carry it. Years passed on until the children forgot what they were originally, and instead they were destined to be chained to Secfenia soil forever.The old man used to joke with her, that the reason she had the scarred tissue symbol on her back, was because she was once a tree herself.A rotten tree that he took an obsession to and plucked from the soil to bring home. As the leaves shriveled during the Winter season and fell into a neatly sort pile.He said he didn't think much of it when rustles within the leaves occurred,or the mold of the snow. Then there she was supposedly found buried in the pile of dead leaves and melted snow. It hadn't really disturbed her before, but as she walked through the forest alone it crawled eerily up her spine. The young woman started to hover over the details that she missed when she was younger, unspoken questions of her bedtime story. It was too late for her to find out details about the story now.

Time spent within the blankets of the trees started to weigh on her psyche. Whispers of her name flowed and vibrated the small puddles of melted ice. Ambra's head started to bang it's protest like thunder inside her brain. A force so strong her teeth chattered against the inside of her mouth. Solution to her sudden illness had to be her brain shared the story with the sole connection it held. Instantly she became turned around and dizzy with the trees around her. Her slender form leaned on a tree, and she slid downwards in defeat. Vivid blue eyes blinked up to the sky. When was the last time she had slept? One thing she often forgot was the power of the human body. She didn't want to fall prey to sleep,but her mind gave her little choice. The last sliver of her gaze was blocked by the glare of sunlight, until it too vanished into the darkness behind her eyelids.Evidence of her gallant effort to avoid rest were there, by the fact she fell asleep with her eyes partly open.

Unbeknownst to the dark brown haired royal, she had fallen asleep in the peaceful forest that Jesamine had called home.
Sister to Dahlia, Zuan, Zhou, & Serafina. RIP Razen & Cara (Trinity)
Great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of Rannek
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Jesamine »

Jesamine is lost to the joy of 'being'. From the tips of her roots to the tops of her branches she is filled with the pulsating vibration of life flowing through her with the sap that nourishes her. A gentle movement in the ground catches her attention and the 'joysong' in her head pauses. Another movement and then another, distant at first but then coming closer to her. This is not like the footfalls of the forest creatures she is used to and her curiosity is piqued. What sort of creature has ventured into her wood this day? In her tree form, Jesamine has no eyes to see, but instead she has her roots to feel the ground and her branches to test the air. She senses the new creature coming closer and awaits the approach without fear. She feels a contact against her smooth bark and can feel warmth in that touch. A small shudder passes through her at this unexpected contact and makes her smallest branches move with a slight rustling sound. Then the creature doesn't move away as Jesamine expected she would, but instead the warmth stays. Jes doesn't know what to do and reaches out her voice to Father Sky 'what shall I do, what shall I do?'. She waits, but Father Sky doesn't give her an answer. He rarely does speak to his children and this is because they must learn for themselves. Jesamine wishes that for just this one time, he would be there to give her a little bit of guidance. She wiggles her roots and sends her voice down, reaching out for Mother Earth, "Mother Earth, what shall I do?' Mother Earth remains silent too, but Jes can feel the earth around her press a little more tightly against her. This is the Mother letting Jesamine know that she is there but that this puzzle is for Jes to solve. For a long time Jesamine is still, clearing her mind a she tries to solve the puzzle that has been brought to her. She knows all she can know about the stranger while she is in tree form, so there is only one thing left for her to do.

Slowly slender arms appear, then a dainty foot attached to a leg followed by a torso and then a face. Silently Jes emerges from her tree and stands still for a long while, letting her spirit get used to using different senses. Now she has ears to hear and eyes to see with. Her feet now rest upon the earth and are not held fast in its soothing embrace. She circles around her tree and with her eyes now she can see the warmth and see what it is. Jes is surprised by what she sees, because the creature has limbs like she is now using, a face and hair. Jesamine's fingers touch her own pale hair and then her pale eyes look at the darkness of the stranger's hair. It is beautiful, like the deep fertile soil, rich in loam and darkened by water. The person in front of her doesn't move and Jes wonders of she is ill, or maybe she has come here to die. Jes doesn't see death as a bad thing, to her it is a renewal, when the old transforms into something new and the essence of life flows from one creature to another. Is this what is happening now? Is this an invitation to Jes that she wishes to share her essence? Should Jes enfold her with her roots and reach inside her, take the life that is being offered and use it gratefully? This seems to be a plausible answer and Jes is grateful for the sacrifice. She reaches out to touch this gift with her hand before she returns to her tree, when another thought occurs to her. What if this isn't about a sharing? What if the stranger has come to her for healing instead? Jes pulls her hand back and instead folds her arms across her chest, looking thoughtful and timid at the same time. If it is healing that is needed then surely Mother Earth can help? Jes stoops down onto her haunches and picks up a handful of soil. She holds it in her hand for a while and allows some of her being to become part of it while some of it becomes part of her. Then she carefully sprinkles the soil over the stranger. That done she shuffles backwards, staying on her haunches but not wanting to be too close to the newcomer. With her head tilted to one side, she watches with the patience of the forest.

