Mayor Debate and Questions !

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Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Krail »

As this election has two indviduals running for mayor, I have started a debate board !

Following is fairly simple, mayors can post the questions they have been asked and answer them. Offer a debate ..well speech as to why they should be voted for etc...oh how exciting !!

Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Krail »


As per my last two terms. I've been your Mad mayor and preformed very well, granted I stepped in because no one else would when Nahren sadly had to go to the monks for meditation. I took over and turned our town into its former glory of working together when a certain need was needed. When the town needed Oranges,corn or wood you all got togethor and ensured that we had it. I in return at times offered special profitable deals to you, e.i buying oranges from thursday to monday at 14.00 instead of 13.00 or less. So you could make more money for your own journeys. Corn at 4.00 instead of the usual 3.35 or less. Wood at 7.00 instead of 5.50. I've maintained a fairly good communication with individuals, although my reports have lacked in the town council but I'd rather focus on the main then having to copy reports into one place to another !

Although Iam curious as to my competitions desire to ' help the citiznes whom are stuggling'...from my mentor, such has not been brought up by any and our dear mentor does a fantastic job of keeping in contact with citizens thus I would know if anyone was struggling... only one brought up a few problems which are more VR related. . Which isn't fair whatsoever to use in a debate, to say we haven't helped citizens, as keeping the market stocked, T/h in good health and providing good deals to citiznes does help them !

But obviously thats not all, I've maintained our stock and made it grow ! and had the town hall upgraded as the town hall was always skirting too close to the limit. I can now freely push for increasing stocks piles and freznics without fear of it being lost and maintain our market stocked with all manners of goods (soft limit)..and why else vote for me ...well I'm much more cheerful and lively ! Who else will have your home blasted open into with replica mage golemns ?

But of course do listen to Texas's coming speech also ! New insight is always welcome and fresh ideas always come from debates and speechs !

I do have a question for my competition,
I will turn my attention from glorifying the buildings in Widu, to helping the citizens that are having a hard time, lacking funds, and just have questions.
Which citiznes are having a hard time and lacking funds ? And how would you help them exactly ? Please provide detail as to how you would proceed in this.
And do you have any past expericne as mayor ? Do you have trade contacts which would help you maintain the T.H needs for certain items ? so that it can contuine to provide the market with those certain needed items to the whole community.
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Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Texas_Knight »

Citizens of Widu,

As your Internal Affairs Minister I have served faithfully the Kingdom of Kiene. I have nearly completed the work of upgrading the Castle so the Kingdom can hold more goods to provide more completely for the citizens of Widu and other towns. I have proven my loyalty and have been honored by the Queen with the titles of Knight of the Crown and Lord of Kiene. My loyalty is without question to the crown and to the citizens or Kiene. I have juggled many different offices in the recent months due to a lack of creatures to fill various offices in the castle. I have proven that I am able to expertly multi-task and still do my duties as a citizen of Widu.

As for my bid for mayor of Widu. It is borne out of a desire to turn the attention to the citizens of Widu. There may be those that are struggling, need funds to advance, need funds to learn new skills and just need help in getting use to Widu. Bridget has done a fantastic job as the Mentor, and it would be my desire that she stay on and continue those duties if I am chosen by the people as your Mayor. With good citizens that are advancing, learning, being productive members of society comes the success of the town. Without the people, there is no town. My desire is to see every citizen of Widu be able to come to me, or the Mentor, and ask any question, ask for help, ask for advice, or any other thing and get an answer, funds, or wisdom from those who are able to help. It is my desire to increase the population of Widu so there is a more diverse choice of goods that are made right here in Widu. So much that we will have some goods to export to other towns.

If you choose me as your mayor I will set up a board ((forum thread)) where you can make requests of me, offer suggestions of things you, the citizens, would like to see happen, and bring up things that are important to you. I will answer each post personally and make you the number one priority during my term as your mayor. I will work for YOU. I will do everything in my ability to keep you safe from any threats.

The people of Widu are the most valuable asset we have. As your mayor I will ensure that you succeed as far as you want to succeed.

I thank you in advance for your support and look forward to being your Mayor.

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Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by balerion »

Before someone decides to rant that I am no longer a citizen, my wife certainly is so I feel inclined to ask questions of my own.

Karcier I wonder if you might be inclined to have a festival for the city? Such often brings foreign trade and helps new faces get to know the locals. Since your ability to help your citizens has been called into question might you give us some personal examples of how you have helped some of the locals during your last few mayor terms?

Texas you seem to have forgotten some of Karcier's questions. I also would like to know what citizens you feel have been struggling with questions that the mayor hasn't had time to answer. What poor souls are financially destitute when the city has some of highest town buying prices in the world? What makes you feel Karcier has not had his attention on the citizens of Widu that you would need to turn the attention of the mayor's office to the citizens? Your loyalty to the crown certainly isn't in question, you often foam at the mouth with patriotism. What is it you feel has been left undone that you could do better? I would also like to ask you as well if you would be inclined to have a city festival.
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Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Wyllow »

She listens to the chatter and smirks to herself before putting a couple words in.

