[ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Chronicler »

#2873 replied almost instantly knowledge is power, power allows It to protects and fights. Runes are knowledge, knowledge is power, power allows It to protect and fight

The quills on Its right hand began flashing about drawing dozens of runes, some that It had taught Aishe and many that It had not yet.
Minor runes, reshaping energy, giving it purpose, making it observable to lifeforms, turning knowledge into action. Energy given action equals power, power allows The Aishe to fight, fighting allows The Aishe to protect.
At that #2873 pushed a tiny shred of power into the last rune it drew.
The wind fell quiet and the raindrops stopped falling, instead hanging in midair.

Request granted, Chronicler #2873 will grant The Aishe power, to fight and protect.
Loud sharp metallic clacks rang out through the air as the links in the chains binding the chroniclers tome broke open. The sudden quiet that followed left the ears of all those watching and listening, mainly guards and Aishe, ringing painfully.

An acolyte amongst the guards began to yell out a warning that something was coming, but was cut off by the wind picking up with an intensity 10 fold its previous power and carrying a word that #2873 could have rumbled, but loud as a thunder’s roar OBSERVE
At this the crystalline panels covering Its chest cavity opened and a shockwave of light, sound and other sensory data roared outwards from the tome.
Aishe’s pupils dilated and her mouth fell open as bloody tears began to seep from her eyes, ear and mouth. After several 5 seconds she collapsed convulsing.

Birds fell from the branches of nearby trees where they were seeking shelter from the storm, rabbits’ hearts seized functioning and moles suffocated in the earth they were digging at just mere seconds earlier, unable to control their bodies any longer.
The guards that had been watching the lessons from a distance collapsed in unison suffering what seemed like a severe stroke, losing control over their bowels and like Aishe crying blood, and those that had been patrolling on the walls of the Ettinford manor collapsed and fell off of them.

All of those that witnessed it would describe it their experience differently. Some spoke of hearing colours, smelling sounds, seeing the vibrations that caused sound in the air of every conversation that had been had around the chronicler in the last few days, the feeling of every blade of grass in the entire field, how it felt to process sunlight into energy and draining nutrients from the ground, the wind caressing every hair on every feather of every bird in a 20 mile radius every second of every day for a period impossible to determine, and an impossible amount of other things.

In the minutes that followed the rain eventually began to fall again and the wind returned to its original power.
#2873 stood as still as a statue while the magic the maker had inscribed on the chains turned them to their original state and bound the tome once more.
Still covering Aishe from the rain with its left hand It picked her up with Its right hand and gently carried her to the entrance of the Ettinford manor.
made by aishe
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

If there was one person in this realm that understood the crystal golem, it was Aishe. Perhaps too well. She knew how it functioned, how it processed, and exactly the correct words to use to get the answers or results she desired. That was not to say that she used the Chronicler because there was definitely a deep, odd bond between the two that would eventually amuse the Maker some day. The bond was as close to friendship as the golem could offer, and to her, it was family. They were a strange pair, inseparable in their truths and curiosity.

She was pleased when she saw it beginning to take what she hoped to be the step she needed. She understood this sort of magic was dangerous, but she also understood the potential flowing through her veins. A potential that could help her become unmatched in combat, a true force to reckon with. Eager, blue eyes watched the runes being drawn, watching the details with anticipation.

Of course, that feeling of hope was fleeting when she came to realize that her request worked against her. Sometimes, in a search for knowledge, common sense failed. The hairs on her arms and neck began to stand up. In that instant, she realized her mistake -- she would get what she wanted, but in that moment of irritation, she lacked the specifications that the golem required. It could have been a fatal mistake, should she be a weaker being or the golem did not "care" for her wellbeing.

Eyes grew wide as she felt the power surge ripple through the air and for a moment, time stood still. The ringing in her ears dwarfed all other sounds, but she stood, momentarily paralyzed as the runic magic circled around them and seemingly untouched by the powerful gusts. It was, one could assume, ordinarily invisible, but in that moment, Aishe could see the magic. Colours she did not know even existed swirled in fog-like wisps carried by the winds, enticing her to knowledge she could not comprehend but so deeply wanted. Her body was numb to existence while every atom tingled at an intensity she would feel in nightmares.

