Fenia City Cathedral

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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Benn »

Smiling nervously, Benn slips in the back, admiring the splendor of the Cathedral. It never ceased to amaze him, even having watched it's progress, and helped in small ways when possible. Finding a place out of the way, he watches the crowd gather.

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Hayley_James »

After donning her new robes Hayley looks across at her fellow clergics and smiles.

"Thank you all for attending and for your support but now it is down to me."
"I had this big speech prepared but now....my mind is blank."

Hayley takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I shall have to make it up as I go along I suppose." she giggles.

Looking at Misty she says...."If it is okay with you, I shall take the lead and you may follow after me."
"There is a seat for you while I speak to the citizens before introducing and welcoming you."
"After that....we can just do what we can."

Hayley smiles as she picks up The Book.
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Misty »

...."If it is okay with you, I shall take the lead and you may follow after me."
"There is a seat for you while I speak to the citizens before introducing and welcoming you."
"After that....we can just do what we can."
Sensing how nervous Hayley is, Misty smiles and nods her head as she sits down.
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by balerion »

Balerion had recently accidentally become the Overseer of Fenia so he knew it was time for him to meet his other priestess. He had known Misty for rather a while but knew little of Hayley. He entered the Cathedral and looked around, not entirely sure where the priestess was at this time of day.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Hayley_James »

Hayley enters and takes a moment to bow her head and whisper a prayer before checking that everyting is as it should be.

Noticing a stranger looking around she approaches him.

"Welcome to our Cathedral." she says softly.
"Is there anything I may assist you with?"

Hayley gestures around the Sanctum.

"Please, feel free to enjoy the feeling of happiness within this holy place."
"No-one will bother you if that is your wish."

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Hayley_James »

During all the revolts in the city Hayley was kept busy attending to the needs of those who had been injured.

During a lull she took the time to gather all the used bandages and potions to be disposed off.

Feeling tired she sits down for a moment and looks around at all the injured.

A slight smile comes to her face as she can see several, who fought against each other, in conversation.

Looking towards the altar she offers up a silent prayer for a quick settlement of the troubles.

She rises and slowly makes her way around her patients, offering an encouraging word here and changing a dressing there.

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Aida »

Aida enters the cathedral, treading carefully so as not to disturb the few worshippers that were around so early in the morning. The air is crisp and cold and despite her efforts her boots clack loudly on the stone flags, the sound echoing right up to the high domed ceilings. It was her first visit in a long while, so usually out of town that she could often not attend the sermons. She lights a candle, feeling the warmth gratefully on her skin. Not knowing any prayers, or who it is exactly she is supposed to be praying to, she walks around the temple gazing at paintings she does not understand and catching glances of creatures leaving offerings on tables. After a few minutes, she allows herself to sit down on wooden bench. Why come? She thinks to herself. To stand at the crossroads and look in all directions, another part of her replies. She pulls a woollen shawl more closely around herself and looks up at the painting ceiling. If anyone is out there... she begins to think, or pray, before catching herself and standing up abruptedly. No, this is silly. She doesn't belong here.

Aida leaves the same way she came out, past quiet worshippers bowing on the ground, foot steps echoing off of those high domed ceilings.

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Aida »

Peering through the side door, her hood up, Aida surveyed the scene. It was an empty morning, the cold kept people in their homes and would do until the monks crawled out of wherever it was they came from to stoke the fires and cast warming spells. She didn't know why she resented them, but she found those itinerants strange and eerie, as they swept silently around the temple doing jobs she knew she should really be grateful for.

Dashing into the inner sanctum, where few were allowed, she pulled off her cloak and set down what she was carrying. He gurgled and toddled off into the middle of the space and started poking the patterns in the tiles with a sticky finger. She smiled. Reaching up to a shelf, she pulled out a heavy handbound tome. Symbols of birth and new life were embossed onto the cover, spells of protection and encouragement.

Fenia City Record of Births

Hmm. How old could he be? Three, four? She found Kitty the baker's daughter well enough, there was a child there but his name had been crossed out and rewritten several times. Poor thing, no wonder he was so confused. The father was listed as Casimir, she shook her head and crossed that out, leaning back in her chair and thinking. There had been mentioned a stableboy, so maybe that was a good place to start. She nodded to herself, replaced the book with some effort and turned to pick the child up. He had gone.

Panic rose in her chest as she called out, looking behind the altar and under the tables, inside the cupboards. How had she managed to lose a child?! Aida rushed out into the temple proper, looking around. There! A small blond figure disappearing behind a statue. She dashed, rounded a corner... only to see a little girl run into her mother's arms. She swore, shocking one of the worshippers who cleared his throat and started rambling about a calm and meditative mind. She gave him a threatening look as fear tightened in her chest and he scuttled away. Putting her hand to her head, she closed her eyes for a second. Something was tugging on her dress. She turned absentmindedly and gasped as her little charge looked up at her with massive blue eyes. Scooping him up, she breathed out as a bubble of relief expanded in her chest.

"Don't do that to me again, little one," she said, placing him on her hip, "Now, let's go and see if we can't find where you belong."

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Aida »

Service for 18th February, 1655.

Greetings friends and neighbours,

Today, whilst the sun is shining and the cold winds begin to give way to a warmer breeze, I would like to talk to you about living. Let us, in our privilege, not become complacant and lazy because of the abundance we live in but let us be proactive, planning for the future and investing in things worth our time. In the Book of Mages, it says, 'Much that is brought out into the sun may appear dirty, and so must be cleansed to justify its place in the light.' And so as the light begins to rise earlier in the day and as the snow recedes back up the mountains, may we come out from our snug homes and back into the community. I hope that we will use our time wisely, to help one another and to take advantage of this wonderful era of peace and prosperity.

'Only now do they awaken to a renaissance of life.' - Book of Mages, Chapter 15.

Finally, Groundskeeper Wilson would like to remind you once again that ball games are forbidden on the temple green and also that playing just outside the green where the balls can still smash the windows, is just as forbidden.

And another point, we still have an overabundance of chicken, so we're having another BBQ again. This time, it's piri piri seasoning!

Peace be upon you all.
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Duke_of_Earl »

-blinks his eyes twice upon hearing that ballgames are forbidden on the temple green.
-makes a note to tell Karina to play on the village green instead; though smashed windows do make profit for masons ^:P
NAME, RACE, -banner by Aida
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