[ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

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[ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Grazilda »

Grazilda sat down after waiting for hours. There was no job available today. It wasn't the first time that it happened and it certainly wasn't the last.

She wondered if she was the only one who was unfortunate enough to look for a job at the early hours of the day.

It's not that there wasn't any job available at all. She could beg at the temple. She could also work in the mines that belonged to BRAVIA to help the other VR, she could also chop wood. She could also hunt for Zyrks an Yvyrms.

Thus, she decided to send a letter to the Mayor's office.
Dear Mayor,


I would like to bring the issue of labor to your attention.

Lately, field jobs have been unavailable to those who wake up early (ooc: time zone difference).

There are other sources of income. However, I see certain issues:

- The pay for the mine was a joke, as the average wage in Cork is about 33 freznics, ranging from 30-40 f.
- Begging will give a low income.
- Working for the Bravia mine sounds like treason.
- University jobs are unavailable until after a few hours.
- Scouting for Zyrks/Yvyrms can result to finding tumblweeds (like today), which can sometimes (if not always) lead to 0 income
- Chopping will not guarantee a decent pay if you get only 4 bushels to be sold to the town hall at 7.25f, a total of 29f, which seems to be the average wood that she got. And it also took a while before the town hall buys them. This is all assuming that wood chopping is even open for that day.

I suggest that there be a campaign to have our citizens hire for their fields regularly.

The field job minimum wage is another issue that I will bring up later.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


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Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Victorious »

Victorious received a letter on her desk. She sat down with a cup of Kaluha and some cream. Something she enjoyed every morning. It became a ritual every morning. She got comfortable in her chair and opened the letter. It was from her cousin Grazilda. She smiled but as she read the letter the smile turned to a frown. She had some thinking to do. After awhile as she thought about the situation, she began to write two letters but the first was to her cousin.

Dear Grazilda:

First I would like to thank you for bringing up your concerns to me. I will try to correct this issue for you and the town.

I am very sorry you are having such a hard time. I do realize chopping wood is difficult because of the freezing weather we are experiencing lately. I have not been able to chop wood lately myself.

Second I will raise the wood back to 8.75 maybe that will help once the weather improves. I also plan to write a letter to the town to improve job postings and will suggest a higher wage.

I also thought of putting this issue up in town council and wondered if you would consider being a member of the council. We really could use your input. Please think about it and try to give me an answer at your earliest convenience.

Again thank you for bringing up your concerns to me.

Please have a better day.

Your Mayor
Victorious Kuhlash
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Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Grazilda »

Grazilda read Victorious' letter several times as if her life depended on it.

Admittedly, she was more vocal than intended. However, she could not shake the feeling that she had ideas and suggestions in her mind that she was willing to share. She knew very well that apathy can lead to a town's downfall yet the best way to help a town is to offer solutions after pointing out the problem. She believed that there was no use of bringing up a problem if she would not offer a solution, or at least seek help from others to formulate a solution to bring to the table.

However, something held her back.

She was a warrior and a merchant, not a politician. She preferred to shed her enemies blood and slaughter animal blood to sell steaks and other food for consumption.

She rubbed her temples and thought for some time. It was time for people to work together, no matter how small the actions are. She's rather be a town, and VR, asset instead of being a liability and nuisance.

She grabbed an ink bottle, dipped her quill and wrote a letter to the mayor.

Dear Vic,

I hope all is well.

Thank you for taking note of my concern and for finding a solution or two. I am glad to hear about the wood rate increase. Thanks for thinking of asking the citizens to actively hire.

I believe in the good heart of the citizens of Cork that I am certain that people will heed your call.

Thanks also for working on the minimum wage.

If you think that I will be of help to the town's improvement, then by all means please add me to the town council. I will be more than happy to help people who work with an open mind and who listen to suggestions to improve our town.

Thank you for giving me a chance to help.

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Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Victorious »

She smiles after reading her cousins letter. She grabbed her quill and started writing on the parchment.
My dear cousin,

You are very welcome and thank you for being part of the towns council. I know you will be a great asset.

Please take care.

Love Victorious
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Dalakoi|

Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Grazilda »

Grazilda frowned. It has been days but there was no update from the Mayor about Balerion and his army
Dear Mayor,

I hope this mail finds you well.

