[ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

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[ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Having journeyed far and wide, fighting old enemies, werecreatures, supposed prophecies, and the fallen politics of self-righteous individuals, Tuvoria and Wyllow finally arrive and settled into Bravia City. Tired of feeling to much stone under his feet, Tuv had wandered around the outskirts of town listening to the Song of Nature before finding a plot of land that he knew was right. After many long days of work putting his carpentry skills to work, He brings his lovely bride out to see their new home.


All are welcome to come be and visit.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria and Wyllow had just arrived home after a trip to Albrightville and then by sea to Paz. As Tuv was unhitching the animals and tying down things on the boats, he is surprised to see his old friend, Meridoc, walking up the main road to the manor.

"Greetings Tuvie, me ol friend. Welcome home laddie. I be hoping the trip was good." Not waiting for an answer, Meridoc pulls out a sealed scroll and hands it to Tuvoria. "I don't be knowing what this is old chap, but one of the street lads be delivering this unto mes with a message that your misses be needing to see this. He said the old goat who be given it to him said it be from Wyl lasses mum."

Tuvoria took the scroll with a raised eyebrow and invited Merri into the house. " Wyl my love, Merri is here with a strange scroll that came in the post for you. Says it might actually be from your mum".

Tuv then pound an ale for the three of them handing one to Merri before he sits down in his chair and begins to get his pipe ready.
Last edited by Tuvoria on Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

Standing in the kitchen, she unloaded some of the items she had brought back from Paz. A good deal of Broccoli. She had fields of her own, but extras always came in handy. She turned towards the shuffling of feet as Tuvoria entered the house, and when she heard her name, she abandoned the items upon the table. 'What's that?' She asked at his mention of Merri and a message for her. She let the words sink in for a second, then chuckled. 'No, that isn't possible..'

Accepting the message, she opened it slowly. The hand it was written in, she did not recognise. Looking to Tuv, she held it out to him. 'What is this? Why would someone send me something like this?' In all honesty, she did not read the scroll more than a mere scan with her eyes. And quite quickly, therefore lots could have been missed. She felt cold suddenly and looked at him pleadingly. What a cruel joke someone was playing.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Grabbing a stick of straw and lighting it from a candle, Tuv takes a deep draw on his pipe as he sees the shadow fall across Wyllow's face .

"What is it my love? That look upon your face tells me that something is wrong. The last time I saw that flicker of concern was when we were dealing with the lies and attacks from Darius and the Blood Claws. I have a bad feeling that I need to go out and start loading up the wagons again."

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She nodded slightly. 'Yes.. I.. I am not sure.. ' She moved near him, and held out the parchment to him, so that he could read it. 'I don't recognise the handwriting, but.. ' She could feel her heart begin to increase its speed as it sunk in at what it could mean. 'Could it be possible?' Her face was that of a good deal of confusion, fear, and underlying excitement as hope crept into her heart... When you believed one was lost to you, you don't dare to hope.. But how could she not?

'We have to check into things, Tuv. And.. yes, we need to pack up. Look at where they are writing from? I have no clue where that even is!' She felt herself tremble a little, so she sat in the nearest chair. 'If we left yesterday.. Even to get as far as I am aware of in these lands,... It would still take us over a month of travel, that isn't counting the return trip. ...This won't be a short journey..' She stared as if seeing nothing in front of her, her mind rolling thoughts around.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria looked at the letter, set it down, and took a deep puff on his pipe.

" Well my love life with you is never dull. But as you said we need to check things out. If I remember correctly, when we lived in Widu I thought I saw a mountain pass near the mine North of there. Perhaps we can start there. Let me hook up Gale and Abby back up to the wagon. You take care of things here. I'll run into town, load up with supplies, check on Jack and let him know what is happening, and also inform the Cathedral. We can set out at first light. If this is indeed from your family, we have to find them. I just hope we are not heading into more trouble with friends of that vile Darius."

Without realizing it, Tuv rubs his right shoulder as he gets up and moves towards Wyllow.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by SaintNikola »

Saint Nikola checks in on on the couple to see whether they are being naughty or nice. After checking off a few lines on her clipboard, she leaves something behind.


On the back she has written a note:
To Redeem Your Gift Card, go to The Inn and leave your wish list for Saint Nikola. Don't forget to bring wood...the more wood the better your chance of getting what you want!
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She sat, staring out the window. She felt a certain calm wash over her. The house was quiet, as it was mid-day. It wasn't normal for her to be home at this time. The bakery.. always something going on. But finally, she could sit back. The bakery was in good hands and had been for a good length of time. Her studies, ever taking so long, she could finally say that she had filled her brain with as much study as she could stand. For now. She smiled to herself and decided she would make Tuv something special for supper. It was time that he knew what she had thought for some time.