Different wisps began bolting into her chest with an dissipating puff of smoke. Each felt like boulder being slammed into her, but she was unresponsive as her mind was being suffocated by different images. The flash of imagery was similar to the memories she got from her victims, but sped up. She'd later recall the only thing she had experienced that had been similar was drinking Rannek's blood, but this was still a multitude stronger than that. Her eyes began to glow as her body absorbed the runic magic, but as her mind reach its tolerance, her body began to tremble. Just as sudden as she had felt the power, it stopped and all went black.

A dusty light drifted in between the thick curtains, casting just a sliver of light across the bedroom. It fell across the bed and pillows, giving a glow to the two sleeping faces. With a soft smile, Aishe shifted ever so slightly to better watch her spouses. She did not need sleep, but she was not one to pass up opportunities of peace and quiet. Those moments were few for a royal family. Slender fingers brushed over her wife's belly, hoping the moving of the unborn twins would not wake her. The poor woman had tossed and turned a lot to get comfortable only a few hours ago before finally lulling to sleep. The restless end of a pregnancy. Blue eyes flitted across Akos and to Zuan, now studying his face. His forehead was free of lines of worry, his breathing soft and comfortable. It was with a sigh of content that she buried her face into the pillow and Akos's hair, tossing an arm over her wife to press her fingertips on Zuan. She wished moments like these could last forever.

A groan was the first indicator of Aishe stirring. Her head ached like no other and ringing echoed in her eardrums still. It took a lot of effort to get her eyes open, eyelids fluttering a few times to fight the heaviness. Things were momentarily blurry before her sight focused, finding a worried face above hers. Despite herself, she found her lips pulling into a sleepy smile.

Hello beautiful. What a way to wake up. While she did not struggle to find her voice, her brain did struggle to find a language. What was meant to be Luciva, the common tongue, became a mingled mash of Fenian, Luciva, Romanes, Dark Elvish and other minor regional dialects of her childhood. To her, it all sounded the same as she tried to sit up. The attempt was met with a spike of pain through her head, causing her to fall back into her pillow. Zachré, my head..

She stayed still for a moment, the ringing in her ears having yet to cease. Her brows knitted together in concentration and confusion, flashes of her last lesson filtering through the haze. At this point, her brain had already compartmentalized the knowledge the Chronicler flooded her with. The useless bits had been discarded and the rest was neatly organized in mental closets that she would later have to find. For now, she reached out ungracefully with one hand as her words continue to mismatch and slur. Hey, that acolyte. He deserves a raise. He's good. He should be our royal mage!
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

Akos was partway through a nap when she was woken by a scaled snout snuffling loudly at her face. She pushed it away at first with a mumbled Go 'way Greg, but the hound was insistent. Barely a second later a loud "WOOF" bellowed from the hounds jowls, his warm breath blasting into Akos' face, forcing the woman fully awake with a grimace.

Ugh, Greg! What!?

The exclamation came sharply from her lips as Akos made a clumsy and slow attempt at standing, one hand resting beneath the swell of her swollen stomach in support of the soon to be born twins within. With a groan she made it to her feet, her free hand rising to wipe a bead of sweat from her brow at the effort as she glared at the hound. No answer was forthcoming however, and instead the large beast simply whined, pushed himself into her side and dragged them both into the shadows.

The haze of darkness lifted and the first thing Akos noticed was the chill of raindrops upon her flesh. Blinking, it took a moment to orient herself to her new location, and it was but a second more before Akos realised where she was. The courtyard of the Ettinford Estate was in a strange state of affairs, bodies law strewn about with those concious few and far between. Sobbing came from one isolated corner, and Akos turned to see a serving woman curled up against a wall, her head in her hands before a gasp tore her attention away and back towards the centre of the yard.

“Your Highness!” exclaimed a maid as she rushed over, throwing the cloak from her own shoulders over those of the Queen’s and pulling it taught around her body. Akos noticed the poor girls face turn an interesting shade of beet red as she attempted to make the cloak cover the bare belly beneath as best she could before the girl scampered away with the mention of fetching her some clothes. Her personal state of undress was of no importance to Akos though, as her eyes came to rest upon the slumped form of her wife's body in the arms of Chronicler #2873.

What happened!? She called out in distress, waddling as fast as possible over to where the crystal giant stood.

