Dragon's Diary

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Dragon's Diary

Post by balerion »

Dear Diary, today I looked up at the castle and could barely contain my delight. Its almost finished! It should all be done in a matter of days. All the wood required took a long time to collect but Logo was right, the price increase was sufficient in addition to manipulating the wood in our direction away from other governments. I am thrilled. I think that it will be a good cause for a celebration. Hopefully with the castle construction being completed there will be a good turnout for Eggtoberfest.
Shaker of Castles
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Re: Dragon's Diary

Post by balerion »

Dear Diary, today I decided I would give you a name. Saying dear diary has always seemed rather droll to me. Mel was one of the best people I have ever known so I think I shall call you after her.

Dear Mel, today the Castle wing was finished. It looks spectacular. Other council business is going well and a VRwide vote can be had soon. I look forward to seeing its results. I miss your namesake very much. I hope I find her again before all is done.
Shaker of Castles
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Re: Dragon's Diary

Post by balerion »

Mel, recently I took up position as Mentor in Cork. I hope I will enjoy it as I have mentoring in the other townes. Aishe has returned and we already assembled a council list. I don't mind not having to pay for this one. I don't know if it will convince me to stay longer or not. I still can't decide.
Shaker of Castles
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Re: Dragon's Diary

Post by balerion »

I will be moving soon and wifey will be coming with me. Hope at least a little bit of the old Widu will be recognizable when I get there.
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Re: Dragon's Diary

Post by balerion »

It seems nothing in Widu is as it once was. It is quite disheartening. Part of me wants to accept the invitations to move to Fenia while at the same time I miss Bravia. For the time being my wife desires to remain in Widu, so that is how it shall be. I only hope that it won't be for long as the distasteful parts of Bravia seem to have followed me there. Hilarious that that pig thinks he somehow is still worthy of military pay for all the time he has spent outside of his own borders. What arrogance. It makes me laugh though to have heard it is months behind. Recently I went back to Cork as a favor to Aishe and for the time being have filled in as Sheriff. Its a simple enough job but the pillow knows Logo could use more time to put into council efforts. Perhaps this one will accomplish more than the last.
Shaker of Castles
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Re: Dragon's Diary

Post by balerion »

It seems the winds are blowing west again. I had hoped Widu would have been a homecoming, but that turned out not to be. For the first time in the history of these lands the peasants themselves revolted against the standing mayor. Can't blame them honestly. Now there is yet another queen, they seems to crop up everywhere these days those royals do. I am washing my hands of the whole mess. I started my own guild recently, it is going to cost enough I am almost considering selling gems again. Pillow knows I can never use all the ones I have. Though in the end they always sparkle in the cases I set them within for others to admire. Once I had fruit stretching across all the markets from Paz to Akram. Then the bloody peasants went and bought them all. So far they have stayed away from the gems so one day I might scatter them about along the roads to preserve the memory of passing. I seem to be rambling now, but I did think that I wanted to make these little notes to myself more substantial. Part of me fears I will find Imperius as I did Widu, totally unrecognizable. I know that cannot be the case with people like Dway and Morg being about, but as ever it will take time to adjust. For the time being I think I will devote myself to fishing to improve the meals at the dinner table. My beautiful wife Suu seems to like some of the fish I catch, I will start having to be much more particular on which ones I save for her and which I have myself. I think she doesn't like the ones with the big teeth if I remember correctly. That reminds me I also need to go on another xanthareel hunting trip sometime soon. I haven't danced with the buggers for over a year now. Unthinkable! I should hunt down some zyrks while I am at it. Pesky little buggers. One day I'm gonna find out where their spawning ground is and have a nice big feast. It takes something really nice to beat the crack of Zyrk bones between one's teeth. I do so hope they don't have any wizards among them to shield themselves from sight. So often I find tumbleweeds that I have to wonder. Never have found baby ones either. Perhaps they are like butterflies and morph into Zyrks, or even more interesting the Zyrks could morph into something else... I will have to catch one soon to find out. I will write again once I have one to let you know what I have discovered.
Shaker of Castles
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Re: Dragon's Diary

Post by balerion »

I recently look a little trip all around the world. I can make the first map of Abysinia if I care to. I didn't make it to every city, but I got done what I planned and made it to every Viceroyalty. I wish it were still possible to sail to Wahallia. Oh well, such is life. In Imperius today I was made a deacon at the cathedral. I'm not fond of how they follow the light there, but I will learn to deal with it, just like when I was deacon in Bravia. I prepared a funeral in memorial of Jason. Thus far it seems no funeral preparations are underway for Idra or Kane. If that doesn't change soon I might well have to fix it. To think that a Viceroy and Vicerine would pass away and no funeral be held in their honor. Twould be a travesty. Even thistle got a funeral of sorts, though it was mostly Idra simply throwing him onto the local trash heap. I wonder if that is what happened to her own corpse... Anyway, onto other things. I am almost done with the second of the guild upgrades. This will let me double the guild in size. That certainly will be nice. I got a letter from a Pazian expressing interest so maybe I will try to open the next guild house there instead of in Widu or Fenia City as I had planned. Pazians always were an odd lot, they would probably fit in quite nicely. I know I have neglected you for quite a bit of late, but I hope to change that. At the same time for all I know I will just forget you for yet another great big heap of months. We shall see. Sleep well my dear.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear
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