[CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Cordelia »

"Hmm, I suppose I have spent more time with her." She mused aloud. If Thea had not gone out of her way to avoid the royals and others during her extended stay at the palace, maybe it would be different.

The concession to eyeliner brought a small grin. She added the final touch carefully, not wishing to mess anything up. She knew this would be the last push she'd be able to get away with and if she messed it up, she would meet resistance. The slow precision paid off and she sat the brush down with a content nod. "Let's get you into that dress.

It should fit perfectly."
At least, she hoped. She had all of Thea's measurements and with the fit of the gown, any flux should not have an impact. Thea had lost a lot of weight from the pregnancy, but she seemed to have gained most of it back by now. She slipped the dress off the hanger, letting her cousin take her pajamas off. After getting the dress over her head, she pulled it down gently to situate it properly. When some of the fabric caught at the waist, she maneuvered the skirt to get it situated. She then went about securing the dress with the buttons down the spine.

With the dress on, Cordelia then fussed over hair and makeup one last time, then stepped back to admire her work. "This will do nicely! What do you think?"
Viscountess Cordelia Zabel (Winterbourne) Everhart-Gellygen of the Highlands, the Horned Wolf
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Serendipity »

"Alright hooligans, let's get your shoes on."

The redhead knelt while forcing her two little likenesses to sit, a pair of shoes in each hand. First, she slipped them onto her son, then onto her daughter. There were times that chasing two five year olds could be a job unto itself. Understandably, they were excited. This would be the first wedding either had ever attended. Their strange initial upbringing in the Nether still affected their view of the realm they deemed strange. She hoped that they would enjoy the celebrations to come, as they would witnessed their father's culture in a way they had only heard about. She had let the children pick out their clothes for the big day. Nox had chosen to wear black pants, with a navy shirt and a green floral printed vest. This was reasonable. Yara, on the other hand, went over the top as she always did. Her dress was big, with a flock of birds' worth of feathers lining the skirt and giant fabric flowers pinned to the front. It was going to be rainbow in colour, if Serendipity had not convinced the girl that she could not take attention away from the brides.

Serendipity helped them both to their feet, calling for her husband. Aeton entered the family room with Aian at his side. The black haired twins were dressed the same, as if it were not already difficult enough to tell the men apart. Seeing them walk up in the same stride was eerie, but she simply rolled her eyes. Sometimes, she was glad her twins were fraternal, so she did not have to handle another generation's antics. There were plenty of times Yara and Nox proved to be the grandchildren of Akos with their mischief.

" Look's like we are all ready, then?" She rose an eyebrow, picking up the outfit laid out on the chair. It was the saree] for Aileigh to wear after the ceremony, per Aishe's request. It even included a sheer veil, an ode to the Romany tradition of married women wearing headscarves or veils. It was an old tradition, one that was not used often in the Boreens Durri, but she thought it was a nice touch.

She draped the saree over her arm as Aeton took her hand, while she held Yara's. Aian picked up Nox and simultaneously, the five of them swirled into a display of shadows. The Thas'pordere vanished, to be replaced with the unfamiliar setting of Redcroft Manor. She released Yara's hand, pecking Aeton's cheek. "You all head around back; I'm going to put this aside for Aileigh and be right there."

Her little family went off, the children running ahead. Serendipity stood still for a long moment until they disappeared around the house. She then proceeded to enter the home, promptly finding Aishe. She gave her charge a big smile, admiring her appearance. "Looking lovely, Kralisi."

The smile was returned, with kisses given to each cheek in Aishe's signature greeting. The queen looked over Serendipity's floral printed gown and free flowing hair before looking at the fabric hanging over her arm. "Here, I can take this. Why don't you go to the garden? Thank you for bringing this!"

And just like that, her one task for the wedding was completed. The busybody took off with the saree, leaving Serendipity to find her way. It was not difficult to pass through the center of the manor and come out into the fresh air. She admired the garden and its decorations before meeting up with her spouse, mentally deciding what seats they would be taking.