Just a couple comments really. From my perspective, I think the current Mayor has done well and would support him for another term. Active and engaging. On the thoughts of prices, I don't really agree with wood being at 7 each, or the need to pay 14 for oranges. 13 was and still is a good price for oranges and wood.. well, I guess it ensure that we have some. I am happy at 6 each for wood, but.. I can and usually always do get my wood on my own so as not to deplete our wood stocks. With higher prices, means there is also a ripple effect on goods. Just a thought to that, is all.
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Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Texas_Knight »

balerion wrote:Before someone decides to rant that I am no longer a citizen, my wife certainly is so I feel inclined to ask questions of my own.

Texas you seem to have forgotten some of Karcier's questions. I also would like to know what citizens you feel have been struggling with questions that the mayor hasn't had time to answer. What poor souls are financially destitute when the city has some of highest town buying prices in the world? What makes you feel Karcier has not had his attention on the citizens of Widu that you would need to turn the attention of the mayor's office to the citizens? Your loyalty to the crown certainly isn't in question, you often foam at the mouth with patriotism. What is it you feel has been left undone that you could do better? I would also like to ask you as well if you would be inclined to have a city festival.


I am familiar with your wife, a fine citizen of Widu and a very productive member of the Kingdom.

I did not forget the questions that the current mayor has asked. I have answered them in my speech I believe. Since I am not mayor at this time, I have had a few approach me and ask for me to post my goods at lower prices than what is currently on the market because the market prices are too high. And I have done that for those that have asked me. I try to maintain what I consider fair prices on my goods. Be they Bone Armor items, or something from my livestock or field. Most of the time, those prices are below the posted prices already on the market.

The thing that makes me think Karcier has not had his attentions fully on the citizens comes from my knowledge in other discussions that have taken place. Not to say he doesn't care about the citizens of Widu, but I feel he is more concerned with the posterity of the buildings and beauty of the buildings than he is for the well-being of the citizens.

An "End of Summer" festival is one of my goals. To celebrate the work that we have accomplished and to celebrate the season of summer.

As far as what could I do better. As I have stated already; pay more attention to the citizens of Widu. Those of all kinds, be they Vampires, Pixies, Trolls, Humans, all kinds of Elves, or any other creature that decides to call Widu home.

I have no experience as Mayor in this realm. I know a few people that are willing to go on trade missions. There are those that have approached me about doing things. And any that wish to do things could certainly come forth and make themselves known for the betterment of the citizens.
Viscount of Northwood and Royal Guard

Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Krail »

balerion wrote:Before someone decides to rant that I am no longer a citizen, my wife certainly is so I feel inclined to ask questions of my own.

Karcier I wonder if you might be inclined to have a festival for the city? Such often brings foreign trade and helps new faces get to know the locals. Since your ability to help your citizens has been called into question might you give us some personal examples of how you have helped some of the locals during your last few mayor terms?

Texas you seem to have forgotten some of Karcier's questions. I also would like to know what citizens you feel have been struggling with questions that the mayor hasn't had time to answer. What poor souls are financially destitute when the city has some of highest town buying prices in the world? What makes you feel Karcier has not had his attention on the citizens of Widu that you would need to turn the attention of the mayor's office to the citizens? Your loyalty to the crown certainly isn't in question, you often foam at the mouth with patriotism. What is it you feel has been left undone that you could do better? I would also like to ask you as well if you would be inclined to have a city festival.
A town festival has been talked about in the town council, I think there were some events talked about. Yvymin hunts and egg juggling things..hwoever such is not my strong point due to time constraint (rl thus no rp for me). There are multpe ideas already mentioned, my own was a 'Hunters Chance' so in short it would all be here (forum) and the game master would hold the dice. Those hunting have ex amount of monsters to hunt down and one with most kills wins. Typicaly my idea was a bit over complicated....and its just not my strong point..lots of ideas but not enough ...experience per say. So I apolgoize for that !

When I took on the first term, I had a request for fish and milk. I talked with a trader I knew of and he provided such, I have kept market stocked with fish and milk. Waerth whom was looking for iron and gold said he only had so much freznics to spend so I offered him discounted goods in exchange for some free upgrading and provide me with wood which atr the time was needed. I've talked with a few individuals such as Maewyrn whom after some advice given on what to do, she offered to help the VR council whilst vic was in retreat as we were lacking the numbers. I remember a chad(numbers) who asked me about what sort of field he should get, I offered my opinion and then told him how corn is easy for saving money but if he wanted to hel pth etown to talk to Bridget. I've offered 'good' prices for certain items when in need. The mentor has done most of the work, I will say that she'd told me what is needed and worked with me to provide said good offers.
There's also Moadpa (which sadly is in dead state atm) whom was rewarded when his 'Tavern name' won the poll...Tana whom after helping me with T.H upgrade I offered some discounted stone. And Acheron, whom has been cutting wood as part of a T.H contract and at one stage hsi axe broke, (stnadard one) I provided him with one stone axe for free as he'd been helping the town.

