[ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Andrzej »

Andrzej smiled as he listened to her talk about her little ones. When she asked him about whether he wanted children one day he knew instantly what his answer was. "Aye I want children one day...Little ones running around my ankles getting into mischief" he responded as he thought about his little sister once more. Due to their parents having her late in life he'd done the majority of the caring for her so that their parents could get the rest that they needed. "I already have a bit of experience because my little sister Isadora was born when I was 16 and my parents were already getting on in years so I cared for her the majority of the time so that they could rest...Having her put a bit of a strain on my mother"
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aileigh »

Andrzej seemed to be opening up the longer they talked, which she appreciated. The idea of some mysterious man watching her was not one she liked. Watching him talk about his little sister showed a different side, a side with more feeling.

“I can understand how that is. I was seventeen when my moms had the first of the children from their marriage with Zuan. I’ve really loved having little brothers and sisters. My twin brothers, the ones before Zuan, were born when I was ten and they… Grew up a bit quickly. So I didn’t get a lot of time with them when they were children.”

Aian and Aeton had gone to the Nether when they were three and came back at sixteen, suddenly older than her. It was an adjustment, but she loved them all the same. Yet, the conversation topic began to make her a bit sad. She wouldn’t get to see her little siblings much anymore, between being an independent young woman and the divorce of her mothers to the king. It complicated much. If she could move through shadows like Akos and her brothers, then it’d be less of an issue. For now, she planned to use them as a ride to visit as much as possible.

Her mood was spoiled slightly and she resigned to the sweeping sadness by wading back to shore.

“Speaking of, I should check on the babies.” Aileigh smiled, leaving the water. It dripped from her clothes, but she shook her arms to try to get some of the excess water off. She rung out her hair and grabbed her skirt, putting it back on over her wet shorts. “Thank you for the swim. I’m glad you’re here.”

Aileigh would let him decide if he was returning to the house or not, but for now, she began her walk back, enjoying the fresh breeze.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aileigh »

Two weeks later…

Aileigh caught the sound of the front door open, but she did not pause in her creative project. Thea and her were sitting in silence, but together, in the front sitting room. They coexisted, even if their paths were not the same. The silence was comfortable, but it was a silence soon to be disturbed. The steward approached with a man in tow. Aileigh looked up from the cross stitch. An expression of surprise and concern arose on the young woman’s face when she saw who her visitor was. She stood immediately and offered a small curtsey, “My lord.”

Before her stood the raven haired prince of Fenia. Zhou’s hair was the usual length, groomed and yet unkept. His grey eyes paid little attention to Thea. He looked like a man on a mission. Her heart sunk. She knew why he was here.

“Can I see them?”

“Your nieces? Of course, but they are sleeping. Had I known you were coming, I’d have told you they sleep this time of day.”

She motioned to the bassinet beside the chair she was just sitting in. The newborns, barely a month and a half old, slept soundly together. The twins did not like to be apart, she had noticed. They slept much more soundly together, just as they had in the womb.

“Please just keep your voice down.”

Zhou was no longer fixated on her. His gaze shifted to the bassinet and he approached it quietly. After looking at them for a minute, he looked back at her.

“I think we need to talk. Alone.” He said gruffly, glancing at Thea. She knew they had grown up together, unlike Zuan and them, but he didn’t seem interested in his cousin.

“Thea is my wife; surely we can discuss whatever is on your mind in front of your cousin.”

This was Aileigh’s subtle way to ask her companion to stay, so she might not be alone in the conversation she had been dreading. Zhou seemed unamused, but then again, he did not enter the estate in his fun loving nature. He entered their home with a furrowed brow. There was something in his eyes she disliked, that she had seen before.

“So, when did you intend on telling me you’d finally given birth?”

“I am certain you were informed appropriately.”

“I think a letter from you would have been better than one from my brother.” Zhou had been abroad, doing something or another. Aileigh wasn’t sure and she didn’t care either. She put a hand on her hip and shrugged.

“Again, I am certain you were informed appropriately.”

“I had the right to know when they entered this world, little lamb.” His insistence was followed by the phrase she had nightmares about. “After all, they are my daughters.”
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Thea »

Much like they had done at Redcroft, Aileigh and Thea fell into a quiet routine of coexistence at Ettinford. Aileigh spent the majority of her days consumed with all things motherhood and Thea did whatever it was Thea did – usually reading or writing, skulking, or slipping off with a random servant or guard if she thought no one was watching.

