[CRP] An Act of Defiance

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[CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Thea »

On Sundays, Thea was allowed out of the castle under the careful supervision of one of the Royal Guards so that she could visit the market in Fenia City. It was not a super exciting or enjoyable endeavor, but at least it got her out of the castle and away from the watchful eye of King Zuan. Like every other day, Thea was greeted by a mildly annoyed servant that had come to find the sleeping girl in her bed chamber. She had a tendency to oversleep or to simply just not get out of bed when she woke up in the morning. It was a pointless exercise in defiance as a servant would always come to rouse her from the bed.

"Time for breakfast."

The servant said as she hastily pulled the duvet off of Thea's sleeping form. The girl turned and stuffed her head under her down pillow in an attempt to further delay the process of getting up. From beneath the pillow, an unintelligible mumble followed by a groan could be heard. The servant, a woman of nearly fifty years, rolled her eyes towards the sky as if to plead with the Mages and ask them to give her the strength to deal with this obstinate child. The woman moved around the side of the bed towards Thea's buried head. A weathered hand deftly grabbed the pillow and pulled it from the grasp of the girl who now laid face-up with her eyes scrunched tightly shut.

"It is Sunday. Why is it impossible to sleep in, even on a Sunday?"

"The King says—"

"The King says a lot of things. That does not mean you have to listen to him."

Thea cut her off before she could finish speaking. The servant woman sighed and walked out of the room with all of the bedding that she had stripped from the bed. The Winterbourne ward was left on the bed with only a silk nightgown to fend off the cold. It took only a few minutes for the chill in the air to cause her to shiver. There was nothing left to do but get up and change into the day's clothes.

The outfit laid out for her consisted of a charcoal gray dress trimmed with white rabbit fur around the collar and sleeves, a deep burgundy winter cloak, and sturdy black boots for her to easily walk around the market. It was not conspicuous, but if anyone looked closely they would see that the girl was well stationed in society. The Royal Guard that would be with her would be the more obvious giveaway. After she had dressed, Thea left the bed chamber and went into the main room of her apartment. There was a small oak table for her to eat her meals at where a now-cold bowl of porridge sat waiting for her to eat it. She sat down at the table and stuck her spoon into the gloopy surface. One bite was eaten before she decided that she was done with her meal. The girl pushed aside the unappetizing sludge and stood from her chair.

"Are you ready to go to the market?"

A brawny man in his late-twenties asked her from the corner of the room. He wore the traditional attire of the Royal Guard with the wolf insignia blazoned on his chest. Obviously, he was to be her escort today. Thea sized him up from across the room as she tried to figure out if he would easily be lost or if he would follow her closely once they left the castle.

"As ready as I will ever be."

Her tone was subtle, but the sarcasm was definite. She picked up the dark red cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders before exiting the apartments. The guard was hot on her trail. Not a good sign for any attempted escape plans. Thea put aside her plans for slipping away for now as she continued her walk down the corridors of the castle.

Once outside of the grounds, the girl opted to walk to the market instead of taking one of the carriages. She did not like to be confined and she never had. The carriages were yet another reminder of the captivity she had been subjected to since moving to the capital. On Sundays, she could choose to walk if she wanted to, even as the winter winds began to sweep across Fenia City. The journey to the market was enjoyable, so long as she put the lumbering guard out of her mind. That was easier said than done. The guard's heavy feet thudded loudly on the road directly behind her. Each hard step was a reminder of his presence on an otherwise pleasant outing.

When they got to the market, the bustle of the patrons and shopkeepers quickly dulled the sound of the heavy-footed guard that trailed behind her. The shops were lively. Bright colors decorated the stalls along with many with special items on display for the winter festivities. The smells are what caught the Winterbourne girl's attention though. The smell of fresh breads and roasted vegetables wafted through the air making her mouth water. Thea was hungry, probably because she had discarded her lackluster breakfast. With a deep breath, she allowed the smells of the market to fill her nose and her lungs. Before anything else, she wanted to get food. The girl walked along the stalls, letting her nose guide her to a corner stall filled with baked goods. Tarts and muffins and cakes lined the displays. Behind the counter, a dark-haired boy leaned casually against the side of the stall. He was her age, maybe a year or two older. The stall probably belonged to his parents judging by his age and demeanor. Thea did not pay him much attention at first and instead focused on the various treats laid out before her. After a few moments, she looked up at the boy behind the counter and gestured to a sweet roll.

