[ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

Akos sat paralyzed in fear as she watched the emotions roll across her wifes face. Saw as she pieced together the timeline and then the horror and the disgust in the moment of realization. All of the shame and the terror Akos had been feeling for months, painted there right upon Aishe's face.

She couldn't look any longer. Akos turned her head away and let the immensity of her past sins wash over her completely. With it out in the open, she could feel her body slump beneath the weight of it, settling on her shoulders with what felt to Akos like finality. She'd finally gone and done it. After everything they'd been through, she'd found the one thing that would break them. As the teacup clattered to the floor, Akos' head fell once more into her hands.

It was the retching that brought her mind back into the present. The sound of her wife bringing up her food was enough to bring a wave of nausea all of her own. Morning sickness had been playing havoc with her system for weeks, and now... well it was enough to have her clasping hands over her mouth to keep what very little she had eaten that day down. It was with wide eyes that Akos sent herself into the shadows, ears ringing and mind spinning with the last words she'd heard Aishe utter.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

By the time blue eyes rose from the bowl, blurred with tears, she found the room empty. Her breath seemed permanently stuck inside her lungs now as she looked around for Akos. The gasping was not helping the rising panic she felt, hand now placed on the arm of the couch for support. She felt lightheaded, a wave of dizziness threatening to send her to the floor, but she kept her knees from buckling. With an immense amount of concentration and trail-and-error, she finally called out,


She felt her words fall on walls that, for once, had no ears or eyes. Her hand pressed to her bosom, knuckles growing white as her grip on the couch tightened. Her mind was just as numb as her body, but she desperately tried to process the information. The panic, the disgust, the disassociation was not as it would appear to be to an outsider. It did not stem from an act of broken vows. It stemmed from something far deeper and far more evil.

Aishe found herself falling into the cushions of the couch once more around the same time a maid came flying into the room. The shattering of porcelain brought the woman, her concern only growing when spotting the condition of the blonde queen. The woman approached with haste, eyes inspecting.

Is it the child? Shall we get the midwife? Are you alright?

The maid's words fell on momentarily deaf ears while Aishe had her hands over her face. It was with mild difficulty that she managed to say she was alright, a claim that was met with disbelief. The vampire proceeded to wave the hovering maid off though, with perhaps a touch of rare temper, before calling back out for her wife.

By Zachré. AKOS!

She focused on her breathing, the way Serendipity had taught her a few years ago. In, out, nice and slow. She focused on the heartbeat of her child as something to concentrate on, a distraction from her wild and unforgiving thoughts. Thump, thump, thump. Within a few minutes, her breathing was relatively normal again and the wave of lightheadedness had mostly passed. Her mind had not slowed, but now at the forefront was her determination to talk to Akos, not the shock of the news.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

Akos curled herself up on the bathroom floor. She'd let the contents of her stomach fly, and now she wanted to hide. Forever preferably.

For the first time that year, she found herself deeply grateful for the cold weather. It meant the walls were cool as she pressed a cheek into one of them to ease the burn she could feel. Whether the deep flush was from vomiting or from the distress she was feeling was uncertain, but for the time being Akos didn't care. She just let the cool envelop her as best she could and wondered if perhaps she could make a life for herself here, on the cool floor where it was quiet and she didn't really have to think about anything.

She didn't get long to fall into such escapism though, as she felt a warm nose press into her neck. A loud and damp snuffle came next, as a giant hell-hound made his presence known. Akos sighed and cursed herself for insisting the creatures were so well trained. Something about making sure they knew how to pick up on where each of them were in case of emergencies. A giant tongue lolled out and ran itself up the side of Akos' face from chin to forehead, leaving an appropriately unpleasant trail of slobber behind it. Akos pushed at the creatures chest, Greg, no she said firmly. The hound leaned in again for another lick as he used the benefits of his birth to pull both him and Akos into the shadows.

