[ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Alexandria »

Alex was in her offices when she had gotten the invitation to the Royal Wedding. She was delighted to go. To do something other than paperwork. She missed traveling and having misadventures, with her now husband. Speaking up husband where is her this time. She giggled some thinking of him then she moved to send out the invite to all the Bravian council that includes Nocturne. She laughed out loud as she dropped the last invite and headed home. She needed to bath, and dress for the special occasion, but first, she had to make arrangement for getting there. Good thing she had magic or she would be very very late.

This was new to her… dressed in something so beautiful she couldn’t believe it was really her. Alex took several looks in the mirror before headed out the window and through the magical portal she learned to create to get her places safely. Walking up the stairs to the door she handed her letter to the young lady at the door then smiled. Hello... I'm Alexandria Braeden Black, Vicerine of Bravia, just call me Alexandria or Alex. I do not like all the formalities do you, she asks them. As she gazed around slightly hoping to see someone she might know or find a quick empty seat. Too many emotions for this empath but she was going to make it she thought with a smile on her lips.
Last edited by Alexandria on Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Alexandria »

sorry double posted
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Logo »

. . . .
A rumble, not entirely unlike thunder, converged on the Fenian Cathedral in exactly the same way thunders don't.

The relatively rhythmic booming was in turns exalted and abashed by a concretely erratic keening few souls would diagnose as 'song.'
Traveling the road alone, the source of disquiet was comfortably oblivious to opinions of those who might hear, or write stories of his progress.

Logo enjoyed the blows of feet on the road to Fenia.
He was pleased with the new lyrics for a classic trollish opera.
"A trrrrooolll on a mission a'walkin' an' a'wishin' to the Aishe an' the Akos an' the Zuan a happish mash-rimony..."
he crooned and took deep breaths in anticipation of the high notes.
"iz a'bride abiding an a groom a'groomin; all the families (mostly human) a be watcin' all the doings ... "
Though it was mostly ceremonial, Logo took the position of guardian seriously.
As the sun set, he quickened pace to arrive more or less on time -- or at least as much more or as little less on time as possible.

Logo also took seriously the somewhat less ceremonial position victim of road faeries, but that's a story and a song for another time.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by NewFulleriaVR »

Andrew Carabino IV stood on the deck of the NFS Viceroy. The breeze had been very good letting the galleon sail across the sea. It was a long tradition of his family on boats. There was a time where New Fulleria spanned land with waterways between. Boat travel was the common way to travel. Time had erased a lot of those memories from the people, but the Carabino family would never forget the family legacy. Looking over the horizon, a bird flew in and landed in a specialized nest. Andrew looked at the parchment and nodded as he read. "Hard to port... track a new course to Athena," he commanded. The captain nodded quickly and Andrew went into his chamber on the galleon to write a response back.

The seas were a bit choppy on the way to Athena, but they made good time. Landing at the harbor, the crew tied the ship up and started on their way to find supplies for their next voyage. Meanwhile, Andrew negotiated usage of a horse to head towards Fenia city. After some coins passed hands, he was off and there before he knew it. Upon arriving, Andrew hoped off the horse and said," I am Andrew Carabino IV, leader of New Fulleria and the Free Seas. I am here to attend the marriage." The monkey on his shoulder looked over at the greeters and excitedly said something... even if no one could decipher what it meant.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Skye »

Skye walked around her tiny place wondering if she got the right dress, but what if the color was wrong? What if she looked out of place? Ok, ok you can kill yourself with all the what if’s the whisper said while she looked at herself in the mirror. Go have some fun, the whisper said and remember to smile and have fun it said as she left the house for the wedding. The walk wasn’t far as she walked up the chapel steps trying to slip past the other that had already arrived before her.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Mallory »

She nearly spoke but Serendipity stopped her. If the sister of the Queen in waiting wasn't high enough of a greeter the Royal Secretary certainly was. She wondered, briefly, if it fell within her duties to see to smoothing the woman's anger but opted not to do so to prevent accidentally slipping up in her speaking. She, instead kept her face smooth and calm, her smile as effortless as ever. She glanced around and nodded to Serendipity, "I'm going to move nearer the front in case the King needs anything." quietly she slipped off without waiting for an answer. She needed a drink, and she needed one quickly. She darted out of the space and quickly searched out a small drink to get her through the ceremony. That cared for she moved nearer the front, catching the eyes of those around her to see if anyone needed anything.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aishe »

OOC Note: We will be moving the RP forward on Saturday. Our goal is to give people ample arrival time before the ceremony begins. Questions, PM Aishe.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Sila_Djinn »

Alima was curious when she heard about the royal wedding. The only royal wedding she had previous attended, she was stuck in her bottle and given as wedding gift. The Sila Djinn may or may not have been responsible for the demise of that marriage, but then it was one of those bound to happen sooner or later things. As more and more people talked about the royal wedding in Fenia City, she wondered what it would be to attend such an event outside her bottle.

Using her shape shifting skills, Alima snuck into the cathedral and found a spot she could watch the ceremony from. All that window washing and floor sweeping finally paid off. She considered phasing into the unseen realm, but then someone might bumped into her. Better to just stay visible.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Duke_of_Earl »

Duke sat in his office with the clerics. The crowd had begun to gather outside for this unprecedented event.

The King of Fenia and head of the Winterbourne family was to be married to the Kralisi of the Boreens Durri Roma; and her wife.
Duke was uncertain whether the usual binding rituals would work between three people, particularly when including an already bonded pair.
Someone had once managed to marry Aniel to herself once though, so all in all, Duke hopes there shall be no troubles today.

There already was some bond of magic between these three anyway.
Due had sensed it for a while now, smelled it, saw some colour in the ether surrounding them.
They've never mentioned it however, so he'd kept his nose out of the situation out of respect for their privacy.

Duke wondered if perhaps King Zuan would soon be blessed with the pidder padder of little feet in his household.
It would be an interesting brood given the nature of his newfound brides.

Duke beathes a happy sigh out through his nostrils and blinks at the clerics to begin preparing the sacred oils.
He then hops down from the desk upon which he sat and pads out of the room, to wander amongst the guests for a time.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Ella »

Ella in the long mirror in her bed chamber. Her hair fell in a curtain of loose curls down her back. Her dress was a bit fancier than she usually preferred to wear but this was a Royal Wedding. Giving her reflection in the mirror one last look, she stepped away and made her way into the corridor. She traveled the short distance to Rosalie's room where her daughter was waiting. In many respects, Rosalie was the miniature of her mother. She too had dark curls, pale porcelain skin, dimples just like her mother. The only largely noticeable difference is that her irises were typically a pale blue. The girl who had the spirit of a naiad inside of her, chose the blue because it reminded her of the water on the surface. It wasn't grey like the water in the Nether.

"Are you ready, Rosie?" Ella asked the girl who's physical appearance was now roughly four years of age.

"Yes!" the girl twirled around in the golden-yellow dress that she was wearing. It was to match her friend Amara's dress as they were to both be flower girls. Rosalie had first demonstrated her skills to her 'Auntie' Akos and 'Auntie' Aishe by tossing shadow roses around the tavern for them to see. And now she was going to get to throw flowers at their wedding.

"Let's go then, we do not wish to be late."

With that, Ella enveloped the pair in a cloak of shadows and they reappeared on the steps of the cathedral. Rosalie bounded up the steps, her dark curls bouncing as she did. Ella followed along behind her, making her way inside. She wasn't sure where Rosalie was actually supposed to be so she glanced around for some direction.
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