Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log -- The Aerandir 6 April 1663

Our time in the capital port of Joie was good. The city welcomed us in and we were able to explore several of their fish markets and converse with local seamen. The isle of Abysnia is a lovely place. Morale of the crew has greatly improved over the last few days. Current plans are to sail back down the western shore of Abysnia for a day or two before returning to Joie to restock supplies before setting sail to the eastern side of the isle and then across the straits to the mainland.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain of The Aerandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log -- The Aerandir 7 April 1663
Our journey back to the North Shore of Absynia was a peaceful journey. The crew spotted several different animals that provided a bit of entertainment. Among these were some dolphins that played in the ships wake. We also spotted a few small whales breaching and creating large splashes. A few sea lions were also spotted as we made the easterly turn.
It is not certain, but a few of the lookouts believe they were being chased by a group of Orcas. As we began to get nearer to the Port of Joie, we all were shocked to see a large school of stingrays. We also spotted several boats off closer to shore, most of which appeared to be shrimp boats. It was good to see some other vessels for a change. Plans are to make a brief stop in Joie to refresh our drinking water supplies before heading towards Beilaya.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain of The Aerandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log-- The Aerandir. 9 April 1663

Today dawns as a beautiful morning. The skies are clear and a nice steady breeze is at hand. Our stay in Beirlya has been good. The Aerandir and been restocked with fresh water and supplies. Our plan today is to sail out on the tide and leave the island and waters of Absynia. We will then cross into the waters of Bercaria and sail to its northern coast. Morale remains high and the Spirit of adventure and exploration continues to keep us motivated.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain. The Aerandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log -- The Aerandir 11 April 1663

Our past few days of sailing have been pretty much uneventful. we have rounded the eastern point of Bercaria and turned to the south. We did spot a pod of pilot whales that followed us for a bit of our starboard side. Yesterday at midday we made the turn to the south and entered into the waters of Muria. Our plans are to dock for a a day or two in the Port of Cirasas on the morning tide tomorrow. I plan to give the crew a day of liberty as a reward for all that they have done. From there we will continue our trek around the northern coast of the continent as we work our way back to the waters of Bravia.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain of The Aerandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log -- The Aerandir 13 April 1663

I continue to be amazed with the crew of the Aerandir. Things are continuing to run smoothly and the ship is preforming better than I could have hoped for. Today we caught the morning tide and sailed out of the Port of Cirasas. Once we cleared the harbor and the breakwaters, we turned to the south and set our sights for the Port of Cyanea. We plan to sail along the coast as we make our way south. We will probably dock in Cyanea before setting our sights eastward to the New Fulleria port of Claroon. Life aboard the Aerandir continues to get better each day and the crew has truly gelled and become like a family. This has made my work as the Captain so much easier. Praise be to the Light and to the Mages for their recent blessings.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain of the Aerrandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log -- The Aerandir 14 April 1663

Our journey to Cyanea was a mostly uneventful journey. The view along the coastline was spectacular. Most of the lookouts spent the day spotting whales surfacing and blowing water plumes into the air. Wyl and myself did spot what appeared to be a small gathering of sharks between us and the shore. As we approached the area of Cyanea we spotted what we thought were some sails way off in the horizon. We took note of them and reported them to the Harbor Master at Cyanea when we docked there. The Harbor Master thanked us for the report. It seems that some Orcish raiders/pirates have been cruising the waters around the islands off of Cyanea of late. We stayed the night in Cyanea before catching the morning tide out to the open waters. When we cleared the harbor and the breakwaters, Jim and I decided to turn south and go along the coast before turning east. This was partially due to the fact that we wished to not engage the orcish raiding parties in the area. Our aim is to sail south into the waters of Valleria before making the turn eastwardly towards the gulf of New Fulleria. It remains undecided if we will sail to the end of the gulf and visit Fullerium or if we will turn north at the mouth of the gulf and head to the port of Claroon. The northern waters are a pleasing place to be and we are all enjoying the joy of being at sea.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain of the Aerandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log -- The Aerandir 16 April 1663