Greg! No, darn it! she exclaimed, right as the two of the reappeared back in the living area. Akos groaned at the familiar swirl of nausea from the short trip, resting a hand on the carpet to steady herself. They'd reappeared in the exact same position she'd been in while in the privvy, and it was only as Greg left her side and made his way over to Aishe that Akos allowed herself to look up sheepishly. I didn't run away, she said, defiantly meeting her wifes eyes. It's just...you started... Akos flailed her hands around a little in the direction of the decorative bowl, and then...I had to... She sighed and scooched over to lean against the nearest wall, hanging her head, I didn't run away.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

It wasn't long after her breathing regulated that a familiar whimper drew her head out of her hands. There sat Nox before her, rigid spine laid flat in a display of his own concern. With the extensive training done through Nisha and the bounding the creatures had gone through with Aishe, it ought to be no surprise to her that they picked up on her distress. She knew that, with only one of her beasties being present, the other was off presumably fetching Akos, so she waited. She gave Nightly a reassuring pat, while letting him likewise reassure her with a nuzzle from his scaly snout. Silly was it was, it offered her focus and direction, and by the time Akos and Greg shadowed in, her mind was somewhat calmer.

It was in that calmer state that she looked at Akos's lowered head and isolated stance. It was in that calmer state she sought for words without a wavering voice. It was in that calmer state she offered a trembling hand forward with pleading eyes.

Please come here. She would not admit that she could not easily manage her way to Akos and sit alongside her on the floor, but she did not have to. Anyone with eyes would doubt the woman's ability to both safely lower herself to the floor and get back to her feet. She wished she could join Akos where she sought space, but instead her hand lingered in the air, hoping Akos would come to the couch. She offered an explanation of herself to fill the silence, her voice cracking despite her best efforts. I... I'm not upset. Not with you. How could I be?
Last edited by Aishe on Tue Feb 14, 2023 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

She didn't want to go to her wife. Akos wanted to stay curled up in a place where she wouldn't ever have to truly face the reality of having borne a daughter to...that man. If you could even call him that.

She pulled her knees into her chest, and peered from beneath dark hair to lay eyes upon Aishe. She seemed sincere in her words, yet somehow, they made Akos feel worse. Lowering her eyes, Akos picked at a random spot on the knees of her pants, and sighed. She knew in her advanced stage of pregnancy that there was no way that Aishe could come to her - and Mages knew Akos hated denying her wife anything - but, she couldn't bring herself to move from the floor. I can't she said quietly, head turning in order to rest her cheek upon her knees.

Akos had been trying to plan this conversation for weeks. But now she was in the midst of it, words escaped her. She'd done her best to put that year of hell behind her, to come to terms with the things she had done - the evils she had committed. She tried to hold on to all of the good things she had rediscovered so that she'd not lose herself in the memories and so she grasped onto the one memory that had haunted her these past months.


Akos took one last glance behind her to make sure she'd not been followed. She'd taken a long, winding path that night - through city streets, backyards and tiny alleyways, all to make sure that her precious cargo would go undiscovered. Certain that she remained unexposed, Akos pushed aside the rough fabric of an old cloak and reverently touched her index finger to a soft forehead. When she had first discovered the pregnancy she was mortified and disgusted at the betrayal of her body. She had been shaped into a tool of death and destruction, not one of life. Perhaps that's why her master had forced her to carry to term; Sethos could see her discomfort and as usual relished the chance to use it against her. To take his evil satisfaction in warping her world to suit his designs. In the end, with the child born and in her arms, the old sorcerer had ordered Akos to kill the babe and dump the remains, not caring enough to see the deed done in person.

A tentative knock, was all it took for the door to open to her. The older, well rounded lady looked down upon the pitiful form in front of her and sighed, I've not the room for another babe, you'll have to go elsewhere. Akos threw a hand out against the door before it could close in her face, I have money she began quickly, more than enough for you to care for the babe and yourself for many years. Akos pushed a heavy coin pouch into the womans hands You'll see as much again when I come to collect her.

With a huff the woman acquiesced, give it here then, before it catches cold. Akos took one last look at the child in her arms before handing the bundle over and stepping back from the doorway in order to take her leave. A weather-worn hand reached out to take hold of her arm, Wait, what's its name?

Akos sighed. Uncertain of how long had passed while lost in her thoughts, she turned her eyes to Aishe once more, seeing her wife still sitting patiently, hand outstretched. Upon hearing another whispered "please" Akos closed her eyes and forced herself to move.