"Ah, my autumn goddess." Aeton smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist. She laughed, rolling her eyes at the self-proclaimed Dark Prince.

"Is Zipporah and Arabeth here yet?" Brown eyes wandered for an additional two sets of redheads.

"The Vale invasion is not completed."

Beneath his jokes and bemused expression, Serendipity could see a hint of.. Anxiety? She glanced over to Aian, who had his hands in his pocket and was unusually quiet. She supposed that the twins were still surprised over their big sister's decision to marry so suddenly. Hopefully, the celebrations and the flowing alcohol would ease any concerns they pair kept to themselves.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Rowena »

Rowena had finished the special request and wandered off to check on the gardens one last time before she made her way into the forest to recollect herself. After several minutes of meditation and reconnecting, she made her way back to the manor, looking happier than she ever did. She quickly went into one of the spare rooms that she had used before to change, to make sure she was presentable. After she was presentable she wandered about the manor, taking a look at the artwork that was about, waiting for it time to be seated for the wedding to start.
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Rosalie »

Rosalie pondered the facts carefully, the rules of decorum and nobility. After this careful consideration, she responded to the King's query about what to call her, "I believe that, given your friendship with my mother and the fact that you have known me for many years, you've gained the ability to call me by my given name. So the choice remains yours, King or not."

"It's a shame that your dreams of becoming a flower girl are so quickly crushed. I'm sorry to be the one to do it, but I'm sure you'll be able to find something else. You are King after all,"
she stated. Rosalie turned away from the King again and began to make her way towards the door as she continued, "We'll have to see about those suitors, won't we? I've yet to see them, but I will tell you a secret...I don't care either way."

"I should go to the garden and see if my mother is here yet,"
she said with one last glance over her shoulder before she left the King of Fenia alone in the front room.
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Elisa »

Elisa was enjoying a walk around the grounds with her mother. She liked any time spend together so far. All her life, or at least as long as she could remember, she had wondered what having a mother would be like. While she lived in Widu she had started to see Zipporah as a motherly figure. Zipp consequently had the luck of getting all her most difficult questions to answer. She hoped the relation with her birth mother would turn out to be similar. At this moment things were still a bit strange. They had been complete strangers after all, being put together saying this is your mother/daughter. They still had to form that bond, as they were doing now. In the beginning she had feared things would be like when she was living with her ‘father’, or well, how should she call him now? So far it was quite different, and she was glad for that.

She looked over to Alice as she asked if this was exciting for her. It is, quite a lot, but…I’m also a bit nervous. I mean what if I make a fool of myself? While Elisa had been spending a lot of time in the Hartlands to get to know her mother and sister a bit better. She hadn’t spent much time at the court. She couldn’t be in 2 places at the same time after all and there were also things in Widu that needed her time. This also meant she hadn’t spent that much time with the Winterbournes yet and she really didn’t want to leave a bad impression.
Elisa was following Alice while they walked to her surprise they went inside. Alice had suggested to go see Thea and Cordelia, who was helping Thea get ready. Elisa wasn’t sure if Thea would want her there, as they barely knew each other. Did Thea even already know she was Cordelia’s sister? Elisa was doubting it. Although Cordelia was friends with her, perhaps she had already told. Alice knocked the door and asked if they could come in. Elisa softly bit her lip, a habit she had whenever she was nervous for something.
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Aishe »

The morning seemed to be flying by. The bedroom was a flurry of folks and tasks. Aishe was rather quiet throughout the events, taking it all in and letting others fill the silence with conversation. If it were not for the warm expression she carried, one might be concerned about her quietness. Instead, her smile abated questions and the focus remained on the Princess.

After helping Aileigh into the dress, she felt her daughter could use a moment. As she ushered everyone out of the room, she casted a last glance over her shoulder. It was a strange site - her baby girl standing there in the dress she wore just years ago. After shutting the door, she asked Mallory to check-in on the kitchens while she went to see if Nisha had arrived.

