Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The morning found Tuv and Wyl slightly stiff but relieved to have been out of the rain that came before evening and lasted overnight. Tub crawled out of the blankets and their makeshift shelter. The coals from yesterday's fire were still warm. Grabbing some of the dry wood they had put under a tarp, he soon had a nice fire going. He quickly set up a pot of water to boil before seeing to checking on the animals and feeding them. As he was finishing up, Tuv spotted a couple of pheasants off near the edge of the corpse of trees. Slowly and carefully he grabbed his bow. In the blink of an eye he let two arrows fly. Both struck home and the two birds fell dead immediately. Tuv quickly put his bow back in the wagon and went out to collect his prize. As he drew close to the pheasants he notice they had a nest that contained 4 eggs. Tuv quickly thanked the Mages as he gathered the eggs and pheasants. He made no time of it before he had the pheasants plucked and gutted and roasting on a spit over the fire. He also grabbed a small skillet and set about scrambling the pheasant eggs as he drank some tea and let Wyllow sleep.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

Pleasant smells floated near her nose and she smiled in her sleep. Stretching, her stomach rumbled. Meat cooking. One of her absolute favorite smells in the world. She rolled over and spied Tuvoria. And look at you. She grinned. All spry and cooking. Ive slept late, again. She grinned. She loved sleep when she could get it. Sometimes she tossed and turned and it kept her awake.

Sitting up, she groaned. Sleeping on the ground is not as fun as it used to be. She wiggled getting the kinks out as she got up. I would love a cup of tea. She was glad her stomach was settled today. It always amazed her how it could come and go. She rubbed her belly.. the skin was taught and a tad itchy. She wondered if some oils would work. Her skin was perfectly healthy, but the growing child inside was indeed making room causing it to itch a bit as it stretched.

Have you been up long? She asked, still a tag groggy, but coming around. She knew that it would be good to get going as soon as possible.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Morning my love. I've been up maybe an hour. I got the coals stoked and a fire going to help loosen some stiffness. As I was taking care of the animals, I spotted these two pheasants. Managed to get both with a single shot each. As I was gathering them up, I spotted the nest with 4 eggs. So we have the hot tea, warm bread, the roasted pheasant, and scrambled pheasant eggs. Tuv quickly poured a cup of the tea for Wyl and handed it to her as he took in her beauty. I don't know about you, but I had forgotten how hard and unforgiving the ground can be. I hope you and our baby were able to sleep okay. We should be able to roll into Rome around midday. Tuv then took his dagger and sliced into one of the pheasants. Seeing that it was ready, he set about making to plates of meat, eggs, and bread for Wyl and himself as they relaxed and enjoyed the calm sounds of nature and the songs of the many birds about the area.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

After their breakfast, Tuv began packing things up and ensuring that no trace of them being there was left behind. The animals were quickly secured and the teams hitched to the wagon. As they rode on towards Rome, Tuv spent the time asking Wyl questions about how she would like him to redecorate the spare room into a nursery. Before they knew it they were approaching the gates to Rome. As they entered the town, Tuv stopped the wagon and asked one of the town guards where a good Inn was located. After getting the directions, Tuv gave the solider a couple of silver pieces for his info. They made it to the Inn in no time. It was nice and charming building called the Chortling Unicorn. Tuv helped Wyl down and tied off the horses. He then made arrangements for an Inn and told Wyl he would be back in a few as he wanted to take the wagon and animals around to the stables. He quickly did so, and then returned to the main room. Not seeing Wyl there he headed up to their room. He smiled as he saw his wife cleaning up and relaxing. Well my dear, shall we eat and then explore or do you just want to go check out the markets and get food when we get back?