"I will take one of those, please."
Last edited by Thea on Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh

Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Adam »

It was a cold winter day as the boy stood at his stall, his father and mother were inside baking and preparing various cakes and pastries for the coming afternoon rush, it was his job therefore to manage the stall. That often equated too standing around, looking bored, and watching out for any small and grubby hands of urchins and orphans who often tried to steal a delicacy or two from the large spread of goods displayed upon the table. Luckily, under the table was a small stove, primarily designed to keep the goods warm, but also it ensured he did not freeze himself.

He was wearing the clothes that matched one of his status, a somewhat worn and patched pair of trousers, a pair of boots which were thinning in the soles and a stained shirt which was covered by an apron. Every so often he would package up some goods, offer a smile to the kind old lady who asked for a cake or a bun and then proceeded to look out into the crowd, wishing for something more. For ultimately that was what he wanted, something more. He had lived past eighteen winters, soon to be nineteen and yet he was still doing the same tasks and duties he had done since he was tall enough to look out from the stall and make sales. Nothing new, no progress and certainly no excitement. His dark raven locks tangled around his head, keeping his ears warm from the chill as he wondered away into his mind, thinking of all the possibilities his life might have had, if he had not been born to parents who were so content to the city and the bakery they had made their livelihoods from.

It was in this particular haze into a non existent reality which meant that he did not entirely take in the figure who approached his stall, nor the bulky and blustering guard which followed her. Nor had he seemed to focus on the turned heads of a few of the other regular market goers who recognised the lady Thea Winterbourne, cousin to the King, and whose patronage and silver would often see any stall set for a month. Thus, it was not ideal for him to be seen to be looking right past her as she pointed down toward the sweet roll – even worse than that however – his father had stuck his head out the door just at that moment.

His father, Tomas, who had served in the city as one of the high markets bakers for over three decades now, would have laughed in foolish amusement had it been any other stall that so brazenly ignored a member of the Royal Family but as it was his stall, this was nothing less than a shame to him, his family and his stall.

Before the boy could even open his mouth, now very much aware of the young and attractive girl whose eyes met his, he was bundled to the side by his much larger father, who swiftly sought to engage the young lady into conversation about the sweet roll, some cakes, buns and every other fancy he had on offer. It was in this moment, he finally took her in, as he stood to the side of his father, pride slightly bruised, as he noticed the fine furs and fabrics which adorned the young lady, the guard whose wolf fur cloak featured a silver broach of the King’s household. He was not sure who she was, there was plenty of people who wore the symbol of the King, but given the guard and her attire she was clearly important. Maybe a noble girl who served under the Queens?

Perhaps she was like him? A young person so keen to spread their wings, only to realise they were trapped within the cage of their fathers and guardians. Of course, it was fair to say, her cage was likely to be far more coated in gold, whereas his was coated in well, you know…

He was not entirely sure what made him do it, but whereas protocol dictated that he should act much like his father did, in appealing to the girl, and offering her all forms of verbal praise, he did not, instead he stood, silent, and perhaps – yes – somewhat disinterested in the girl, even if the truth was anything but. He could only imagine how she was feeling, how she might always feel, when every peasant and merchant treated her as if she was but a flower to be admired from a distance, used only for wealth and patronage, when in reality she was but as human, as flawed, and as pained, as they were.

He would wait, yes, wait until his father prepared the goods for the girl, or when his father attempted to make a second sale to the guard, because his father could not resist an up-sale, only then would he finally attempt to engage in anything more than what his eyes were doing right now. And given the rumours he had heard of the girl, if she noticed, she’d be well aware of what his eyes were doing.
Last edited by Adam on Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Thea »

A look of annoyance flashed across her face. The boy gave no acknowledgment that she had spoken. His eyes were fixed in the distance and his mind was elsewhere. Thea nearly turned to leave the stall to find a different shop to patronize but a loud thud from behind the boy stopped her. A door burst open as the shop owner made his way out of the bakery to greet the girl. The man was older with salt and pepper hair and a bulky frame, yet Thea could still see the small resemblances between the man and the boy. The baker was clearly the father of the boy, just as she had suspected.

