[ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Zipporah »

She had caught her mothers gaze and kept her expression in check. She watched Akos carefully as the woman tried to bring Aishe back. When Serendipity returned and motioned her over, she reluctantly left the side of the bed and moved to her mothers side.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Serendipity »

Alongside Zipporah, she moved away from the door and placed herself towards the central back of the room, where she could easily watch and see everything. No words were said for a moment, muddy eyes flitting between those gathered around the bed. As things settled, the senior redhead began to quietly speak in their native tongue of Zionese to minimize being overheard.

"I know what you are thinking, my light. We should wait to see if it is necessary. An extended stay in the Veil may do more harm than good in your condition." The statement was said plainly as fact rather than fueled by emotion. The Ladies of the Vale, or originally called the Ladies of the Veil, were no stranger to death. But, neither were the women gathered around the bed. It was best to save drastic measures for when it was deemed necessary. "For now, we wait."

Language swapping to common tongue, Serendipity motioned to the nursemaid. She watched Aileigh reluctantly give up the only distraction she had, the nursemaid retreating with the bundle to a chair in the corner of the room. Aileigh was now fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve, so Serendipity called to her quietly to join them. She wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders, giving a reassuring squeeze.

"Be patient. All things in time, Maraah."
Last edited by Serendipity on Mon May 27, 2024 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Sokanon »

Sokanon hated the waiting. Hated the idle chit chat of a bunch of nervous women and the gossip that came with it. Her one solace was that her Mother was with her, gently nudging her any time she sensed Soka’s impatience getting the better of her. After the best part of a day sitting around, her right leg no longer had the energy to bounce up and down nervously, instead, her left leg had taken its place. She’d long ago lost count of how many times Nisha had reached out a hand to calm the jittering appendages. For some reason, they weren’t even allowed close enough to hear what was going on in the room. No groans of pain, no words of encouragement, no wails of a newborn. Just the incessant droning of creatures who had long ago run out of things to talk about.

Soka could have done a whoop of joy when her long time housemate entered the room, so thankful was she for a break in the monotony. She shot her Mother a small smile as they were called upon, and dutifully began to follow Serendipity up the stairs, eager to meet her new niece or nephew.

As they reached the landing however, a different emotion had taken hold. One of deep concern at the need for her to be summoned specifically by her twin. Akos was always the more powerful of the two of them thanks in part to the darkness that lived inside her, and so Sokanon was at a loss to understand what she would be able to do other than provide comfort. She assumed that their Mother had been summoned for the same reason until Serendipity explained that she had asked for both of them in order to ‘keep up appearance and not cause alarm’.

Not cause alarm. Alarmed was exactly what Soka was feeling as she stepped into the birthing room. It took but a mere glance to comprehend exactly what was going on. Ailiegh had ensconced herself to a corner as she fussed over her newest sibling while the others in the room seemed to look on with concern. She approached the bed silently, not wanting to overly disrupt the concentration that was so firmly plastered upon her sister's face. She had been called her for a reason though, and so she placed a hand softly on to Akos’ left shoulder to let her know that she was there. In an instant Sokanon was pulled into the swirl of energy that Akos had drawn to herself, and she could sense the fear and panic that pulsated through it all. She reached out herself, actively increasing the bond in order to discover what had her sister so concerned. It didn’t take long for the concern to become her own. Sokanon’s eyes flashed towards Serendipity with worry, hoping that the brief glance would be enough to convey what was unfolding. Message hopefully conveyed, Soka returned her focus to helping her twin bring her sister-in-law back to life.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Zipporah »

She listened to her mother and simply nodded. She knew it was best to wait and see, though all she wanted to do in the moment was take action. She knew it would be risky if she went but she knew that she would take it if necessary. When Soka arrived the worry increased. Zipporah began to shift to draw any attention away from herself and Serendipity should they need to take the agreed upon step to make sure Aishe came back.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aileigh »

A lot was happening. From being woke up while the world was still dark to hours of waiting, Aileigh felt drained. Of course, she should not be the one feeling so exhausted, but watching her mother struggle to give birth turned into an emotional rollercoaster for her. She understood the issues at hand, but in the moment, what she couldn't understand, is why her mother would put herself through it. Anraí's birth had been difficult, but it was different. There was less of a struggle and desperation. Why would Aishe do it to herself? Was her stepfather so desperate for more heirs or was her mother just that stupid? She could just hear Aishe saying she would understand when she became a mother, but the damphyr was not sure she could have children nor that she even wanted to.

