Widu is dying

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Widu is dying

Post by waerth »

No eggs no bread. Not a mayor that does anything. The viceroyalty is doing nothing. And we still all vote for that one family.
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Re: Widu is dying

Post by Leo »

Some basic highlights..

1) Has the Mayor been asked for these items?

2) VR doesn't know what isn't being asked to assist with.

3) Two part doozy:
a. Bravia can barely fill a list. This was a problem that was emphasized when a Kienian became Viceroy and even Fenians held offices until their most recent term.
b.Fenia has had the same King since 1653. We are in 1659, make the math.

Re: Widu is dying

Post by Vhagar »

I think her point is that you're all still voting for a family that does nothing. Which is true. They don;t like to talk to anyone outside their family.
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Re: Widu is dying

Post by marleen »

@Leo what does 3a mean?

Re: Widu is dying

Post by Myst »

I try and check the market every few days, and last I checked there was bread and eggs, wraeth you usually come to me with things and I am not part of a family so I have no clue what anyone is talking about. Thanks. Also no the Mayor was not asked for so said items, she just gets bad mouthed in the forums instead and gets accused of being in a family that she is not in. So wonderful.

Re: Widu is dying

Post by Vhagar »

Who said you were in any family?

Re: Widu is dying

Post by Scarlet »

Not that I really want to get into this but Wearth did on his initial post.

I used to go into taverns and talk to people. Anyone that would talk with me. But over the years, creatures started getting poisoned to be before I even showed up. I would get the cold shoulder and no one would speak with me. Now I don't know if that is the same thing that would happen now if I would go in there. But I'm not the one that stopped talking. I'm not saying I am perfect and that I haven't made any mistakes. There are those I won't talk to. But that's for my sanity and theirs. But in general I will speak with anyone. See this divide that you speak of wasn't just one sided. It was two sided.

As Myst said, she is diligent in checking the market. When there is something she needs she talks to the council about it we get it to the market.

Re: Widu is dying

Post by Vhagar »

No, he didn't actually. Listen again maybe. He said the Viceroyalty does nothing and then mentioned voting for the family. He never specifically said the Mayor was part of that family. And he mentioned it in regard to the Viceroyalty level.

Re: Widu is dying

Post by Varann »

Vhagar has a point that in this case he didnt accuse Myst of being part of the Dakoli but both Myst and Scarlet are also right about the fact that there is more then one side to this. I have very often seen the tavern go quiet when one or more Dakoli enter the tavern and heard people talk about them as if they are tyrants. I've also noticed that Wearth has quite a few times said a mayor has done nothing and yet he himself has made no effort to communicate with them his problems.

Re: Widu is dying

Post by Myst »

Well it was made to sound as if I was the one being voted in from a family, since I was last voted in. Also he mentioned about the mayor and Widu, he should have just came to me like he has in the past. I believe he just wanted to start trouble. -sighs-
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