She had barely descended the stairs when red hair caught her eye. A smile grew across her focused face, putting her search aside to greet Serendipity. There was an immediate ease upon her mind in the woman’s presence. Centuries together had forged a bond beyond just that of protector and charge.

The greeting was a short exchange as she took the saree off Serendipity’s hands. The queen retreated her steps up the staircase and back down the hall. As she approached the bedroom, she heard quiet talking. There was only one heartbeat in the bedroom, which implies Aileigh was alone, and yet it sounded like she was having a conversation. While she did not intentionally eavesdrop, the words piqued her attention. She paused outside of the door, giving a quiet knock before entering.

A sweep over the room confirmed Aileigh was by herself. She held up the saree and moved to set it on the bed. “After the ceremony, we can sneak up here and change.”

Aishe paused, looking at her daughter with a curious eyebrow raised. “Practicing your vows? I probably rehearsed mine a million times and still almost forgot them.”

The words ‘both of you’ did not seem strange. Aileigh had told them that she intended to legally adopt Zevander Winterbourne as her son, which made her proud of her daughter. Aishe and Akos had an adopted daughter, Amalie, who now lived with Morjiana as a full-time apprentice. The idea that Aileigh had such love in her heart was warming.

“Yes.” Her answer was dwarfed by a following silence before she shook her head. “No, that’s a lie. It is a vow, but not to Thea.. To our children.”

Blue eyes fell down to the hand pressed to the lace-covered abdomen. Suddenly, the world felt upside down again. She shook her head in disbelief, looking back up to the serious face of her daughter. There was no heartbeat and that ignored the fact it would be no easy feat for two women to have a child. Not impossible - Aishe knew that. Three of her children were with Akos. But Shion had long since left the realm, so how?

“Akos.” The name was said with a bit of anger in it. Or perhaps it was frustration. Aishe, herself, was unsure as emotions seemed to swirl in a dangerous dance.

“Do not be angry with her. I asked… A wedding gift.” Aileigh seemed more confident than ever as she approached her mother. She raised a hand and placed it on Aishe’s shoulder. “I want to be a great mom, like you. You inspire me. And if these two shall be the only children I ever have, I will still be incredibly lucky. Thea and I are happy. Please understand my decision.”

For a long moment, matching eyes searched each other while she processed the situation. Aileigh was truly her own woman and it was clear as day now. How could she be angry about it? The choice itself was not what upset her, but more that Akos did so without Aishe being involved… Or even in the know. There were no secrets between them.

“It is still very early. No one else knows. I ask that you keep it between us. Things seem to be well, but you never know.”

The unspoken words were ‘who knows if I can actually have a child’.

“I suppose your mother’s curse of twins has carried over, huh?”

“Or inexperience.” Aileigh shrugged, but there seemed to be a hint of something else. Aishe decided to move past it, pulling the raven haired princess into a tight hug.

“I love you. Always. Congratulations.” Her words were soft as she released Aileigh. Just then, a swirl of shadows caught the corner of her eye. She turned to see Nisha standing there. “Perfect timing, Khalida. I will give you two a moment and make sure it is all sorted downstairs.”

Aishe pressed a delicate kiss to Aileigh’s cheek before slipping out. Her thoughts were still consumed by the news as she went down the stairs. She saw Zuan standing there and the thoughts were chased away with a smile. She snuck up behind him, prodding his sides before slipping around him, sliding into a hug. She stood on her toes to steal a kiss.

“Hello stranger. I am going to make get everyone sitting. Why don’t you go upstairs to your cousin?” The queen gave another kiss to her king before she jokingly shooing him the direction of the stairs. “See you after the wedding!”