Her patience had long run out by the time she heard her mother murmur 'blood of my blood'. The phrase caught her attention, eyes widening with a fresh horror as she saw what Aishe meant. She wanted to interfere, but for fear that it'd make it worse, she stilled herself.

A few moments later, she could not help but wonder if she made the right choice. On one hand, the babe was in Serendipity's arms. On the other hand, what little colour her mother had on her cheeks faded away. For a minute, Aileigh stared in panic, thinking that she had just lost both her mother and her newest sibling, her mind temporarily numb to the fact of her other mother's abilities. Serendipity's words to Akos pushed her out of her stupor and while Akos has Aishe, Aileigh went to Serendipity. Numbly, she watched the redhead in worry, only to find a wave of relief as a cry bounced off the walls.

With an eagerness, she waited until Serendipity was in the position to pass the child to her. The princess held the baby close, wandering to a quieter corner of the room as an attempt to escape the situation. She hummed quietly, using the little round face as a distraction. This was all she could do, all she was useful for. Holding the baby. She could not help her mothers, for she did not possess a connection to the Nether. The baby was all she had. She kept her gaze downwards in attempt to ignore the desperation of Akos's demand. The gaze did not lift as Serendipity left nor did it when Serendipity returned with her aunt and grandmother. It only raised when Serendipity spoke directly to her, black eyebrows furrowing as she watched the nursemaid approach. Aileigh wanted to deny the woman's reach, to bat her away from taking her only solace. Yet, the squirming bundle reminder her not to be so selfish as to deny new life something so necessary and basic as food. Inhaling sharply, she gave the baby over and forced herself to go to Serendipity and Zipporah.

She wished Serendipity's words gave her comfort, but as her bright eyes fell back to the bed, all comfort was lost. A frustration rose in her chest and without a word, she made her way to the door. Pulling it open, she abandoned the room in new attempt to find a sense of calm. She would find Elisa and give her more useful family members a chance to work without so many eyes on them.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]

Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Varann »

taking a deep breath xie fully stepped out of the shadows and went to reach out to the body of xer friend. xer face was showing a blankness that the other will have never seen before as xie supressed all ability for xer to feel anything. feelings would only hinder what xie need to do. xie need to reach out for that moment between moments to reach out for xer friends and stop them passing. any hesitation or thoughts about what could happen if it went wrong had to be blocked at all cost. xie couldnt loose someone else not so soon after loosing Toru and not like this by Jikan no they could not be allowed to go Beyond not now
xie could hear voices but not what they were saying and as xie reached out xer vision blurred and the darkness decended. for now xie had to focus on finding Aishe not on letting xerself see what was going on around xer
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Elisa »

Elisa had been invited by Aileigh to come along to Ettinford. She stayed in a guest room close to Aileigh’s room, and that’s where she was now as well. She wasn’t a relative to the queen, nor was she a noble or a close friend so it was not her place to be in any of the birth involving rooms at this time. Though this didn’t bother her at all, she was very gratefull for the experience of being in a castle. They had told her it’s not a castle, but it was the biggest house she had ever seen in her life, how could it not be a castle? She had been regularly amazed when discovering new things around the estate, and had felt herself out of place a couple of times as well. She had always been a peasant, and lived most of her life quite hidden away. Now she was discovering a lot of new things. She wasn’t jealous of the luxury, she accepted there were different ranks in life, that’s what she was thought growing up. But she was still just human and not perfect, sometimes a feeling of longing did crept up on her. An example of this was the bed she got to sleep in, she would love to have one of those in her home. An actual bedframe with a soft matrass and pillow made of wool, and very warm and soft blankets. She did have warm quilts and blankets at home too, they had been given to her and she was very grateful to have them. Another example was not having to walk to the river to gather water. Though she was aware there were other people who needed to go get it, after all water doesn’t magically come out of the wall, which she did feel a bit awkward about at times.