A babe.

How she hoped he would be as happy as she was. She thought she felt a flutter within, and instinctively she placed a hand over her lower abdomen. Not many would be able to tell right now. She stood up and began gathering root vegetables.. a stew of some sort sounded delectable about now. And she definately had time to get one on to be ready for the evening.

Moving about the kitchen, she felt light and in her element. She hummed a tune lightly. It wasn't one she knew, but perhaps had heard it sometime in her past. Her thoughts drifted and she wondered if it was a tune from her childhood, but didn't linger on the thought. There was much to do, and she wanted everything perfect.

As the meat slowly roasted, she set about to tend to things around the house that were needed doing, as they always do. She laughed inwardly, but without sound, her thoughts were a secret for now. So much had changed in her life. And for the good. She smiled as she thought of her Tuvoria and what he might say. Moving into another room, she wiped down a small table, opening a drawer to place a piece of parchment into it.. but when doing so, she saw something roll. Reaching in, she took up the item into her hand. An acorn. It had long since dried. She wondered how it had gotten in there as she had not remembered it being there. Perhaps it had been in the back of the drawer. Taking it out she stared into her palm. Without thought she closed the drawer, but held onto the acorn.

Placing the acorn in her pocket, she finished up her chores, then headed back to the kitchen. It was there that the idea came over her. She placed the acorn on a plate and placed it where Tuvoria would take his meal. With that settled, she turned back to finish the cooking and to wait for her husband. A smirk tugged at her lips. She was quite excited.
Last edited by Wyllow on Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

It was a nice afternoon when Tuvoria began to head out of the main city gate and down the road to the farmstead he shared with his wife Wyllow. He was somewhat exhausted from a day of teaching and research at the University and was looking forward to a quiet afternoon just relaxing by the stream that runs along the back of the property. He knew it would be a few hours before Wyllow would be done at her bakery and he was toying with the idea of making a special dinner for her. A smile came across his face as he thought over all that they have been through and he even shrugged of the twinge that came across the scar in his back that was a result of one of their adventures. As he rounded the bend on Strawberry Lane that lead to his house he paused shortly as he noticed the slight trace of smoke coming up the kitchen chimney. He thought to himself "What is Wyl doing home this early? Always happy to spend time with her, he picked up his pace and entered into their home. He could see that Wyllow was in the kitchen and had a bounce in her step and a glow about her. He came up behind her, wrapped his arms about her waist, and kissed her neck.

"Hello my love. Is all well as you are normally at the bakery this time of day? I'm not complaining as it is always a pleasure to be with you, and you look exceptionally beautiful today.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She nearly purred when his arms encircled her, and at his compliment. 'Thank you and hello to you too.' She replied, then spun to look up at him, her hands upon his chest. 'I, am quite well.' She flashed him a quick smile then stood upon her tippy toes to give him a quick kiss. With fluid motion she turned back to her task, her grin quite cheeky. 'Have a seat, I am just about to bring over something tasty.' She waited to hear his foot steps move before she gathered up the things on the counter to bring them over to the table.

'Things at the bakery are going so well. In fact, so well that I am thinking of taking sometime off. Gabriel is fantastic, and he really has taken on his stewardship very seriously, so much so that I think I can safely call him an apprentice. He has been working there now... for a good many years, if I count back to when I first hired him.' She seemed to look as though she was counting back time. 'It seems I have watched him grow from a boy into a young man.' She beamed with a little pride, almost like a mother would of a successful son. 'A young woman came in the other day, and I swear I saw batted eyelashes.' She let out a tiny giggle. 'Of course I didn't let on that I noticed, the boy was red enough in the face!' She heard the words that were coming out of her own mouth, and recognized that she was a little nervous, and obviously babbling about something that was probably not important. She cleared her throat, kinda to get herself back on track.

Moving over, she removed the roast. Peering inside the pot it looked perfect to her. 'Ready to eat?' She knew it was a bit early in the day, but she had other plans, so it was working out that Tuv was home when he was. Her stomach gave a quiet growl. She wondered if he had noticed the acorn... She tried her best to keep from looking directly at it. 'So, there is a reason I am thinking of taking some time away from not only my bakery, but also the mill... ' She started, but did not go any further as she finally let her eyes fall upon her husband, observing him. Her smile for him hardly contained. It was possible that her taking time away from her shops would not be something unheard of, after all she spent what seemed like ages in the University pouring over book after book the last few years, and it was only the past six months or so that she had finally hit her limit. If she saw one more book, it might just be too soon.. well, anything other than a cooking or recipe book, that is.
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