She had only taken two steps before she had to stop in lieu of gathering shadows. It was a particularly large pool of darkness. Out came her wife with a string of people. Nannies and children filled the empty space. Akos had agreed to make sure the children would all be sorted while Aishe tended to the preparations. Zuan had to arrive earlier as Thea’s escort. She was unsure if Zuan was behind or Akos was on top of things; time seemed to no longer exist.

The vampire was soon swarmed by little bodies. She laughed, handing out kisses and hugs.

“Yes, yes, hello loves. Are we all excited to see your big sister marry? Now promise you’ll be quiet and still when we are sitting. You get to run around and dance after.”

She was now kneeling in front of the eldest four, who were the walkers: Anraí, Arluin, Alaios, and Amelia. When they all agreed, she stood back up and looked at her wife.

“If you head up the stairs and head down the hall to the right, you’ll find Aileigh’s room at the end.”

Aishe imagined Akos would want a moment with the bride. While they rarely spoke on the topic, she understood Akos had complicated feelings in regards to their eldest. Akos had been abducted and tortured, missing Aileigh’s birth and the first ten years of her life. Akos had only ever been a good and supporting mother (excluding the times she was evil), but she still had some guilt over the events that were out of her control.

She returned her attention to the royal bunch and began ushering them forward. “Let’s head outside and get our seats!”

The parade of children and adults moved out into the garden. They sat in the front. Everything seemed to be sorted and set, so Aishe decided to sit down. She figured if she sat, others would follow suit. Soon, the ceremony would begin!
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Zuan »

He smirked slightly, noting her brief silence, and suspecting she was deciding her words carefully given the surroundings and the rules of nobility, not that he much minded himself in truth, but public appearances were important to some. ”Very well, I suppose situation and surroundings often dictate the rules far more than I. But I welcome your decision to leave the choice to me Lady Blackwood.” He said with the continued half smirk as she continued on.

He chuckled slightly about her comment about finding something else, he often did when things did not originally go to plan, however given the entire situation was built out of a satirical half comment he was not worried about finding something else.
”Aye… I am sure I will be find something else to focus my time on given that dream has so painfully died.” He said letting the sarcasm sit in the air before she mentioned the suitors. Like many her own age, she was not keen on them, and such was the way with many a young lord or lady married off for some political alliance or another, but knowing Ella as he did, he doubted very much she would do that with her own daughter.

”Aye, most understandable, it was good to see you again, and I hope you have a most enjoyable of evenings Rosalie.” He said with a smile before turning back to the entrance room as she departed. Before he could make another move however, he noted the arms, and then the swift movement and kiss of his wife against his lips. He offered her a gentle smile as he returned the kiss. “Aye, I suppose I should, I would like to spend a little time with her this morning, remind her of the importance of all this.” He left unsaid for now his concerns over the wedding, there was not the time if he wanted to focus on Thea, and equally, it was somewhat awkward given he doubted the intentions of this wedding, with his own knowledge of Thea, but given Aishe was the mother of the second bride, well that also added a complication. So for now, he bowed to his wife and his Queen deeply before turning and making his way up into the estate. Fully assured that his wife would look after their children while he focused on the bride to be.

Having escaped up into the estate, he could hear the commotion downstairs which could only mean Akos had arrived with their children. It was probably best he made his escape when he did, else he very much doubted he would have any time at all to talk with Thea let alone walk her down the aisle. As his children got older, and they gained the ability to walk and to talk, he found they were now quite the roaming horde around the castle at times, but he had no doubt Aishe could keep them in check. Making his way down one corridor, and then down another, trudging the familiar path to Thea’s chambers, he eventually found the door to her rooms. The estate was quite familiar to him, it had been a former hunting estate of his before he had granted it to his cousin with the upcoming birth of her child, and now it seemed the estate would hold more than just the mother and her child. Finally reaching the door he raised his hand and knocked upon it, unsure if she was dressed and ready, as once again time seemed to have stopped within the estate as the hour drew closer to the wedding.
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Thea »

By the time Cora had completed her task of drawing neat lines on her lids, Thea felt the incessant need to rub it all off. The makeup was not uncomfortable, surprisingly. The thing that bothered Thea was the knowledge that she could not touch her own face. She gave her Cordelia a mildly grumpy look as her cousin said it was now time to get dressed.

