Office of the Royal Secretary

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Project LVI

Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Project LVI »

As stated, this is the office of the "Royal Secretary" or "Secretary to his Majesty King LVI". Jason will be preparing a statement for his office here that should be posted in the next few days.

- King LVI



Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Eira »


Eira pins her note beneath the king's

Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Jason »

Jason was finished preparing his statement to the Kingdom of Fenia, he came before them all..
Greetings My Fellow Residents of the Kingdom of our beautiful and glorious Fenia,

Today I bring before you my statement. I have been appointed His Majesty, The King's Royal Secretary of Fenia, I am very gracious for this appointment and promise to serve him well. One of my duties which is now where you partake, is to see to it all who need a meeting contact me or you may contact him directly as well but if he does not reply within 1-2 days you may contact myself and I will inform her directly, this will result in a quicker process. I thank you for listening and may you all live in peace.

Secretary to His Royal Majesty, King LVI.


Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Jason »

The King has given a new speech -
Project LVI wrote:
Greetings strong and loyal Fenians,

I speak to you all today regarding a few different items. First, a change that a few of you may have noticed regarding the animals being sold from my castle. After some math I have lowered the prices of animals further, sheep are now thirty freznics (30), Chickens are now thirty-five freznics (35), and cows are now forty freznics (45). Similar calculations will be done periodically in the future, and as long as they come out right and new developments (game updates) allow it I shall keep the prices of my...
This speech can be viewed in it's entirety here

Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Jason »

His Majesty, has given us a new speech -
Project LVI wrote:
King LVI wrote:"...with that being said, I cannot wait until Fenia is a great Kingdom, and already know many of you, my subjects, are ready to prove your loyalty even more then already. We are all strong, and the reason The Kingdom of Fenia shall be great. For it has been created by not only by myself, but the help of my subjects, through their strong and bold actions... words did not create this Kingdom.... and through honorable, loyal, and even stronger actions Fenia will only become greater, and greater!!!!"
.. five months... five months ago I not only dedicated my own strength, loyalty, and dedication to you all, but many of you have pledged your strength, loyalty, dedication and more to me. And since then many more have flocked to the Kingdom of Fenia pledging the same. I said I could not wait for Fenia to become great.. and in five months. I cannot help but to think of Fenia as great, and know in the months to come we shall only grow greater and greater. Our pockets filling more and more with freznics. Our backs covered by fancy fabrics. And of course our strength.. grows and grows......

Click here for the rest of the information...

Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Jason »

His Majesty has given a new speech -
Project LVI wrote:
His Majesty, The King wrote:People of Fenia,

I am looking for people in the following positions for work opportunities and more from myself.

Profession [Quantity]

Butcher [∞]
Blacksmith [1]
Carpenter [1]
Weaver [2]
Miller [2]
Baker [2]

........Click for the rest of the information....
Project LVI

Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Project LVI »

King LVI wrote:
"So now I ask, who is up for the challenge?"
Read it all here. And scroll down
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Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by balerion »

Balerion enters his new office hoping that there would not be a huge mess for him to find. Slowly opening his eyes he sees that while there is a little clutter most everything had been kept in a neat and tidy order. He would have to get some new decorations to liven up the place to his liking but it appeared it was going to work nicely.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear
Project LVI

Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Project LVI »

To the creatures of Fenia,

Although I have brought this to your attention more times than I can count on fingers and claws I find myself writing to you all once more. I am looking for great creatures that are active and willing to serve their King and fellow Fenians. I am looking for two creatures. One to fill the position of Internal Affairs Minister and the other to fill the position of Public Prosecutor. If you are interested please write to me immediately. I hope to see more than the non-existent letters I usually receive.

- King LVI



Re: Office of the Royal Secretary

Post by Melusine »

If I may not sure on the rules of this thread, I believe I saw somewhere that the peoples representative could send out a message to all, or like a scrolling message or something.......... I didn't pay enough attention at the time to commit it to memory, perhaps that may be useful as I think there are many people that do not visit the forums ;)

Don't forget to tell them to respect their pillows :lol: I so would :lol:
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