[IRP] The County of Northborough

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[IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Ella »

The County of Northborough
Home of the Countess of Northborough




In the northwestern area of the Kingdom of Fenia, there was a region that was covered with thick forests and large hills that slopped steadily higher into the mountain range that created the northernmost border of the Kingdom. It was here in this hilly forested area that the County of Northborough sat. It extended outwards from the city of North Fenia in all directions. To the north, it bordered North March, the mountainous region that made up the northern border of the Kingdom. To the east, it bordered the County of Northpeak which was the territory of Princess Dahlia. To the south, it bordered the Duchy of Southfenshire. And to the west, it was bordered by a large sweeping river that separated this region from the rest of the Duchy of Northfenshire where Northborough was located. In addition to the extended forests, the hilly terrain was ideal for an extended cave system and large caverns throughout the hills and mountains. It was a great source of natural minerals and gemstones and made it a heavily profitable trade industry for the county.

About an hour's horse ride outside of North Fenia, nestled in the hills and the forests sat the seat of the county. A moderately large manor and sprawling estate that looked out over a small lake. The manor house made of local grey stone, built within the last ten or so years for the lord of the region. It was fully staffed with residents from a local village who traveled down an isolated forest path to the estate each and every day. On New Year's Day 1661, the estate and lands passed into the care of the newly married Ella Winterbourne for her services to Fenia.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Ella »

On the weekends Ella often liked to travel from the city where she spent the majority of her week to the northern country where she held lands as the Countess of Northborough. The region was large and covered with dense forests spread across large hills and valleys which Ella enjoyed. At first, she was not very fond of holding lands so far north. She didn't like the cold and Northfenshire tended to be a cooler region even when the days grew long and the sun beat down hotter in the summer months. But with time Ella grew used to it. She enjoyed the quiet solace that her estate offered her away from the noisy and crowded city. Her daughter Rosalie enjoyed it as well. There were many places to explore in the lands and the large lake allowed her the chance to embrace her naiad spirit and play with the water creatures.

After checking everything was in order with her offices on a Friday evening in mid-May, Ella shadowported herself out of Fenia City to the manor house up north. It was already late, and dinner was waiting for her along with her husband and daughter. Thought she might have liked to curl up in bed and sleep until morning, she sat down and enjoyed the evening meal. Tyris informed her that he would be leaving early the next morning for a day hunting trip and Rosalie informed her that she would be going to visit the library in North Fenia which she had recently discovered. Ella nodded, she would have the day to herself then. When dinner was done, she retreated to her room along with her husband and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning when she woke up, the spot next to her in the bed was empty already. With her eyes still closed, her fingers ran over the cool fabric. Tyris had been gone for a while already which made Ella wonder how late she had slept. She pushed herself up onto the bed, smoothing her hand over the silk fabric of her nightgown. While she had slept, the thin fabric had pushed and bunched up around her growing abdomen. She was about halfway through the pregnancy now. The morning sickness was gone now and she felt well, even if a bit tired. What would happen next was the furthest thing from her mind. As the woman pushed herself up out of her bed, she felt a sudden cramping in her abdomen. It was brief but sharp. Ella ran over her stomach in mild concern. It felt...well it felt like labor contractions but it was far too early for that. She supposed it could be 'practice' contractions, the body's way of getting her ready for actual labor. Unfortunately, she was wrong about this. A few minutes later she had another sharp cramp. And then another a few minutes after that. They kept coming until they were only a few seconds apart. It was at this point she knew what was happening but she didn't want to accept it. Her nightgown was soiled with deep wet crimson stains. Ella sunk down to the floor, as the pain was so intense.

It all happened very fast. There was no time to get anyone, not that anyone would have gotten to her in time. Not that it would have made a difference. When it was over, she laid down on the cold floor with he cheek pressed against the stone. Gone. Her baby was gone.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Ella »

Silence. There was no noise. Only the barely audibly breathing from the woman who laid on the floor. The stone beneath her cooled her skin. It somehow calmed her to feel this, a smooth, solid surface to steady her when everything felt wrong and out of balance. Ella stayed like this for a while, unwilling or unable to get up. The only indication of the passage of time was the path of sunlight moving around the room. As she laid there she felt the crimson turn sticky, tacky, and then slowly begin to dry. A permanent stain on the nightgown. She was not sure when she got up, or what finally prompted her to. She pushed herself upright to a sitting position and looked down at the chaos surrounding her.

