ORP: At the Ceili!

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Mallory »

Her smile was natural and she was sure it would not falter through the night. She loved music and nights like tonight were perfect for music, dancing and fun. She'd just nestled back against Varann, comfortable for the wait she xer voice sounded softly nudging her to look with words. She tilted her head but Fallon's voice made her smile and dart to her feet. She waved for Elisa to come into the circle, "Come in, join the circle and find somewhere comfortable to sit. Grab a bite to eat if you're hungry!" her eyes honed in on the dish the woman held, "Oh! You brought a dish! Thank you, please, place it on the table wherever you wish, I'll make sure to try a bite." For a moment Mallory was thankful food no longer tasted like ash as it had when she was first turned. She watched Fallon finish unloading his steed and smiled, moving nearer to him, "Come on, love, join us!" she held her hands out to him, walking backwards towards the quilt again, beckoning him forward. She wasn't quite sure why but she felt like laughing, so she did, letting the sound ring through the night before curling back up. She cheered loudly when the bonfire went up, "Thank you Ella!"
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Elisa »

Elisa had made her way over to the vardo’s, but she was still hiding behind them trying to stay out of sight. In the dark she could not make out who was sitting there. Suddenly another shade seemed to come around. Now there was talking, she tried to lean in closer to hear it, slowly sliding to the edge of the vardo. Only to push herself back against the wall of the wagon when she still unknown person called out to her. How did he know she was there? Just at the moment she was deliberating to run she realised the voice had sound familiar to her. This made her turn back and carefully get a little closer again. Then she heard another familiar voice from the inside of the circle. For a moment being very surprised they could see she was holding a dish. She could hardly see a thing, how did they do that she wondered. Then suddenly the fire came on as if by magic. She had to avert her eyes as the brightness hurt for a second, until her eyes had accustomed themselves to the light. She could now see her friends clearly and was a lot more relaxed, even feeling silly she had been so hesitant to approach in the first place.
Now she could see she let her eyes go over the place and take it all in. As she walked closer in she noticed it got warmer, and the snow was gone here. She noted all the pillows and quilts and thought it looked incredibly cosy and comfortable. Though she couldn’t help wondering where Mallory had found so many of them. Then she noted the tables, filled with food, and she couldn’t believe all the options that were provided. She should come back to it later and try some of them. She was sure all of the were delicious. For now she just looked for a little opening, and placed her dish there. Now it was first time to greet the others, and she headed back to them.
Hello all, I wasn’t sure if I had found the right place she tried to explain herself as clearly they had noted her while she was standing in hiding.It looks really amazing Mallroy.
thanks to Aishe for the banner

Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Faranni »

Having gotten the invitation from Ella she finnished up her work at the cathedral, greatful having her deacon position back, and rushed home to clean up and change into her finer garments. Now she wandered in a typical white, it being a most flattering color for her, gown while wrapping herself in her finest, and surprisingly warm, cloak. Tiny orbs of light danced around her, lighting her way and soon she could spot a small light among the
She felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She hadn't been very active in social gatherings in a long time, focusing on her calling to tend the graves of the long forgotten and tend to the living through planning mass and chores at the catherdral. The last time she actually could remember attending a party was the wedding of the king, so it was a welcoming change. Biting her lip she wondered who else might be attending, she hadn't heard anything from Argenth though she'd sent him a message asking if he would be. She knew some of the people that held a closer relationship with the king and his court. Herself she'd only spoken with the man in question on only a few accounts while both attending the Myst. She hoped she wouldn't feel out of place.

Finally arriving she let out a small, relieved, sigh as she spotted some familiar faces apart from Ella. Stomping the ground lightly, with the staff once gifted to her by Varann, the orbs scattered and left was the light from the fire. "Evening" she smiled and made a half curtsey before placing herself on an empty spot among the cushions.
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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Nikola »

Iris finished putting Nikola's hair up and began helping her into the dress she had chosen to wear to the Ceili. The blue fabric highlighted the color of her eyes and she hoped TK would approve. Not that he ever did not approve, she smiled at the thought. The dance was to be held outside. Snow had fallen the night before, but today had been mostly clear and pleasant, if a little cold. If they danced, she was certain they would remain warm enough. If not, TK's body temperature was such that if she cuddled with him, she would remain comfortably warm, so she was not overly concerned about the temperature. Iris, however, was and insisted that Nikola wear a cloak against the chill.

She made her way downstairs to the approving nods and smiles of her staff which made her chuckle. They had more or less adopted her not only as their mistress, but as a sister, daughter, or niece - depending on the person - and all of them seemed determined to weigh in on any social occasion that she chose to attend. She appreciated that they seemed to care for her so much, for she cared for them like family. All of her immediate family were gone, now, and it felt good to be part of something that was, in many ways, like a family. Yes they worked for her and she paid their salaries, but they were more than simply employees. They were her family here in this land.