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

back in Paz

Jim, Calembur, and Calembur's crew had spent the last few days placing the catapults, arms chests, and secure pitch buckets on the main deck of The Aerandir. The weapons were dry fired a few times to ensure that everything was secure. It was then that Calembur wanted to have a bit of fun with one of the test. Grabbing a few large melons that he had brought with him, Calembur placed one at each of the catapults and told Jim to have his men run through a firing drill. One by one each crew cranked the arms back, locked things into place, loaded a melon into the firing bucket, and on command sent the melons flying into the air. The whole crew busted out laughing when one melon landed near the shore patrol militia and several large pieces rolled through their feet. Jim and Calembur both did their best to keep a straight face. Calembur informed Jim to let him know when they were ready to leave dry dock and he would be willing to be on board so they could do live fire drills on the water. Jim thanked him and said he would send word when ready.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv and Wyl had fun exploring the markets in Rome picking up a few trinkets and items for the baby's room. They spent a relaxing evening at the inn and left the following morning relaxed and in good spirits. They journey on with no issues as they enjoyed the beauty of the lands around them. A few days later they neared the pear groves of Spirius and both looked forward to enjoying some fresh pears and seeing what the markets here had to offer.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv and Wyl continued on their journey heading east to the pear orchards on the western edge of Kiene. The journey was without incident and the couple enjoyed the relaxed time together. As they traveled they continued to visit the various markets and sought to gather any info on the possibility of the Red Claws being resurrected. Fortunately no one in this area had ever heard or seen anything about the group. This put Tuv at ease to an extent. After about 4 days of harvesting pears, the duo decided to head back towards the area of Fenia before heading a bit north to do some more scouting and intel gathering. Something kept nagging at them about the Red Claws and both felt that it was needed to find out the truth before returning home to Bravia and setting sail again.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

After having spent a good week harvesting fruit along the southern coast, Wyl and Tuv made their way back towards Fienia. The journey there was peaceful and easy. When they entered the gates of the city, however, they were caught off guard just a bit. Immediately upon there entry a cleric from the local temple quickly came running up to them.Master Tuvoria, once you are settled in, please come to the temple. We have received some information that we have have been asked to share with you. Tuv thanked the cleric and inquired from him of a good inn to stay at. Having gained that information, Tuv and Wyl quickly set out to get a room and stable the animals. About an hour later, Tuv was approaching the temple. He quickly found the cleric from earlier and was escorted to a private nook off to the side of the main hall. There Tuv was informed that clergy in North Fenia and places further north, have been getting reports of raiding parties hitting northern villages. The group seems to be a mixed creature group utilizing orcs as heavy forces to lead the way. One of the reports states several had shields with a red claw upon them. Tuv thanked them for the information and gave a bit of a donation to the temple before heading back to the inn to share the info with Wyl.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

When Tuv woke in the morning he quietly got dressed and headed down to the main room of the inn. His plan was to grab a tray of food and a kettle and head back to his room with Wyl. As he approached the bar he noticed an old friend coming through the door with the cleric from yesterday.
Well I'll be. Qui'llon is that you my old friend?
Indeed it is Tuv my brother. Harlon the cleric said I could find you here. I have some info you may want.
The two old friends sat down at a table in the back. Qui'llon shared how a small recon group from his old homeland group had been tracking raiders along the northern coastline. Several reports have come in that they are using orcs as shock troops. A few survivors have reported a symbol of a red claw on most of the Raiders. Qui'llon also shared how they had gotten reports of Tuv's sea encounter with them and how they had heard of the battle that Gawain, Wyllow, and Tuv had with Darius, who as far as all know, died in that conflict along with most of his followers. It seems that Darius's brother Marcus is trying to ressurect the group. A small group of refugees just recently arrived on the area north of Verdilla. Tuv thanked his old friend for the info and the two of them then moved on to catching up and reliving old adventures.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The next morning say Wyl and Tuv on the road again heading towards Verdilla. Tuv had his sword and his bow within easy reach due to the words from Qui'llon. The road was quiet until they neared Verdilla. As they created the hill overlooking the area they could see what looked like a ragtag group making their way to the town gate. Tuv also picked up a faint scent of smoke on the breeze. He eased the animals forward as he turned to address Wyl. Well my love, looks like Qui'llon might have been right. I would be lying if I said this doesn't worry me. Let's see if we can find a place to stay. Then I want to visit a guild hall and the temple to see what we can find out.

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