"I need to clean up..." she muttered to herself, for no one was around to hear her anyway. The woman pushed herself to her feet and began to clean up. The actions that followed were mechanical. She felt numb inside. Ella managed to change into a plain linen dress then went to some clean water and soap. She mindlessly scrubbed at the floor with a bristle brush until all evidence of what had happened vanished. All but a small bundled-up blanket. She took a shallow breath, looked around the room. Then she remembered downstairs in her library, there she would find what she needed. She went downstairs to fetch a wooden box, intricately carved by a local craftsman. With tender care, she placed the small bundle inside of the box and then closed the lid. Ella ran a hand over the lid as silent tears fell onto the engraved surface. She picked up the box carefully and carried it outside.

The air was cool but the sun beat down brightly on her dark hair. She walked around the back of the manor looking for a suitable spot. She eventually settled on an area by a tree. With a trowel, she had picked up by the house she began to dig. She didn't use magic, though she could have. The thought never even occurred to her. She dug deeper and deeper until the hole was big enough and then she placed her box inside. She looked down into the hole silently for a few moments before finally using her hands to move the earth back to cover it again. When she was done she sat down beside the freshly turned earth.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Ella »

Ella sat under the shade of the tree beside the tiny grave for hours. It felt like the entire world was still but maybe that was just the numbness she felt. All of the energy in her body had been spent. No servants came outside to disturb her or check on her; they were used to Ella going off and doing things on her own. The only indication of the passage of time was the sun moving steadily across the sky until it finally sunk behind the nearby hills that surrounded the estate. The sunset turned the sky bright shades of orange and pastel pink before shifting to the pale lavender and powder blue of dusk. The darkness that was settling over the area pulled Ella from her trance-like state. She felt very cold and tired. She pushed herself up to her feet and went back into the manor house.

"M'Lady, dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes," said a maid that was carrying a stack of plates to the dining room. Ella did not respond to her and simply mounted the staircase to the second floor. She moved silently down the corridor to her bed chamber where the door stood ajar. Servants had clearly been here to tidy the room. Fresh sheets had been placed on the bed and a small fire crackled in the hearth. At least they had not seen the blood.

The bed was cold and empty as Ella buried herself under the fur blanket and down covers. It had not occurred to her that Tyris would soon be home.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Tyris »

The day was growing late as Tyris finally returned home to the manor, entirely unaware of the events that had taken place within during his absence. The sun was slowly falling and as he approached the stables on horseback he was met by several servants who took his steed and the catches he had made during the day. The latter would be sent to the kitchen, but it would not be eaten, too much pain had occurred for the normality of the day to continue.

He was wearing an attire of dark brown boots, camel riding trousers and a matching doublet, which was unbuckled at the top, due to the heat of the day, which was now slowly wearing off. It was not until he entered the castle and was greeted by one of the heads of staff at the manor when he was finally informed of the situation. His face swiftly fell. He felt a great pain in his chest, much like had a knife been plunged deep into his heart, yet the pain he felt could likely feel naught but a bruise compared to the pain he suspected his wife, Ella, would be feeling.

Thus without much thought to his own mental wellbeing or state at the news of the loss of the unborn child, he headed straight to their chambers, knowing Ella would be there. In truth he did not even need the servants to tell him of such. As he approached the door he thought what to do, or what to say, full well knowing nothing would be enough, nothing would ever be enough to bridge the pain she was feeling at this moment in time. Yet to leave her alone, in the prison of her own thoughts, that would be wrong. He had made a vow, made an oath in their wedding to stand by her in good and in bad. And he would stand by her.

Carefully he opened the door to their bed chambers and noted the figure hidden beneath the various furs and sheets upon the bed. He walked around to her side of the bed, and knelt down infront of her, as he gently moved a hand under the sheets to seek out her own, and hold it tightly. He still did not know rightly what to say, and so with the softest of whispers, so only the two of them could ever be sure of his words, he spoke. ”We will get through this. Together. I promise you that.” He said gently !”I will wait day and night, week and month if I must, but I will be by your side until you are ready. Know this is no fault of yours, or of mine, or any others.” He again, kept his tone soft and gentle ”I will always love you and protect you, as I stated on the day we wed, you are mine Ella Winterbourne and I am yours. Forever and always. Together.” He did not know what else to say, so he too became silent.

