Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Wyllow »

She smiled with pride. They hadn't even spoken about their thoughts about this. 'Funny that should be mentioned...' She indicated her comment was directed at her husband. 'I just sent the same exact statement to the Town Mayor not more than five moments ago.' Her smile grew in her thoughts of her beloved. She turned to address individuals that, honestly, she was quite suspicious of.

'Mark my words, something is up. I can feel it in my gut.' quite certain all this proclaimed care was a cover of something sinister in the works. The other point that brought her cause were the only outspoken ones were those that didn't even live here. If you care, wouldn't you move here to aid? This thought circulated around in her brain... She turned to the man that spoke to her husband. 'Sir, You have been here for how long? You weren't aware of what? How could you know how things should be here? You don't live here. I don't know you, never spoken to you, and that is your reply to a citizen that is asking for transparency? Why, if you had good intentions, would you instead, point fingers rather than agree, that obviously reports, like.. oh I don't know, mentors reports about their towns be provided to the people so that they could better work for their government?'

'Perhaps what really happened in Bravia, is we thought that the councils were competent. That happens when we beg of anyone and everyone to work in government but we don't train them in the work. People have always been engaging in Bravia. It is only recently that certain people fled it for greener pastures ... and lets not mention all your Lovely Titles you have recently created.' She was glad to have renounced her titles intentionally a good deal ago. Some did, just to do, not to be recognized. 'I won't even mention how disheartening it is to see Bravians support anything that is being put forth by entities that don't even live here, voting for their placement to lead here, is breathtaking.' She hoped her points stuck. Her point was that those that were on this council that lived here, take everything with a grain of salt. Evaluate carefully every move, because no VR council head comes out and bold face threatens Bravia like this, with a planned Funeral and acts like it isn't on them. An entity that abandoned Bravia. Because the whole charade was an obvious threat.
balerion is now a Warden
Reported on Feb 09, 1659 9:12 pm

balerion has been granted the title of Warden by the esteemed leader of Bravia. The title was given for the following reason: Life matters

Ambrosia is now a Master Baker
Reported on Feb 09, 1659 8:24 pm

Ambrosia has been granted the title of Master Baker by the esteemed leader of Bravia. The title was given for the following reason: Oh, why not? Can I bake life into this place? I can surely wreck a wall with my fudge cake.

Katie is now a Senator
Reported on Feb 09, 1659 8:21 pm

Katie has been granted the title of Senator by the esteemed leader of Bravia. The title was given for the following reason: Live long and prosper.

Grayson is now a Senator
Reported on Feb 09, 1659 8:18 pm

Grayson has been granted the title of Senator by the esteemed leader of Bravia. The title was given for the following reason: Your patronage to life.

TwoB is now a Senator
Reported on Feb 09, 1659 8:15 pm

TwoB has been granted the title of Senator by the esteemed leader of Bravia. The title was given for the following reason: For your patronage, and since you're alive.

Rannek is now a Warden
Reported on Feb 09, 1659 8:09 pm

Rannek has been granted the title of Warden by the esteemed leader of Bravia. The title was given for the following reason: Against all the odds. Whiskey Realm Spokesman.

'It would be nice if these titles actually represented something here.. Obviously, they are a mockery? Why be listed as a Master Baker, when you can't even Bake here?' She shook her head. 'I pretty much figured out that when I brought up the problem of a Dead Town Council, and the reactions that happened there, that something is definately up..'
The Council Voted in the following manner during the Vote of Confidence:

balerion voted for no one
DarkRose voted for Nocturne
Ambrosia voted for Ambrosia
Nocturne voted for Ambrosia

Katie voted for no one
Rannek voted for Ambrosia
Joanna voted for no one
Rhapsody voted for no one
TwoB voted for Ambrosia
Gawain voted for Ambrosia
'So I ask you here and now: Again, what exactly are your intentions here? Do you intend to destroy what we have here? Because some of these titles are odd to me. Just because we are quiet, does not mean we are dead.' She crossed her arms over her chest quite seriously and waited. Anyone that had good intentions, would never threaten it with a Funeral. 'I am not sure what you are expecting from Bravians, when your first words are insults at them 'not actually listening', then your next words is a threat.' She thinks suddenly about Honey and Vinegar, but brushes the thoughts away. With that, she sighed, not sure what to think these days.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by balerion »

