ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

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Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Sylphos »

Hephastion wrote:"Look, I completely understand why you think I done that, but I swear it wasnt me. I think someone is either trying to frame me, or we have another Vampyr in Paz this evening"...
The man sat quietly at one of the tables, his chin propped on his fist as if thinking. However, if one would pay enough attention, they would see that his head was cocked slightly to one side, in the general direction where Hephastion and Wandress stood talking, at the other end of the bar.

Hmmm... Another 'Yársuktar'? That could be trouble... From what he knew, very few 'Blood-Drinkers' had so much control over themselves as this one had...

Turning to the side, the part-Elf looked at the young woman called Willow with an untroubled expression.

Well, at least our 'friends' are clear from suspicion; they were with us the whole time. And I really wouldn't have a motive to kill him, seeing as I never knew the boy- the man!

That was a messy 'slip'. He never could help reffering to those younger than himself as 'boys' or 'children'; that might bring some complications, if he wasn't careful...

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Hephastion »

Speaking with Wandress, his attention is caught by the stranger with the wolves, he didnt know why he turned other than a feeling the man was watching him, his eyes flash brightly as he eyes the man and Willow.

His attention is brought back to Wandress as she speaks to Maria, she seemed to be weary of this, maybe it was him that was draining her. Watching her for a moment as she addresses the room, he wondered if maybe she would be safer without him, if he could find a way to break the bond they had. Someone out there must have something that could free her, if it meant she could live her own life he would be willing to do it, he would still love her and protect her from a distance but she wouldnt have this constant fear of what he was. He still longed to talk to her, but every time he tried or when the thought was in head something else was going on which made it inappropriate.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself he looked around the room to see the reactions of anyone listening to Wandress, watching for any slip of the mask, any fleeting change in their manner, he was watching.

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Maria »

No doubt that Michael did not win any popularity contests. If Maria had known that Heph had hired him to work the party tonight she would not have allowed it. But nothing could be done now.

Maria & Datron begin to talk to the guests, table by table. There were some people that could obviously come off their list of suspects immediately. The King and Aingeal were in the room the entire time and had no past interaction with Michael, nor did the musicians that were hired to play that evening. Of course Maria knew that SHE didn't do it. And while Datron had gone out of the dining room for a short time, she knew he would not resort to murder. Not for the measly amount of money that Michael had stolen from them anyway.... regardless of the fact that they were destitute for quite some time afterwards.

She tried to organize her thoughts. Who was outside in the garden area between the time Michael was last seen and the time his dead body was discovered? She had seen Peronell, Becki, Willow and John in the room the entire time. So were Petal and Toxic. But Maria was also aware that Michael was a thief and a womanizer. There were several with grudges against him, and no saying that the killer was acting alone. Any of these guests could have wanted him dead, even if they didn’t want to do the dirty work themselves. She knew that Willow and Petal were both taken in by Michael at one time.

Heph, Wandress, Sylphos & Amladras were outside during the time when the murder had to have occurred. There were the puncture wounds, and the body drained of blood. It was so plain to her that it had to be Hephastion… but then again, he wasn’t stupid enough to do something like this in the middle of a party, and to be so obvious about it just didn’t sound like him. Of course, there were a few people here tonight that might want Heph to take the fall for it...

Then there was Madkcat. Hmmm… where was Madkcat? She hadn’t seen him at all during dinner. But he was the Priest of Paz and surely not capable of murder, she hopes. John and Amladris had been terribly quiet throughout this ordeal. She wandered over to where they were sitting to engage in conversation.

“Hello, gentlemen. I apologize for this terrible circumstance that we find ourselves in tonight. Poor, poor man. Did you know Michael?”

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Hephastion »

Watching Maria as she makes her way around the room, he sighs, she was being too soft with these people. Someone had commited murder and she was going around like someone had lifted a loaf of bread without paying.

He was in the firing line for prime suspect, even Wandress still remained suspicious of him, which was the most galling of all even though he understood her suspicion it hurt him and he couldnt get that feeling out of his mind.

