The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

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The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The onset of late Fall and having Winter just around the corner almost matched the internal struggle within Tuv's heart. He had been inside the walls of Bravia City for a bit too long. He had willingly chose to do this. He wanted to be off of the trails and the seas for Wyllow. Her pregnancy was about at an end. He wanted some peace and stability as the baby arrived. He still remembered with dread that fateful morning that he saw the letter on the table. Wyl had headed out to seek answers and be alone. He knew she had many unanswered questions about the child and events of her past. He knew she needed to be alone, to possibly shift forms, and to hunt. He let her go on this journey of renewal. It was part of the love and understanding the two of them had. It had now been well over two if not nearly 3 months since she headed out. He knew the baby should have arrived by now. Yet, he had heard nothing from any of his military or church network connections. He began to get worried. If indeed the Red Claws were reformed, they knew were he and Wyl were based. Wyl was out there somewhere alone, possibly with a child in tow, and at risk of being hunted. Tuv shook the thoughts out of his head. He knew it would do him no good to let his mind go in that direction. He knew that his term of service in Bravia City was at an end. He and Jake worked together to secure the homestead and prepare for winter. With that done, Tuv knew he had to head out. He and Wyl were Heartlanders. The open space of the wilderness beckoned to them. Tuv also knew the importance of the New Moon to who and what Wyl was. He also recalls hearing her sometimes referring to it as the Black Moon. When all was ready, Tuv packed up the wagon, his horse, and two pack mules. He then set off towards the city of Paz. He knew Wyl liked to also be on the water and it had been sometime since he had checked on the status of his grand ship 'The Aerandir'. He felt perhaps a few days there, fishing and looking around, might do him good and could possibly give an insight as to where his lost bride and child may be. Tuv headed out early in the dreary morning. His heart empty and longing to be with the one the Mages had put into his life. The journey to find the Black Moon and to be reunited with his love had begun, yet he felt that the journey would eventually lead beyond the borders of Bravia. He mounted his horse and with a sullen expression headed out not knowing how long it may be before he returned, if he returned at all.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The fishing in Paz had been good and it was a source of relaxation for Tuv. It was also uplifting for his spirits to see his ship and to see many of his crew who had decided to winter in Paz. It was through them that Tuv was able to learn that Wyl had been in the area and had overseen construction on an ocean front piece of property. This really didn't surprise him to much, they had talked about the possibility of setting up something permanent here for easier access to The Aerandir, What did catch him off guard was the mention of her wanting to do something similar in Cork and in the lack of a mention of a child. Tuv was also concerned with rumors he heard from several merchant ship captains that the Red Claw ships had been spotted once again in the gulf waters north of Bravia. So after having spent a few days in Paz, Tuv headed back out onto the road. He planned to stop briefly in Bravia City to drop off a few items for the Jack to sell in the marketplace, before he headed on towards Cork. Heavy on his mind was the fact that the New Moon would be upon them soon. He planned to visit the cave near the border with Kiene, knowing its importance to both Wyl and himself. It would make a nice den and place of operation if Wyl's changeling nature came to the forefront due to childbirth and she needed to go on a hunt without anyone finding her or their child. Without thinking about it, Tuv reached up and rubbed the old wound in his shoulder, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't be forced to use the cave as a defensive hold again.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The journey to Cork was an easy journey and nothing of note surprised Tuv. Upon his arrival he made arrangements with a local stable and secured some of his items there for later sale in the market. After taking some time to feed, water, and rest the animals, and to feed himself, Tuv set about checking on things with town officials and local militia. He found out that Wyl had purchased some land in the area and set up a small residence and that other plots were still open for purchase. It seems he had just missed her it appears, or that was the word he was hearing from some. He needed some time to think and ponder on things. He decided to just spend some time here in Cork to think. He grabbed his axe, his cart, his trusty mule, and Rex his dog, and headed out down Hidden Creek road to check out a few plots along the way towards the lost cave and to do some wood chopping. He found a nice spot that backed up to the creek and was within easy reach of the cave. He marked the lot with a few small flags that bore the emblem of the two acorns and an orange blossom, before he headed out towards the cave. As he approached the small meadow before the cave, Tuv paused as his mind drifted back to all of the events that transpired here. There was apprehension, but a since of peace, about the area. The area looked undisturbed, but still he approached the cave mouth with caution. He could not see any signs of the area being used, but he knew both his wife and the Red Claws were skilled enough to make it look so. He lit a torch and with Rex by his side, he entered into the cave. He looked around and found no signs that this cave had been used for several months. Tuv decided to then use it as a base and unloaded the cart into the cave, before taking the animals to the edge of the clearing where he began to fell a few trees. The work, the songs of nature, and the calm helped to distract him, though he still longed to be reunited with his wife and to know for sure that the threat of the Red Claws was indeed well behind them. As dusk approached he made his way back towards the cave. Once at the cave he took several of the branches he had cut off the main logs and set to building a fire and a defensive wall near the mouth of the cave. He then secured his mule, Bonnie, in the back of the cave and set down to warm up some food for himself as he decided to camp out here for the evening, hoping that the Mages would send to him a vision of what the approaching Black Moon would mean for his family and his future.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Rest did not come easy to Tuv during the night. His mind was flooded with various images and thoughts. Round about Midnight he felt his dreams were invaded or visited, if you will, by the Mages.Be at peace Tuv. You will soon be reunited with your family. The destiny and fate of you and Wyllow will soon take the two of you beyond the borders of Bravia once again as the Aerandir must soon set sail. The course is set and a battle must be fought.With that the Mages left him, but left a lingering image imprinted on his thoughts. He felt as though something had lifted his soul from his body and whisked him north to the great gulf waters. There he saw a large frigate painted a deep black. Even its sails were masked. It had a dragon head for its mast with eyes that seemed to glow red. Upon its main sail was a large full white moon being grasped by a red taloned claw. Tuv's head was brought to focus upon the lettering near the mast head. The writing was in an ancient orcish script that said "Black Moon."Tuv woke with a start, sweat dripping from his body and Rex looking at him with a bit of confusion.