And a forest can wait a long time ....
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Ambrosia »

Death was something that had it's print on her back. Not just with the events of her sister, it all started at birth. Just as any other human, she was born to die. This was often her thought when she consulted her brain about the deal with Rieron. Would she die in the place of her brother? She was easy to be the sacrificial lamb, but then her own selfishness peaked itself out of the darkness. The plane of her dreams were littered with the death she missed, Ambrosia was supposed to be a pretty little head decorated on the other end of a pike. Instead, she escaped and lost her identity. There was never time to contemplate her next actions, they were chosen for her. Each step had no time to balance out her options. It was either step into it, or it would cave underneath her. There wasn't time for sleep on her forced adventures, only when the mind closed her out as it did in the forest. The dream she was subjected replicated the one days before. A dark room with shackles at her wrist, as she stared out from the small window. The smell of waste made her stomach somersault in denial. The people that were dragged in front of her cell screamed and begged for forgiveness. Yet, she silently watched. Silent until the guards unlocked the bars of her cell and gripped her arm harshly. "Let me go! LET ME GO!" Her screams became a repeat of the melody of the people before her, and she stared in horror as they lead her to the block. The Branshavens' heads were turned to her, each frozen with the expression they had upon death.

Two hooded figures stood above the crowd of peasants, and one whispered into her ear as the persecutor dropped her head head over the stump of wood. The blade of the axe pinched against her flesh, and she watched the shadow lift upwards. "This wasn't supposed to be the plan, Ambrosia. You remember what it was, don't you?" Sobs parted from her lips, as the hooded figure tossed the currency at her exposed head. She came here to die, but...one solid voice echoed loud enough to make the axe drop behind the slump of wood. "Stop!" Someone was here to save her? Blue eyes tried to make the figure out, except he pointed to the severed heads that stared at her. "Don't you see? She never lived..She's already dead." Dead? No..This wasn't right. The brute grabbed the princess, and oddly enough she couldn't move her limbs in protest this time. She was carried through the crowd in the arms of the enemy, and thrown into a shallow ground with other headless torsos. The dirt was sprinkled over her, as her mind screamed like a broken record, 'I'm not dead!'

Orbs snapped awake, and she stared bewildered at what was in front of her. The dirt scattered across her, and some made her nose twitch back a sneeze. Once she realized there was a presence in front of her, her back pressed into the tree and she stood gradually in horror. Before she was composed about the surroundings, she let out a shrill shriek of surprise. Seconds passed and she cleared her throat, "G..greetings...where am I?"
Sister to Dahlia, Zuan, Zhou, & Serafina. RIP Razen & Cara (Trinity)
Great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of Rannek
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Jesamine »

The creature moves as Jes watches, twitches in its sleep as though haunted by spectres in its dreams. Jesamine tilts her head to one side and stares unblinking as she tries to understand. Eventually Jes can sense that the creature is coming out of its sleep and she straightens her head, yet still forgets she needs to blink in her human state. Every move that is made is interesting to Jes, she watches the nose twitch and tries to copy it, going cross-eyed as she tries to look at her own nose to see if it is doing the same thing. The stranger moves again, using Jesamine's tree to slide upwards so that it is standing. Continuing with her mimicry of movement, Jes rises up from her haunches and stands with her legs and back straight. Then a shriek issues forth from the creature and Jes can hear some of the forest animals and birds flutter or scamper away in fear. Jes does not move except to tilt her head to one side and open her mouth. Although she is capable of visible mimicry, she is unable to copy the sound, so her mouth just stays open in a silent, frozen scream. Then the mistiness of sleep seems to leave the stranger and she makes another noise before speaking to Jes. Jes has never used words before, even though she has been taught the secret of them by Father Sky who sees all things and Mother Earth who feels all things. Jes tries to form mouth words and her lips move, but still she makes no sound. She doesn't know what she is doing wrong and so lifts one hand to her mouth to make sure that it is making the right shapes. Then Father Sky shows her what she is doing wrong. He sends a gentle breeze to them, making the branches of the trees to move and make noise.