Council Update: We are developing a new government type to propose to the people to make Bravia function better. It is called a Presidency. I proposed it publicly for all to see. The motion passed. We are working on adjusting the finishing touches before showing it to the public for vote. It will involve either 1 or 2 individuals running on a ticket. Bravia won't have people unable to fill a council list as a result. Offices will be more easily changed. Hope that helps.

I made the proposal to try to facilitate better government here. Nothing will happen without the citizens approval.

Sadly we foreigners have been more active in the current council than the actual Bravians.

Titles were given at the Vicerine's discretion.

That's all I have at the minute.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Rannek »

Wyllow wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:42 am 'Sir, You have been here for how long? You weren't aware of what? How could you know how things should be here? You don't live here. I don't know you, never spoken to you, and that is your reply to a citizen that is asking for transparency? Why, if you had good intentions, would you instead, point fingers rather than agree, that obviously reports, like.. oh I don't know, mentors reports about their towns be provided to the people so that they could better work for their government?'
Alright now, first of all - you DO know me, and I mean from before this council. Hell, we've even served together on the SAME council MULTIPLE times. So if you don't even know your fellow council members, then that's on you. But you can just stop right there, because if all YOU are going to do is spread lies and misinformation and then feign ignorance in a vain attempt to direct the flow to suit your own personal goals, then perhaps that's where we should start looking at where the problem is. That kind of destructive self-serving attitude.

Stop trying to make excuses. You're as bad as Katie, and that's where the real problem lies. The refusal to see what's ACTUALLY causing the damage, and instead focussing on finding the nearest and most easily accessible scapegoat. You wanna know why Bravia's dying? Maybe you should stop looking for excuses, because you're not gonna find the answer there.

Now notice how you've only just started making all these complaints? I'm glad to see that there are some people still alive in Bravia after all, but it'd be nice if you took action BEFORE we came. In saying that, if you can keep up this kind of attention and desire for accountability AFTER we're gone too, then I can safely say I've done my job.
Wyllow wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:42 am'Perhaps what really happened in Bravia, is we thought that the councils were competent. That happens when we beg of anyone and everyone to work in government but we don't train them in the work. People have always been engaging in Bravia. It is only recently that certain people fled it for greener pastures
Or perhaps the problem lies in the fact that you simply don't care WHO fills these positions, only that it is filled. Current council is a perfect example of this.

And can you guess why those people left? I'll give you three tries and a hint; they said why when they announced their departure.

