Temple of Paz

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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

The Silence of Snow

The night sky is a dull grey white.
An opaque dust sheet floats so light
Upon the roofs and lamps and cars.
It settles so softly like falling stars.

It sneaks in crevices and onto window sills.
Piles up in soft layers over roads and hills,
Weighs down branches, envelopes bark,
Skips and flutters across the depth of dark.

With dawn a scene of raw meringue.
From bough and bridge and roof does hang.
Through night's deep slumber - a silent world
Descended - a ghostly shroud unfurled.

In slow motion, life begins to show.
The traffic crawls in a funereal row.
Children squeal in soundless delight.
Pedestrians slide in voiceless fright.

A world transformed into monochrome,
An aerosol sky spraying its white foam,
Floating in breathless, boundless speed,
Submerging all with voracious greed.

Blessings to you all.
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

You sit in a pew and listen. Willow approaches the pulpit and says:

A Still Moment

Take a moment.
Put the worries behind.
Take in the beauty around.
Let it relax your mind.

Watch the golden glow
Of the rising morning sun.
Embrace the peaceful aura
Of the break of dawn.

Savor the soft caress
Of the gently moving breeze.
Listen to its nifty tune
Among the swaying trees.

Enjoy the lovely scene
Of a floating butterfly.
Graceful flight and happy tweets
Of a bird perched up high.

Peruse the evening sky
In its dazzling splendor.
The wide and open pallet
Merging shapes and colors.

Relish the loving sight
Of children having fun,
Skipping feet and carefree voices
Under the setting sun.

Spare a still moment
Every once in a while.
Take in the beauty around.
Take it in with a smile.

Blessings to you all.
Posts: 5350
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

You sit in a pew and listen. Willow approaches the pulpit and says:

My Promise

If you were my rose, then I'd be your sun,
painting you rainbows when the rains come.
I'd change my orbit to banish the night,
as to keep you in my nurturing light.

If you were my world, then I'd be your moon,
your silent protector, a night-light in the gloom.
Our fates intertwined, two bodies in motion
through time and space, our dance of devotion.

If you were my island, then I'd be your sea,
caressing your shores, soft and gentle I'd be.
My tidal embrace would leave gifts on your sands,
but by current and storm, I'd ward your gentle lands.

If you were love's promise, then I would be time,
your constant companion till stars align.
And though we are mere mortals, true love is divine,
and my devotion eternal, to my one valentine.

Blessings to you all.
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

You sit in a pew and listen. Willow approaches the pulpit and says:

Grandpa can't see his feet

Gr6andad's got new glasses
But he still can't see his feet
No, his eyes are not the problem
It's the amount of food he eats

People often stop and ask
"is his belly real
Or did he eat a basketball
With last night's evening meal?"

One day he'll surely pop
And Gran will go berserk. She'll say
"See what you've done you greedy old fool
Making me more work."

Grandad will simply laugh and say
"Now look my turtle dove
If I keep getting bigger
There'll be more of me to love."

He calls himself the perfect man
"Every Grandma's dream"
Then a smirk spreads across his face
Like the cat that got the cream.

Grandad may be extra large
But he's a sweet and lovely guy
The heavyweight champion of the world
And the toffee apple of my eye.

Blessings to you all
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

You sit in a pew and listen. Willow approaches the pulpit and says:

Being Brave at Night

The other night 'bout two o'clock, or maybe it was three,
An elephant with shining tusks came chasing after me.
His trunk was wavin' in the air an' spoutin' jets of steam
An' he was out to eat me up, but still I didn't scream
Or let him see that I was scared - a better thought I had,
I just escaped from where I was and crawled in bed with dad.

One time there was a giant who was horrible to see,
He had three heads and twenty arms, an' he came after me
And red hot fire came from his mouths and every hand was red
And he declared he'd grind my bones and make them into bread.
But I was just too smart for him, I fooled him might bad,
Before his hands could collar me I crawled in bed with dad.

I ain't scared of nothin that comes pesterin' me at night.
Once I was chased by forty ghosts all shimmery an' white.
An' I just raced 'em round the room an' let 'em think maybe
I'd have to stop an' rest awhile, when they could capture me.
Then when they leapt onto my bed, Oh Gee! But they were mad
To find that I had slipped away an' crawled in bed with dad.

No giants, ghosts or elephants have dared to come in there
'Coz if they did he'd beat 'em up and chase 'em to their lair.
They just hang 'round the children's rooms
an' snap an' snarl an' bite
An' laugh if they can make 'em yell
for help with all their might.
But I don't ever yell out loud. I'm not that sort of lad,
I slip from out the covers and I crawl in bed with dad.

Blessings to you all
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

Little Boy Blue

Please cover your nose.
You sneezed on Miss Muffet
and ruined her clothes.
You sprayed Mother Hubbard
and now she is sick.
You put out the fire
on Jack's candle stick.
Your sneeze is the reason
why Humpty fell down.
You drenched Yankee Doodle
when he came to town.
The blind mice are angry!
The sheep are upset!
From now on, use a tissue
so no one gets wet!

Blessings to you all and don't forget if you feel unwell, drop into the church and request a laying of hands blessing.
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

You sit in a pew and listen. Willow approaches the pulpit and says:

A Still Moment

Take a moment.
Put the worries behind.
Take in the beauty around.
Let it relax your mind.

Watch the golden glow
Of the rising morning sun.
Embrace the peaceful aura
Of the break of dawn.

Savor the soft caress
Of the gently moving breeze.
Listen to its nifty tune
Among the swaying trees.

Enjoy the lovely scene
Of a floating butterfly.
Graceful flight and happy tweets
Of a bird perched up high.

Peruse the evening sky
In its dazzling splendor.
The wide and open pallet
Merging shapes and colors.

Relish the loving sight
Of children having fun,
Skipping feet and carefree voices
Under the setting sun.

Spare a still moment
Every once in a while.
Take in the beauty around.
Take it in with a smile.

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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Gawain »

I look into the window of my mind
Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind
I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can't stop me now
And you can do the same

What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

Now take a moment to reflect. When you leave us think of something you did today and apply this knowledge to it.

Blessings to all.
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Gawain »

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.
Be happy now.
Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.

Blessings to all.
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Re: Temple of Paz

Post by Willow »

I am not old

My eyes are fine; they are just printing words small.
I just use a walking stick to seem stately and tall.

Nothing is wrong with my sense of smell.
My ears are fine if you don't whisper but yell.

The wrinkles are just laugh lines; they will go away.
It is fashion that has turned my hair from black to grey.

It's the cold, not age that is stiffening my knees.
I like to hum as I walk; it's not a wheeze.

What extra kilos? My scale is broken down.
If I try, I can still fit into my wedding gown.

My bones don't creak; my shoes are new.
My memory is sharp. Oh, do I know you?

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