[CRP] Aishe+Akos - Vow Renewal & Party

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[CRP] Aishe+Akos - Vow Renewal & Party

Post by Aishe »

[OOC: This is a closed RP. If you did not receive an invitation, please do not join. If you feel like you should have gotten an invite, please let me know!! It is very possible I have forgotten people - I am rather scatter-brained right now. All intended invites should be sent out now. All creatures invited can bring their families! (Significant others, children.) Now, let's have a fun RP!! Visual aids.]



Bright, big eyes blinked slowly as she observed the sleeping face of her wife. The late morning sun was creeping beneath the thick curtains, casting just the dimmest of light across her pale features. Dark locks were tussled across the pillow, random spots sticking at odd angles from a cute display of bedhead. Despite the light snore and occasional mumble, sleep was about the only moment Akos looked so peaceful and not plagued by the troubles of the past. It was always hard to wake her from such peace, but alas, Aishe had a big day planned ahead. So, she leaned close and pressed a light kiss to her wife's nose, receiving a grumble in return.

Ves'tacha.... Her tone was soft, trying to lure Akos from the kingdom of sleep. Even with the rising excitement, she kept her voice to a whisper. Wake up, wake up! Today, we are getting married.

A'ready married.

The sleep-slurred words were muffled from the pillow as Akos tossed over. Aishe scooted closer, nuzzling into the crook of her neck.

Yes, yes, but... We never got a wedding. Not a real wedding. We just, bam, got married - and I don't take it back because it's been wonderful being your wife and all for the last five years, but OH! Aishe nuzzled a bit more before rolling out of bed, a clear spring in her step. Haven't you just ever daydreamed of a real wedding? Flowers, friends, strawberries, dancing.

I dream of sleep, Aishe. We can get married in my dreams.

Oi, you loser. Aishe went around to the other side of the bed and pulled the blankets back. Akos opened her dark eyes, keeping them narrowed while she tried to reach down to grasp the covers without actually moving. The vampire gave an innocent smile before dashing over to open the curtains and back to the bed. So, everything has been arranged. Your outfit, the guests, the ceremony, the decorations, the food... All you have to do is get up, get dressed, and show up to the ceremony. I did all the work. See, easy.

When in Mages did you even have time to do all this? We've been so busy.

Oh, you know, just the last few days. Who needs months when you don't sleep! Again, narrowed eyes fell on the slender blonde, who gave a grin in return. Aishe moved forward, sitting on the edge of the bed. The grin softened to a smile, head tilting. With everything going on, I think we all deserve a nice get together and distraction. Us and our friends.

Alrighttttt. Akos finally sat up, rubbing at her eyes and rolling her shoulders. Smile widening, Aishe placed a kiss upon her wife's lips before hopping up.

Get ready. I'm going to check on everything and then I'll be back to get ready myself. If you want to be extra nice, maybe get the boys ready for the day? Their outfits are sitting out already too. I am so happy the weather is on our side - looks like a nice, normal sunny day in July!

Content with the grumbling 'okay' from Akos, Aishe made for the door and headed downstairs. There was a quiet bustle of servants around Mona Manor, prepping here and there. They had resided in the recently restored home for about a month now and it had not been without its drama. The situation, living and otherwise, was... Odd, to say the least. Akos still wasn't entirely over Aishe's trickery to get her to agree to the move. Still, it was much better than the two bedroom home for the six of them - with the added bonus of living with Sokanon and Serendipity again. Plus, well...

Bright eyes caught the familiar male figure moments before he disappeared into the study. If she could blush, her cheeks would surely be bright red. Flustered thoughts were pushed down as she continued towards the front door and slipped out into the sun. Yes, she was right. Today was a perfectly average day, without the craziness of odd weather or falling rocks. With a sigh of relief, her gaze moved beyond to the surrounding land that was decorated.

There were flowers and streamers strewn about in an ordered chaos, making the outdoors more inviting than the will-be stuffy indoors. Lanterns and candles were sat or hung here and there to later be lit, with no intention of letting the sunset be the end of the party. Light fabrics were hoisted in loose tents and shelters from the sun, with low seats and tables scattered both under and beyond the fabric. It was a colourful array for a colourful couple.