The Aishe queried the ability to fight and protect, It displayed. Came the straight forward reply.

What does that even mean?! Akos yelled at the golem while simultaneously summoning Greg to her side. Not waiting for a response, Akos instructed Chronicler #2873 to place her wife upon the broad shoulders of their loyal hell-hound, placing one of her own hands upon the creature's scaled head and shadow travelling the three of them into the manor.

It had been a full day and a half before Aishe had started to show signs of life, and almost another full 24 hours after before she finally made her way back into consciousness. Akos pushed up from the couch on which she had been resting quietly as the first mumbles slipped from her wife's lips, and so she was peering down worriedly when the blue eyes she so loved finally opened. The cacophony of words and languages was certainly unexpected however, and Akos let her wife ramble on for a few sentences before the emotions and stress of the last few days finally overwhelmed her.

Shut up! Just shut up Aishe! Akos snapped loudly, do you have any idea what you’ve done? How many lives you... She stopped short before unleashing the words her anger demanded. Conversations about lives lost, and others forever warped by physical disability could be left for later, for a time when her wife wouldn’t so easily claim a burden of guilt that would not rightfully be hers. Akos closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. This was not a time for anger, this was a time for gratitude. She grasped the still flailing hand and brought it to her lips, kissing the fingertips softly, Shut up and rest you big idiot she said lovingly, you’ve still got healing to do.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

Shortly after the New Year...

The thin tipped paintbrush met some resistance across her skin under her squinted gaze. The resistance came from the thick, mud-like texture of henna ink. Henna was something she had done her whole life and she was no stranger to the amount of force and concentration it often took, but the focus on her face was an entire new level. This was no simple henna design, this would be potential life or death.

Above the bend of her elbow on her left arm, the rune was coming to life. It had to be precise or it would not work. Not a single curve or line could stray, for risk of something even worse than an ineffective rune. The rune itself was about the size of her palm, with a deep red tone that was often amiss in her normal ink. The red came from the blood she had mixed into the ink, from which the rune could draw its magic. It was an experiment, but it should wo--

You're doing it again, Nic. The brush stilled as bright eyes flicked up, eyeing the crystal beast. Without an utterance, the humming stopped as the golem went back to 'silent' observing. Nias tuke.

Blue eyes went back down to the nearly complete artwork. This rune, should it work, would be the source of her strength to finish this pregnancy differently than the last. This was the trick up her sleeve. She had told neither spouse yet; they would have to find out the hard way. If it meant the safety of both her and their unborn child though, she felt they could hardly argue against that. Assuming she executed the rune perfectly. A furrowed brow brought concentrated creases across her forehead. She would get this perfectly.

Present Day

Snow fell relentlessly onto the estate, absorbing the many sounds that would normally distract her. The silence offered her serenity, despite the life going on inside the halls of Ettinford. Her entourage for this birth was a bit larger than last time, likely due to the shortness of the retirement and her overall better state of being. This time, she had lasted until what was estimated to be two weeks until the birth, instead of a month. With the birth looming though, her strength was beginning to ebb. She had to retire to her viscounty, implementing the cultural customs of isolation. She aided how she could in running the Kingdom from Ettinford, taking advantage of her clear headedness while she could.

There was a near constant, low tingle in the nook of her arm as the rune she had painted onto herself almost a month ago worked its magic. It would not last for much longer, but it did not need to. Just long enough.

A rough kick to her side drew her attention from the window with a downwards look. The queen gave her abdomen a tender rub. I'm ready to meet you too.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aishe »

Morning of January 31st

On the outside, the estate was eerily still of movement. Snow covered the forest, absorbing the sound of wild life. Female guards were stationed closer together than normal, but even they were still in the cold, the only movement coming from the slight heave of their chests and the cloud of breath from their nostrils. In the gardens, the crystal beast of Fenia stood with its gaze fixated onto a second story window. The outside of the estate was frozen in a time of anticipation and undoing... While the inside of the stoned manor held a very different situation.