Jes smiles and sends grateful feelings into the sky. Her eyes focus on the stranger and for the first time since she left her tree form to investigate the warm presence, she blinks. "Greetings stranger." She uses the wind inside of her to move outwards as she makes the word shapes with her mouth and this time she makes a sound. The sound that comes out of her is soft and gentle, yet sounds nothing like the sounds a human would make. It sounds more like the rustle of autumn leaves or the subtle creak of branches in the wind. An eerie almost unearthly sound, but reassuring and kind at the same time. "Do you need help?" Jes asks one question and then immediately another comes to her mind, so without waiting for an answer, she speaks again "or do you offer help?" With each word she speaks, she grows more confident with making the sounds so her voice becomes less ethereal while beginning to gain a warmth and a richness of sound that it lacked initially, making her seem less nymph and more human. Jes desperately wants to reach out and touch the creature, but she restrains herself, fearing to frighten it and make it leave. Jes has never seen anything like this before and she doesn't want this curious experience to end quite yet.
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Ambrosia »

Was this an illusion? A dream within a dream? Suddenly she felt herself grow more relaxed against the tree. Her eyes blinked as the creature mimicked her every movement, and then proceeded to try to devour air. It took her a few seconds to realize that the shadow was trying to speak. Reality was stranger than fairy tales, or were fairy tales her reality? Ambrosia bit into her lower lip in brief thought. She couldn't stop herself from doing a little jig to see if the other mimicked those motions as well. Momentarily she forgot her Xenophobia of the place around her and the female in front of her. Ambra slowly rose her hand and placed it over her chest. "My name is Ambra. What is your name?" She tried to make her words calm and clear. Then after she pronounced her name clearly, she moved her hand to gesture towards Jesamine.A hint for the being to give her the same information. Belated the thought occurred to her that the woman in front of her very well could be a mute.. or possibly a wood savage. Her eyes lit up when her counter female finally spoke, and found it pinged her interest. The voice didn't compare to any linguistics she had head before.When it mentioned help, she tilts her head backwards against the bark.

This was without a doubt not a dream, especially since she heard the voice. "I can help you if you need help.." The princess slowly held out her hand towards the other woman, and wondered where she had come from. The forest stunned her and crippled her thoughts as she desperately tried to organize the chaos in her mind. "I..I don't need any help." A reassuring smile spread across her lips, because she doubted the interesting woman in front of her would be able to aid her effectively. Curly tresses had became organized with their tango with the tree, and she found them intrusive as they fell over her eyes. A brief part of her lips and she blew the wild strands further to the side.The inner workings of her brain raced to try and think of a polite way to ask what the seemingly woman was? Perhaps she was just a human that favored nature instead of the towns? "Is this your forest? It's lovely..I hope you pardon my small nap. Would you like to come to my home?" The woman who replicated was uncanny, but she felt it was only fair to invite the woman of the forest into the castle. A grin passed over her lips to mask a mischievous idea. After all, she would be bringing a stranger into the castle, and no doubt her brother would react as he always did.
Sister to Dahlia, Zuan, Zhou, & Serafina. RIP Razen & Cara (Trinity)
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Jesamine »

Jes watches the dance and the corners of her mouth turn upwards as she smiles. A dance! That is what this is! Jes knows well the dance of the forest and she moves in a dance of her own, spinning around her tree and leaving a trail of flowers growing in her wake, drawn out of the ground by the magic of her dance. Then she stops in front of the stranger again and watches as she first raises her hand to her chest and speaks before pointing to Jes. Has she spoken a naming word? Did she speak her true name? Jes knows that it is dangerous to speak a true name to a stranger, so it must be a common name, not the name of her essence. Jes puts her hand above her left breast and speaks her common name "Jesamine" It sounds like 'jez uh men' when spoken out loud. Then she points to the stranger and speaks her naming word "Ahmbrah?" She tilts her head to one side as the word doesn't sound quite the same when she says it. She hopes that she hasn't said it so badly that she will give insult through her ignorance.