"Greetings, m'lady. My name's Tomas and I'm the owner of this stall. It's an honor to have a member of the King's family here. What can I help you with?"

Tomas the baker quickly put on his best salesman performance in an attempt to engage with Thea and make up for the blunder of his son. His cheeks had turned bright pink as he spoke to the girl with large hand gestures and a forced smile. The King's ward watched the man and wondered at whether the ruddy complexion which colored his cheeks was from the cold air or the anger at his son. She suspected the latter.

"I would like one of those sweet rolls, please."

Thea gestured towards the sweet she had been eyeing. The baker nodded enthusiastically and retrieved the desired treat from the display. He wrapped the confectionery in a piece of parchment as he spoke to her again.

"Is there anything else I can get you today? We've got lovely custard tarts or maybe a butter cake would suit your fancy, eh?"


The Winterbourne girl looked back towards the baked goods as she pondered the selection. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the boy that had ignored her. He remained silent still but he now stood towards the back of the stall. He no longer stared off into the distance, instead, his eyes were now fixed on her. It was not the usual interest that people paid towards her, however. Usually, people stared at her because of her sumptuous clothes or the guards that lingered in her presence, but the boy stared at her with a deep interest. More so, than the people who stared at her because of her station in society. Thea bit the inside of her cheek as she kept her gaze concentrated on the goods being offered to her. She was not ignorant. She understood the way his eyes probed her. Yet, if she met the boy's stare openly, both the guard and the baker would definitely notice.

"I will also take three of your orange muffins and one of your apple tarts."

Thea looked up at Tomas with a smile that no-one would doubt or question as genuine. Her time at court had taught her the art of faking emotions. The man grinned widely, glad that his son had not ruined the sale. He began to assemble the goods for her as she briefly allowed her gaze to move towards the teenage boy at the back of the stall.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh

Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Adam »

He did not say a word as his father busied himself with the packaging of the goods the girl had decided to purchase. In fact he purposely waited until his father had re-entered the shop before turning his focus completely upon the girl, noting her guard was now admiring the cakes himself and given he often no doubt had guard duty at this hour it was an excuse for him to also browse the selection – and knowing his father like he did – he would exploit the guards interest for another likely sale.

So instead, to avoid the eye of the guard, he began to re-arrange some of the cakes and the stall to replace some of the items Thea Winterbourne had purchased from the stall. As he moved some of the goods he finally rose his eyes back to the girl and spoke, his tone half-respectful, but there was a clear tease to every few words that she might notice, which the guard, far too focused in a particular seasoned loaf would not. ”And My Lady, is there anything I can… personally assist you with?” He said, posing it as an entirely polite question while the world moved on around them. ”For I cannot help but notice, you cut quite the forlorn figure here at a market of thralls and peasants, with only a piece of lumber to accompany you.” He was obviously implying the guard, but did not mention it directly, again the perfect type of comment the guard would ignore, had he mentioned ‘guard’, ‘soldier’ or anything of that type he might have noticed, but instead Adam’s words floated by without even so much of a turned head.

Just then, his father returned, and as the boy had so knowingly predicted from all the years serving with his father, the baker turned his focus to the guard, who was now mentioning about the possibility of a special order for his wedding anniversary – and just like that, both his father and the guard were entirely out of the picture – and with them – the gaze of the boy upon the girl became far more lurid and enticed than casual and polite.
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Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Thea »

Thea's eyes moved away from the boy for a moment as Tomas the baker excused himself and returned to the shop in search of a bag to place the various baked goods neatly inside for the young Winterbourne girl. The boy moved closer to Thea, though he was careful not to do anything that would openly catch the guard's attention. Her escort, however, was more interested in the display of cakes than what Thea was doing. She watched the boy busying his hands while he spoke in measured words to her.

"And My Lady, is there anything I can… personally assist you with? For I cannot help but notice, you cut quite the forlorn figure here at a market of thralls and peasants, with only a piece of lumber to accompany you."