She took the hand offered, yet rather than sit by her wife on the couch, Akos once again took a seat on the floor, kicking her legs out to the side and leaning her head on one of Aishe's thighs. I called her Asha she whispered shakily, not trusting her voice to do anything more. I think ... Akos entwined her fingers with her wife's as she closed her eyes to fight against tears, I think maybe she's what started to bring me back.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Chronicler »

the following post is a bit of extra information surrounding the strange behavior of the crazed snowmen and the Chronicler. this ofcourse only partains to the direct surroundings of the ettinford estate and Nic itself.

When The Aishe had spoken to Chronicler #2873 about her traveling to the Ettinford estate, #2873 simply stated it would join and returned to its observations deep within the Fenian archives, but never out of observation range of Aishe.

A few days before the royal party was to leave fenia, rumors began to circulate about large amounts of crazed snowmen that attacked anything they came across, and so Zuan had insisted that the guard at the very least be doubled. Aishe had fought against this idea, nothing could harm her in the presence of the golem she reasoned, but she eventually had to relent when her husband pointed out that the golem was known to never get violent. It was known to become protective, afraid or even angry, but nobody had ever seen It fight back.

There was a single variable that neither Aishe nor Zuan had taken into account, a truly unique thing in all the realities was exceedingly rare, so much so that there was only a single command line referring to it in all of the Chroniclers commands.

If {var.event.observable.unique ==true;
- Ignore “command.#1”;

And in all of the chroniclers command lines, there was only 1 other command akin to it.

If {var.event.damage(tome) ==true;
- Ignore “command.#1”;

A small party left under cover of the night's last few dark hours, Nic keeping up easily with the fast moving carriage and cavalry surrounding it, little more than a translucent shimmer surrounding a large tome that left odd large and deep footprints in the fresh snow.
After the first day passed Nic went out to observe the surrounding area as it had not been here before.

By the time the morning came, the soldiers who’d stood guard during the night spoke about snow covered giants that rumbled and roared off in the distance and the scouts did indeed find giant footprints near the camp.
Nic having long since shaken all the snow off itself on the request of Aishe, so she could ride on its shoulder for a while rumbled excitedly about these snowmen that it had apparently failed to observe during the night, there were only the ones that had an encampment 3928 meters to the west west north, but it could observe those. Creatures that defied its observations had to be a near unique observation.

The snowmen on their part had seen Nic wander around the area. A near invisible giant covered in snow and ice. Was it perhaps one of their much feared, larger and stronger, cousins the snow giants?
They would keep an eye on this giant from a distance and gather a warband to deal with it.

As the party traveled several small skirmishes between the soldiers and snowmen occurred, but not could even get close to Aishe. Not because they didn’t try, but by the time they had properly engaged the soldiers, she was being carried off by the golem to a location without any potential threats and usually a location that only had a single natural way of approach. One that would always be blocked by the golems massive body, even if it did not fight back, there was little they could do to move or damage it with clubs, crude spears and claws.

The blunt but often naive golem had changed during those few days of travel. While it at first sought to observe everything around it at all times, it became slowly more and more focused and made threat assessments that it passed on to the soldiers. Those that served at the castle knew of the golem and at first paid it little heed. As much as it had an official title, it was an odd creature that seemed more like a pet to the royal family than a noble or scholar as the king and his queens would at times claim.
In time as the golem started to warn them of ambushes an hour or more in advance, when none of the scouts had seen any signs of the impending danger, their attitude began to change.
As for those that had never seen the golem before, they called it out on its refusal to fight. Especially as one of their queens put so much faith in its ability to protect her. Something that Aishe quickly put a stop to by giving them severe reprimands.
One of the handmaids would joke that “the abyss hath no fury like a woman scorned, but even a woman scorned had to fear a pregnant and tired vampire scorned.”

After the party had arrived at the Ettinford estate the golem told Aishe, It would meet her at midnight every day until the birth. Before turning around and beginning to patrol the surrounding lands. Rumbling deeply ever so often to warn the locals of its location.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

It was with a pained expression she watched Akos. Her wife's face and posture told her all she needed to really know and it broke her heart. Still, she maintained a steady hand out with patience and hope. All she wanted to do was pull her close and never let go. Akos was not the emotional one... No, that was Aishe. Akos was had a tough skin from a tough life. Perhaps that was why Aishe often leaned so heavily on her spouse, because despite as tough she was herself, she needed a rock to cling to. Akos knew how to stand on her own and hold the world on her shoulders - even though she had no need to. To see her in such a vulnerable state across the room caused an ache in Aishe's chest.