Now, if you could kindly elaborate on what you mean by 'engaging' here, that'd be appreciated. Because I don't think an unfilled council list really qualifies as 'engaging'. Paz doesn't currently have a mentor, and hasn't in pretty much my entire time here from what I can recall, is that 'engaging'?
Wyllow wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:42 am'I won't even mention how disheartening it is to see Bravians support anything that is being put forth by entities that don't even live here, voting for their placement to lead here, is breathtaking.' She hoped her points stuck. Her point was that those that were on this council that lived here, take everything with a grain of salt. Evaluate carefully every move, because no VR council head comes out and bold face threatens Bravia like this, with a planned Funeral and acts like it isn't on them. An entity that abandoned Bravia. Because the whole charade was an obvious threat.
I know, right? VERY disheartening. It's almost like people just don't care these days.
Wyllow wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:42 am'It would be nice if these titles actually represented something here.. Obviously, they are a mockery? Why be listed as a Master Baker, when you can't even Bake here?' She shook her head. 'I pretty much figured out that when I brought up the problem of a Dead Town Council, and the reactions that happened there, that something is definately up..'
Well, once again, a dead town council is an internal Bravia City affair that should've been brought up to the mayor, not the entire viceregal council. The hell's the viceregal council gonna do about it? You'd've been better off addressing the problem to the populace of Bravia City directly and, instead of simply abandoning it like our current lovely viceroy is accused of doing with Bravia as a whole, asked for more participants.
Wyllow wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:42 am'So I ask you here and now: Again, what exactly are your intentions here? Do you intend to destroy what we have here? Because some of these titles are odd to me. Just because we are quiet, does not mean we are dead.' She crossed her arms over her chest quite seriously and waited. Anyone that had good intentions, would never threaten it with a Funeral. 'I am not sure what you are expecting from Bravians, when your first words are insults at them 'not actually listening', then your next words is a threat.' She thinks suddenly about Honey and Vinegar, but brushes the thoughts away. With that, she sighed, not sure what to think these days.
It's a bit late to be asking our intentions. If we wanted to destroy Bravia we would've likely done it and been long gone by now. If we wanted to destroy Bravia I doubt we'd even bother with titles since Bravia would no longer exist, would it? No, of course not. Because it would've been destroyed thus making the titles moot and a waste of time. Perhaps, and I can't speak of behalf of the vicereine as the announcement was hers alone, it was intended as a warning. Also, those were not our first words - at least as a council - so that proves you really aren't listening.

If Bravia isn't dead, then why is there a council half-filled with Fenian's and Kienian's on it? They certainly couldn't've voted themselves in.

Overall, you haven't really brought anything to the table. Tuvoria, on the other hand, brought forward a very important topic. One, I might add, that even before our arrival was extremely infrequent acted upon. I've seen only a single report in the last year; perhaps that's 'engaging'? Followed by a single year of active reporting, then two reports in the previous year, then literally nothing for the next two years before that. So I can see this is a very time honoured tradition, held close to the hearts of the Bravian people.

You want us to be your next scapegoat? That's fine, I've got no problem with that. But just remember that after we've left, the real issues will still remain at large.

Also no, I don't really care what you, or anyone else here, thinks about me. I came here because I was asked to help, and I was bright-eyed and bushy tailed for the first FORTNIGHT. After that? Pure disappointment. And that disappointment continues, even grows, right now. I'm doing the job YOU should be doing. If you wanted me to be nice and polite, you had a fortnight for that.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Spiffy »

From his vantage point, in the highest tree which he spend most of his days curled up when the wind blew, or the air was cold. In the days with milder weather, he was swinging his small furry legs back and forth from the branch on which he sad, oberserving the many interesting creatures as they did their day to day doings while enjoying his delicious fishies.

Having followed the gathering of creatures for some time, he had decided to go adventure a little closer to hear what they where all gathering for. Finding a spot ontop of a wagon to sit, unpacking his lunch, a nice fresh tasty fishy to enjoy as the listened hoping everyone would act civil while they argued the future of this great VR together.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Ambrosia »

Ambrosia offered a nod to Grayson having caught the other's nod. Then took a glance towards the others with a sad thoughtful expression. "Words used to move mountains here. Too bad no one likes having their free voice or their head either." Blue hues flicker towards Tuvoria taking in his words. "This present council wasn't aware that you had reached out for them in regards to tradings. However, see, you are in your own way acknowledging there is a problem here. There is no communication, because the dead rarely communicate much at all. So who on the council did you reach out to for trade endeavors? Bravia's mayor is new to the job. I'm sure if you reached out to the mayor they would have responded. It does little good to overwhelm and get testy with someone trying to preserve what you have here."

"I can update the status on the council. That's easy enough as the acting vicerine." She took a deep breath before she continued onward to Wyllow. "Ah good, you contacted the town mayor. Excellent. I will reach out to Bravia's mayor myself as well."

