[ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

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[ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by TwoB »


OOC: How to play.... This one is really easy! Just RP as your character and interact with others. A great way to meet and relax a bit in a social gathering. Earn a leaf by joining in to the picnic.

There was a calm breeze with the leaves sailing through the air ever so slowly. A relaxed wind that helped keep the temperature nice. The skies a beautiful sun peeking around clouds. TwoB laid out the final checkered cloth on the ground. Different little stone creatures she had made in her mason shop kept the corners down with wooden chairs and tables available on each cloth. In the middle, there were stone leaves in the middle.

"Welcome all to the Picnic area. Feel free to put up your feet, hands or whatever else and enjoy some down time. We all need down time. Come in and chat with your fellow attendees. We've got different statues and conversation pieces. As mayor of Bravia, welcome to the picnic area of the Fall Festival," TwoB said with a smile offering seats to the guests.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Katie »

Pushing her cart to the picnic area, Katie pulls out her picnic basket because she is famished. She smells the fried chicken within and the fresh baked rolls and eagery pulls everything out along with her semi flat gourd serving as one of several picnic plates within her basket.

She hears a lady speaking to her so she looks up in astonisment.....

A lady approaches Katie holding a few glasses in a tray.
"Zachre! My name is Mollie and I help manage the tavern. We have brought a Tiki Bar to this big event!! What would you like to drink today?"

:shock: Katie looks dumbfounded at Mollie. "Hey Mollie, it's been a good while since I last saw you so I deserved that!! But really?? Is Zachre so desperate for sales that he has sent you and Idunno out here to sell strong drinks?" (Katie thinks Mollie's and Idunno's boss is someone named Zachre.)

"Maybe?" Mollie displayed all the different drinks so Katie paid her 1 fz for a cold water.

Mollie walked onward as Katie thought 'What is this flat land coming to?'

Katie muttered as she shook her head in disbelief... She thought if Mayor TwoB or Viceroy Mateo fusses about the sale of ale and liquor and whatnot at the festival, Katie is truly innocent. Deep down she suspects she will have to take the blame. :roll:
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Aelan »

Aelan looked down at Edwin and smiled at his antics as he chased a falling leaf. They had decided it was time to come out of their seclusion and check up on the land of the living for a bit. Starting with this Fall Festival? Even after all these years on the surface she still couldnt wrap her head around seasons or weather in general.
She took Edwin with her at Dispair's insistance as he and the others couldn't leave the seal unattended but he didnt like Aelan going into human territory with out some back up.

"Now remember Edwin not everyone can see ghosts without a bit of help. So please try and at least be semi transparent ok I dont want anyone tripping over you today?"
Edwin pauses and looks back at Aelan and yaps as if he was agreeing with her. His form becoming just that much more visible.

It didnt take them much longer to arrive and take a look around to see if they knew anyone.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Katie »

Katie was feeling quite gratified as she took a big bite of her chicken leg while giving passers-by the glance over. She made note of a man she had never seen before walking by on some things called stilts. His pants legs were at least two or maybe even three times longer than Horace's ((her steward who is quite the tall one))! The stilt walker was quite impressive until..... there before her 20/20 vision eyes was her new friend Aelean with that most unusual pup dog! Katie could see grass through that little dog's belly even though the grass looked a tad foggy. Katie wiped her hands in her kerchief and then rubbed her eyes hoping to see better thereafter. No such luck! That little animal remained semi-translucent precisely as she met him in the tavern. In the tavern, she blamed her vision and the estranged conversation about the dog on the two vodkas she drank.

She gulped down her mouthful of chicken.

As she waved at Aelan she asked,
"How are you and your little pup doing on this beautiful Fall day? Would you like to join me for some fried chicken and biscuit because I have extra in my picnic basket." Katie didn't know why just yet, but she liked this new, interesting friend.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Aelan »

Aelan glanced around and spotted Katie, the pretty young lady she met in the tavern. And with a smile she joined her near by placing a mat on the floor and sitting on it crossed leg.

"Save me some? I'm not hungry yet but its does smell good"

She did take a few dishes of her own out mainly made with mushrooms and herbs that she foraged up and shyly added it to the offerings

I'm a pretty simple person but these are a few dishes I used to have when living in the Underdark. Figure people might like these as they are mushroom based. Feel free to try them if you'd like"

Edwin bounded up to Katie and made a happy little barking noise as he recognised her. Then started acting like he wanted a tussle
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Katie »

Katie petted the little doggie on his head as she looked quizzically at the mushrooms. "What is that," Katie asked curiously?

She petted the little creature and she stroked it as though it was real without using too much pressure. After all, it wasn't every day that she came across a creature such as this one.

Katie smiled at Aelan as she thought of the many questions she had about this pup.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Aelan »

She smiles at Katie petting Edwin. The pup shifted slightly in the hope that Katie would give him ear scritches his tail stirred up a few errant leaves.
"Its a stir fry. Not sure you'd be familiar with mushrooms from the Underdark but they are a variety of Cave mushrooms. we put meat and mushrooms in to a pan over the fire and cook them. This also has edible mosses and a few cave roots...I think the closest surface foods to the moss is samphire but the roots are similar to parsnips. I add wild garlic to it as I cant find a surface version of Dalvin leaf...." She smiles and takes out a bottle of ale and makes a gesture to katie as if to offer her some.
As she recognises the look of the curious so resigns her self to answering many many questions and decides to get comfortable.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Katie »

Katie tried her best not to show any disdain for this new food. Had she tried it ever before? No! So she was polite... "OK, I will try one of the small mushrooms, but I had heard they are poisonous. Also, I heard this story once about a little girl named Red Riding Hood and seems to me a bad wolf tricked her into eating some poisonous mushrooms just so she would die and he could eat her. I can't really remember how the story went except he didn't get to throw her in the big pot of boiling water and I don't know if it was even true or not so I have stayed far far away from mushrooms ever since. Come to think of it, I don't know if wolves can talk, but I guess they may can..." She popped a small mushroom in her mouth as her facial expression revealed her enjoyment for the new treat!

"That was really good! It was tastier than they look and seemed a lot like a tender meat of some sort." She motioned no thanks to the offered ale as she popped a big juicy mushroom in her mouth and passed a fried chicken leg to Aelan as a trade.

"What did you say about your little dog eating food?" Katie tried to recall what happens to food when the pup eats? Suddenly Katie thinks Aelan should enter him in that Peasant Pet Show down the path. He would surely win it! But Aelan isn't a peasant she thought....
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by TwoB »

TwoB noticed Mollie serving drinks. She shrugged it off as just another creature enjoying the Festival. She put a few coins on a table and traded some drinks with Mollie.

TwoB's ears perked up hearing "underdark". She approached Katie and the other. Her curious nature meant she had to find out. She was listening between Katie and Aelan. A sense came across her mind of something around, but she wasn't quite sure what it was. She had not had this feeling in a while. Almost a memory... Inside her mind, flashes of flames, voices escaping, and wood burning. Nothing that made much sense. A voice inside her head said softly, "forgotten". TwoB blinked quickly not letting the smile fade at all.

Waiting for a spot to interject, she asked, "What's the underdark? Do a lot of mushrooms grow there? Is there no light there?" Her voice was filled with almost child like curiosity.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Katie »

"Mayor TwoB, meet my new friend, Aelan and her most unusual dog- Elwin, I mean Edwin. Join us, why don't you?" Katie stroked the little doggie's head once again .
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