She looked out of the window, checking to see whether TK might have arrived yet, but it was early still. He would be here soon, though, so she went to see to the rest of her preparations for the short trip to the Ceili. In the kitchen, Cook was packing up freshly cooked iskir pies that NIkola had asked her to make for the Ceili.
"Mmm," she murmured as she breathed in the aroma of baked deliciousness. "Those will be wonderful, I am certain, Cook. Thank you so much!" She reached out a finger to wipe away a drizzle of fruity filling from the edge of one of the pies and popped it in her mouth. "It's just a little drizzle," she protested to Cook who looked as if she might smack her hand with her spoon. "And it is yummy!" she grinned, inwardly grateful that Cook visibly relaxed at the compliment. "All we need now is for TK..."

Her voice trailed off as she heard the sound of hoofbeats out in the yard. Was he here already? She hurried to the front entrance, trailed by Thomas carrying the basket containing two steaming pies covered in cheesecloth to keep them warm.
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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Texas_Knight »

TK contacted the best clothes makers around and ordered a suit earlier in the year. He had it stored away and would wear it to fancy events once in a while. As he looked himself over in the mirror on his wall, he liked what he saw and was certain he was dressed good enough to suit anyone's tastes. His suit Was good for casual things, but it wouldn't be good in a fight. Still, he found room for a dagger and would carry his staff as a walking stick. Just in case.

Ethan had the carriage ready and horsed up, a fresh barrel of 10 year old brandy was put in for the party. It was all he was taking as he figured others would bring more than enough food, and he didn't think much food would be needed. He walked out and sat inside the carriage as Ethan started the drive to Firestorm Manor.

They arrived and he stepped out just in time to see Nikola open the door. "Good evening m'lady! Care for a ride to the party?" he said with a smile and a bow. Ethan started helping Cook get things loaded in and all was soon set to head to the celebration.
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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Aishe »

A party.

It had been a while since she had gone to any type of party. She lived a busy life as Kralisi, Queen, Viceroy, Foreign Minister, wife, mother.... The list went on for her lack of free time. Today was no exception. Time seemed to drag on as the day continued with the now-grueling routine, the excitement building for the evening. Mallory had been in charge of all of it, which meant she did not know what to expect. She did have high expectations, even if she did not have the time or energy to help her sister organize it.

Along with her hectic schedule, Aishe was entering the third “trimester” of her pregnancy. With Anraí, the last month was by far the most difficult on her normally unfit body. Growing something living was exhausting and she was really beginning to slow. She needed to sleep these days in order to keep her energy up, even sneaking naps between meetings some days. A sense of nausea had surfaced a few days ago as her body fought over what she needed and wanted: blood or ordinary human subsistence. Overall, her body was entering into a time of turmoil and confusion as the end of pregnancy loomed a few weeks ahead.

Still, on a day as such as today, she was in a good mood. Perhaps it was the excitement, perhaps it was the relaxing nap after lunch, but by the time the sun was beginning to set, she had changed and was impatiently waiting for Akos to do the same. She had spent the entire day imagining her outfit for the evening, but even now sat ready on a couch, she was uncertain of her choice. Used to her slim figure, the bulge in her middle deemed most of her clothes unwearable. It really narrowed down her choice to a small handful of clothes. A few of them which had to be ruled out because her pregnancy was not progressed enough to fill the fabric properly. A speedy pregnancy came with various struggles, but clothes continued to be her biggest frustration.

With her long hair cascading freely down her back, so did the fabric of her dress from her middle. In sheer layers of blues and gold, the rim of the dress hung just enough above the floor as``` to not trip her in her increasingly ungraceful state. The fabric was fitted across her torso with thin sleeves that continued on in excess fabric past her wrists. The dress was, in many ways, more of a Fenian-Bravian combination, but her accessories shone light on her native culture. A sheer veil of blue laid over her hair with edgings of gold trim, a representation of her marital status. Beneath the veil was her gold crown at the insistence of her daughter, who helped her get ready. Gold earrings dangled from her ears with pearls infused, with a matching necklace sat across her torso. The necklace was a bit bulkier and ornate, in the standard Romani fashion. The final touch of her heritage could be seen across her hands, arms, and later her feet with a delicate dance of muddy ink across her porcelain skin. The traditional henna had been done a few days prior, giving it time to set into her skin with the desired smoothness.

Once Akos was ready, Aishe rose to her feet with a giddy grin. Zuan would be meeting them there after finishing up a few things. Time out of the palace, away from work, having fun? Boy was she ready. She took Akos's hand, giving her an affectionate peck to the cheek before her wife whisked them away into the shadows. Their chambers fell way to darkness, in which rose a field. A bonfire was crackling with a newfound hunger, mingling with the conversations of the creatures already gathered. Her grin only grew when bright eyes fell on her sister after scanning their surroundings.