Ambra then talks about not needing help but being willing to offer it and Jesamine begins to think that her first idea was the right one, that this stranger had come to her forest to surrender up her life essence. Jes reaches out to touch Ambra so she can start the sharing when she speaks again, talking about the forest and ownership. Jes takes a step back and looks around her home. Does she own it? Only in the same way as it owns her too. They are all part of a greater whole that lives in harmony and grows together. Jes is starting to realise that her thoughts and the thoughts of this creature are not the same and that maybe they understand word sounds differently. It seems to her like a good idea to learn more before she undertakes a sharing. "Forest is my home, but all are free to share and be blessed by it. If your path brought you here to rest, then it was for good purpose." Jes smiles at her new, can she call her friend? Yes, Jes decides that she can call her that and she is glad to have made her first non-forest friend. "You are kind to ask me to see your home, I accept. I have a wish to see where you are rooted." Jesamine has not even ventured to the edge of her own forest yet, so her answer is a very brave one, or is it a foolhardy one? If she wanders too far from her tree for too long, how will she keep it safe from harm? Being a young nymph, she hasn't yet learned to consider that consequences of her actions, so she is still spontaneous and full of curiosity about the world around her. All she can see is that there is something new to discover and that she can't wait for the journey of discovery to begin.
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Ambrosia »

Dark spiral curls rolled across her shoulderblades with her careless movement. A bubbly laugh left her lips, and for the moment she was also carefree. The guard she often kept up for appearance sake cracked down the center. For a second, all she wanted to do was stay in the forest with her found companion. Why did she need to go back?Just as quickly as it spun into her mind, it left without a trace. Even if she tried to get the thought back, her attention now fell on the other woman's name."Jesamine." She repeated and pointed towards the other woman, but nodded at the pronunciation of her name. "That's right, Ambra." No longer was this figure in front of her a stranger, though there were plenty of unanswered questions that popped into her mind. Was she just a human the world forgot about in the forest? That sounded familiar. "Do you have a last name?" Ambra spoke clearly, then pointed back to herself. "Ambra Winterbourne." Her pointer finger rotated back in the direction of Jesamine curiously.

It took awhile to dawn on her that Jesamine was just as curious as herself. She wouldn't knock the hand away to touch her, but instead rose her own finger to poke against her flesh. Bottom lip retreated into her mouth as she nibbled upon it while she waited for the answer of the forest. A gentle smile bloomed over the princess's lips, "I'm glad to not make you angry to sleep in your home." Ambra started to walk in the direction of the castle, but froze after a few steps. Did she say rooted? Did she expect to see another forest? She knitted her brows and turned towards Jesamine once more. "I will take you..but it's not another forest. Are you sure you want to go?" Most of her form stayed turned into the direction of the castle, it was only her head that turned towards her nature friend. She felt very concerned about Jesamine now, then when she was startled by her earlier in the day. As she awaited the confident answer, she found herself listening to the noise of the forest. Why had she never heard such a pleasant melody before?
Sister to Dahlia, Zuan, Zhou, & Serafina. RIP Razen & Cara (Trinity)
Great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of Rannek
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Jesamine »


Jes whirls the word about in her mind as she tries to make sense of it. From her earliest memory time she has been called Jesamine, both by Sky Father and Earth Mother. Her first awakening time had been fifteen winters ago, when first her tree had burst roots forth from the seed pod that was buried deep in the forest soil. She did not put on her human skin at that time, the surface was too cold above her, with snow still laying like a thick blanket over the surface. She had no human form then, but she has memories of that beginning time. Memories of reaching down into the soil and listening to the voice of Earth Mother. Her seed gave her the energy she needed to let her roots reach in deep until they found moisture and in the moisture the nutrients she needed. This time of birth started in the Winter, but it was Spring when she heard the call of the Sky Father, bidding her to reach up to him and be blessed with his warmth. It had been hard, breaking free of her seed pod and reaching upwards, finding a path through the soil until she reached the surface. Then she had grown her first leaf and Earth Mother as well as Sky Father were so proud. The seed pod that had followed her to the surface now fell from her and lay as a dried up husk on the forest floor. She didn't need it now that she could make her own food from the light of the sun and the richness of the soil. This was her growing time, the time when she reached down deep and reached up high, her tiny stem growing thicker and stronger, more and more leaves appearing to nourish her even more. On into summer where her stem slowly grew tough and turned into a trunk. It was a time of great richness and of only learning one thing, to grow tall and strong. Then the chill had come into the air, the light in the sky was not so bright and Jes could no longer afford the energy to keep growing or to support her leaves. Slowly their brilliant green faded to yellow, to gold, to crimson, then fluttered to the ground around her leaving her branches looking barren and alone. Then had come the snow and her branches would bend under the weight of it, a burden many trees would bear without complaint. In this time she did not grow, but instead she communed with the Earth Mother and learned the ways of the soil. Thus passed her first year.

