Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Wyllow »

Time moved as swiftly as cold tar. For the first time she concentrated to do as they had planned, and to her amazement, it all happened nearly the way that the plan had been laid out so haphazardly. She knew Tuv would be in pain, her own had since waned to a dulled down annoyance. She pulled from her focus, and she found that she was stronger than she had ever imagined. It also frightened her though. She moved with Gawain as they quickened the pace.

Katie had been their saving grace.

As Tuv settled, she her brow furrowed. She felt exhilaration and excitement, but she also felt worry creep into her heart when she looked to Tuvoria. Taking to his side, she listened to the men talk, but all the while glancing at where Tuv was wounded. 'How is it?' she asked simply, certain that it was probably fairly painful. He was brave and strong. She heard Gawains voice once more as he spoke to Tuv. Gawain was right. Her ear nearly twitched every time she heard a distant yip or howl. 'Unfortunately, I am not sure we have too much time. We may need to eat on the way...' Again, her brow furrowed as she glanced at Tuv. If she hadn't had such a mixture of emotions coursing through her, she might burst into tears, but now was not the time. She could have a breakdown when they were all safe.

'May I have that skein there?' She asked. Tuv, if she wasn't mistaken, certainly looked like he was parched. She even thought she noticed a bead of sweat on his brow, something she had never seen on him before when he was well and uninjured. She wondered if that was something to mention to Gawain...
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv had been trying to hide things, but he could see in Wyllow's eyes and her voice that she knew better.

"The leg is OK. It feels better when its moving actually. It's the wound in the back shoulder that is troubling. I think in the rapid fire of arrows and getting in the barn that I may have ripped it open again. I know it is oozing. If I don't have to use my bow, I should be OK. Right now I am more concerned about getting to Cork. Those howls seem yo be getting louder and closer."

Tuv then turned his head in that direction hoping no one saw the grimace he was trying to hide.

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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Meridoc »

"Aye laddie, I thinks they be getting nearer as well. You three rest your hides a spell. I am gonna see iffin I can't hide our trail a bit and set up a few nasties in case the do get to close. Ol wolffie wants to play. Now we be playing Shire style."

With that Merridoc blended into the shadows and set about covering the group's traulil as he set a few traps.
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Darius »

As soon as he recovered from the blast of light and the arrows, Darius and his pack set off in hot pursuit of the wagon. He was infuritated that a mere elf had gotten the jump on him and gotten a head start. As he and the Blood Claw pack transformed into thier wolf forms he took solace in knowing that he would soon be dinning on the elf's flesh. After a bout a half hour chase he spotted the wagon and urged his troops on. It was at that preciese point that the human figure in the drivers seat looked back. It was evident that fear was in her eyes. It became even more so as the wagon hit a major bump in the road. As she struggled to regain control, the "cargo" in the back of the wagon was knocked out, revealing that the cart was actually empty.

Darius came to an abrupt halt and as he bellowed out a load roar of anger he shouted
: "That is the last straw and the last time you get the edge elf-boy"

Just then a young member of the pact had the misfortune of asking what was wrong. Not even looking, Darius lashed out with his claws, ripping the poor lads throat out. Throwing it to the ground, he turned around, redirected his pack telling them that as of now, only the girl was to be left alive. Anything else they came across was to be killed, and preferably it should be a long, slow, extremely painful death. He then led the chase back towards the site that was the home of his prey. As he and the Blood Claws gave pursuit, an erie silence fell over the woods.
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Gawain »

Gawain nodded as he listened to the others and taking a drink from his water skin, he passed it to Wyllow as per her request.

"Here you are, Wyl, please pass it around when you're done. I agree that perhaps we should eat as we run, as those sounds do seem to be getting closer."

Gawain took out his pocket knife and cut up a small portion of each of bread, cheese and beef jerky, he then distributed a bit of each to everyone,then quickly packing the remainder back into his pack and closed it. He began to quickly eat his portion as he he stood, shouldering his pack, getting ready to start running if needed. He looked at the others.

"Well, I guess we ought to start running... I'm ready to go when you all are."
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Wyllow »

She looked to her husband and a brow rose just slightly. Concern played there for a few moments before she spoke. If he was telling her, then it was probably worse than he was letting on. 'Then we have to move on. As much as I hate the idea of it, we can't delay.' However, Meridoc thoughts set her a bit at ease. 'Only for a moment so we may catch our breath.' She said to him, not really wanting to push Tuv beyond what he was capable of, however not moving could mean certain trouble.

'Thank you.' She said to Gawain as he handed her the skein. She offered it to Tuv. 'Here, it probably won't help much, but you should keep some liquids in you.' When he was done, she took a sip herself, and oddly felt a little better herself. At least her stomach seemed more settled. As Gawain handed out the food, she was grateful for it. 'Thanks Gawain. You are a lifesaver. One of these days I will have to repay you for all your kindness.' She too heard the chaos that was intended to greet them, however after a while she noticed a silence starting to close in. Getting to her feet, she offered her arm to Tuv.

'We've stayed too long.' Her eyes reflected the feelings in her heart. The worry and fear. 'We have to go. Now.' She said simply. The hairs at the base of her neck prickled alive and she could feel them stand.
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria gladly took the water from his wife as he smiled and gave her a wink. Rising to his feet with a muffled gruntgrunt, he looked back towards Widu and shook his head.

"Indeed we need to eat on the run. Merri will catch up or meet us at the cave near the old border between here and Cork. It is a great defensive position and will allow us to rest. We should be able to make it, despite my back and our exhaustion. Merri will buy us some more time with his 'games'. Pass me some of that jerked beef if would."

With that said, Tuv kissed Wyl on the cheek and started out towards what he hoped would be his final battle with Darius.

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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Tuvoria »

this thread is being continued in the Mysts under the title "life in the woods". Please join us there if you wish to follow the story.

Thanks to Teide for the banner
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