Pleased with the initial sight of things, she began to wander the grounds to ensure all was good on closer inspection. With everything appearing in good shape, she retreated indoors and back to her now-empty bedroom. Despite herself, her stomach began to flutter with some anxiety. For a long time, she had dreamt of doing something like this. It just never felt like the right time. It wasn't until recently that she realized maybe there was no "right time" unless she made it the right time. And so, that was what she did. Excitedly, the icy eyes fell down to the dress she had had designed for this very day.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] Aishe+Akos - Vow Renewal & Party

Post by Akos »

What kind of person organised a wedding when you were already married. Seriously, what kind of disgustingly bubbly morning person would go the effort of inviting friends and family to a wedding celebration that had happened years in the past?! Akos rolled onto her back with a groan and rubbed at her eyes again, willing her brain to properly make its way out of the fog of sleep. Knowing how easy it would be for her body to drag her back down into dreamland, Akos forced her way to her feet and stretched. She padded her way over to the window, pulling open the curtains only to wince at the harsh sunlight as it melted her eyeballs. Ok, maybe it wasn't actually melting her eyeballs, but it still elicited enough of a pain response to result in another grumbled groan.

Mornings were stupid.

It took Akos a moment to decide who she should dress first, herself or the boys. It was inevitable that all three of them would manage to wrinkle or dirty some part of their clothing, it was just a matter of who could last the longest without doing so. With a minor roll of her eyes, Akos decided that as the adult, theoretically at least, she had the best chance of staying tidy the longest. She ran a hand through her hair and scratched at her scalp, finally turning her attention to the outfit her lovely wife had laid out for her. The long two-tone leather jackety vest ‘thing’ curved around her neck before splitting into down into a v-line that was a little more modest than Akos would have liked. It was also far longer than she’d have prefered, but it showed off her toned arms, came with killer pants and boots, looked easy enough to keep free of wrinkles and, most importantly, wasn’t a dress, so she kept her complaints to a minimum.

Loud thumps coming from the twins’ bedroom drew her attention away from the last of her laces. Heels weren’t exactly her thing, and she wobbled a touch with her first few steps, but Akos’ determination to discover the source of the disturbance helped push aside the last of her shakiness. They never could quite tell which to be more nervous about, a prolonged silence that indicated that scheming was afoot, or loud thumps that meant serious damage may be about to occur to either body or property, sometimes both. Not giving the children any more time than absolutely necessary, Akos rushed to the bedroom, swung open the door and entered with a dramatic OI!

The two boys fell to the floor with matching thumps and squeals of surprise. Akos raised a single eyebrow, expectantly waiting for their explanation as the two scrambled to their feet.

Wa... wa... wa... was jus’ weslin Ma! Aeton began, refusing to let his stutter impact his determination to communicate confidently. The boy turned and offered his hand to his older twin, who gazed up at his Mother with a wide smile and a flex of his arms, Yeah Ma! Aeton’s gonna help me get musso’s!

Akos chuckled and swung a boy under each arm, Musso’s huh! How big are these musso’s gonna be? Think they’ll be too big for you to fit into these nice clothes your Dai got for you?

N...n...n...not ye..yet, Aeton began as he wriggled his way out of the hold he was in and poked at a shirt that had been laid out on the bed. Squirming almost as effectively as his brother, Aian piped in, Musso’s gotta guow first Ma! With a laugh Akos patted her son’s head and gave his shoulder a light tap, “go on then you two, get dressed”. Her request was met with an audible gasp from Aian which resulted in identical furrowed brows from his brother and mother. NA UUHH MAAA!! The boy exclaimed, grabbing both Aeton and Akos’ hands and dragging them out of the bedroom, Musso’s gotta have bweakfas to guow!
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Re: [CRP] Aishe+Akos - Vow Renewal & Party

Post by Katie »

With The Order of Mucoz Book of Holy Sacriments in hand and wearing her very best rob, Priestess Katie entered the garden of Mona Manor prepared for Aishe's and Akos wedding celebration and rededication of vows. She muttered under her breath a praise and thank you to the Mages for the lovely Spring-like day in the midst of Summer due to the cool light breeze blowing gently upon her face.

After greeting fellow citizens, Katie took a seat in anticipation of the special occasion.
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Re: [CRP] Aishe+Akos - Vow Renewal & Party

Post by Willow »

The day before, Priestess Willow travelled to Bravia on horseback. She booked her horse into the stables and then herself into the local hotel. After a good night's sleep, she had a bath, did her hair and prepared herself by dressing in her robes and headed to the ceremony.

She arrived at the Manor and walked through the gardens until she found where the ceremony was being held. Finding a seat, she knelt in prayer for the ceremony and thanked the Mages for such a beautiful day.
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