There was a flurry of creatures moving in calculated coordination. It had begun a few hours ago before dawn rose when a ripple of pain spread over the queen's abdomen. She remembered eagerly waking her wife, but the events following began to blur together in sweat and blood. One could assume that the pain of labour kept her anchored in the present, but it was the rune in her arm. The curved design pulsated to the point of pain as it provided the last of the magic it had to offer. Maybe it was because she had done the rune too soon or maybe it was the length of this labour, but once coursing magic seemed waned and ineffective as she struggled to bring a new life into the world. Her undead body was working against her, but her will kept her conscious, determined to hear cries other than her own.

Panicked ears overheard the midwives discussing the unfortunate position of the babe, slender fingers grasping desperately onto Akos's blouse. She'd be damned if she lost this fight. Mumbled words left her lips, a weak demand for her wife's hand. Said hand put the washcloth aside and placed itself in her own hand. Feverishly, she pressed her nail deep into her wife's palm to the point that it drew blood. Akos seemed to understand what Aishe wanted, but as Aishe dipped her fingertip into the pooling blood, a look of confusion overcame the understanding.

Blood of my blood... was the only weak, murmured answer Akos received as the finger began to drag over her chest. There was a look of clarity now that held horror, but the job was done too quickly for anyone to stop her. A mirroring rune to her arm now heaved with strained breath. They both shared Zuan's blood, in different ways. Akos's blood would be just as effective as her own in her runic magic. At least, in theory, but it was a theory she was willing to risk her life on. She just had to find the strength to activate it.

Blue eyes closed with a deep inhale. The rune on her arm was beginning to scorch her skin, but the warning went ignored as she uttered a few words with an exhale. A sensation of warmth and tingling spread through her body, moving and settling in her chest were the fresh rune glowed dimly. With the glowing came a fresh wave of strength, kicked off with a rare beat of her heart. She adjusted slightly, pressing her palms into the mattress with her nails bunching the sweat-soaked sheet. It was not much longer until she felt the release of pressure, but it felt like an eternity. With little strength to offer the rune, it too began to wane and scorch her skin, only much faster than its predecessor. Her chest felt on fire, her breath becoming ragged, but none of that mattered.

Where was the cry?

A desperate hand clutched onto Akos's arm, bright gaze dimming. The world around her seemed to still. What had she done wrong? Where was her child? A darkness began to creep from the corners of her vision until it entirely engulfed the room. Her head drifted back onto the pillow as her hand dropped limply to hang off the side of the bed. Her last thoughts were ones of regret, crimson tears lingering on the edges of now dull eyes that blankly stared ahead into the unknown.

The queen was dead.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Serendipity »

It was with dismay she watched Aishe's desperate attempt to get through the labour, but stationed at the foot of the bed as the lead midwife, she had no chance of stopping her. Her attention went back to her job, which was delivering a healthy, happy babe. Akos had Aishe.

There had been trouble from the babe's position, turned at an odd angle that caused delay. With the help of the other midwife, they got the babe shifted. It was not long after that that Serendipity had the baby in her arms, but she did not proudly display the child to the room. The skin had a purple hue and there was no movement. Without hesitation, the redhead placed the baby in a towel and pressed the bundle onto her chest, opening her blouse to allow skin-to-skin. She began to rub the back of the child vigorously. It was hard to believe that it had been so long ago that she was doing this for her own daughter because in that moment, she shared the same sense of panic and determination.

A gurgle that turned into a cry was like music to her ears. A wave of relief swept through her, but she did not lower the babe just yet, wanting to provide as much warmth as possible. She continued to softly rub the back, looking up with a smile of accomplishment. A new dismay came across her expression to a different stillness in the room. Lips pursed, she glanced to Akos, I've got the child, you take care of her.

She had no choice but to let Akos do her thing. Serendipity took a moment to properly wrap up the wriggling newborn. When she looked back up, Aileigh was standing there, hands outstretched. The redhead gave a grateful smile, handing the babe over to her. Without speaking, she went about cleaning and tidying up, trying to ignore the eeriness that had overcome the room.

Those present are welcome to post. If you wish to be present or are unsure if you are, feel free to PM Aishe. Female and gender-neutral family and friends are welcome to be present for the birth. Sorry, but men not allowed!
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
Lady of the Vale | BDR Natsia | (Aishe Art)

Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Varann »

Varann had been there a silent shadow in the room not that anyone would have noticed. How many truely notice the shadows around them anyway....
A tiny flickering movement attracted xer attention.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Zipporah »

Zipporah was close, as she always was. She had been present when Anraí was born and knew what to expect. This time was different in her eyes due to her own progressing pregnancy. As the labor progressed, she became increasingly antsy, things we not quite right.