Sar'shan, Namid? The blonde gave an enthusiastic wave to those gathered. Hello everyone!
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana

Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Varann »

As more people came xie had a quiet word with the musicans and then place xer fiddle to xer shoulder and began to go through a quick warm up. After noding a few greetings to xer friends xie began to play the first piece of the night

(if you want to hear it this is it https://youtu.be/jPKhBkLgFLk)
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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Nikola »

Nikola greeted TK with a hug and kiss, then held his hands at arm’s length to admire his new suit. “My, don’t you look handsome today!” she commented with a grin, then added, “Of course I find you handsome all the time, in any of your forms.”

Once Ethan and Thomas had loaded everything onto the carriage with Cook clucking her tongue at them like a mother hen, TK handed Nikola up into the carriage and then joined her for the brief ride to the site of the Ceili. Nikola slipped her hand into his, enjoying the skin to skin contact as well as the heat from him that thawed her cold fingers.

It felt good to be near him again and she basked in his warmth, watching the cold landscape slide past as the carriage took them to their destination. Upon reaching the glade, TK got out of the carriage and then handed her down like a true gentleman. Ethan helped her gather her pies and then they walked the short way to where others were already gathering.

After delivering the pies, she left the males to the delivery and set up of the barrel of brandy while she started making the rounds to greet the people who were already there.

“Mallory, you have outdone yourself with this. It is absolutely lovely,” she greeted the blonde as she sat on the pillows. Seeing a newer face, she smiled brightly at Elisa. “I’m so glad you came out, Elisa. I hope you enjoy yourself at least as much as in the tavern.”

She knew who Fallon was, but did not really know him, but she smiled and greeted him with a cheery “Hello, there,” before spotting a familiar elven countenance. “Faranni!” She hurried over to throw her arms around the young elf and drew her into a warm embrace. “It’s been awhile since you were in my home. You are looking very well. I’m so glad to see you again.”

Varann’s fiddle had her feet wanting to dance, but she kept them on the ground, waiting for TK to catch up to her. There were still others she wanted to greet.
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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Zipporah »

When Mallory first began to plan the Ceili, Zipporah had been excited. She loved dancing and music, so she had been looking forward to the party. The past few days, however, had brought changes about and she reconsidered going. Having gone back and forth with herself she decided to go, knowing a night with her friends and family would be good.

When she chose her attire she chose a loose fitting and flowing dress, a stark departure from her usual choice of garments. She took her time taming her flaming locks, knowing that they would be windblown and wild fairly soon after she left for the party.

She made her way to where Mallory had set things up and kept to the shadows. She stayed to the edge, watching everyone arrive, enjoying seeing the happiness on everyone's faces.
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Re: ORP: At the Ceili!

Post by Mallory »

Mele smiled as Elisa spoke, leaning down to pat a cushion, "here, be comfortable. I'm a vampire, remember? I can hear your heartbeat if I focus. And Varann is aware of everything in the shadows, I think, at least. Your dish looks so good. I love things like that which will have very nice flavor. I don't have to eat, but I do sometimes enjoy it. Please, please, sit comfortably and try various cushions until you're comfortable. With the fire's lit not it should help. Oh, excuse me would you?" Quietly she offered Varann a kiss on the cheek again and then slipped to their next arriving citizen.

Smiling back at xer before she turned again to Faranni whose name she did not know, "Good evening." she replied. She wanted to ask about the orbs scattered from her when she arrived, but decided she would note, instead she would ask later, when things were less, public. She was bound to see the creature again. Or she supposed she could ask Varann to tell her who the creature was. Quietly she waved off the curtsy, "Please, I am only Mallory, not anyone worthy of such deference. Welcome to the Ceili. I hope to make it annual. We've only just gotten started but there will be food, drinking, dancing and much celebrating." She waved her hands around, indicating the space as a whole. She smiled at the creature and then inclined her head, "Forgive me it seems I'm wanted over here, please? Enjoy yourself? Try the foods, everyone is welcome to the drinks the food and the comfort." she couldn't help but smile once more before darting over to her sister.

'Droboy tume Kralisi", she smiled, And threw her arms around her sister as she could and smiled, "Welcome,Av akai ," she gently tugged her towards the cushions, Ov yilo isi?" she asked, "Si tut bocklo?" her languages mixed as she babbled trying to ensure her very pregnant sister was seated and comfortable. She watched as Nikola arrived and smiled, "Welcome! Welcome!" She was going to go to Zipporah when she notice her arrival, but was afraid the lass would not appreciate her pointing her out.

She couldn't decide where to go first but it was the music that caught her attention like a moth to a flame. She slowly moved away from her sister not even thinking about the fact that they were mid conversation. She started moving, letting her hands and hips find the rhythm she wanted. She moved around her hip bouncing with every up beat, letting her skirts swish around her. She found the point she felt was right started adding in the movements with her hands in a counter clockwise circle to begin. The woven metal belt across the curve of her waste jangled as she moved. Already her color was going high, "Come dance with me Fallon?" she called inviting him to join her.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
"In Death, Life"
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