Her gaze remained unwavering on the baker's son even as the baker returned from his shop with the bag for her treats. Tomas did not notice her distracted stare nor his son lingering closely to her. An opportunity for another sale had arisen and the baker pounced. He went directly over to the guard and the two began discussing business. This was her chance. Thea could casually slip away from the guard without him noticing and this boy was going to help her. She kept her tone casual and conversational to not raise any alarms with the baker or her guard.

"Maybe you could help me find a decent weaver in this market? I am looking for a new winter cloak to help fend off the winter winds. I am not used to being so far north."

Her statement was genuine. She did need a new cloak. But Thea had been to the market enough times to know where to find the weavers and any other artisan she might wish to do business with. It was her weekly routine to come to the market every Sunday after all. This was just an excuse to invite the boy to leave the shop with her under the guise of helping her find her way around the market.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh

Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Adam »

He looked at the lady as she spoke, and his lips twitched slightly into a smile. It would appear he had struck gold, and that his subtle advance had been picked up as such. However he still had to be careful, especially given his father was right there – and the guard – whatever his dedication to his job might be – would likely take any excuse to use his power if he believed the boy was attempting to dishonour the lady. Thus, while she had indeed created a good excuse – even though he could see through it from a mile away – he needed to be careful.

So, obviously he lied. He spoke rather loudly at this point, to ensure that the words were picked up by his father and the guard. ”Why yes M’Lady, it’s actually just across the path, if you follow me.” The weaver was not opposite them at the market, however he had guessed, and correctly guessed at that, his father would be so engrossed in the sale that he would not have paid attention to the words of the girl, and just taken his sons word as a casual form of assistance, and would ensure that the baker could make his sale without a pouty noble girl tapping her feet and wanting to move to the next stall.

Thus, he beckoned her toward him as he walked round the stall, and then began to take the announced path across the street, waiting for the ideal moment, and within moments it came, as a large wagon cart of materials being pulled by several horses obscured the view of them from the original bakery stall, and ensured that they were now free to make an escape without anyone being any the wiser on which direction they went.

Offering her his hand so he could continue to take the lead, he would swiftly navigate a path off from the main market street and into the smaller side streets of the town, knowing exactly which areas of town would be quiet at this time, and equally which areas needed to be avoided by any such noble lady who’d fetch a pretty ransom. He wasn’t entirely sure to do at this point mind, and so was stalling as they walked, perhaps too silent himself in truth. Trying to think of something to say or to do, because in truth, he hadn’t expected it to get this far. Yes the escape from the stall seemed like a fanciful delight, a bit of fun during another boring day, but yet, here he was – alone with a noble girl, without an idea of what to do next…
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Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Thea »

The lie was believable enough, so long as the guard and the baker were not paying attention. There was no weaver across the street from the baker's stall. The guard glanced up momentarily when he heard the boy's loud tone but then he turned his attention back to his discussion with the baker about cakes. He had judged the situation as innocent and unconcerning. The guard was once again distracted and Thea was able to follow after the boy.

The duo began heading across the street towards the nonexistent weaver. They would have to be careful so that they would not attract attention if the guard or the baker happened to look out into the busy street for them. The casual walk turned into a quick dash to get out of sight as the boy spotted a large wagon pulled by horses. This temporarily obscured their view of the baker's stall and would have equally obscured the view of the baker or the guard had they been looking out towards the street.

Out of sight of the guard, the Winterbourne girl took the boy's offered hand, and together they began to weave through bustling main roads and dull side alleys. There was a stark contrast between her soft and delicate hands and those of the peasant laborer. His hand was cracked and callused. She surmised this was from the strenuous work in the bakery day after day. It did not matter really what he did with his life or what he was running from. An opportunity appeared and Thea had gone with the boy. He was there and he was convenient. They moved further from the city center towards the outskirts of the capital. The buildings began to thin and they could see the walls that surrounded the city. It was a Sunday and, as there was no ongoing threat to the city, the gates would be open and there would be only a moderate guard presence. The only problem was if they recognized Thea. One of the gates was getting nearer as they walked along the street. There were two options. They could try to wait until nightfall and sneak out then, or they could continue on their path and hope the guards did not notice or recognize her. After a moment of consideration, Thea pulled her hood up over her head and turned her gaze towards the road. With any luck, they would not pay her any attention and she would slip by undetected. The boy squeezed her hand briefly but did not say anything to her. The pair moved to the gate now. Guards were stationed at either side. Thea held her breath as they walked through the gate but they were not stopped or questioned. They were allowed to simply walk out of the city. The guards were probably more focused on who was entering the city than who was leaving. They had not yet heard of the missing ward of the King.