He hadnt spoken to too many people other than find out what their drink of choice was, he made his way from behind the bar, For goodness sake, lets start asking questions moving away from Maria he found the Elven gentleman and Willow still sitting with each other clearing up empty glasses he decides to be blunt about his approach "Do you two have any thoughts on this, seems everyone is keeping their cards close to their chests"

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by beckiboo »

Becki watches as Maria and Hephastion start working the room to start trying to find out who had done murder. Having seen images through the eyes of some of the wild animals outside she didn't feel the need to go look for herself. Knowing she didn't commit the deed she badly wanted to call on some of her own animal friends, but hesitated slightly as that had scared some individuals in the past. Finally giving in, she closes her eyes and focuses and sends out a silent call, smiling when she hears the approach of a friend then grins as Hilah the Griffin walks through the door and over too her.

Raising her hand she welcomes Hilah and mentally sends her a tell of what happened and her hope that she could help.

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Sylphos »

Sylphos looked up as he felt someone approach, a placid expression stealing over his face when he saw it was Hephastion. Shrugging slightly at the vampyr's question, the man looked idly around the room as he answered.

Not much that would help clarify things, I'm afraid. It's just... Well, you're dealing with a LOT of assumptions here.

His eyes met the other man's, and he made empty gestures with his hands, as if he wasn't very sure how to express his concerns.

You see, you assume the man was killed in the gardens, when it might be possible that he died somewhere else, and was brought outside after the events. You're also assuming that the marks on his neck are genuine and have something to do with his death, and are not just a 'decoy', or something to lead you away from the right track. The same way, you assume that we're dealing with a murderer - masculine. What makes you so sure it's not a 'murderess', or even perhaps murderers - more than one?

Shrugging again, the blond-haired man took a nearby glass of wine, watching the way things reflected on the surface of the liquid as he spoke.

I told you what I had to say might be of little help, if any...
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Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:33 pm
Location: City of Paz

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Willow »

Well, at least our 'friends' are clear from suspicion; they were with us the whole time. And I really wouldn't have a motive to kill him, seeing as I never knew the boy- the man!
Answering Sylphos, Yes I agree, our friends were here the whole time. But unfortunately I do know the victim, I hated him but wouldn't do such a thing.

Willow glanced at Hephastion when he arrived.
Elven gentleman and Willow still sitting with each other clearing up empty glasses he decides to be blunt about his approach "Do you two have any thoughts on this, seems everyone is keeping their cards close to their chests
Willow replied, I'm sorry I can't help you much. I haven't talked to that many people except for Sylphos here and my friend Petal and her husband Toxic. I can't believe they would do such a thing.

Unfortunately I do know Michael and I'm sure he has lots enemies - he is a thief and a womanizer.
We were all chatting here when we heard a commotion outside, so we went outside to help and thats when we found his body.
So I'm sorry I can't help you with anything either, I don't remember hearing or seeing anything that might help you solve the murder.

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Peronell »

She had taken a seat near the corner where she could sit and watch the guests. People were starting to make accusations and Heph was asking everyone questions. Her turn would come soon enough. A griffin walks through the door and goes straight to Becki ... Peronell smiles and thinks I knew I liked her.
Posts: 5352
Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:33 pm
Location: City of Paz

Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Willow »

Willow sat and glanced around the room at the other guests and wondered who could have killed him.

Feeling nervous about the outcome, would she be blamed for the death even though she hadn't done it (she wasn't sure if there were others here, that had issues with him).

Max whinged and she absently gave him a pat. Looking into his eyes she realised that he wanted to comfort her and she smiled :) at him and gave him a cuddle.


Re: ORP - Paz Spring Party (Murder Mystery Party)

Post by Hephastion »

Listening to Sylphos and Willow, he turns as animal appears in the bar, rolling his eyes he wonders when this party turned into a petting zoo. Although given the events of the evening so far it was probably a distraction.

Nodding to Willow "Thank you, I'll be back shortly" the band had arrived albeit late but also right on queue he sighs and rolls his eyes, with all that was going on this was just another distraction to him another thing to pick at his already thread bare temper, Marias suspicions of him, Wandress' accusations and now a band who would not be playing. His mind was racing and he wasnt sure how to deal with whining musicians, even though they were still getting paid for no work, they were making complaints at having travelled all day to get here, Hephastions eyes shining as he looks into the mans eyes, he could almost hear his heart beat, pumping the blood through his system, clench his fists he takes a deep breath to slow himself down.
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