After sailing south and hugging the coastline to avoid the Orcish Raiders we had heard about, we decided to sail down between the cliffs that form the Gulf of New Fulleria. The fjord like feel of the cliffs are truly a sight to see. We made it safely to the capital port and sailed in with the evening tide. Because we had still heard reports of the Orcish raiding ships, I made the decision to keep a guard up through our time here. As such, I set the order for 4 hour guard duties with 4 hours of port liberty to follow. Sam and Jim were able to secure a few cases of strawberry wine for our evening meal, along with a few crates of fresh fruit to restock our larders.
We wanted to keep our time here short just in case the reports of the Orcish vessel turned out to be true and we get caught in the area. Though I have no doubt we could easily overcome the orcs, I would rather not put the crew at risk if it can be helped. We plan to set sail in the morning, going out with the tide. I have left orders for Jim to hug the northern coast line of the Gulf and to make our way to Calhoon. Our plan is to port hop our way eastward until we hit Bravian waters. Once there we will possibly stop at Navy Island to bring on board some wood before returning to Paz, were we plan to dock the Aerandir for a bit as we unload our stores and check on things back in Bravia City.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain of The Aerandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

After getting herself lost for days and days ... She decided her days of exploring the grand ship were best served in tucking into what she knew best and was skilled enough to do.

It was easy enough to think back on what had happened, and it was typical of her to get herself into some form of trouble. She was just glad to be back amongst the crew on the ship and that Tuv had not been sore at her for her antics. She shook her head as she helped the cook prepare the afternoon meal. The supplies for certain things had begun dwindling.. though she felt they were fairly lucky in the ports they had stopped at recently. In Claroon, she had picked up a decent amount of Strawberries.. later they would all share in some strawberry tarts for their desert. It wasn't always that the crew got something special, but it seemed like a good time to reward everyone.

It was good to know that home was on the list of destinations, though it would not be any time real soon. She was glad for it though. She loved their town of Bravia, their home and life there. Finishing up simple sandwiches, she washed her hands and went to look for her husband. While she threw herself into being useful the last while, she still enjoyed spending every moment she could with him.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was on the aft deck relaxing in the hammock when he noticed Wyl bringing a platter of sandwiches. He smiled at her as he kicked his legs over the side of the hammock and smiled at her. Hi my love. Care to join me? I hope your leg is healing up nicely. I have nothing on my schedule for a bit and I would love to just look up at the clouds with you in my arms. Tuv playfully grabbed at Wyl and acted like he was going to grab her. Instead he swiped one of the sandwiches put it in his mouth, and then pulled her closer. Nearly falling out of the hammock, Tuv laughed out loud and had to react quickly so that his sandwich did not hit the deck. The look in Wyl's eyes and the smile on her face was worth it. Tuv stood up, took the tray and set it on the table, and gently brushed her hair to the side as he kissed her deeply. It is so good to have you back again and to just enjoy the nature around us. The sound of your heartbeat as a backdrop to the sound of nature's song is all I need right now. He then pulled Wyl down into the hammock, attempting to tickle her as he enjoyed her company.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

She smiled as she found him in what she was beginning to think his favorite spot. She grinned as he took up a sandwich. Look at you all enjoying yourself out here. She teased him, as if he didnt give everything his all. He was quite playful in his demeanor.

She smiled at him as he took the tray. She was able then to glanced around. She couldn't blame him. It was the best spot on the ship and the weather was fair. She moved her foot, rotating it as if nothing was ever wrong. Nothing worse for wear, my love. She giggled as he pulled her down with him into the hammock. I could go for a nice walk after we get back. You game?

She smiled at him in his arms, then lifted a hand to brush a lock of hair back. Nothing could be more perfect than right now. She drew nearer and kissed him fully, then clung to him as if it was the last moment in time. Look... A rabbit! She said as she looked up at the sky.
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