A good example is wood, originally T.h purchased at 5.50. I increased this to 6.50 and for those whom have regulaly returned with wood I've offered them at 7.00. Oranges I remember a week ago (or two) I had a special offer were instead of purchasing at max of 13.00 TH would buy at 14.50. Same with corn, wheat etc. In short if T.H was in need/vr. I offered good prices at limited time, ensuring citizens could make a profit, granted a small one.

All the while, I've been keeping on the side objectives upgrading the town hall (which is done.) and now the temple. Which T.H would still make money from.
Last edited by Krail on Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Krail »

Wyllow wrote:She listens to the chatter and smirks to herself before putting a couple words in.

Just a couple comments really. From my perspective, I think the current Mayor has done well and would support him for another term. Active and engaging. On the thoughts of prices, I don't really agree with wood being at 7 each, or the need to pay 14 for oranges. 13 was and still is a good price for oranges and wood.. well, I guess it ensure that we have some. I am happy at 6 each for wood, but.. I can and usually always do get my wood on my own so as not to deplete our wood stocks. With higher prices, means there is also a ripple effect on goods. Just a thought to that, is all.
Those prices are mostly for 'one time' per say. They arn't offical listings (granted i suck at updating the mayors board). Prices would drop if need was low and re=increase if needed urgently. They are in a sense insentive for people to pool togethor and push for that time, but also a way for a citizen to make a few extra freznics.But I do understand where you coming from. Do you ahve any questions for either of us ?

Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Krail »

did not forget the questions that the current mayor has asked. I have answered them in my speech I believe. Since I am not mayor at this time, I have had a few approach me and ask for me to post my goods at lower prices than what is currently on the market because the market prices are too high. And I have done that for those that have asked me. I try to maintain what I consider fair prices on my goods. Be they Bone Armor items, or something from my livestock or field. Most of the time, those prices are below the posted prices already on the market.

The thing that makes me think Karcier has not had his attentions fully on the citizens comes from my knowledge in other discussions that have taken place. Not to say he doesn't care about the citizens of Widu, but I feel he is more concerned with the posterity of the buildings and beauty of the buildings than he is for the well-being of the citizens.

What item are those you speak of? And whom were these 'citizens' as our dear mentor has no letters in regards to this.

The 'attention' he mentions is a set of objectives I set myself in the T.h Council room.Said objectives were and not in order, upgrade temple, increase stock of T.H for market and increase freznics income and outcome. The one which has brought a lot of hassle is the fact I wish to steadily have the temple upgraded to a catherdral. To which I will say, it only needs wood. WOod which it owuld be buying and not getting for free. I have stated, that these are not done over night. Just like the upgrade of the T.H. I will remind my competitor that one individual has many goals, just because I speak of one doesn't mean an other will go ignored, its called multitasking.
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Re: Mayor Debate and Questions !

Post by Texas_Knight »

Karicer_aisu wrote:
did not forget the questions that the current mayor has asked. I have answered them in my speech I believe. Since I am not mayor at this time, I have had a few approach me and ask for me to post my goods at lower prices than what is currently on the market because the market prices are too high. And I have done that for those that have asked me. I try to maintain what I consider fair prices on my goods. Be they Bone Armor items, or something from my livestock or field. Most of the time, those prices are below the posted prices already on the market.

The thing that makes me think Karcier has not had his attentions fully on the citizens comes from my knowledge in other discussions that have taken place. Not to say he doesn't care about the citizens of Widu, but I feel he is more concerned with the posterity of the buildings and beauty of the buildings than he is for the well-being of the citizens.

What item are those you speak of? And whom were these 'citizens' as our dear mentor has no letters in regards to this.

The 'attention' he mentions is a set of objectives I set myself in the T.h Council room.Said objectives were and not in order, upgrade temple, increase stock of T.H for market and increase freznics income and outcome. The one which has brought a lot of hassle is the fact I wish to steadily have the temple upgraded to a catherdral. To which I will say, it only needs wood. WOod which it owuld be buying and not getting for free. I have stated, that these are not done over night. Just like the upgrade of the T.H. I will remind my competitor that one individual has many goals, just because I speak of one doesn't mean an other will go ignored, its called multitasking.

The items are those which I have. The citizens were those that desired my services and goods. If they wish to come forth then they may. But I will not bring their names into this conversation just to prove my statement is true, or to satisfy your mistrust. My honor and my friends are more important than your curiosity.
Viscount of Northwood and Royal Guard
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