On the day of the unwelcome visitor, she was seated in the front sitting room with a book in hand. Her genre of choice was fiction as she found that to be far more captivating than any nonfiction book she had found. As she was nearing the end of this novel, she did not immediately look up when the visitor entered the room. Her gray eyes only left the page when she heard the familiar voice of her cousin speaking to Aileigh.

Unlike her and Zuan, Thea and Zhou had grown up together but they were still never particularly close unlike her relationship with Cordelia. In many ways, Thea and Zhou were the same. They were both regarded as unruly, ill-behaved members of the Winterbourne family, but being male meant Zhou's flaws were easier to overlook. Instead of restraining him like he had done Thea, Zuan had sent his brother abroad on many diplomatic errands.

Thea watched as her wife tried to counter Prince Zhou's forward advances regarding the twins. It was clear that Aileigh did not wish to be left alone, nor did Thea have any intention of leaving. The truth was that Thea had as much stake in assuring the children were known as her offspring as Aileigh did. Revealing the lie that one of the twins was fathered by Zhou could cost her her marriage and her freedom.

"After all, they are my daughters."

She heard the words out of her cousin's mouth and immediately rose to her feet. She took several steps forward, placing herself between Zhou and Aileigh. The prince was much larger than she was, yet Thea's stance did not waiver.

"Actually, cousin, they are not your daughters. They are mine by right and blood. Just because you sought to plant your seed does not mean anything came of it, or have you forgotten how babies are traditionally made? I am sure we can have someone instruct you on the matter."

She smiled pleasantly despite the fact that her words would likely be taken as an insult to his intelligence and masculinity.

"As it so happens, the twins were conceived via a process known as soul-weaving done by my mother-in-law, Akos. We could maybe include instruction on this in addition to your standard birds and bees lesson."
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh

Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Zhou »

He gave Thea a cold and grey look as she put herself between him and his little lamb.

"Spare me your poor wit Thea, I have not the humor for it today." He grunted as he took another menacing step, emotions beginning to build behind his words as he brought himself to his full height. A Prince he was and though lean of build he had the imposing Winterbourne bearing. He was in charge now, he would not be played for the fool by these two any longer.

"Is this some kind of game to you, a joke!" His voice raised as he abruptly grabbed Thea's wrists. Bringing his face close to hers as he continued, "The time for games is over! Soul-weaving..." He let the word hang in the air as he searched in Thea for a bit of the cousin he remembered. Was he blind, or was there nothing of that left?

"The rest of the court may have a low opinion of me, but I didn't expect that from you. To insult me and lie to my face." His grip on her released as he shoved her aside, turning to Aileigh. "So Thea knows. Did she know before me? I take it she didn't have to hear it from someone else at least." Disgust was growing in the pit of his stomach, giving him a familiar sick feeling. This was triggering something deep inside of him, the insecurities he had always dealt with, but tried to keep hidden away.

There was an icy vengeance in his eyes as he took a few heavy steps towards her, raising his hand "You have no idea what..." His words stumbled as he realized he was more hurt then angry. Moving his raised fist to his head, he ran his fingers through his dark hair in frustration, making his way back to the bassinet. The children were stirring slightly due to his shouting. He wasn't sure how to feel about them, only that they were his.

"I have a right to them"
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Thea »

"You are an idiot! You make a moronic claim over her and her children and you do not even know her."

Thea said rashly. It would seem that Zhou was not the only Winterbourne with a temper. She harshly attempted to jerk her hand away from his grasp but he failed to release her. For a moment, Thea began to think of more extreme options to get him to let go of her. The anger began to bubble up inside her. Mages, how she hated being restrained. She hated even more that she was quite petite and unable to break his hold.

"If you knew her you would know that she was conceived from soul-weaving. She has two mothers, no father. She was not created by normal means and neither were the twins!"

Thea was about ready to start hitting him with her free hand, but thankfully he let her go. Unfortunately he then promptly shoved her which just made her temper grow even hotter. She took a step back to regain her balance before turning on him again.

"Thea knows."

She repeated his words in a mocking tone.

"Of course I knew she had the babies. I was there. She is my wife. You did not even get that news? Too busy fooling-around across the continent? I guess that explains why you were not at the wedding."