He would stay there kneeling, sitting at the side of her bed, ignoring any calls by servants or guards, his eyes, his focus, and his attention entirely placed upon the woman hidden beneath the sheets, coated in pain and in suffering, and he would do his utmost, to help bear that most horrible of burdens.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Ella »

November 2, 1661

As the autumn days marched on, the days continued to get colder and the hours darker. It was already well past nightfall when Ella arrived at Northborough Manor. It didn't help that the mountains and hills surrounding the manor choked off the sun much earlier than if this was a flat area. The house was quiet, aside from the quiet steps of servants as they went about their business. It seemed like Rosalie wasn't around this evening, but maybe she would appear later. Tyris should be around, but she didn't see any signs of him either. It didn't matter much anyway to Ella. Though they were married, Tyris and Ela's relationship remained lacking. The two were polite with each other and friendly even, but lovers they were not. After the loss of her child, Ella retreated into herself putting further strain on an already tenuous union. Every so often, Tyris would try to prod his wife out of her shell. His most recent attempt got her to his cousin's wedding. The event was fine, but she still felt out of place. She'd have rather been painting or sitting quietly in the now-dead gardens of Northborough.

With neither her husband nor daughter home, Ella needed to find something to do with herself this evening. While it was late, it was still too early to retire for sleep, so she padded her way through the house to her home study. Well, it was supposed to be her study. Instead, the room had become her art studio. Canvases were propped up haphazardly against the walls and the desk which was supposed to be used for work was covered with various sketches. Officially, though, it was still her study. The witch sat down at the desk to find a letter. It had clearly been placed there by a servant. Usually, she received her mail at her office in Fenia, but this letter appeared to be personal. On the outside of the envelope it was addressed to 'Ella'. Just 'Ella'. No surname, title, or position was added. She turned the envelope over and broke the seal with a small letter knife. Inside she found a letter from her wayward and perpetually wandering aunt.

Dear Ella,

I know it's been a while, but you know I've never been good at keeping up appearances. Last time I wrote to you I told you about the unfortunate accident(s) that left me tethered to another woman and a pregnancy. Well, maybe it was not such an unfortunate accident after all. I gave birth to a baby girl on October 31. We've decided to call her Kiernen. They say babies are supposed to be cute but she is actually quite wrinkly, and yet I already love her dearly. Would you have ever imagined? I'm terrified and excited at the same time. Fortunately, Soka has more experience with children than I do.

I am antsy to be on move again, so my next adventure may involve dragging the kid and the Soka with me. Maybe we can come to visit you?

Your favorite aunt,


Ella put the letter down when she finished reading it. She wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Even if she didn't have the best relationship with Circe, she knew she should be happy for her. But the absurdity of it all was comical. Accidentally impregnated with baby via a weird soul-weaving magical accident. Akos had filled her in on the chaotic events several months back, but it was still difficult to wrap her head around it all. There was also a part of her that was angry. She was angry at nothing in particular and everything all at once. Here her aunt had a child without even trying at the same time Ella's own child had been taken from her. It felt like some cruel joke. She pressed her face into her hands and rubbed her eyes. She stayed like that, frozen in space, unable to move or think or even breathe. Then with a deep sigh, she got up from the desk to go to her bed. Tomorrow she would try to write her aunt a reply.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Ella »

November 3, 1661

In the morning, Ella woke alone in a bed much larger than one person needed, but this was hardly the first occasion. No, far from it. Since May, Ella and Tyris had been sleeping in separate beds, in separate rooms. At first, it was because she didn't want to be touched. The idea physically repulsed her. Tyris was kind and gentle with her, and therefore more than happy to oblige. Months later, she still wanted to sleep by herself. At first, she felt guilty for her feelings, but that sentiment faded with each passing day of distance between them.

She got out of bed and dressed for the day, going through the motions as she always did. Today she put on a dark emerald dress that cinched around her waist, creating the illusion of a slightly curvier figure. It was a nice dress, appropriate for a lady of her standing, but it was not too showy or ostentatious. She was only going into the office, not attending a ball. She ran a comb through her hair to detangle the knots that had formed while she was sleeping before leaving the bed chamber and plodding down to her study/art studio. There she picked up the letter and tucked it under her arm. Once in the city, she would see about responding to Aunt Circe, perhaps when she ate lunch. She quickly vanished through shadows heading to her office in the capitol.

Later that day, after many hours of work and skipping her lunch, Ella sat staring at a blank piece of parchment trying to find the right words to say to her aunt. They really didn't have the best relationship, but maybe that could change if she just put in the effort. She clenched quill a bit too tightly in her hand before finally putting it down on the paper and carefully writing her response.

Dear Circe,

I'm happy to hear the news of your baby girl and that you are doing well in life. Things certainly have changed for you, haven't they? Let me know when you want to visit and I will make sure a room is prepared for you and Soka, plus a crib for the little one. Keep them close to you, time is precious.