It's okay boy. All is good.

Tuv sat up, stoked the fire, and grabbed his flask to take a drink as he sat and pondered the meaning of the dream vision he had been given.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv managed to fall back to sleep for a bit and was glad for the sunrise. He got up, stretched, and set to getting the animals fed and watered. He then fixed himself a kettle for some tea and broke out some salted beef, cheese, and some bread for breakfast. When he was done he set to making sure that no one knew the cave had been used. He then headed back towards the plot of land he had staked out. Once there he unloaded the timber he had cut, along with a few other things, and then marked off the area where he wanted to establish a modest home here in Cork.
Once all of that was completed, he headed back into Cork. He stopped by the Town Hall offices to see if any word had been heard and to pay the registration fee to claim the plot he had claimed for his home here. Nothing new regarding his wife Wyl had been heard. He did learn, however, of rumors of a fast black ship raiding the waters in the gulf north of Bravia. Nothing more could be determined. It was also rumored that a band of shapeshifting orcs was raiding small towns and villages along the great northern wilderness well beyond Widu. Tuv took all of this in and pondered it in his head as he reflected upon the dream vision the Mages had given him.
He decided he would stay in Cork one more day before heading back to Bravia City to check a few things and then he would venture towards North Staunchville to visit the forests near there and to see what the local fish merchants and sailors of the region had to say about this mysterious black ship that seemed to be calling to him. While he would rather be curled up before his hearth at home with Wyl and their child, Tuv knew down deep that a new danger was rising and he would be called to battle an ancient evil once again.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The morning dawned with the glint of a good snowfall that had occurred overnight. Tuv smiled at the thought of the snow and how he and Wyl loved to sit on the deck of his house looking out over the fields covered in snow as they enjoyed some fresh hot tea. This thought lightened his heart and helped him focus as he got ready, ate, and then took care of getting his animals ready for the journey back to Bravia City before they would soon head toward Staunchville. The skies were clear and sunny and a slight breeze was upon the air as he headed out of town. The first few hours into the journey went well, if not slow. The roads were heavy with snow and the wagon slogged along as best it could. Around noon something began to gnaw at Tuv and even Rex, his faithful dog, was on edge. Tuv felt as if something or someone was watching them. He couldn't see anything, but he knew something was just inside the treeline. He paused long enough to loosen the tie on his sword scabbard, and to have his bow and quiver within easy quick reach.
He continued slowly onward, slugging along the snow covered trail, continuing to feel as though something was shadowing them. As they approached mid afternoon, Tuv knew that he would not be able to make it to Bravia City this day and began to look for a spot to make a defensible camp site for the evening. Round about 4 in the afternoon, he found a small clearing with a cliff that faced towards the road. Tuv set to making camp there and putting up a make shift defensive barrier before he got a fire going. He then quickly headed back to the main road and set to covering his trail, when he spotted something dark and red on the other side of the road. He put an arrow to the string and cautiously moved to see what it was. As soon as he spotted what it was, he pulled back on his bow string and started scanning the whole area about it. He knew this was a sign and a warning. Yet he could not spot anything. Laying in the snow before him was a rather large black bear that had its belly and throat ripped out. Tuv recognized the markings and the way the edges of the wounds were marked. This was from the attack of a changeling, or as some called them werecreatures. This concerned Tuv. He had not seen or heard of them in this area for a long time, truly since he and Wyl first moved to Bravia City from Widu. He also knew that even when Wyl underwent the call and had to hunt, even she would not go after a bear such as this, nor would she leave a kill out like this. Tuv had only one possible answer for this sight, a Red Claw scout had to be in the area. Cautiously, he returned to his camp, ensuring his trail was masked and he set to ensuring that his location was defensible and not easily seen from the road. He set his bow beside him with a few arrows ready for quick use. He then grab a bite to eat and some hot tea, as he knew it was going to be a long, cold night that might force him to once again battle an old enemy. He prayed to the Mages that it not come to that and that the morning would find him at peace and not disturbed. He then leaned back against the cliff face and began to start surveying the area, looking for his ancient enemy.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. He was confused at first thinking it was either a dream or that the Mages had sent him home. He rose to a start and looked for his weapons when he spotted a figure making breakfast at his camp fire. He was also concerned that Rex seemed to be at ease with this stranger. He was caught even more off guard when the figure turned to address him.