"Whatever you say."

She stood up once again and changed from her nightgown to into her wedding dress. It flowed over her form, hugging her body in all the right places and flowing out freely at her hips. Thea did not even hate the dress, if she was honest. Of course, she could not admit this to Cordelia, that would just give her too much satisfaction.

Thea looked over her wedding ensemble in the mirror, a subtle smirk appearing on her lips as she spoke to Cora.

"Congratulations, you have somehow managed to create the appearance of an acceptable bride. I think not even the King will find cause to complain."

A knock came from the door and the elder Winterbourne hurried over to answer it. Thea was expecting to see Zuan since he was the one escorting her down the aisle, but instead she saw Alice and Elisa.
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Amnestria »

It took her far too long to decide if she was even going. She knew that it would be a change from where she had kept quiet and away from everyone, and she did not want to pull the attention away from the bride. However, she knew that she would be a welcoming sight for sure. Looking about, she put on her least eye-catching clothes, her cloak pulled tight about her and she made her way to the manor.

She sent up a small prayer that she hoped the wedding would start by the time she arrived, allowing her a chance to just sneak into the back and await for the brides to be wed.

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Re: [CRP] Controlling Fate: Private Wedding of Aileigh and Thea

Post by Tyris »

Tyris, having arrived earlier than some, was directed by the serving staff out into the garden where the ceremony would take. He took in the surroundings with interest. It was quite the venue, and quite the contrast to his own wedding venue, which had been the chapel of the castle back in Fenia City, where he and Ella and said their vows together infront of Nikola and the small group of family which had attended the event. This seemed a more upmarket affair, but given one of the to-be-weds was the daughter of the Queen it was hardly surprising. Even if it still amused him, the idea of his wayward cousin Thea walking down the aisle in white. He would perhaps have made a joke of it among other knights at a tavern, but here, with this crowd, it was perhaps he kept his humour to himself.

Still the venue was grand and the weather was holding, which was a good sign given they had decided to risk an October wedding outside, and so, he turned his attention to other matters, primarily that of his family. His wife and step-daughter were due to attend the wedding, and so far he had not seen them. It was not entirely surprising, they could get here much quicker than he, and so could likely arrive much closer to the expected time of the wedding. However, he did hope they would attend, as much for his sake as anything else. Though, if they did not, he supposed he could spend the day away with his cousin Cordelia – who apparently now had a sister? He wasn’t entirely sure whether this was fact or not, the rumour mill created so many fantastical stories that unless he heard it from the horse’s mouth he often decided to ignore rumour and innuendo.

It was at that moment he noted movement at the doorway which led back into the main halls of the estate and there was indeed his step-daughter, Rosalie, who was looking more and more the part of a young noble lady with each day. His own duties, along with the duties of Ella meant his time with Rosalie was limited, but he could not call it negative, but some would suggest, distant might be a more accurate term. However in the company of nobility, family and more, it made sense to present a welcome and warm front to the other guests, and so he made his way over to her, before bowing deeply in the direction of his step-daughter. ”My Lady, it is good to see you on this fine day.” He said with a smile as he rose from his bow and walked toward her. ”You look gorgeous might I add, your mother was wise when she named you, for your beauty and poise make you a rose like no other, the grandest in the garden, and rest assured, I shall deter any suitors you find unfavourable.” He said with a grin and tilt of his head. His words were true, as while at times she might be distant from him, he still saw it as his solemn duty from his marriage vows to do right by his step-daughter and to keep her free from any unwanted advances. Even if, given she was a rose, she also had her own thorns to protect from such things. Yet, he wished to play his part, whether she would allow him too was another matter in of itself.
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