Four sentences. That was all she could manage. Maybe when they visited things would come more naturally, but she secretly hoped that would not be anytime soon. The idea itself felt too overwhelming. Ella folded up the letter and tucked it into an envelope. She addressed it to Circe Blackwood and closed it with her own seal. The next time a civil servant passed through, she would ask them to dispatch the letter.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Tyris »

It was a brisk and cold morning as Tyris once again left the estate early to hunt. He had been doing so more and more often recently and seeing his wife and her daughter less and less. It was not entirely out of choice or want, but rather the feeling that any conversation they might hold in private company often felt awkward, distant and unnatural. Ever since Ella had experienced so much pain and suffering their relationship which had been brought together as more a political union than one of love had become entirely strained and bound together more by the promise they had made their King for the union, than the feelings for one another.

Yet equally neither seemed to have the courage to express that to one another or the King. Instead they continued about their daily business. Ella would leave for the capitol to attend court as well as manage the affairs of Fenia City, while Tyris would escape on his horse into the wide estates of the county to hunt and find his peace among the call of birds, and the movement of the animals he sought to slay with bow, blade and spear.

He wore appropriate clothing for his hunting, a blend of fabrics and colours most of which were a shade of either brown or green to blend into the woodland, and a cloak over his shoulders to keep him warm. However his hunting these days was somewhat of a chore, even the escape was starting to lose it’s shine, as his mind dwelled on the rhythm of his life and the constant pattern of avoiding his wife and she avoiding he. The last time they had been together for any length of time had been the wedding, and even then they had kept polite conversation for public appearances more than anything else.

As he delved deeper into the woodland he finally spotted some tracks for him to follow, and so dismounting his horse as so not to startle his prey he made his way through and proceeded on his hunt.

A few hours later he was heading in the opposite direction. A freshly slain dear and a few hares to his name as their carcasses were bound to his steed as he rode back toward the castle in the middling afternoon. He did not expect to see any thanks for the hunt or to see his wife at all, but least supper would be fresh for her when she returned from her duties in the capitol. And he had yet another day of distraction from the political marriage they kept. However there was an itch there, he was a knight, not a glorified house husband, yet the longer things went on like this, the more he wondered if anyone would remember that – or simply see him as Ella’s husband.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Ella »

November 8, 1661

As one got older, birthdays become less remarkable. It becomes just another humdrum day, forgotten as soon as it's over. On this her twenty-fourth birthday, Ella was expecting no different. She woke, got dressed, and then made her way into the city as she would do any other Monday. No one wished her a happy birthday and in the business of the day, she forgot it even was her birthday. Just another day.

Arriving home in the darkened hours, Ella planned to go to her office before retiring early. She was halfway down the corridor when a maidservant jumped in front of her nearly causing them to crash.
"I'm sorry, my Lady. I need you in the dining room, there is an issue with the...uhh...china!" Ella looked at the girl curiously, something was amiss. "The china?" The girl nodded her head fervently, "Yes." The witch paused to consider her options before quickly deciding that the easiest solution was to just follow the servant and figure out what was the matter. "Fine then, after you," she said before following after the girl. The maid hurried along the hall while Ella moved at a more calm pace behind her. When she reached the closed doors of the dining room, she found the same girl waiting expectantly at the door. Without another word, she threw open the door to reveal the dining hall to Ella.

Inside the room, the table had been set with fine linens and china. Roses had been procured and covered the table in many vases. Tyris stood near the head of the table dressed in a vibrant shade of crimson accented by a hint of gold which dazzled in the evening firelight of the candles and the fireplace. His attire was his usual over-the-top self. His doublet was made of a fine satin and interwoven with golden thread, which was met with small but notable ruby gemstones. Upon the doublet was sewn both the wolf of Winterbourne and the Blackwood emblem of the tree. His fingers dazzled as they sat upon the pommel of his dagger due to the variety of rings he wore, including his wedding ring and a silver ring shaped in the form of a wolf's claw which ran around his entire finger. The dagger was also made of a fine silver and was more decorative than anything. Meanwhile, his boots were made of leather and finished with gold, to contract the crimson of his breeches and his doublet.

As Ella was shown the room, he hastily moved forward, crossing the room at a confident pace, even if his heart was beating faster than usual. With a showman's elegance, he bowed deeply and took her hand into his before kissing it softly.
"My Lady. My Wife." He said gently before continuing, "I wished to show you what love I have for you and your heart and your dedication by granting you this evening together upon this most special of days." He leaned back up and offered her a kind, but hesitant smile, "May I show you to your seat?" Ella stood frozen, uncertain. They had hardly talked in months, and now he stood before her with this grandiose show of affection. "I..." she paused looking around again wide-eyed. "I guess...I mean...yes. Yes." By the end, she seemed to have come to the conclusion that 'yes' was the correct answer even if she felt very uncertain.