Relax master Tuvoria, all is well. I am once of the Ancients. I know your wife Wyllow as well. The Mages asked that I come and give you a word and help you find peace. I am one of the moons you are looking for, well in a way. My name means moon. I am known amongst most creatures as Luna. When Wyllow went out while pregnant it was to find me. She is well, as are your two little boys. All four of you will soon be reunited. Beware though, an ancient evil is rising and hunting north of here. Do not let the Darkness lead you astray. Also do not let your anger towards your adopted Uncle become a distraction that keeps you from your calling. Your desire and call to be a randiring warrior has a purpose that will soon be revealed to you. Now in the meantime come and eat.

All of this was a mental shock to Tuv. He was trying to comprehend it all. He mumbled the fact that Wyl had delivered to him, twin boys. He was glad that they were all safe and he now longed to hold them all in his arms even more. He moved closer as Luna handed him a mug of tea and he gladly ate the breakfast that the ancient woman had made for him. They sat and ate while talking about the area. When Tuv was finished, Luna arose and headed into the woods. Tuv blinked and she was gone, leaving no tracks or signs that she had been there. He would have thought it all a dream had he not still had a piece of bacon in his hand.

He then set about getting the animals taken care of and breaking camp. Soon he was back on the road leading to Bravia City. Things went smoothly, until around noon. About that time Rex alerted to something on the side of the road. Tuv pulled the wagons to a halt, and grabbed his sword. There was a pile of something on the side of the road and the faint scent of blood lingered about. As Tuv investigated, he found that the pile was of acorns that were covered in blood. Two sets of footprints were also visible in the snow. One Tuv recognized as being of orcish lineage, the other appeared to be of a smaller human, possibly female. He studied them and seeing they were both barefoot prints, Tuv was sure that Wyl was not involved here. Still the blood covered acorns to him were a sign that perhaps the Red Claws were this far east and south. Tuv covered the acorns in dirt and snow, covering the sign. He then kept his weapons at the ready and he remained cautious and on alert as he continued on until he saw the walls of Bravia City and had passed through them.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

