[IRP] Redcroft Manor

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Thea »

Thea struggled to imagine the same future that her cousin foresaw. Not because she could not see the same possibilities but because she did not desire a future with lots of children running around and creating havoc. This was not a future that she wished for. Instead of saying this aloud to Cordelia, Thea took a sizable gulp of her rum laced tea. Cora was in a happy bubble and she did not deserve Thea bursting it.

"The tea is good, greatly enhanced by the rum, of course. Maybe I ought to purchase a distillery. That would keep me occupied."

Thea mused with a sly smirk. She swirled the liquid in her glass slightly as she considered it. She had lands and money now, who would stop her? Zuan probably, but she would find a way around him.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and the clatter of broken glass raining down on the floor. It all happened so fast, Thea was not sure what was going on. The tea pot was now halfway across the room shattered on the floor. The tea was now pooling in between the tiles on the floor.


Thea did not even know how to finish the question. Her eyes moved from the broken china back to her Cordelia.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Cordelia »

"Distillery." Cordelia mused aloud. "That seems very fitting. I can imagine you'd have fun with that. 'Wolfe Vodka, the vodka that bites back!'."

She laughed at her poor joke. It was a reminder that, while she was a good business woman, she was not great at ideas. Beneath the guise of a lady, she was awkward. However, she did amuse herself and this was no exception. She shifted, stifling the remainder of her giggle with a sip of tea. The steam rose up, which she inhaled deeply. The savory scent loosened her sinuses and it was not soon after she lowered the cup that she sneezed.

It was difficult for her human brain to comprehend what happened first. The sneeze? Or the shattering of pottery. It all happened so quickly and suddenly, it caused her to jump in her seat. Goosebumps ran down her arms, while hot tea sloshed over the edge of the cup and spilled onto her hands. The startle was enough to shake her up, grey eyes sweeping the area for a source of threat. It was not until she determined they were still alone that she felt the sting of heat on her hands.

"Oh Mages!" She uttered, setting the cup down in haste. She rubbed her hands off on her dress, but her eyes went back to the heap of tea and shards. Heart racing, she looked back at Thea. It seemed their confusion and concern was mutual. Cordelia blinked slowly, replaying the moment in her mind trying to determine what happened first as her cousin stared at her. It must have been her sneeze.

The woman may be socially awkward, but she was quick-witted and intelligent. As the fight or flight response dialed down, her mind began working again.

"I think I need to talk to Rhozin." She put her fingers to her temple, staring back at the teapot. "I.. We'll replace that. You know, he uh... I was told our children would likely have Gellygen magic. I just... I mean, now? I'm barely showing. Oh Mages, if that happens when I sneeze, what else is going to happen?!"

Her brain was racing now, a different panic setting in. On one hand, it could make sense: she was a woman carrying a potentially magical baby. A baby that, maybe, could make things fly. Apparently. On the other hand, it seemed absurd. As a human, she had never touched magic. Magic had never touched her. Was that going to change? Rhozin could not make anything fly, but her husband's family were known for their innate elemental magic. It was that magic that they used to help save parts of Spirus from the volcano and become legends in Kienian history. That magic that helped groom the perfect pears for the perfect perry. That magic that seared into wood to make beautiful and intricate chests for her jewelry.

Tears began to prick her eyes. "I'm sorry... I'll buy you a prettier pot. That one was really ugly."
Viscountess Cordelia Zabel (Winterbourne) Everhart-Gellygen of the Highlands, the Horned Wolf
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Thea »

"Another pot? I believe that is the least of your concerns."

Thea shook her head slightly as she set down her cup. She suspected that Cordelia may have bitten off more than she had bargained for with her marriage. Marriages were dubious even under the best of circumstances; arranged marriages were just asking for trouble. Now Thea had that to worry about too.

Cordelia stayed with her cousin at Redcroft Manor for a week before leaving to visit the Imperial Palace. They spent the visit chatting and enjoying each other's company, falling into a familiar rhythm just as they always did. Thea avoided topics like marriage and children as much as possible, and thankfully Cora did not push the subjects. Avoiding her problems was what Thea knew how to do best. The one thing that could not be avoided with her cousin around was trips to the nursery. Ample visits were made to the room on the opposite side of the manor so that Cordelia could dote on Zev. Thea was not sure how Cora could stand the screaming which seemed to never end, but soon enough the trip was over and Thea returned to her solitude.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Aileigh »

The tide was changing. For the first time, she truly felt in complete control over herself. Approaching eighteen may have had an impact on the feeling, but the sense of control really came from understanding and being understood. She was breaking free of the assumption of being a helpless little girl. She had always valued knowledge, spending days upon days with her nose in books. Yet, the guidance and training she had been receiving from her aunt Morjiana was really the spark she needed. The world was open to her now, in ways she could not explain. There was so much she could not explain, either unwillingly or unable.

