[ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

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[ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aishe »




The Overview:
Setting: Grand Cathedral of Fenia City
Weather: Very cloudy

Current situation: The ceremony has not yet started. Guests are arriving and finding their seats. A redhead named Serendpity and Royal Secretary, Mallory, are stationed at the door to assist and greet.

Ceremony will begin on Saturday (RL).

The Royal Ball, which will be located in the Royal Court forum, will be opened on Monday IRL, but be directly following the ceremony in RP.


:: Grand Cathedral of Fenia City | November 30, 1658 ::

It's November 30th. Tomorrow’s the big day, my friend.

The words were murmured, only heard to those closest to her as the bustle easily covered her voice. Within the grand Cathedral of Fenia City sat the Vicerine, perched atop the stairs of the alter. With the afternoon sun high behind the clouds, she took a break from papers to wander and check on the progress of the final preparations. It was difficult for her not to micromanage every detail, observant eyes carefully watching each ribbon and petal. Trails of leaves wrapped their ways around the pillars, with pops of white, yellow, and blue. Grey fabric draped across the seats with delicate designs of black wolves and gold unicorns sewn into the ribbon. Bundles of foliage and flowers were being positioned every other row of seats and along the front by the alter. The decor, however, paled in the grandeur of the Cathedral’s architecture and stained-glass windows.

Ultimately, it would be what it was as she had work to do... Yet, the voice of her sister was a sound reminder that her wedding was not solely in the hands of the Mages. A grin split across her lips, eyeing Mallory hassling a servant about faltering flowers. She was not sure who was more stressed between the two of them. Shaking her head, she glanced over and up to the nearest creature.

It was one of her dearest friends and curiosities, the Chronicler 2873. The crystal and iron giant was unmoving and unresponsive, decorated and perfect in his own glorious way. He was one of the first to know about the engagement and he took her request very seriously. His absence had been only tolerable with the occasional visit to the stilled golem to confide and chat to - even if the conversation was one sided. It was a reminder of how different the passage of time was between the two creatures.

Hoisting herself up, Aishe smoothed her skirt down absently before leaning towards the Royal Historian. She pressed a light kiss to the highest crystal she could reach, which was only the lower section of his forearm given their dramatic size difference. See you tomorrow, Nic.

Descending the steps, she began down the aisle with cursory glances to the decor as she passed. It was a strange thing to think that, next time she walked towards those doors, she’d have a second spouse. She would be Mrs. Winterbourne and the Queen of Fenia - or well, one of two. The events leading to such a monumental moment were unknown to most, but it had not been an easy one void of hardship. She lightly shook her head, pushing the dark memories out of her mind. Instead, she placed a smile back on her lips and grabbed her sister when she neared. Giving her a peck on the check, bright eyes flitted between the servant and Mallory. The man took the opportunity to graciously flee, pretending someone had called for his assistance. Aishe took her sister’s fidgeting hand, giving it a pat.

I’ve got to finish up my day, then I’ll be retiring home. You needn’t linger here, phei. I am sure they will manage. Don’t be late to dinner - it's the night before my wedding, you know!

Grinning, the vampire let her sire’s hand go and proceeded on her way. A huff could be heard from Mallory, but it went unacknowledged. Instead, she kept for the exit because if she stayed, she’d likely not leave for a while yet. Her need to manage was kicking in. She dared herself a glance back once she reached the door; her stomach fluttered with an invisible weight pressing on her shoulders. Mrs. Winterbourne. Her fingers drummed against the grain of the wood for a brief moment in thought before she stepped out into fresh air. Back to the castle she went!
Last edited by Aishe on Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Serendipity »

OOC: Officially open! Questions, PM Aishe.


:: December 1st of 1658 ::

The air was crisp with winter right around the corner. The sun remained tucked behind an overcast, keeping away its warm rays, but that was just as well. It is a vampire's wedding, it is only fitting that the sun was not invited, Serendipity mused to herself while she walked the streets of Fenia City in the direction of the Grand Cathedral. The building itself was breathtaking. She had seen few structures that truly reminded her how little she was in the universe. Her tongue clicked in thought while she approached the door and entered the Cathedral.