When the child came, she watched Serendipity with concern as she worked to bring a cry from the babe. She smiled hearing the cry, releasing the breath she had not realized was held. Her look quickly turned to a look of horror, as the room went still. Silence filled the room as her gaze turned to Aishe.

She stepped forward, closing the gap between her and the vampire, anguish filling her as realization set in.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

Akos couldn’t believe it when her wife started chanting the words to another one of her mage forsaken runes. Had they not done enough damage already? First the estate servants after her disastrous training with the golem, and now this. She had long known of Aishe’s reckless behaviour when it came to those she loved, and most especially her children, but to bring runes into the equation right now...to let them drain her of the last morsel of life when there were so many around her that could ensure the babes safe arrival regardless of how difficult the labour was? It left Akos fuming. She glanced over towards Serendipity and her eldest daughter Aileigh as she heard the child cry. Knowing the child was safe Akos set her eyes firmly upon the empty body before her. She was going to bring her wife back just to kill her again. Damn fool.

With a huffed exhale of breath Akos focused her mind, drawing the energy of the nether and the countless lost souls who lingered on the estate into her body before reaching out to the tendrils left behind from her wife’s spirit. Or at least the tendrils that should have lingered. Akos furrowed her brows and drew more energy into herself, no longer simply relying on the energy of souls who were rapidly becoming familiar to her, but communicating with them. Asking their aid for her search. Whispers began to reach her ears “gone, gone, nothing, gone”, Akos responding with nothing but a growl from deep within her chest. A part of her, subdued by Zuan’s blood rose up as Akos’ panic surged. She’d never once been unable to find a soul that had left its body, even when that body had long since decayed, and yet...there was nothing. As she continued to weave her magic, Akos searched her own soul for what had been there from the moment she had met Aishe, the tangible connection that the two of them shared. Their soulmate bond. It was missing.

The emptiness that accompanied that realisation threatened to overcome every one of Akos’ emotional faculties. She could sense a familiar darkness trying to press in on her, but she would fight it back, refusing to succumb until her work was complete. Unaware of how much time had passed beyond her efforts Akos’ focus returned to the physical room. Ignoring the still remains of her wife she turned her gaze to meet that of Serendipity’s, get me my sister she demanded, her tone leaving no place for argument. She glanced quickly towards her eldest child, the squirming form of her youngest in her arms and tried not to let her see the anguish and desperation in her eyes before turning back to her wife.

Reaching out to gently cusp Aishe’s chin, Akos turned the still pliable head towards her and leaned down to whisper You’ve got to come back Aishe. You have to whisper her name.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Serendipity »

While Serendipity began to clean up, the silence in the room echoed. Only the occasional grunt or growl from Akos could be heard amongst their quiet breathing. Zipporah moving towards the bed caught her attention, brown eyes raising from the water basin she was rinsing her hands in. Her expression hardened, eyes locked with her daughter. Only the slightest shake of her head was evidence of a silent exchange between the Vales, which was begrudgingly accepted. For now.

Her gaze shifted to Akos, time seeming to slow. Aileigh still cradled the newborn, who seemed to be observing the new world with bright blue eyes. A darkness hung around the bed, her eyes now moving towards Varann with questions unasked. She looked back to the bed in time to catch Akos looking up with an expression that stilled her heart. Nodding, the redhead glanced to her daughter to reaffirm their previous agreement before fleeing the room.

On the bottom floor of the estate in a front sitting room, a second group of people were gathered. The ladies who had opted out of being in the crowded birth room sat with tea, klahua, and snacks. Amongst them were the two dark haired women she was searching for. She beckoned to Sokanon and Nisha to follow her, offering a reassuring smile to the others sitting around. She was not going to alarm anyone yet. The situation was unknown and it would be contained into the birth room for now.

As they walked up to the room, Serendipity quietly explained everything that had happened so neither Kuhlash woman would be blindsided going into the room. She propped the door open to let them enter first before following, now waving her daughter over for a more verbal exchange of thoughts.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
Lady of the Vale | BDR Natsia | (Aishe Art)
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