After she gotten ready in the morning she had gone to the study room where Aileigh and her had been working. This was the reason she was here, Aileigh had offered to teach her how to read. She had tried to hide this fact, but it had come out anyway. Everybody around here seemed to be able to read, or the people she had met anyway, even kids. She had felt ashamed not being able to do this and tried to hide it so people wouldn’t think she was stupid. She had gotten a long explanation from Varann explaining how not knowing something doesn’t mean you are stupid, and that you can still learn. She wasn’t proud on how she had handled the exposure of her secret that day in tavern, but in the end people again had been very nice and understanding, and somehow she ended up getting an invitation to the castle, well estate…. As Aileigh wasn’t here she assumed the birth was still taking place, so she sat down with the papers on her own, spending the day going over the letters of the alphabet again, reading them and trying to copy them down, learning how to write them. Her hold of the pen was still awkward and the letters she produced were shaky and not steady in form at all yet. But it was progress, though she might not dare to show her writing to many people yet, she did feel a bit proud being able to do this, she never thought she would. She switched the alphabet with trying to figure out what a simple word was by going over the letters, trying to copy words which she didn’t know but Aileigh had told her this was good anyway to practice the writing and with practicing writing her own name, she was lucky most of the letters weren’t that difficult, but the ‘s’ always gave her trouble. The downside of writing was that it made her wrist hurt, but she didn’t complain about it, she wanted to learn as much as she could while she was here. She had also noticed that even without doing physical labour, she did sometimes feel very tired at the evening, especially when she had practiced for long. This had been surprising to her as she hadn’t expect reading to be something you get tired from.
thanks to Aishe for the banner
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Mallory »

Mallory stayed in the far corner of the room. Vaguely she had some idea of how this worked, but she still did not wish to be right next to the bed. There were some things a girl did not need to know about her sister. She crossed her arms and dug her fingers into her arms, trying not to cry as she watched Aishe suffer through birthing. She took to pacing the far corner of the room, and then to folding and refolding the blankets meant to clean and hold the babe. Once they were all perfect squares she stopped. Her nails dug furiously into her skin as she listened, with absolute clarity when her sister spoke, she didn't know what she was doing, but she knew it wasn't good. Akos' words however dropped her to her knees. She pushed back to her feet and followed when the nurse took the child, standing right at hand. She could not protect her sister, there as little she could do, she doubted that feeding Aishe her own blood would bring her back the way Aishe's had done her, she started to voice the idea, but bit down on her own tongue to avoid voicing something so childishly stupid. Someone had to name this babe, so Aishe had better get her tail back here, Mele agreed with Akos. She could not help Aishe, but she would guard the child with her life. Aishe had died for it to live, and she would guard it until it's mother returned. She really did not care if the nurse was uncomfortable if the tiny vampire stood over her, bloody tears dripping down her face. "Be gentle with that baby. It was dear enough to die for." she spoke softly to the nurse, knowing the words weren't needed but needing to do something.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

Akos sensed her the moment her sister made physical contact. Not bothering to offer acknowledgement, she simply reached out and drew in her sisters energy, mingling it with her own and trusted that Soka would know what she had been summoned for. It was calming in a way, knowing that her other half was with her, supporting and urging her on. It was also most definitely strengthening, the extra energy provided to her causing a drastic increase in her capabilities.

Akos continued her interactions with the spirits in the room, noticing as Varanns presence joined them but choosing to ignore xer at this point in time. She would admit to being slightly irked that another had joined the effort uninvited, but considering that she was still unable to sense Aishe’s soul even with her sisters assistance, Akos was willing to concede that any and all help was likely necessary.
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