A quiet sigh of relief left her lips when Akos moved closer. Gently, Aishe rested her other hand on her wife's back in a show of support, while trying to not become overbearing. She did not want Akos to run, but to stay and talk -- which could be like pulling teeth in an ordinary situation.

Her eyebrows knitted together to the first whispered words. The name echoed in her mind, not oblivious to the similarity to her own in a time Akos had been twisted into a foreigner of their lives. The hair on her arms stood up, but she forced herself to maintain a steady breath. The vampire offered a soft squeeze of their interlocked fingers. She did not need nor desire the full story... It was unnecessary, unless Akos specifically wanted to give it for the benefits of moving forward. No, she could fully understand the story here. Evil begets evil.

She knew much of Akos's time under Sethos's manipulated fingers, but this still managed to catch her off guard... Because, despite all the memories that had been transferred in Akos's blood, this had not been one. There had been no evidence of a pregnancy or child. Was Akos able to block or control what Aishe saw now? Zuan had managed a slight degree of that before... Yet, she had a feeling it wasn't an intentionally kept secret. Aishe had experienced that memory issues within the host could translate into poor transferal. That was likely the case here, as there had still been blackouts in Akos's memory. But, why were these memories coming back now? Were they triggered by Akos's current pregnancy? Or was in something months in progress, something Akos had kept to herself, since Zuan saved Akos from the evil that apparently had a daughter?

Her thoughts were winding, allowing both women ample time to breathe. By the time she gathered herself, she only had one question remaining, one question she could not answer with the puzzle pieces she had:

Where is she now?
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

Present Day

The summer, now that it was here, was a hot one. The bright sun forced the Queen to be wary of the outdoors, as her skin still appeared to be more sensitive again after giving birth a few months back. Hormones were a strange thing. It did present an excuse and opportunity, however.

Between her duties within the Privy Council, Royal Court, and other odd-ends as Viceroy and Queen, she continuously snuck away from the palace to her viscounty. Her hounds made an excellent immediate ferry to and fro. Ettinford was too beautiful to not visit, with its gardens in full bloom and the salty air carrying a crisp breeze that was lacking in Fenia City... But perhaps best of all, the estate was very private due to the isolating forest and the small population of the surrounding area. Ettinford was properly staffed for her, but she had spent the entirety of her position as Viscountess earning their trust and their loyalty -- meanwhile, the palace had ears and eyes everywhere. It was also just quieter, with less bustling about, which aided to the serenity she needed.

Away from court life, it was here that Aishe would practice her newfound magic alongside her golem and historian. 2873 was fascinated to explore and understand, while she was mildly terrified because she did not entirely understand. Sometimes, she'd be there for a few days at a time, others it'd just be for a few hours. She was slowly working past her fears with the increasing desire to know and to understand. Magic was useless if she could not command it, after all. And she was going to learn how to control it. It seemed easier to continue on at Ettinford, if just for the sake of her spouses. Blood magic did not sit well with Zuan and with Akos being pregnant, it was safer to practice away from her.

On this particular day, the clouds gave shelter from the sun's rays. Nestled in the garden, Aishe sat on the grass, skirts sprawled out around her. The crystal golem was beside her, humming as it recorded. With blood on her palm from an already healed cut, her blue eyes closed with a slow inhale. She placed her hand on the grass, palm down, as she began to feel an increasingly familiar buzz within her. The tingles began to build while she tried to connect with the warmth of the earth, but it all too quickly fizzled out. Again. With an irritated growl, she opened her eyes and looked down. Her dismay was confirmed as no change had been made to the grass beneath her fingertips.

Zachré! That's not working, Nic. Sighing, she fell back onto the grass and folded her hands over her abdomen. Bright eyes searched the clouds, as if they held the key she needed. It was then that a crack of lightning shot across the sky with a thunderous howl. A sudden downpour came crashing on them, causing her to bolt upright. The Chronicler was quick to raise its hand, providing a shelter from the afternoon storm. If the golem had humour, it'd have been laughing, while she sulked. I give up.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Chronicler »

Chronicler #2873 rumbled deeply for a moment as the basic runic designs that Aishe had drawn in the dirt were washed away by the afternoon storm.