I suggested ideas a week or so ago in order to help Cork. I am happy that you wanted me to share my suggestions for the betterment of the town.

I have yet to see any action, not even a mail sent to the citizens of Cork, regarding encouraging the citizens to actively hire for field work.

While I understand that you are busy and have other more urgent matters to deal with, I am apalled at the lack of action, if not at least information dissemination, regarding the presence of Balerion's army in Cork. I have brought this up in the town council, yet it seemed to fall on deaf ears. The only response I got was only from the General of the Army, but not a word from the supposedly head of the town, the Mayor.

As a citizen, I am confused if the presence of Balerion's army is a threat or not to the town or the viceroyalty's security. There seems to be a cordial communication between King Karcier and Balerion, yet Mentor Esmaralda sent a message to everyone sometime on March 6 to defend the town.

How sad it is that there was only one instance of asking people to defend the town when I have been exchanging blows with balerion's group for three days. In addition, it was our Mentor who informed the citizens about the enemy and our Mayor was silent regarding the matter.

This is a very disappointing show of leadership, Mayor. I had higher expectations from you.

With that said, I am resigning from Cork Town Council. Kindly remove my access to the Town Hall chambers (town hall forum).

Thank you.


Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Grendel »

The priest sat in the chapter house of the great Cathedral, sucking on his quill, before starting to scratch a letter to the mayor

"Dear Madam Mayor
I am sorry to burden you. I have recently been aware of letters sent to your predecessor.
I am concerned that matters in the town have not improved.

Recently, my congregations have been made up of 1-3 souls, apart from me.
The job market seems dead. And the goods market is stagnant. Only recently has wood and wheat I left on the market for the town hall been sold. (My thanks for your activity there)

Some months ago I think there was a proposal to move to another town. I wonder if it is time to reconsider that?
On my travels last year, other towns did seem to have stronger markets.

I hope my thoughts are not heretical. But the priest of a dark cathedral is expected to have uncomfortable ideas

My best wishes to you, in these difficult times

He affixed his seal, and got one of the lesser daemons to hold the ribbon as he tied the knot. He left the note at the Town Hall, on his way back to the Presbytery
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Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Esmaralda »

Dear Grendel,
Thank you for reaching out to me. I've tried to move goods around on the market and the VR. I have purchased to date all the goods that folks tried to sell to the Town Hall.

Do know that i have a very limited budget. Right now, the TH has about 2000 fr (and most of the income comes from donations from mostly Marslynn and a few patrons), so i can't buy a lot of goods unless i can also make money for the TH. Basically i need to unload those goods somewhere. Peasants sometimes buy goods but rather seldom. I'm not sure if it's the price point (too high?), or simply that peasants only purchase very limited goods. Even as a citizen, my bread stays on the market untouched for weeks and i thought that's one of the things peasants always bought. As a mayor, i have also put goods on the VR market (where peasants in all other towns of the kingdom can buy goods), but again I've noticed very slow movement. Parchment and popcorn seems to sell quickly to peasants, but that's about it. I'm certainly open to suggestions.

As for the job market, as you said, it's a small town, so there's only so many jobs available. I know when i post a job it gets taken up that same day. Today, when i checked there were 3 jobs up, and the TH has been putting a job to fix the town hall every day this week. Btw, the TH is finally fixed up (was down to 40% health). I'm not sure if the health also plays a factor in the peasant's market behavior.

As for the proposal to move to another town (close this one down), that was something the gods were discussing. Since it didn't happen, I can only assume they were satisfied with the amount of participation.

These are indeed difficult times..

In Service,

Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Grendel »

Dear Esmeralda

Many thanks for your thoughtful reply.
I understand the town's budget problems. I guess that's what stopped past mayors buying.

Once I achieve the 10,000/500 social (which is not far off) I can give some spare cash. Though I do feel that giving isn't a long term answer.

I think there were a number of protests at closing, before. So the gods decided to wait and see.

Very best wishes
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Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Rowaine »

Dear Mayorperson,

Is there any bread hiding somewhere in this town? I'd like to feed my cat someday. Just a thought. Thanks!

Rowaine Thornebotham
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Re: [ORP] Letters to the Office of the Mayor

Post by Ambrosia »

Dear Rowaine,

There is bread on the market.

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