Thea stalked after him where he stood looking over the babies. Her voice turned to a harsh whisper as she addressed him again.

"Get this in your head. They are not yours. You have no right to them. If you continue to make a fool of yourself and threaten us in our house, I will call the guards to forcibly remove you. You may be a Prince, you may be my cousin, but you will respect me and my wife in our home. Do you understand?"
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aileigh »

Things seemed to be spiraling. Aileigh was beginning to get overwhelmed at Zhou’s stance and words. The idea that the man she loved, however much it really was, was so angry and hurt… She did not know how to handle it. He had a way of making her feel young and small, in comparison to his boldness and worldly experiences. He was not her first love, but he was her first lover. He had more sway over her than she did over him, or at least she thought so. Now she wondered if that was really true because he was standing there, wishing to claim the spawn of their affection and the shield that protected the marriage she had with Thea.

She did know she was not going to back down. If she did, he could take them from her. They were both royalty - she was born royalty, while he became royalty when his eldest sibling became king. And yet, the threat was very real. She did not think Zuan would support Zhou taking the girls completely, but she would likely be forced to allow him in their lives.

But, as he stood there over the twins, a part of her heart felt for him. He seemed genuinely distraught. Something seemed to be nagging him behind his confidence. Was it because he thought there was a chance he would have a purpose besides his nightly activities and diplomacy? A family of his own.

Yet, she never thought he wanted a family. It was why she never told him regarding her pregnancy. He did not want a serious relationship with her, so why would children matter? One child was his, but she couldn’t say which. Not that it mattered as her wife defended her and their family. It was a different side of Thea - protective and fierce. She knew that, deep down, it was herself she was protecting. It did not change the fact that she was grateful to have a partner as headstrong as Dorathea Winterbourne.

Aileigh stepped forward, trying to share their confidence. Her maternal instincts were kicking in, over powering the fears she had. Still, her hands trembled as she pressed them together in attempt to still them.

“Zhou, you have a part of my heart and I think you always will.” She admitted honestly. Her tone shifted, “But if you do much as touch my children, I will come after you. I am more than just a lamb in a wolf den.”

He would likely laugh at her standing up to him, considering how submissive she had been in the past. She stepped forward again, touching Thea’s arm gently.

“However much of my heart you have, Thea has tenfold. It is with our love that these precious gifts came to be. Not with the love I have for you and.. whatever it is you feel for me. When I felt abandoned, she was there to pick me up.

Think about it, logically. You know Thea does not like children. She loves me enough to agree to help me start our own family. Zevander is legally mine now, but these two are born of our love and understanding. We are a happy family. Thea has made me happy in ways you never could. Please do not threaten that. Be happy for us instead.

You can visit as often as you want, but that includes visiting Zev. You are family and I won’t stop you.

But if you insist to press about the parentage of the girls, I may have to change my mind.”
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]

Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Zhou »

“I do not even know her?” He guffed, his voice quieter now though as he continued to watch the two infants turn comfortably in their sleep. There was something magical in their simple beauty to him, but it sure as hell wasn’t soul-weaving. “Thea, persist in this lie if you want. Tell it to every member of the court as you like, but we know better, don’t we?”

His eyes moved from the babes back to her as she continued to push him. It was a sharp yet exhausted glance he gave her. “Thea, I've heard you. Now shut your mouth and don't open it again.”

With that he turned back to the sleeping infants, pondering them again for a second before finally reaching out to pick up the blond-haired girl. She was heavier than he expected and now that he thought about it, he wasn’t sure he had ever held an infant before. Strange…he put the baby to his chest. It created an odd and confusing sensation in him. He felt lost in his emotions, but he knew he had to stand strong in his convictions.

“Then come after me now little lamb…” He shifted his gaze to Aileigh as he rocked the child gently.

“This has nothing to do with your love or happiness with Thea. Love who you want, start a family with who you wish, but not with my children.” He made a dismissive gesture with his hand as he continued, his voice growing. “Lie to Zuan, lie to the Court, turn them all against me and try to have me sent far away…but I will fight every step of the way for what is my right!” A tinge of threat was behind his words. “These children are my heirs, I will have them acknowledged, and they will be raised with me in their life.”

The babe began to stir, letting out a cry as he made his way back towards Aileigh. “Always intrigue with you, but you cannot tell me that it is right to deny a child their true parents!” His eyes softened even as his words were harsh, searching hers for some of the tenderness that was once between them; it had to still be there, he could feel it.