"Well, you and your spouse seem to be up." Ambrosia shrugged with a smug smirk. "Rannek and I have served on this council of Bravia multiple times. I'd ask that you take a glance at the history of viceroys of Bravia. You would then notice that there isn't one past viceroy on council, there are more. If you want timely reports, why don't you volunteer to help this town thrive? Or have you and you find yourself acknowledging that the people in your vicinity are quite unresponsive?" Ambrosia gestured to the dragon, and to Rannek. "We're answering you here in the public eye, and no doubt we would answer a parchment if you wrote us."

Ambra arched a brow at the other woman. "Beg anyone and everyone? Yet, sorry. I didn't see you or your husband on the last list. Nor do I see you looking to join the next list needed to be Bravia's savior. I don't see you doing much of anything, but being awake. I'll take the blame in awakening you from your bakery or under whatever log had knocked you unconcious by my colorful titles. Where is your solid proof that we don't have houses built here in Bravia? I have one on Strawberry Lane in fact. And I do bake nice cakes. It's not my problem that it took anouncements about titles to get you to care enough to come here today."

"I helped build Bravia, as I initially said we won't destroy it. However, I think it will be very sad when the next list isn't built proper and Bravia caves on itself. I think it deserves a funeral or a wake to remember what a free government feels like. Let me direct you to the castle now. I do not see a new list ready to take over for us that keep your home afloat. I count.." Ambra started to point and mutter to herself. "Five awake people thus far. If you're so intent on saving your home, perhaps you should start orchestrating that list and then I won't hold Bravia's funeral in twenty days."
Sister to Dahlia, Zuan, Zhou, & Serafina. RIP Razen & Cara (Trinity)
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Calysta »

Dear Bravians,

Having heard of your plight and having time to think it over, I offer you a solution.

While you could create a Presidency, the President would still have to fill offices. Therefore, there would still be foreigners on your council.

Which is why I am proposing yet another government: The Peasant Dictatorship! In a Peasant Dictatorship your Viceroy will be a nameless peasant and all the Ministers will be nameless peasants likewise. You will give up all control of government to the peasants in exchange for the peasants doing government work for you so you don't have to.

Of course there will be both pros and cons to the new government.

The peasants can't read, so none are qualified to be either prosecutor or judge. There will be no courts. However, the Castle will be protected by the Mages, so no one can revolt against it.

Additionally, life is hard for a peasant. They have no time for frivolities; therefore, no peasant will take the job of Public Relations. This will end many games, but Bravians will be welcome to set celebrations up themselves without government assistance ((No IG games but you can do ones on the forum)).

There will be Finance Minister, Internal Affairs Minister, and Mines Minister. They will keep things running but only do the bare minimum. They will not assist with trades between towns or give travel grants to citizens.

Peasants don't have what it takes to be a General. The Internal Affairs Minister will salt the road for you.

The University will also be managed by a nameless peasant who doesn't know how to read. He will not take class requests from you or hire teachers, but he'll let you come read the books for a fee.

All this for the luxury of being free to do what you want while living under Peasant Dictatorship.

However, I have noticed Dictatorships never call themselves Dictatorships. That sounds awful, so we will make it sound nicer by calling it instead The Democratic People's Republic of Bravia.

I thank you for your consideration of this proposal. I won't be offended if you choose another solution. I just want you to know that we're rooting for you.

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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by TwoB »

TwoB shook her head slowly. "It's amazing they want to talk about transparency when it's like pulling teeth to even get them to speak out half the time. Hi, I'm the mayor of Bravia because no one else really wants the job. I send out mass mails to attempt to get communication going. I've begged each member of the town council to visit and share their thoughts. What do you suggest on how to fix this? Do you have a magic spell that can make them more active for me? Do you have a way for me to force them to give their opinions," TwoB asked of Wyllow.

She pondered how many messages, how many attempts she would have to do before it would be considered enough for some people. She grabbed a bunch of parchment and sighed. "It's gotten so bad that when I send out a mass mail to the town asking for feedback about what the people want to see that I got one response. One which was by a member of our Town Council and our Town Mentor. Nocturne has been the only town councilor to show up in the Town Council Chambers even after I have sent every member a message asking them to come in. Maybe I need to offer them rewards to show up? Maybe we give money to anyone who answers when we ask for feedback. I'm open to ideas. What are yours," TwoB asked.