Aileigh Mae gave a small tug on the reins as the driveway came to an end. The location of Redcroft was a nice one: it gave her an easy ride on the nice day, without having to explain to anyone what her intentions where. As a servant approached the slowed horse, they came to a complete stop. She offered an affectionate pat on the mare’s neck before swinging her leg over the saddle and stepping off.

She had on a simple, yet elegant dress of deep purple fabric and woven pink and green flowers along the hemlines. The sleeves only came down midway, while the skirt went to her heels. The skirt had excess fabric for a more comfortable ride and beneath the hem, she wore old leather riding boots. She didn’t think Dorathea would care about what she wore, but she enjoyed wearing finer clothes befitting of her status. While her dress was more Fenian in design, large crescent shaped earrings and a bulky necklace flashed her Romany heritage.

She handed the reins off to the servant and asked for her horse to be taken care of, as she went to the door. She took a brief moment to smooth down her raven locks before wrapping her knuckles on the door.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Thea »

After the visit from Cordelia, things returned to their normal mundane state at Redcroft Manor. Thea spent the majority of her time in the study or in the observatory. The screaming baby that occupied the far corner of the house was cared for by a few devoted nurses while his mother rarely visited. Life went on as usual.

Much like any other day, this day was as unimportant as the day before, at least it was until the arrival of an unexpected visitor. There was a knock on the door heard by a nearby maid. The stout woman shuffled over to the entry and opened the large wooden door to receive the new arrival. In front of her stood a girl near the same age as the lady of the house.

"Good day, my lady."

It was clear to her that this young woman was a lady even if she did not know her identity.

"Have you come to pay Lady Redcroft a visit? We did not know that we were expecting any guests, I must apologize for our lack of preparedness."

She was not sure if Thea was actually expecting company, but she also did not wish to appear rude to the lady. It was possible that Thea had neglected to tell her servants that she was expecting a visitor. The lady was very secretive and often did not speak to the help unless she deemed it necessary. Failing to mention this would not have been out of character.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Aileigh »

A warm smile sat upon her lips when the door opened. In nature, Aileigh was more shy than her very outgoing mother, but she was a friendly individual. When they came to Fenia, she really started to step out of her shell and now, standing at the door to Redcroft Manor, she realized how much she had grown in the last few years. She couldn’t imagine the girl who landed on the Athena beaches would have the courage to stand where she stood and to do it with a steady smile.

“There is no need to apologize; I should have sent word ahead of my arrival. For that, you have my apologies. It was a.. Spur of the moment kind of thing.

Is the lady of the house here? I was hoping to speak with her. Would you be so kind as to let her know that Aileigh Sanchari would like to go on an afternoon stroll?”

The recognition of her name was evident. Daughter of the queens, stepdaughter of the High King… Her name would get her anything she asked for these days. It allowed her to show up unannounced or to skirt around the rules (something that she would use to her advantage later). And yet, there was an awkwardness that came from the situation as well. Lady? Princess? She was both and she was neither. Stepdaughter to the king created different expectations from different individuals. Between her and Zuan, they were family. He was the closest thing she had to a father and since her mothers married him, he really did take up that space in her heart. Yet, she understood that she stood apart from her siblings - his true daughters, and she knew there were those out there that perceived her as an outsider to the royal family. The true power of her name came from her mothers and their hard work in service to Fenia. She was the definition of their love and dedication. But, she was ready to give her name it’s own power, by her hand.

With her question asked, Aileigh used the urge to fidget to fuel her confidence, lifting her chin ever so slightly. Doubt was beginning to creep out of the corners of her mind.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Thea »

"I am sure the Lady Redcroft will be pleased to accompany you on your stroll."

That was a gross overstatement. Thea neither liked being told what to do nor unexpected visitors.

"Would you like to wait inside while I fetch her?"

The maid stood aside to allow the guest entry into the manor. With a small bow, she then excused herself to go find Thea. She walked briskly down a long corridor and arrived at the conservatory. As expected, Thea was there. Today she was reading a book that she had found in the study. She turned a page as the maid entered and spoke.

"My lady, you have a visitor. Lady Aileigh Sanchari has requested that you accompany her on an afternoon stroll."

"That is very bold of her to assume I want to accompany her. Why should I?"

Thea did not look up as she replied coolly. Undeterred, the woman continued.

"Well, my lady, she is your family."


"She is the King's stepdaughter."


"He is your legal guardian."

"What is your point?"

"I am sure that you would not wish to ire His Majesty."

"No... I suppose not. He is able to achieve that without provocation. Fine."

With the final word, Thea closed the book and stood. She followed the servant to the front of the house where Aileigh was still waiting.

Gray eyes looked the damphyr over carefully without a word. They were familiar with each other, but not friends. Far from it. Thea found Aileigh's bright and friendly disposition unsettling. She made a point of avoiding the Sanchari girl at any social gathering that she was coerced into attending. The fact that she was also Zuan's stepdaughter was also not winning her any points in Thea's book.