They exited the city and pressed on further along the road. They had no destination in mind nor had they spoken since they had left the baker's stall.

"We should stop here and...rest."

Thea gestured towards a farm building just off the road. She turned and looked at the boy with a coy smile on her lips. She pulled on his hand to lead him over to the vacant storehouse. The door was not locked. It pushed open easily and the girl led the boy inside.

About an hour later they left the drafty building full of grains for the winter. Thea fixed her disheveled clothing and pulled the cloak closer to her body. The air felt colder now and they still had not gotten far enough from the city. She spotted a wagon exiting the city and rolling down the road towards them. Another opportunity. When it got closer she raised her hand and waved it to get the driver's attention. The man pulled on the reins of his horses to slow to a stop.

"How can I help ya?"

The man looked down from his seat to find two teenagers. He eyed them curiously but waited to hear what they had to say before making any judgments. Thea put on her warmest smile as she began to explain to the man.

"My brother and I are trying to go to Diamus. I know it is a lot to ask, but perhaps you could take us there? Or at least as far as you are going? I can pay you."

The man may have been inclined to turn her down had she not mentioned the money. The girl gestured to her coin purse on her hip as she spoke. Even with the slight distance, he could see that purse was filled with coins and he was not one to turn down money.

"Alright, get into the back of the wagon. Be careful of the crates."
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh

Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Adam »

It was odd, he thought to himself as they approached the owner of the wagon, seeking an escape from the city. After all, he had met this girl not even a few hours back and here she was convincing him to escape with her, from what? To where? She was a fancy noble lady with money, wealth, status and position. Meanwhile he was just a baker’s son, what sort of interest could she possibly have in him? Yet, here they were, as they were instructed to the back of the wagon and he jumped up into the back of the wagon, and then bending down, he offered Thea his hand for her to take so he could assist her into the back of the wagon.

Once they had both got into the wagon he searched around the back of the wagon, between some of the crates and pulled upon some left over material, he had his uses he supposed, as he tied some knots into the fabric and offered it to Thea, it could be used as a blanket, atleast to keep them warm in the back of the wagon. It was winter after all.

He didn’t mention it, having noticed the coin pouch and the mention of money. He dreaded to think what might happen when the final freznic was spent, and then they would have to travel of their own backs, and in truth he did not know where they were going. Diamus? Where was that, what was that? Here ultimately was the problem with a fancy noble lady who’d been educated in nations, cities and states – being paired with a boy who could not rightly read or write.

Slowly settling down into the back of the wagon, he ensured the blanket mostly covered her, given it was in truth her who needed to be hidden in the event the guards were on the look. However he was unsure if they would be, after all, if he was a guard who lost a noble girl, he’d hardly consider going back and explaining the bad news. So he hoped that they would make it out – else he would be in real trouble. He exchanged a look with the young girl, one that might resemble ‘thanks’ or ‘kindness’ but he was wary of speaking, given the wagon owner was not far off, even if they were buried among the crates, and if he heard anything even slightly suspicious, he might well stop and ask for more information – or worse, consider turning them both over to the guards.

So instead, with only a quick peck on Thea’s cheek, did he lean back against one of the smaller crates – using it like a wooden pillow – and attempted to close his eyes, and gain some rest, with no idea on where they might be going, or where they might be when he opened his eyes. Perhaps it would have been smarter to discuss their strategy before leaving the barn, but in truth, they were so focused on getting away and how to get out undetected, that he hadn’t bothered to ask about the bigger picture. Oh, how he was naught but a deer caught in the hunt – sure to be impaled – either by the desires of the rogue lady seeking escape from her noble life, or the inevitable militia that would chase her and string up any supposed ‘captive’. ‘You really have done it now haven’t you? Adam’ he thought to himself, as his eyes closed, and he thought no more that eve.
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Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Thea »

The boy pulled himself up into the back of the wagon first before turning to offer Thea his hand. She held his hand tightly with both of hers as she swung her weight forward to pull herself up into the wagon. Crates that smelled of potatoes and freshly turned earth were stacked on either side of them. The scent reminded her of her hometown where the farmers primarily grew the classic Fenian vegetables. The crop was a Fenian staple and often traded to regions that did not grow the starchy root vegetable. With any luck, the wagon driver would be continuing west into Kiene but he had not confirmed where his destination was.

