Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

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Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Ambrosia »


Ambrosia watched the flakes of ice stack around the castle. Vivid blue hues devoid of any true emotion as the announcement lit across the kingdoms. Viceroy, again? She glances down to the scrolls and notes scattered across the desk. How could they celebrate Spring? Revival? With this weather outside? Secfenia had to know. The mages knew, she whispered to herself as she cuddled the morning juice potion close to her bust. She had been so hopeful for Bravia years ago before she left for North of North Fenia. Staring at the town square was like looking at a graveyard not visited. During her visit as Finance Minister she made sure to restock the flower on her brother and sister's grave, but it was evident that the graves around them lacked life. It was all dead.

Licking her lips, she made a decision flickering from view near the fireplace in her office. The chill creeps across her shoulder, but the cold is what she was bore into. There were more tombstones that belonged to Bravia of those dead politicians that left her, herself included, to die. But she remembers her own final address to the Republic and her warning. The plague of apathy had only been corrected in her absence as far as she could tell for a short time. A hand tediously twirls a black curl around a pale finger. Ambrosia paused before she started her speech finding an object to help drill the message that the people had forgotten.

The Republic was a mortal, and the time had ran thin. Frozen fingers hook around the handle of the shovel, and she trecks forward to strike against the snow in the ground.

"People of Bravia. I'm your new viceroy for a time, and this shouldn't have happened. I'm going to make this address as simple as I can, because I doubt any of you creatures are actually listening to me. I loved the Republic, but I did indeed leave her. We are sorting a festival of sorts, but let it be known. You have twenty-eight days."

She taks a deep breath and watches the warm smog blow out in front of her. Picking away the snow and winter grass underneath it with the shovel in hand.

"Either you wake up, Bravia. Or else we will hold a funeral for the Republic as we know it. Do Nothing and put on your best attire for the funeral. I'll even start the grave, since it seems no one even knows how to plant a garden to honor the dead. So we're on the same page, March 8. It will either be a day like no other, or else the Republic will be plagued with morose.We will hold a funeral for her here. I won't kill her. The council in place won't kill her. It will be, you. Here lies the Republic, and here lies you the people with her."
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Grayson »

Grayson was walking out of his office of Rector, the day was cold and dreary, he worked his way towards home and to Alex. As he was walking with his cloak tight and his hood up; he saw a figure in the graveyard. Pausing he looked upon the figure of the new Viceroy Ambrosia, she seemed to be digging a grave! He inched his way closer as she was speaking as she did!

"People of Bravia. I'm your new viceroy for a time, and this shouldn't have happened. I'm going to make this address as simple as I can, because I doubt any of you creatures are actually listening to me. I loved the Republic, but I did indeed leave her. We are sorting a festival of sorts, but let it be known. You have twenty-eight days." She paused then continued "Either you wake up, Bravia. Or else we will hold a funeral for the Republic as we know it. Do Nothing and put on your best attire for the funeral. I'll even start the grave, since it seems no one even knows how to plant a garden to honor the dead. So we're on the same page, March 8. It will either be a day like no other, or else the Republic will be plagued with morose.We will hold a funeral for her here. I won't kill her. The council in place won't kill her. It will be, you. Here lies the Republic, and here lies you the people with her."

Grayson pondered what he was hearing and wondered what could be done to stimulate the growth and the creatures in his beloved home. Grayson was not sure if he could handle a move or loss of this proud place. He looked around and began thinking of things to do to help wake folks. He walked on towards home and nodded towards the Viceroy hoping she noticed...hopefully she would see that some one still cared.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by TwoB »

Twob looked around and drafted a letter to her people. "Perhaps too many have become like I was... just a hidden fire burned house on the side"
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Alexandria »

Alex moved towards her husband and TwoB as she caught Ambrosia words. "Hello sweetie... Hello TwoB what do you think the people will do. Will they listen or like always sit and wait and see what happens," she asked putting her arm in her husbands.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Nocturne »

Multi-colored hues just flickered in and out as shadows seemed to go in and out of existence.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by TwoB »

Twob looks around. "I sent a mail to let people know you were speaking. I was hoping there would be more of a showing, but I guess this is it. Probably will wait until something major happens before they do something," TwoB said.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Tuvoria »

For too long I have tried to stay away from politics. I would rather work behind the scenes working to uplift and support this great republic. It is one of the reasons that Wyllow and myself left Widu to move here. However, pf late, it seems that the power only rests in the hands of a few. There is none, if any, communication from the elected officals to the people in the streets. I have never seen a financial or overall status report on the health of Bravia. I can;t even recall the last time a mayor gave an update on their town. I'm currently on a trade mission and tried for weeks to see if I could get something from the Council or ideas on what to keep an eye out for and never got word back. The issues at hand go both ways. transparency is need and we the people need to hold creatures accountable.

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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Rannek »

When was the last time you asked for transparency? Or, more specifically, any of these reports?

Because I certainly wasn't aware of any of this.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Tuvoria »


for the longest time it was standard practice to post some of this. and if you look there is a thread for the council to give status reports and for the mayor's to give updates in each city. A good leader should be willing to give these updates without being asked. It goes both ways my friend, and yes I could have been more pressing in making leadership post these things, but I shouldn't have too is what I am saying.

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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Tuvoria »

here is the council thread that hasn't been updated in way too long


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