"Good afternoon, Aileigh. What brings you to Redcroft of all places?"

Thea gave her a forced smile as she greeted her. It was almost believable if only the smile had reached her eyes.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Aileigh »

Aileigh gave a quiet thanks as the woman invited her inside. When the servant went to find Thea, blue eyes flitted over the entry room. It was only when the footsteps faded away did she begin to move around the space. It wasn’t that she was being nosy, but that she was curious.

She did not know Thea very well. The Winterbourne girl was very stand-offish. She imagined it had to do with her poor relationship with Zuan, as she had found many reflected their relationship to the king upon his wives, stepchildren, and children. Then again, the lady did not seem to enjoy the company of anyone, besides perhaps Cordelia… Aileigh honestly wasn’t entirely certain if Thea just tolerated her cousin or actually enjoyed spending time with her.

When Thea had first arrived to the palace, Aileigh intended to befriend her. She was excited to have someone else living under the King’s roof that was her age. It seemed they were just too different to hit it off, though. Aileigh made less and less effort, coming to the eventual realization that Thea probably wouldn’t ever want to be her friend -which made today particularly nerve-racking.

Approaching footsteps were picked up by her sensitive ears, cutting through the quiet environment. She returned to the spot she had been standing when the maid left and clasped her hands together. She met Thea’s gaze, although her own smile was more genuine. It did not bother her that there were no formalities such as curtsies or appropriate addressing, even if the lack of did not stem from friendliness.

“Hello, Thea. I hope I am not intruding too much. How are you? It’s been a while since you’ve moved out of the palace into Redcroft.” The sentiment could be seen as a friend missing their accomplice, but she knew Thea would not read it that way nor did Aileigh feel that way. The Princess was being mindful of the ears around them, people who had no inkling of their actual relationship. ”I was hoping we could take a walk. No guards necessary, just some fresh air.” She did not say much else, but she hoped the implication would be there. A walk meant they would leave the manor and be away from prying eyes. She did not want to explain why, banking on the idea that Thea would be too intrigued to deny the random stroll.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Thea »

"Who am I to deny the King's stepdaughter?"

There was a noticeable bitterness to Thea's voice as she responded. Whether that tone was directed at Aileigh or the King was unclear. It could also be the lady's usual sullen nature manifesting as per usual. The maid did not know nor did she care to stick around and find out. It was none of her business anyway, so she excused herself from the foyer.

"After you."

Thea motioned for her guest to go ahead as she turned to grab her cloak from a nearby closet. She emerged from Redcroft manor wearing a burgundy cloak over her plain trousers and blouse. She had not dressed for any special occasion or guests not that she cared. Thea hated dressing up in nice gowns even when it was required of her. She suspected that Aileigh was very much the opposite and would take any occasion to dress up lavishly. It felt rather shallow and superficial to Thea.

The pair walked leisurely away from the manor along a small path towards a wooded area. Neither said anything at first, both waiting to be a suitable distance from the house to make sure no one might be listening in.

"Why have you come here?"

Thea broke the silence first. She skipped any further pretend pleasantries. It was obvious to her that Aileigh had come here for a specific purpose.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [IRP] Redcroft Manor

Post by Aileigh »

There was a sense of relief when Thea did not question her request. She took lead in leaving the home, tucking her hands into the hidden pockets of her dress. It was a simple tactic to keep herself from fidgeting, while she took some deep inhales to keep herself steady. As the manor fell into the background, Thea broke the silence with suspicion. She pursed her lips, feeling particularly vulnerable around the woman her age, as if her bitterness saw through the confidence she tried to portray. Aileigh decided it was best to just get to the point.

“I am here with a proposal and did not want Zuan’s ears to hear about it.” Yet, at least. She did not trust the conversation would stay between them if there were servants wandering around, paid by the King’s purse. “I know Zuan will be looking for a husband for you - if he hasn’t begun the search already. I am not privy to that stuff. I imagine you have feelings about the idea though.

What if you could beat him to it? Uh, properly this time.”
The Princess looked over, trying not to linger on the rumors she heard about Thea running off. “I know we aren’t close. Maybe we never will be. But I also know neither of us want our fate controlled by anyone but ourselves. We want freedom from those who are trying to keep us under their finger.

Let’s take away their greatest leverage.”
She stilled, eyes remaining on Thea. The words felt strange on her tongue, but she forced them out in confidence, just as she had practiced. “I am asking for your hand. I am an eligible option and we would have control over our.. Marriage.

The King would be unwise to deny my offer. It can be strictly business between us. You can do whatever you want, under the surety of a wedding band. I can be free to focus on other things. We do not even have to live together - although Redcroft seems lovely. I have been given my mother’s first noble title, the Wisp Marsh, in Athena. I will be spending a lot of time there, focusing on my scholarly efforts.”
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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