It was not her first time being within the Cathedral, but it felt very different this time. There was a particular spark in the air, a spark of life and new beginnings. The buzz around the echoing halls was more settled than the days prior, but there was still a quiet bustle about. She had come alone to review things while the brides got ready and to open the doors to the public and guests attending today's wedding. So, she took some time to wander, checking over this and that with idle hands. In addition to the wild flowers and fabric of decor, the Winterbourne and Sanchari crests were hoisted up at the alter. The banners wavered slightly as movement started between them. The golem, whom she was familiar with, was stirring.

Grinning to herself, she took a moment to catch her reflection off a window. Her long locks were only pinned at the sides, flowing down without much wave. Her gown was deep blue, giving contrast to her fiery hair. It flowed with her movements, tightly fitted around her bust before cascading to the floor in pleats of fabric. The material itself was a little heavier due to the chill, sleeved and covering her shoulders. Silver, floral designs were sewn across the waist, sleeves, and edges of the gown to give it a little more interest. Her jewelry only consisted of pearl earrings. Serendipity had always been a woman with simple taste; even the shimmering of the dress felt too much to her. Yet, it was a Royal Wedding and she was certain there would not be a lack of best dressed.

Pleased with her appearance and that of the Cathedral, she requested the doors to be opened to allow the guests to enter. She would remain poised by the doors, greeting creatures with a cheerful demeanor and directing them to the prepared seats.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Chronicler »

The Chronicler had been told that The Aishe would be marrying and that it would have the great honor of officiating the ceremony. To be more exact, it had been told this months ahead of time. It stepped on top of the altar as it was the best place to observe the interior of the cathedral from. Once it had observed everything it waited there for the wedding to begin. Months passed and what had first seemed like an odd new decoration to the cathedral was soon decorated for every major holiday celebrated in the cathedral. For the Chronicler these moments full of new observations seemed to last the span of a lifetime of most biologicals, while it barely registered the passing of weeks or sometimes even months in between these celebrations. The only thing it took note during these quiet times were the visitations by The Aishe.

Eventually the days of preparation for the wedding came and The Chronicler was heavily decorated, so much so that one could barely recognize the golem underneath.

The AIshe came one final time before the ceremony and its left a gentle warm spot on the golems arm, but it wasn’t allowed to respond as The Aishe had specifically requested for the Chronicler to “Officiate the ceremony as most befitting to all creatures” and in all its records those that officiated such ceremonies often spend long times in quiet contemplation. It was unable to contemplate in the same way these priests had but it could remain quiet, and thus it did.

Finally the day came, creatures from all over Fenia and even beyond its borders entered the grand cathedral. Some spoke in excited hushed tones, others laughed and sung in celebration.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aileigh »

Aileigh stood before the Cathedral. Nerves flitted in her abdomen, but she was not entirely sure why. It wasn't her wedding. Yet, it was a wedding that was going to drastically affect her life. She was gaining a stepfather. The idea was an odd one to her - not the fact that her mothers were taking a man as a spouse, but that she was gaining a father figure. Her petite nose wrinkled slightly to her thoughts. It was not a bad thing; the King was a good man and what mattered most was the happiness of her mothers. It was just... Strange. For the entirety of her life, male influence had been fleeting within their household. True to the Romani culture, they were very much a matriarchal society and in essentially every aspect of their lives. There were exceptions, of course. Her cousin, Othniel. Her uncle, Kyler. Her irritating little brothers, Aian and Aeton. Family friend, William.

Her nose wrinkled again, hands pressing against the fabric of her gown. Aileigh glanced around, blue eyes wandering from face to face. Amalie stood alongside her, dressed in a pink flowing dress of her own. She and her sister had taken all morning to get ready at a slow pace, keeping out of the way of their parents while managing the troublesome twins. One would think at eighteen, they'd be a bit more mature. The damphir did not want the boys to be reckless and ruin anything today, but there was genuinely no telling. She had full intention of keeping them close, yet they had eluded her to the shadows and left her in the light a few hours ago. Their disappearing acts were tiresome, but perhaps that was just because she was incapable of such a freedom. In the moment, however, it was not them she was searching for, but a particular blonde date. They were to meet outside of the Cathedral.