Tyris led her over to the table, still holding her hand. Reaching the chair that was clearly for her, he quickly pulled it out for her to sit down. There was another hesitation before she plopped down without a word. Tyris noted her hesitancy and it was at this moment his own confidence cracked slightly, as the smallest of frustrated frowns breached his usual upbeat facade. He hoped she did not notice it, and swiftly turned as he went across and around the table to take his own seat opposite. His mind was racing, here he was, with this grand gesture, and now, once the surprise had been revealed, and the pomp and circumstance of his approach was gone, there was silence both in the room and within his mind, as he desperately sought to think of something to say before he reached his seat.

Alas, as he took to his chair he settled with the meekest of possible questions.
"How was your day?" Oh, how he hated himself for it, silence honestly would have been better, but here it was again, the proof within the pudding, that for all the displays of affection he could try and create, the spark that they both had hoped would grow when their marriage was arranged by the King, had not developed. It had not even lit to the point he could ask her a basic engaging question at dinner. And they both knew it. "It was uneventful if I'm honest..." Ella swallowed hard. Now she was feeling guilty. Here this man was, trying his best and she couldn't even manage to try with him. "How was your day? Did you go hunting?" Ella asked as she forced a smile. Her eyes were telling though. Behind the smile, the irises loomed a stormy swirling grey-black.

The dinner carried on with the forced conversation in between awkward silences until they both gave up and returned to their separate bedrooms.
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Re: [IRP] The County of Northborough

Post by Nikola »

November 12, 1661

Nikola had enjoyed her break from her duties at the castle and had quite honestly avoided it as much as possible. This was made easy by spending her time with TK, roaming his new lands, and being summoned to her grandfather’s realm for a period of time. But today she had something on her mind other than TK and their hopes and plans about their future. Ella was on her mind. The witch was not exactly the outgoing type, but the two of them had somehow managed to strike up a friendship and she missed her. Ella had withdrawn more and more from the public eye since the death of her child before it could be born, and Nikola was worried about her. Today, especially, Ella weighed heavily on her mind and so she had determined to visit her friend at her estate.

Autumn was Nikola’s favorite time of year. The old things began to die throughout this season in preparation for burial beneath winter snow. Once the snow melted in Spring, new birth would surely come, but today she reveled in the color that nature painted for the world to enjoy as plants and trees began to prepare for their winter hibernation. The leaves were beginning to turn in earnest now and as Nikola rode Star toward Northborough, she could not help but smile at the crispness of the autumn air. Even Star seemed to be livelier today although that could be simply that the two of them were out for a ride together.

As they approached Northborough, she drew Star to a halt to take in the view. Most of the trees surrounding Northborough still retained most of their summer greens, but some of them were beginning to turn, adding a touch of color to the castle grounds. Ella lived in a castle. Who would have thought? Yet she had done well for herself and was married to a cousin of the King. It had been an arranged marriage that Nikola had presided over at Ella’s request, but despite the unusual beginning, Nikola held hope for the couple.

Something troubled her as she viewed the castle. She could not quite put her finger on it, but it was almost as if there was a darkness within the castle that could not be seen, only felt, as she and Starr slowly approached the massive manor. There nothing out of the ordinary that she could see, but the heaviness she sensed grew stronger the closer they got. By the time she had handed Star off to a stable hand, the easy smile she had worn was gone. Something was amiss, and she feared the worst.

Forcing the smile back onto her face, she approached the manor door and was greeted by a young woman in a maid’s uniform. When the girl saw the circlet she wore as a symbol of her status as Countess of Fenshire she curtsied and beckoned her to enter.
“Thank you,” Nikola said simply and stepped across the threshold into a maelstrom of unease that was inside Ella’s home. “Is the Lady Ella at home?” she inquired. When the maid indicated she was, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Please inform your Lady that the Lady Nikola has come to see her,” she instructed the maid servant who curtsied again and then scurried off, presumably to find Ella. She hated these formalities, but servants in this kingdom seemed to expect it from the nobility, and in her experience were uncomfortable without such protocols. At least until they got to know her.

Not having been shown to a particular room, Nikola remained in the foyer, wandering around the area to admire the fixtures. It seemed the thing to do as she had never been here before so did not know her way around the manor.
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