The rogue Winterbourne girl sat down on the floor of the wagon halfway behind one of the old crates. She hoped that anyone looking into the wagon would not notice her there. Meanwhile, the baker's son rummaged around for something, though Thea was not sure what. He then pulled out some old scraps of material and fashioned it into a makeshift blanket. The boy offered her the blanket made of coarsely woven sackcloth. It was scratchy and rough on her skin but it helped with the cold. He then sat down on the floor beside her and offered her a quick peck on the cheek. Thea had hoped to be able to talk with the boy, but they had silently both decided that talking might only attract unwanted attention from the driver. Her co-conspirator eventually leaned back and rested his head on one of the smaller crates. He drifted off to sleep leaving the girl alone with only her thoughts. She still did not even know the boy's name yet. Or why he left with her. Did he desire freedom too? Leaving with her was risky. She was the ward of the King and essentially his property. If Zuan managed to hunt her down she would be punished. Would the boy be punished too or would he be labeled as the unwitting tool Thea had used to execute her escape? The thoughts went on and on through the night. Crammed and uncomfortable in the back of a jolting wagon, Thea remained unable to sleep.

In the morning the darkness began to fade the sky turned shades of orange and pink pastel. The girl pushed herself upright to look out over the edge of the wagon. Ahead of them on the road, she could see a city coming into view. What city she was not sure about. She hoped it was Diamus or another Kienien town.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh

Re: [CRP] An Act of Defiance

Post by Adam »

Adam swiftly fell to sleep, it was not difficult for him to sleep in a cold and uncomfortable space, after all he had done it many times before, and besides there was little he could say to the girl without attracting the attention – even a name might put her at risk – and so instead he shut his mouth and his eyes and attempted to make the best out of the situation he had firmly put himself into. There was no way out now, he was in this for the long haul, or at least until someone found out where they were. As ultimately that was the problem, eventually they would be found. This girl was a noble with guards and therefore there would be consequences for her disappearance, she would not just be forgotten and left to roam the lands. Someone would come searching for her, and soon.

However his mind drifted swiftly into nothing as he fell into his sleep. He was woken by the breaking dawn, as the light from the sun pierced into the back of the cart and reaching his eyes slowly rose him from his sleep. He did not move at first, as he did not quite know where he was – and then he remembered. The previous days events came flooding back to him, and with a slight twist of the head his realisation was confirmed. The noble girl was there and they were indeed still in the back of a wagon – however the surroundings were entirely different.

As his eyes slowly adjusted to the morning light he could see the wagon had pulled into a city. Or atleast he thought it was a city. The architecture was entirely different to his home back in Fenia. So at the very least they had to be in a different Kingdom, and while that might make it difficult for the noble girls family to find her, it would put focus on them. Two foreigners, two young people, one rich and one clearly poor. Oh he dreaded it, they would likely be spotted in an instance. In truth they needed to get whatever supplies they could and get out of the city as fast as they could, yet it was at this moment it occurred to him.

They still hadn’t really spoken at all – since they ran from the market stall, he didn’t even rightly know her name or least hadn’t been introduced. Slowly but sure the wagon came to a stop near a tavern. The wagon owner, who perhaps might have simply forgot the two teenagers sleeping in the back of the wagon, was seen dismounting from the front and heading into the tavern – perhaps for ale or some food he did not know. But clearly this was time to go. Turning his head to the girl he whispered softly. ”Excuse me, err, I don’t think we've properly been introduced, but err, we probably shouldn’t stay here – should we?” He clearly had no idea what he was doing or saying, and in truth he doubted himself as much as his tone of voice clearly doubted the words which left his lips. ”I mean…where are we? Where are we to go? What are we to do? It’s bound to be out that you’ve not returned to your family…Do you have a plan?” Oh the poor boy, so unsure, so uncertain, and yet now he was the fly stuck to the web, and like most flies doomed to be devoured upon it.
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