A collection of rising shadows caught her attention a few feet away, halting her search for her date. The shadows dissipated swiftly, revealing the presence her brothers. Dressed appropriately, it was the grin on their faces that made her eyes narrowed.

Please, for the love of the Mages, just be good today.

Her plea was met with absent 'yeah yeah's and dismissive hands. She rolled her eyes, moving close enough to place a hand upon Aian's arm. To the outside, it may just seem as a friendly gesture, but it really was to make sure he did not get dip back into the shadows again. At least, he'd have to take her with him.

Simza, why don't you three go inside and I'll be there shortly.

Giving a nod, the brunette linked arms with either twin and ignored their groans, proceeding into the Cathedral. Aileigh watched them closely until they were out of sight. Fiddling with a flower, she sighed to herself. She felt out of sorts. Raven black hair was twisted into an updo today, which was unusual for her. It made her feel more exposed. She did like the additional flowers that had been tucked amongst the sea of black, providing pops of colour - her sister's idea.
Last edited by Aileigh on Sat Dec 01, 2018 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Varann »

Xie grins and looks down from the Cathedral's rafters watching from what was for xer a more comfortable place to be. Carefully xie walked across the old old beams and then noticed there was someone below xer so xie sat down and debated if xie should re enter through the doors like a normal person, just this once.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Arilynn »

Oh, William, stop fussing. With a grin, the Kitsune swatted playfully at her husband's hand and stole it into her own. He conceded, resuming the walk up to the Cathedral hand in hand with his wife. She offered a whisper to the self-conscious man. You look handsome. So handsome, someone may try to actually steal you from me.

His blue eyes rolled, but he wore a matching grin. Pressing a kiss to her temple, he released her hand to wrap his arm around her waist. He gave her a squeeze while admiring his wife's full gown. I think I should worry about that. You did that thing when your clothes are matching your eyes.

A chorus of 'ew's echoed from the six children around them. It was her turn to roll her eyes, but amusement sat amongst the emeralds. Forever sickeningly in love, the pair of them were. The amusement was mixed with growing excitement as they entered the Cathedral. It had been some years since she had known Aishe and Akos. The twins, Sokanon and Akos, grew up with William and it was only natural that, after time, Arilynn came to regard them as family. It had been a rocky start, with Aishe having attacked William after being freshly turned, but through the turmoil of both of their families, the wariness eventually turned to fondness. They were perhaps the only other people Arilynn would trust with her kits and that said a lot.

After giving Serendipity a tight hug, Arilynn ushered her family down the aisle to find a good seat. While some may have opted to leave their children at home, the Aurelius matriarch never let her brood leave her sight if she could help it. Besides, it was Auntie Akos's wedding and the children did not want to miss it. Settled into their chairs, she took a moment to glance over everyone and make sure all was well. Aurora was now twelve and was growing into a beautifully behaved young lady - unlike her father, Marcus Aurelius. Her eldest born were eight and all four of them were sharp as a knife. And then sat her youngest, closet to her, at age six - the only surviving babe from a litter of three. She was a proud mother, taking a moment to smooth down Kalei's curls. Her thoughts drifted for a moment, thinking of her dearest friend and kin, Shion. Neither her family nor that of the brides would be where they were, or even alive, if it weren't for the Kitsune. It would be a right shame that she would not be present to witness today, but Arilynn liked to think she would be, if just in the spirit of what she left behind.
Arilynn-Eireann Caitriona Lucia Aurelius-Braeden
Also known as Seasnán, back with six tails
Wife to William Braeden | Aurelius Matriarch | Profile | Shape-Shifter Extraordinaire
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aziza »

Aziza does not usually frequent this sort of event. No, Aziza prefers to spend her days exploring with Aileigh. Before the duo had met several months back, Aileegh hadn't gone out all that much. The young woman's knowledge of the world consisted mostly of what she had read in books. But Aziza has been on her own for several years now. She is only nineteen, but she had seen much of this kingdom and beyond. Yet today, Aziza agreed to come to this Royal Wedding with Aileigh. She wears knee-high brown leather boots and a slate grey dress with no extra embellishments. It probably is rather plain for such an event but Aziza doesn't own anything fancier than this.