He moved in closer to her, so there there was little space between them. “I know I have not been…perfect, I have my faults but what spite against me in your heart continues to deny me such love and happiness? All my life I have been sidelined and now you do so once again. Where is your compassion, where is justice in any of this? I will have my desires! I will have justice from you if you cannot give me compassion again!”
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aileigh »

Watching him pick up a babe was difficult. There he stood with Elodie in his arms while Corabel stirred. Belle soon quietened with a sigh, as if expressing silent displeasure at her twin being removed from her side. Ellie, on the other hand, kept her eyes closed and seemed undisturbed by Zhou. He seemed unsure how to hold her, which made the experienced young woman mildly anxious. Elodie was soon situated on his chest, where she would be secure for inexperienced hands.

When he approached, she stood her ground. She could see Thea’s temper raging amongst the greys of her eyes. She needed to do something before things escalated. The last thing she wanted was to have him dragged out of their home. So, as he implored, she looked back earnestly.

“I would never do anything to hurt you, Zhou. I dreamt of a life together with you once, many times. We just were not meant to be. I found the love I needed, with Thea. I found the love I needed, with our children.

I’m sorry you wish it to be so, but it is not true. I won’t lie to you: I wanted to call you husband and bare you children. Destiny did not allow it. Our fates are apart, not together. Please, think carefully. Don’t destroy our lives with noisy allegations. I would not keep you from your own children. I am not cruel.

If you think I am that cruel, then I ask you to leave. If you believe me, even just a little bit, then please let Elodie rest… That is the little one you are holding. I would very much like to turn this visit into something more positive - let her rest and I’ll walk the grounds with you. We can talk more. I have missed you.”

Her words were true. She wouldn’t hurt Zhou. Aileigh genuinely believed that continuing on as they had would be in his best interest. She searched his eyes, hoping he’d take her offer. A dance of blue and grey was ended when he began to move. Slowly, uncertainly, he retraced his steps to the bassinet and laid Elodie down.

“Let’s walk,” He said, glancing at Thea. She was a bit surprised he gave in so easily, but she suspected it was just a rouse to get away from Thea and out of earshot from anyone snooping. Perhaps he thought she’d be honest with him in private. Perhaps he believed her. She was having a hard time reading more than just the displeasure on his face. She nodded and moved to Thea, as a wife comforting another might. She took her hand and offered a squeeze, taking a lingering look into her eyes. It was a silent promise that everything would be okay when she returned from their walk, a “let me handle this”.

Aileigh left the room with Zhou and immediately went outside. She embraced the fresh air with gratitude, wind pulling at her loose black locks. Away from the babes and Thea, she felt a little less anxious. Now she just had to keep herself steeled against whatever tactics he may employ. She led them towards the garden, aware of the near silent footsteps trailing them. The scent on the wind told her it was Andrzej, who was assigned to protect her. Thankfully, the footsteps and the smell was only noticeable by her due to her enhanced senses, while Zhou would be unaware, so long as the werecat kept his distance.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Aileigh »

Mid July of 1662

Aileigh felt restless.

Time since Elisa’s birthday party had been quiet. She had made a trip to visit her family in Bravia with her children, using the family’s shadow methods of transport instead of hauling them cross country in a carriage or vardo. Aishe still wouldn’t come visit them due to too many painful memories and emotions at the idea of stepping back into Fenia land. Aileigh was understanding of the situation and enjoyed getting out by visiting them instead. It was just unfortunate that they did not get to spend every day together anymore.

Still, things were well. The twins were growing perfectly and Zev was being a good big brother, despite the occasional temper tantrum when he wanted all the attention. Aileigh loved them more than she ever thought possible. They filled her life with joy, even if being a mother could be tiring. Thankfully, she could get by with little sleep on the rough days. Of course, they had a nanny, but much like her own mother, the damphyr preferred to do things herself.

And then there was her wife. Things with Thea were well enough. Their relationship was in between tolerance and friendship. The facade of young love was upkept well, with only Zhou arguing otherwise. Who was he to argue about things he did not understand? She forced the image of his stupid handsome face from her mind and headed downstairs. The Viscountess was in search of her wife, heading straight to the conservatory while checking rooms along the way.

Aileigh had something to talk to her about.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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