For the 84th time that day the golem repeated the blood is the vessel for the power, the rune’s design guides and shapes its effects. Every line of the design must be exact.

In Its last attempt The Aishe curved the 4th line towards the right, this will force the energy into a loop with the 6th and 2nd line, grounding the energy out. The line should curve outwards, so the flow of energy obtains a target. #2873 will demonstrate.
One of the fingers on its right hand opened up and 3 writing quills on little mechanical arms shot out, drawing the almost impossibly precise rune on the ground before Aishe, kept dry by its left hand.

with a last tap of one of the quills the golem pushes a tiny amount of power into the rune.

The rune glows ever brighter until with a bright flash of light all the power vanishes from it.

4 long seconds passed before among the grass in front of Aishe, flowers begin to grow.

The type of energy used as a source is of no consequence in runes designated as minor, the rune guides the energy into whatever state it is designed to. The amount of energy put into the rune decides scale of the effect. Observe the difference

once again the golem draws the same rune, and after it is done it places its right foot on it and reaches out towards the sky with its right hand as a thunderbolt comes crashing down, Guided by the golem’s metal frame into the rune.

The light erupting from the rune bursts out through the crystal structure of the golem creating a ghostly display far around the two before, just as with the first rune, fading.

After exactly 4 seconds passed the ground rips open and a field of blooming flowers spreads out as far as the eye can see through the rain, thrumming with life given by the thunder’s power.

Runic magic requires it’s wielder to be exact, any flaw in the design causes it to not function or malfunction. Is it noted?
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

Much like her children had done to her, she emptily echoed the golem's words that were going to haunt her dreams at this point. Blood is the vessel, power, runes, yada yada. EXACT was key. She knew this, but even with her eye for detail, she was struggling - especially today. Perhaps it was just the rune itself, which was particularly intricate compared to some of the others she had learned more easily. Narrowed, blue eyes watched the tools move across the dirt, observing as she had the last several times.

Her irritation was apparent when the rune began to glow and the grass began to flourish. All it did was prove what she felt: she was a failure with this whole magic thing. Months of experiments, documentations, and research -- months of success -- seemed to pale in comparison to today's failure as her shoulders slumped slightly. The regal poise she carried herself with was caving to an unknown weight; the need to be in ultimate control was a building pressure. It was perhaps her worst trait. She had to be in control. It was why she had continuously found herself in positions of power. It was not that she craved power, but just the control and ability to ensure. In instances like her vampire abilities or now this new magic, it was control over her life. Her ability to protect her family and loved ones was the most driving force of her motives, time and again. Every major life choice she made was to protect them.

Of course, that was not evident as she swatted at the tall grass, barely resisting the urge to pluck a flower. Nature was to be cherished, natural or otherwise, and if she had not had a building anger in her chest, she would have admired the dozens of new flowers around her. Aishe gathered her skirts so she could rise to her feet without tripping, pointedly looking at the golem. His hand was raised to account for her full height, continuing to shelter her from the downpour. Now, she understood he was only trying to assist her; he was not designed, by function, to show off. It did feel that way however, as her hormones were unbalanced and her afternoon of escape was turning out to be futile.

I cherish knowledge, but I will never be able to remember all of these runes. Can we please just focus on the ones that would be useful for me to memorize? I understand that it's a... pyramid of understanding and I have to start with basics, but Zachré! We are doing this so I can really hold my own to a new extent...

The queen's mind flashed back to a few months ago. The siege of snowmen was a reminder of how fragile and useless she could be, despite her undead state of being. She had been caught off guard, by herself, and was nearly killed for good. She could have, mages forbid, lost her husband in that same attack. If she had just understood the new magic that flowed in her blood, things would not have escalated to the point it did... She was sure of it. It proved to be a driving factor in her thirst for education and understanding. In these past few months, they had learned a lot about this development, understanding its origin and basic function, but there was still much they did not know and even more that she could not accomplish. It was with that attitude that she shook her head dismissively.

Give me something useful, Nic. Flowers will not protect or fight anyone.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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