Does she count her birth from the growing time or from the moment she first touched the soil? Jesamine looks down at her toes and curls them up, scrunching the soil and feeling its loamy softness. It feels right to think that her birthing happened in the Winter, so she too must be Winter Born. Jesamine looks up at Ambra and places her hand lightly on the other's arm, surprised to find her skin is warm like the warmth the sun gives to her tree. It is a pleasant thing and makes Jesamine giggle with delight. "I was born in the Winter, so that is also for me, to be Winterbourne." Jesamine does not really understand how a last name works, but she can feel the truth of it inside her somehow, that the two of them share a bond that runs deeper than they know. It is a good feeling.

Jesamine follows Ambra as she walks away and nearly walks straight into her when she stops. Her home is not in a forest? Then how does she grow? Eat? Rest? This is even more curious than it was before and Jesamine feels that she must find out. "Your way is strange to me, so yes, I wish to learn. Lead and I will follow." The creatures of the forest stay hidden but are close by, she can hear the sounds they make as they move and the birds that are unable to restrain from singing their sweet songs. The Earth Mother is giving and the Sky Father is warm, all is well for now.
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Re: [ORP]A Dawning Awakening

Post by Ambrosia »

The woman's touch was just as warm as the sun that tried to peek from the clouds up above. A soft heart giggle left her lips at the reply of being born in Winter. Her ignorance of worldly things was a refreshment from what she was used to. Ambra squinted her eyes as she tried to think how to break it down to her new found friend, or was it her new found family member? "It's what we use for a second name. I will show you when we get to my home." If Jesamine didn't understand a last name, then surely she didn't know about politics. It was blatantly obvious that the forest was the family of this woman, and so she would need a family if she decided to settle in the stone world of masonry & woodcraft. It made her decide, that even though her tree friend wasn't a blood Winterbourne, that didn't mean she couldn't be one. Jesamine would share her forest with Ambra,and Ambra would shade the castle with Jesamine. What would that make their bond if questioned by politics and technicalities? That was something she would have to contemplate on the journey towards judgment. For now, she enjoyed the carefree intertwine of their kindred spirits. A dread feeling grew inside her each step towards civilization.

Another giggled bubbled past her lips when she realized her abrupt halt almost caused her to face plant the ground. "Stay close. Let me know if it's too much and I will bring us back here to your home." Ambra spoke softly, before her movements advanced once more in the direction of Fenia. The melody of nature helped guide her essence home, but the closer they got to civilization the trees slowly started to vanish. Some had been cut for the wood, others had tilted with their age. In front of them small smoke can be seen from some of the homes, as the gate split up the decline of nature from the termination of nature completely. "Mmm..I don't think the guards should ask us anything, but if they do I shall answer for us." She half prepared herself mentally just in the case the forest spirit fainted at the display of man. The closer they got she could see the metallic armor of the knights in front, and their steeds. "Those are called guards, or knights. They protect the..home from other people that may want to harm it..." She paused and finally it clicked in her head a better way to explain it, "They are like birds protecting the nest, except.. their songs are probably not as pretty." A slight snort passed her lips, as she pictured a drunkard soldier singing off key to an annoyed mistress. Finally as her steps pressed into the stone pathway, she figured out exactly what she was refer to Jesamine as.

Perhaps, she could be her daughter? A mother always lead their children down a path, before they vanished. Without a mother it might seem that someone would forever to be lost. Jesamine wasn't a lost spirit, she was just not shown the entire world by her Mother Earth. Silently, she mused herself a mother wolf, and she was leading her pup into humanity. A place that by visual standards they fit in perfectly, but on a deeper look neither of them fit correctly. Black sheep among the flock, but no one would dare tell them so.
Sister to Dahlia, Zuan, Zhou, & Serafina. RIP Razen & Cara (Trinity)
Great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of Rannek
TY Aishe for the banner!
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