As Tuv passed through the gates and entered into Bravia City his mind was going in several different directions. What did the visions he had been given mean, what did the old woman Luana mean, what did the pile of bloody acorns mean, what is behind the desire to find the black moon, but at the forefront, how was Wyl and what had been told to him, his twin sons. As he continued on, he felt that he needed some clarity. He headed first towards his warehouse spot near the market and unloaded several items and instructed his foreman to take them into the market once everything was sorted. Tuv then headed towards the Cathedral. He needed the time of quiet meditation and prayer to try to figure out what and where the Mages were leading and calling him to go. Tuv found a quiet spot in the back of the main hall and spent the next several hours in prayer and meditation. He got no clear answer, but he did achieve a sense of peace.
He knew the answers would be revealed in due time according to the will of the Mages and the Light. Fate and destiny were set and all that truly mattered. With that new found sense of peace, Tuv headed off towards his home on Strawberry Lane. As he rounded the corner of the path that led up to the main house, he could see smoke coming from the chimney. Tuv thought nothing of it. He figured someone had seen him in town and that his trusty steward, Jack had started the fire and gotten the house ready for his arrival. Tuv did not go straight to the main house, but headed towards the barn. There he unhitched his mules Bonnie and Charlie and put them into their stalls. He then did the same with his newly acquired plow horse, Tank. Once they were settled into their stalls, Tuv called for Rex and the two of them began to walk back to the main house, Tuv's mind miles away when he heard, or thought he heard, a voice say; find the boys and the answers will begin to flow.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv entered the main house not knowing really what to expect. He said a slight prayer as he opened the door hoping to see Wyllow and his infant boys. The house was eerily quiet, so he did his best to keep it that way. He was greeted by his trusty steward, Jack. Jack informed him that he hadn't seen Lady Wyllow for some time. Tuv's heart sank as he longed to hold her in his arms again and to see his protege. Jack had him sit down and the two of them had a meal and discussed things with the workshop and farm. Tuv thanked Jack for the update and shared with him things about the ship known as Black Moon, the acorns, and the Red Claws. He also informed him of the trade house he was looking to set up on the edge of Cork. Jack took this all in and thanked Tuv for his confidence in him. Tuv then asked Jack to head into town to oversee things in the warehouse and to get things moved to the market and to see what word he could find out on what he had shared. Tuv informed him, he was going to check with the church, mainly his cousin Katie, and then head towards the workshop as he needed to check on a few things and maybe start a new project. Jack new that Tuv was still processing things and needed the time alone to settle his mind and get refocused. After a bit the two men headed into town and soon parted ways to take care of things. Tuv headed off towards the temple and found no new updates. He then headed off towards his workshop. Once there he began looking around at what supplies he had, and taking the word of the ancient, Luana, to heart, he set about making a second crib for the child he was hoping to soon see and hold.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv spent the rest of the day lost in work at his shop. Working with wood and taking a raw piece of lumber and transforming it into something else was to him a form of relaxation, prayer, and art. The time also helped him to refocus. As he fiddled away the day in working the wood, his mind kept drifting back to the vision he received and to his visit from the ancient, Luana. Something about the cave and possibly the city of Widu also invaded his thoughts. He was pondering all of this while taking a break to grab a bit and a bit of tea when Jack entered the shop, Jack informed him that word of possible raiders north of Widu had been heard from his contacts in the church and with former government contacts. Tuv thanked Jack and informed him to get the wagons and animals ready to head to Cork. Tuv also gave him a list of things to load up from the warehouse so that it would look like they were making a trade run, and not looking like a military expedition. He also penned a short note for Jack to leave at the house before he penned another to leave here at the shop. Tuv stated then for Jack to meet him outside the Cork road gate in two hours and they would head out from there. He then left the following letter on the work table should Wyl stop by.
Wyl my love,

Rumors of our old foe have reached my ears. It seems Marcus and the Red Claws are working south again. There are also reports that a ship, possibly associated with them, named the Black Moon, is raiding the waters north of North Staunchville. Jack and myself are headed towards Cork and possibly Widu, under the guise of a trade mission, to scout things out and see if any of this is true. I shall return within a fortnight. Be at peace my love and take special care of what the Mages have given to us. Yes i know, the Ancient, Luana found me camped on the Cork Road and told me of things and also told me that I must face an ancient enemy. I shall return to you soon. Destiny is all.

Tuv then set out to lock up the shop, and headed out to meet Jack at the Cork Road gate.

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