She makes her way up to the cathedral silently, her long blonde locks hanging loosely down her back as her grey eyes scan the room. Her eyes land on the dark-haired woman nearing the large doors of the holy building. A slight smile appears on her lips as she silently speaks to her, the words coming to Aileigh's mind as if she was standing right beside her, speaking aloud, Hello, Darling.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aileigh »

A familiar voice quieted the rest of her thoughts, bringing a bright smile to her lips. Blue eyes searched as she turned around, promptly falling upon the blonde. While Aziza was making her approach, she went to meet her half way. The smile covered the lingering nerves, pressing a light kiss to her date's cheek.

Hello yourself. You look well dressed... I have something for you.

Aileigh took a second to look over Aziza's outfit before her smile turned into a grin. From a little pocket in the folds of her dress, she produced a small box. The box proudly was offered to Aziza. Within the box sat a locket. Perhaps it was silly, but it seemed appropriate to give her a gift. It had been an interesting, in a positive fashion, last few months with Aziza. She had been grateful for the way the girl opened her eyes and showed her new experiences of the world around her. It was very possible that the naive damphir had her first love. Big eyes watched for the reaction from Aziza, hands clasping together in anticipation once the box was accepted.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aziza »

Aziza's eyes light up as she sees Aileigh pause in recognition and turns around to meet the fair-haired woman's grey eyes. She continues to make her way towards her date as Aileigh speeds up the process by meeting her in the middle.The smile grows on her lips as Aileigh kisses her cheek before stepping back to appraise Aziza's appearance. Aziza reaches out a hand to tuck a rogue lock of Aileigh's dark hair back behind her ear as the other girl speaks. 'Well dressed' she says. Aileigh is always very careful with her words. Aziza knows that was probably the nicest way the damphir could say that for once Aziza is not wearing her customary trousers.

I even cleaned my boots, Aziza speaks aloud.

Her eyes then turn to the small box proffered. She can see on Aileigh's face that she is excited to gift this gift to Aziza. The blonde takes the box and opens it not-so-carefully nearly sending the contents inside flying through the air. Her fingers are quick to catch it, however, and she looks at the design on the exterior of the locket. Little blue flowers decorate the surface along with the colloquial name for which they were often called 'Forget Me Not'. Aziza smiles again and kisses Aileigh on her lips, likely embarrassing her.

Thank you, it is beautiful.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aileigh »

Her cheeks were quick to grow rosy in response to the kiss. She was still, in many ways, getting used to such a public affection. Considering how openly affectionate her parents were, one would think she'd not mind. It was one of the lingering pieces of innocence in the Boreens Durri heir. Her golden painted lips returned to a softer smile, gently taking the locket back. Opening the clasp, she moved behind her date to place it around her neck. Once secured, she let go to help lift Aziza's hair over the chain.

There. Now, we are ready. Moving to her side, Aileigh slipped her hand into Aziza's, entwining her fingers with those of her date. Let us go sit. My siblings should have saved us seats in the front.

With that, the pair finally entered the Cathedral. Aileigh gave her aunt a kiss on the cheek as they passed, before proceeding down the aisle. Wide eyes wandered, taking in the details of the setting. She had attended a mass or three before, but with the added decor, it was even more stunning than she recalled. It was surely a fitting location for the wedding of a king. Smiling, she admired the amount of life they had secured to the pillars - it was almost as if a forest nymph had come to claim the Cathedral as their own.

She wasn't far down the aisle when a rustle above caught her sensitive ears. Looking up, she was surprised to spy the familiar figure of Varann. A giggle escaped as she stopped in her tracks, a thin eyebrow arched.
I am sure the view is better down here!
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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