She shifted slightly hearing the titles. "I don't really pay attention to the titles that were given out. I see that I have a senator title apparently. Is it something that isn't given to councilors? I am indifferent to keeping it and would return it if requested, but do not want to insult whatever tradition may exist," TwoB stated.

Hearing Wyllow talk about the Vote of Confidence, TwoB nodded a bit. "I see that my name has come up regarding why I voted the way that I did. I voted for Ambrosia as she was the one willing to do the position after Nocturne stepped down. I did not see any other candidate emerge and I knew I did not want that responsibility as I am also running a town as well. I have enough on my plate. Are you upset that she is our new leader or that I voted for the only candidate available," TwoB inquired.

"I can't speak for the others, but I will be transparent on this. I have been here to serve. I vote in the options given and voice opinions. Do you know why there is a threat of a Funeral? It's pretty simple and I don't like it one bit. People beg for responses and a sign of life. We fail to give it until an emergency like this is thrust upon us. I've voted against several ideas of what to even offer the people as I don't think it's right for us, but the foreigners do have a point. I didn't enter politics because of a desire to. I did it cause it was needed. We, as a Viceroyalty, failed to even get a list together in time. That should be embarassing to us," TwoB said with a visible sigh. "I don't think they came here to destroy, they came here to wake us all up. I'm awake... but where is everyone else? Every single member of the town of Bravia was told about this here and asked to come forth and give their opinions. I'm glad you and the other has arrived," TwoB stated.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Nocturne »

To address several things being brought up:

1) "Power rests in the hands of a few" - Believe me, we have had to PLEAD with Bravians to run for council....mass mails fall on apathetic ears. Someone else will do it, right? I don't need to concern myself with political matters. Well, perhaps not, but it does lead to burnout for many of those who put other goals on hold to make sure the country has run. My wife blithey LIVES IN FENIA. But you know how easily another councilperson wanted to step up, and I could take time off, or travel to surprise her with a visit? Oh, that's right, not easy at all. Multiple mails and criers go out usually...this time I ran a separate ticket with totally different people...and with the irony that this "power" rests in the hands of the council 'few' now..most of whom haven't been here often in the past 6 months, well, it's pushing the boundaries of credibility. The goal is to have as many people involved and knowing how to run things in the event people need to go or want to do other things for a while.

2) Back and forth with double standards: It seems a bit off to assume that the people running things here now should know how things always were done prior and jump to them, and yet then in the next part say that they wouldn't know anything here being not here. Make up your mind which you expect, Bravians. And when you pointed out a request to update, lo and behold, it was done. I have since retired, and only this matter and one other request will I be answering before I'm on my way.

3) Accusations of destruction: If anything, these people took time away from their HOMES to try to keep our home from failing. Yet the response is to spurn their help? As I leave this realm, I'm sad if that's the case...and I hope there will be a full council, or multiple lists, run by Bravians next time, and you choose to deserve victory.

4) Title talk: Mockery? For people showing they actually care about keeping the republic afloat? I guess you could see it that way. And Ambra loves baking, she makes a mean loaf of bread. Delicious, and alternately used as a very effective club for an attack. Sometimes, people can actually, ya know, have fun. It's not meant to be tedious and grinding...when it gets that way without ever getting a break, again, that becomes burnout for those serving their VR.

5) Last and least: The absurd message from the almighty former queen of Kiene (And silent mine minister): Calysta, dear. You have a lot of upset people in Widu's town square, and transparency problems galore right in your own cities. Chaos Mite even made a big staging of issues going on there...and I don't think I've seen a public response. You might want to look in your own backyard and make sure your own dictatorship is secure before trying to project onto others. Know that we're cheering for you, too, bless your little heart.

May you all hopefully work together ... in Nikki's words... to Build a Better Bravia. I bid you all farewell, and may strength enter you with every step you take.

Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Calysta »

Calysta wasn't in Bravia to hear what Nocturne had to say, but news traveled fast via the peasants, six of them gathered in her office.

"Guess what we heard! Guess what we heard!" They chanted in unison.

"Hmmm.... what's that?" Calysta asked.

They all started to talk at the same time over each other, but one shushed the others, so he could have the floor. "I heard from my cousin who heard from his girlfriend who heard from her brother who heard from his friend in Bravia who heard from his step-mom who was out buying strawberries from the fruit stand when there was a lot of freemen talking and she stopped to listen to them and they were discussing your letter---"

"They loved it!" One girl unable to hold it in any longer cut the other peasant off. "All the peasants in Bravia love your idea. It's the best!" All the girls jumped up and down giddily and then held hands and skipped in a circle as if playing ring around the rosie.

"Not the leaders though! They hate it!" The teenage peasant boy declared. "Nocturne had a melt down! The teenager wriggled his body like he was made out of jello and 'melted' into the floor, lying flat on his back.

Calysta raised a brow, "Oh really?"

A girl broke from the circle, "Yeah! He had a tempertantrum!" She threw herself to the ground and started kicking and screaming, "Waaah!"

Calysta tried to get something more definite out of them, "What did Nocturne say?

They started trying to talk over one another again until another peasant lass held out her arms to silence them. "He went like this!" She attempted her best Nocturne impression and threw her head back screeching, "Reeeeeeeeee!

Calysta chuckled at the performance. The peasants were always more lively than the middle class and nobility "Thank you. That's very good. Do you know what specifically Nocturne said?"

The teenage lad who had pulled himself off the floor answered, "He said, he said, 'Don't listen to Calysta. Everyone in Kiene is angry! They hate it there. I hate her! I hate her idea!'"

"Thank you very much," Calysta said while pulling out her purse. She gave them some coins. One of the lads stayed behind, offering to carry any message to Nocturne for her for some extra money. Calysta agreed and wrote a letter sending it to Nocturne by way of the lad.
Dear Nocturne,

Thank you for your concern for Kiene. We are doing spectacular right now. People are happy and engaged. The general public is upbeat and optimistic. It's a great time to be a Kienian.

There are only two unhappy souls. The first having been unhappy from before I arrived. He has the same foul mood regardless of who is in office. The second being the husband of one of the recent revolters who has taken it upon himself to spread lies and misinformation. Perhaps it is these mistruths that has you needlessly concerned.

I assure you that Kiene is well and in good hands, much better off than Bravia at least.

I'm very sorry about Bravia's state of affairs. I had hoped my letter would shake things up and inspire people to involve themselves in government. I also had hoped that you would realize it was satire and have had a good laugh over it. It seems, however, you are lacking a sense of humor - at least political humor. I only wish my letter would have had as great an impact on the uninvolved as it did you.

I have many friends in Bravia, and I don't want them to lose their home. I do not even wish that on my worse enemy. Perhaps you could try mailing my letter to your people, so they can be fired up as much as you were. Then perhaps they will do something. Otherwise, if nothing is done, my satirical letter will become the only real solution. Not much could be worse than that.

Please pass along my well wishes to the people of Bravia.

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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Alexandria »

It seems to me this has got out of hand. Thank you Calysta for your chime in wanted or unwanted as it may have been it seems now all you want it to cause unneeded frustration.

I agree if nothing changes then the town with all it has been to everyone who have come and gone dies. What I do see is past Bravian from other towns when ask to help come and help. If you don't like it then do something to help the town and I'm sure they would love to see that as well. If your here just to complain and do nothing then what's the point. It doesn't change Bravia has a problem. Help and stop the complaints. Do something or do nothing it's your choice, but stop complaining to those who have come to help.

I love my home but I'm tired of hearing others complain about what they can and would do but sit on their arse and do nothing. I like to do what I can without burning myself out. BRAVIA need a lot! So do something or ... well, I going to stop there.
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